Hello Healers!
You know what's better than blinding your party and having a 24/7 broken back from carrying everyone? Glamour. Glamor is the healer’s way of treating themself.
With the gil built-up from doing roulettes, why shouldn’t we? What if you have a hard time coming up with a glamour? Don’t worry— Eorzea Collection has more than enough inspiration to help.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get this show on the road!
1 Prosperity
( Picture above belongs to Valkariel Dawnbringer on server Aether )
If you ever wanted to look like a shrine-maiden, this glamor is perfect for you! Granded, some of the pieces used to make this look are gender locked… Sorry guys!
Looks like you’re left out in the cold for this look. Some of the sections will cover multiple pieces at once, due to it being an alternate option offered by the creator.
Where Can I Find This?
The Head piece: Werewolf Head/ Tamamo Headband
To find the Werewolf Head, there are three ways: vendor NPCs and the Mog Station.
Where To Find The Vendors—
The NPCs you need to keep an eye out for are the Recompense Officer in the starter cities:
- Lisma Lominsa’s Upper Decks ( X: 11.2, Y: 14.3 )
- Old Gridiania ( X: 10.0, Y: 8.3 )
- Ul’dah’s Steps of Thal ( X: 12.6, Y: 13.1 )
And remember! Have some gil on ya.
The Mog Station—
If you’re new to Final Fantasy XIV, it's a website where you pay money for things in Final Fantasy XIV. It’s mostly things that are seasonal event rewards, dyes, clothes, and mounts. I just wanted to clear that for the newbies; for now on, I’m just gonna share the link to any buyable pieces.
Werewolf set (female) Personally, I would not recommend buying it, especially if you’re just planning to use the headpiece only. To find the Tamamo Headband, the only way to get this is through NPCs… But they require certain things.
Eschina in Rhalgar’s Reach [ X: 13.8, Y: 11.8 ]—
In order to trade with her, you’ll need six sassho-seki fragments. Now, this is where things get tricky. You can only obtain this item one way; it’s a fate that spawns randomly within 48 hours after another fate is completed.
Lucky, you don’t need to do this fate six times! After completing it, you’ll be rewarded 15 sassho-seki fragments! What is this fate called?
Well, it’s called Foxy Lady. Now let’s do a quick recap: inorder for Foxy lady have a chance of spawning, you need to complete the fate called Outfoxed. Somewhere within 48 hours, Foxy Lady will spawn.
Khleo Aliapoh in Idyllshire [ X: 5.7, Y: 6.0 ]—
In order to trade with her, you’ll need two of Khleo’s Silver Certificate Of Commendations. Which, by the way, they’re only gainable with the Wondrous Tails.
Neon Genesis has made a video explaining how to unlock them, while Moonshadow Fantasy has a video talking about the RNG side of them.
Faux Commander in Idyllshire [ X: 5.7, Y: 6.1]—
In order to trade with this small dog, you need 250 Faux Leaves. Now this… this might not be hard to do. To get these leaves, you must unlock the mini-game called ‘Faxu Hollows’.
You can only play this once a week, after you complete an unreal trial. Unreal trials are basically a buff version of extreme trials. With that said, it can be difficult to complete if you don’t know the mechanics.
However, there are videos covering the unreal versions, and the community of Final Fantasy XIV is so friendly and helpful. As long as you let them know, they will do all they can to help.
Now, let’s talk about Faxu Hollows
Much like the Wondrous Tails, this is a luck-based game. You have to scratch off the ticket and hope you find a panel; depending on what you found, that will determine your reward. You really want to be on the lookout for the commander panel— it gives you 100 faux leaves!
Fanbyte goes into more details about how to play and solve Faxu Hollows. It’s definitely a must see for newbies or anyone finally unlocking this content!
The Body Piece: Spring Dress
To find the Spring Dress, there’s only one way: the weaver class
Weaver Class—
To craft this, you need to be a level 50 weaver with 391 craftsmanship and 374 control. FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft can help you track down the materials you need to craft!
