FF14 How To Equip Titles

FF14 How To Equip Titles
04 Dec 2021

Have you seen people walking around with cool titles, and wondering where you can display yours?

If you answer yes, the solution is simple, let’s display your own title! Titles are acquired when you have accomplished something in the game, including reaching certain progress in Main Scenario Quests. These titles are available once you have accomplished the requirements on the Achievement logs. They are automatically claimed and ready for use once you have met the necessary conditions. “How do one use the title they have acquired?”, you ask? Here is how!

How to use/change titles:

  • Go to your ‘Character’ menu and select ‘Character’ or simply press [C] if you haven’t changed the default button,
  • You will see 4 tabs [Attributes], [Profile], [Classes/Jobs], and [Reputation], choose ‘Profile’,
  • You will see “Title” and below it, your name,
  • Click on the small note icon beside your name,
  • Choose from the titles you have acquired,
  • Click on the title you want to use,

Body Image

  • A small start will appear beside the title you have selected,
  • There you already use the title!

As I said earlier, new cool titles can be acquired by clearing achievements, try looking in the achievement log which title you fancy the most and complete that achievement!

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