FF14 How To Enter Dungeon Solo

FF14 How To Enter Dungeon Solo
04 Dec 2021

Hunting for mounts? Hate to queue? Don’t want to use Party Finder?

Then mayhap this is a solution for you! Why not try entering the dungeon or trial solo? Yep, in Final Fantasy XIV, you can enter the dungeon solo with just view clicks away! It is useful if you want to farm something like mounts or orchestrion roll on lower level dungeons or trials! This also spares you from the loot RNG! Here is how you do it!

How to enter dungeon Solo:

  • Go to your ‘Duty Finder’ window, the default key is [U], or you can go from the ‘Duty’ menu and select ‘Duty Finder’,
  • Click on the ‘Setting Icon’, it’s on the left corner of the window,
  • Check the ‘Undersized Party’ option,

Body Image

  • Choose ‘Confirm’ and now you can Solo those dungeons!

Important note! This feature is not available for the latest expansion. Since the iLevel of the item is too close, it is not possible to do these dungeons and trial Solo. On the other hand, this setting will apply throughout the time you are logged in until you change it back. The setting will also apply to roulettes and such. Every time you log out from the game this setting will reset and you will have to set it out again. Have fun farming!

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