Shadowbringer Relic Weapon? Where is it? Where can I find it?
The Relic Weapon you are looking for is in the Bozjan Southern Front. “What is a Bozjan Southern Front”, you may ask? A quick explanation will suffice then. Bozjan Southern Front is an instanced area, similar to Eureka, where up to 72 players will be able to explore simultaneously. It has a story of its own with the main lore for this place is to reclaim the homeland of the people of Bozjan from the IVth Imperial Legion. How to get there? Well, I thought you would never ask! Here is how!
Unlocking Bozjan Southern Front:
- You must first complete the Main Scenario Quest “Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty”
- You must also complete these two side quests called “The Bozja Incident” and “Fire in the Forge”
- After completing those quest chains, the quest “Where Eagles Nest” can be taken from Marsak in Gangos.
- You will be asked to speak with Sjeros and you now have unlocked Bozjan!
A guide to unlock Bozjan Southern Front.
If you wish to enter Bozjan, simply speak with Sjeros, and he will show you the way. If you are going to give it a go, I would prefer to enter with at least 2 people party. It is assuring when you have someone that can resurrect you, nonetheless, there is no problem in doing it solo. Good luck grinding that Relic Weapons!
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