Now, if you don’t craft but have a lot of gil to spare, you could pay someone. Depending on the person, they may or may not ask you to bring them the materials.
The Hand Piece: Idealized Ember Armlets
To find the Idealized Ember Armlest, there’s only one way is through a NPC vander.
Mowen’s Merchant in The Crystarium [ X: 10.1, Y: 11.8 ]—
In order to trade with them, you need 3 of an item called High Legatus Idol. These are only obtainable through an extreme trial, Memoria Misera. Now rather or not if you have a raid team you can fall back on, if you don’t want to spend an hour or two fighting.
You can run it unsynced. That will allow you to fight the boss at your max level and burn through it quickly.Just mind the mechanics.
The Leg Piece: Peacock Skirt/ Panthean Skirt of Healing
To find the Peaock Skirt, there’s only one way: the Mog Station.
The Mog Station—
You can buy the skirt in the Peacock Attire set, but if you don’t want to buy it, there is another choice. To find the Panthean Skirt of Healing, there's only one way: the Aglaia raid.
The Aglaia Raid—
The healing skirt can only drop in two coffers, so you might have to run this raid a couple of times. Sadly, you cannot buy this off the player’s market.
The Feet Piece: Little Lady’s Clogs/ Lady’s Clog
To find the Little Lady’s Clogs, there’s only one way: the Recompense Officers. The Recompense Officers—
- Lisma Lominsa’s Upper Decks ( X: 11.2, Y: 14.3 )
- Old Gridiania ( X: 10.0, Y: 8.3 )
- Ul’dah’s Steps of Thal ( X: 12.6, Y: 13.1 )
To find the Lady’s Clogs, you get them through the same means.
The Weapon Piece: Hakuko Cane
To find the Hakuko Cane, there’s only one way: the Mark Quartermaster.
Mark Quartermaster in the Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.0 ]—
In order to be able to trade with him, you’re going to need wolf marks, at least 3,00 of them. The way to get them is through PVP. There’s several modes you can play, but I’m not the best person to tell you about as I haven’t played any.
Final Fantasy XIV youtuber Egnogg Gogg makes short and explanatory videos on PvP. He even throws in tips about improving your gameplay.
The Jewelry
If you’re interested in the glamored jewelry, the Prosperity page.
2 Nophica
( Picture above belongs to Ylnna Aethis on server Primal )
Even want to look whimsical as you rez the dragoon for the seventh time? This glamour is perfect just for that!
However, this is another gender locked outfit; I promise my dudes: the next ones will be guys friendly.
These glams are just too pretty to pass up! Some of the sections will cover multiple pieces at once, due to it being an alternate option offered by the creator.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece: Serpent Elite’s Circlet
To find the Serpent Elite’s Circlet, there’s only one way: the Hunt Billmaster.
Hunter Billmaster in New Gridania [ X; 9.7, Y: 11.3 ]—
To trade with this NPC, you need to have 600 allied seals; you get these through hunting marks within the Realm Reborn zones.
You get the marks by visiting the boards in the Grand Company stations. They range from daily to weekly hunts. The weekly gives the most seals, but the dailies are a good way to build up supply, if you can log on everyday.
If you haven’t unlocked the hunts, Consolegameswiki explains how to unlock Realm Reborn’s hunts— along with the other expansions.
Body Piece: Dalmascan Draped Top
To find the Dalmascan Draped Top, there’s only one way: the weaver class.
Weaver Class—
Inorder to craft this, your weaver needs to be a level 80 with craftsmanship of 2,140. FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft can help you track down the materials you need to craft!
Or you could pay someone, if you have enough gil. However, just know that they might have you fetching the materials.
Hand Piece: Boarskin Ringbands of Gales
To find the Boarskin Ringbands of Gales, is the same way as body piece but a different class: the leatherworker.
