04 Dec 2021
Do you have some dyes but no idea how to use them?
Dyeing is another feature in Final Fantasy XIV, they are important to express fashion—the one and true end game—and to do the fashion week for easy MGP. But how does one unlock this feature and dye their items? Well, you’ve come to the right place, and I shall guide you on how to unlock this feature with just 7 gil!
Color Your World:
- Go to Swyrgeim in Western Thanalan (12.6, 14.3), and take the quest “Color Your World”.
- Swyrgeim will ask you to bring her orange juice.
- You can purchase the orange juice for 7 gil from the “Merchant & Mender” behind her.
- After purchasing the orange juice, give it to Swyrgeim, and she will tell you all you need to know about dyes and how to dye.
- Congratulations, you have unlocked dyeing!
'Color Your World' quest guide.
How to dye:
- Select the item you want to dye.
- Make sure the item and dye are either in your armoury inventory or inventory. Chocobo saddle can’t do!
- Right-click on the item you want to dye,
- Select “Dye”
- Choose your colour.
- Press “Dye”
- There you have dyed your item!
Look at how easy it is to dye your item! Now let’s ace those fashion weeks!
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