Leatherworker Class—
Inorder to craft this, your leatherworker needs to be a level 43 with a craftsmanship of 150. FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft can help you track down the materials you need to craft!
Or you could pay someone, if you have enough gil. However, just know that they might have you fetching the materials.
Legs Piece: Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing
To find the Star Velvet Bottoms of Healing, there’s only one way: the weaver class.
Weaver Class—
To craft this, your weaver needs to be a level 60 with a craftsmanship with 995 and control of 955. FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft can help you track down the materials you need to craft!.
Feet Piece: Viera Sandals/ Oracle Leggings
To find the Viera Sandals, you need to have the starter Viera outfit (you can’t wear them if you’re not Veria).
To find the Oracle Leggings, there’s only one way: the Mog Station.
Mog Station—
If you want to buy the oracle leggings, you need to buy it from the Oracle’s Attire set.
Weapon Piece: Ingrimm Recollection
To find the Ingrimm Recollection, there’s only one way: The Will To Resist.
The Will To Resist—
Once you have this quest spawned, you have to accept it in the white mage job; if not, you will get a resistance weapon. Remember! The quest-giver is Zlatan in Gangos [ X: 6.1, Y: 4.9 ].
To have this created, you’re going to need two things: the white mage’s augmented weapon and bitter memories. Desperius FFXIV has made a quick and simple guide about how to get resistance weapons.
The Jewelry
If you’re interested in the jewelry of this glam, here’s the Nophica page.
3 Winter
( Picture above belongs to Ihon Nuzhysa on server Chaos )
This glam is perfect! The long, fluffy coat paired with those thigh-high boots— it’s such a soft yet elegant glamour. And— true to my word, our local men white mages can wear this!
I left y’all in the cold long enough, have a coat.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece: Woad Skydruid’s Hood
To find the Woad Skydruid’s Hood, there’s only one way: Sohm Al.
Sohm Al—
Sohm Ai is a level 53 dungeon that’s unlockable in Heavensward. You unlock this by progressing through the main quest.
Chest Piece: Swansgrace Coat
To find the Swansgrace Coat, there’s only one way: the Mark Quartermaster.
Mark Quartermaster in the Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.0 ]—
In order to be able to trade with him, you need at least 1,000 wolf marks. Like I said earlier, you can only get these marks through PvP. There are several modes.
So, if you feel overwhelmed, you should check out Egnogg Gogg off of youtube. He makes quick explanatory videos that can improve your gameplay.
Hand Piece: Swansgrace Armguards
To find the Swansgrace Armguards, it’s through the same means as the chest piece.
Leg Piece: Far Eastern Maiden's Bottoms
To find the far Eastern Maiden’s Bottoms, there’s only one way: the Mog Station.
Mog Station—
Guys, don’t worry. The pants aren’t gender locked, so you don’t have to find an alternate piece. To buy this piece, you need to buy the Far Eastern Maiden’s Attire set.
Feet Piece: Anemos Seventh Heaven ThighBoots
To find the Anemos Seventh Heaven Thighboots, there’s only one way: Eurekan.
This is another thing about Final Fantasy XIV that I’m not too knowledgeable about… but. Consolegameswiki and Fanbyte explain how to go about this.
Weapon Piece: Asphodelos Cane
To find the Asphodelos Cane, there’s only one way: the Asphodelos Fourth Circle ( Savage )
Asphodelos Fourth Circle ( savage )—
This is the hardest thing to get for this glam! In order to clear this content, you’re going to need a solid raiding team. This is something that takes time… time you may or may not have.
However, if you do have the time and a team, I’ll tell you what to look for. There’s two things that can get you this weapon: Asphodelos Mythos IV and Treasure Coffers. The explanations for these are a little long-winded, so I’ll link in a video.
Boots Mcbuttons has made a video explaining how the loot system works and how to use the books.
4 Hissatsu
( Picture above belongs to Eden Esor on server Chaos )
Alright, alright— I’m leaning away from the cute glamours. This is a really neat one; it has a very adventurous aesthetic to it.
In a way, it reminds me of Kazuha’s outfit. And, yes my dude, this is a guy friendly.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece: Resshi Hachingane
To find the Resshi Hachingane, there’s only one way: the Mog Station.
Mog Station—
If you want to get the Resshi Heachingane, you need to buy from the Resshi Attire set.
Body Piece: Resshi Haori
To find the Resshi Haori, please refer to the head piece section.
Leg Piece: Ovim Wool Skirt Of Healing
To find the Ovim Wool Skirt of Healing, there’s two ways: the Titanbrozen leg gear coffer and NPCs.
Titanbrozen Leg Gear Coffer—
This is only obtainable through the main quest in ShadowBringer. Once you get it, be careful about opening it: if you open it in a different job, it will give gear that will work for that job.
These NPCs will sell you the gear as long as you have the gil. These NPCs are...
- Merchant and Mender in Amh Araeng [ X: 10.8, Y: 16.7 ]
- Mord Junkmonger in Amh Araeng [ X: 12.7, Y: 9.8 ]
- Doddard in The Crystarium [ X: 8.5, Y: 13.4 ].
Weapon Piece: Xoanon
To find the Xoanon, there’s only one way: a vendor NPC.
Vendor NPC—
In order to have access to this NPC, you need to progress through the Endwalker main story quest. Once you lock it, you will be directed to the NPC.
However, if you have unlocked it, here’s the location— Old Sharlayan [ X: 11.8, Y: 9.9 ]
The Jewelry
If you’re curious about the jewelry part of the glam, here is the page for Hissatsu.
5 Wolf Empress
( Picture above belongs to Finna Walker on server Chaos )
If you don’t want to look like the usually cutesy healer, this is the glamour to go for. This screams wild and power.
Don’t worry my dudes! This is another male friendly glam.
Where Can I Find This?
Head Piece: Warg Pelt Of Healing
To find the Warg Pelt of Healing, there’s only one way: The Grand Cosmos.
The Grand Cosmos—
It’s a dungeon that’s only unlockable through Shadowbringer main questline. The head piece has a chance of dropping in two treasure coffers.
Body Piece: Hakuko Dogi
To find the Hakuko Dogi, there’s only one way: the Mark Quartermaster
Mark Quartermaster in the Wolves’ Den Pier [ X: 4.4, Y: 6.0 ]—
In order to trade with him, you’re going to need 3,000 wolf marks, which is only acquireable through PvP.
If you don’t know much about PvP, you should check out Egnogg Gogg. He explains anything and everything about PvP!
Arm Piece: Rakshasa Tekko Of Healing
To find the Rakshasa Tekko of healing, there’s only one way: leatherworkers.
Before you can try to craft this, you have to be at least a level 70 with craftsmanship of 1,650 and control of 1,600. Use sites like FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft to help you track down what you need.
Leg Piece: Troian Longkilt Of Healing
To find the Troian Longkilt of Healing, there’s only one way: The Fell Court of Troia.
The Fell Court of Troia—
This level 90 dungeon is only unlocked through the Endwalker questline. The skirt has a chance of spawning within two treasure coffers.
Feet Piece: Bonewicca Soother’s Sabatons
To find the Bonewicca Soother’s Sabatons, there’s only one way: The Swallow’s Compass.
The Swallow’s Compass—
This dungeon is only unlockable within Stormblood, but not through the main quest line. Okamoza has a video showing and explaining how to unlock it.
Weapon Piece: Suzau’s Flame-kissed Cane
To find Suzau’s Flame-kissed Cane, there’s only one way: carpenter.
You can only craft this staff when you’re at least a level 70. However, you will need craftsmanship of 1,320. Use sites like FFXIV Crafting and FFXIV Teamcraft to help you track down what you need.
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