Hu Tao is one of Mihoyo’s most unique characters, with her spooky-cute aesthetic, playfully morbid attitude, and unexpected role as the 77th Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Director. Recently released in March 2021, the buzz surrounding Hu Tao ‘s eccentric design grew exponentially louder once players saw her in action.
She’s a fun, powerful addition to any team: whether she’s already summoned or you’re still saving in hopes of a Hu Tao-blessed future, keep this guide handy for tips on building the scariest ghost-bat wielder on Wuwang Hill. No séance required!

Hu Tao’s physical abilities are awful, and she depends entirely on her Elemental Abilities to be effective. I’m sure some twisted fiend with big “walk backwards into Hell” energy has done this, and karma will get them.

Hu Tao is an unconventional choice for support, but if your main DPS is somewhat out-of-the-box (yes, DPS Barbara is real), she can still serve a purpose on your team. Hu Tao’s Elemental Burst has a wide Pyro AoE for spicing up Anemo headliners like Kazuha and Venti, and her talent “Flutter By“ increases the entire party’s CRIT Rate by 12% post-Elemental Skill for 8s. If you somehow rolled her C4, she grants nearby allies a 12% CRIT Rate increase for 15s once a Blood Blossom-ed enemy falls.
Artifact Sets:
- Noblesse Oblige – 4 PC 20% Elemental Burst Dmg + Elemental Burst increases party’s ATK by 20% for 12s
- Crimson Witch of Flames – 2 PC 15% Pyro Dmg bonus & Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Tenacity of the Millelith – 4 PC HP + 20%, Elemental Skill hits increase party’s ATK by 20% & Shield Strength by 30% for 3s (can be triggered every 0.5s) [Shield support team]
Artifact Stats: HP% Sands, PYRO DMG Goblet, CRIT RATE/CRIT DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT Rate/CRIT Dmg, HP%, Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge
- Staff of Homa – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 0.8% - 1% of HP [this is Hu Tao’s BiS weapon]
- Skyward Spine – Energy Recharge bonus, CRIT Rate + 8%, Normal/Charged attacks have 50% chance to deal 40% ATK vacuum
- Dragon’s Bane – Elemental Mastery bonus, Increases damage against Hydro/Pyro-affected enemies by 36% [ideal for Xingqiu team]
- Prototype Starglitter – Energy Recharge bonus, Increases Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by 8% for 12s x 2 stacks post-Elemental Skill
Team Players:
- XINYAN: Pyro Resonance shield option if you don’t have Zhongli/Diona [provides Pyro buff but other bonuses PHYS Dmg]
- DILUC: Pyro Resonance, short cooldowns
- KAZUHA: Pyro Burst infusion
- FISCHL: Large AoE Electro Dmg for Overload reactions, additional Electro DMG triggered during Overload per Passive Talent. C6: Off-field Electro DMG for active character
- RAZOR: Small AoE Electro Dmg Hu Tao can convert to Overload for single boss, Passive Talent “Hunger” works with shield team
- BEIDOU: Small AoE Electro Dmg for Overload reactions, Burst creates off-field Electro shield
- LISA: Massive AoE Electro Dmg for Overload reactions
- BARBARA: Healing ring circle applies Hydro to party for close-combat Vaporize
PROS: Pyro-infused Charged attacks mean consistent elemental reactions, CRIT Rate bonus, Blood Blossom doesn’t require Hu Tao to be on field
CONS: Missing out on full DPS potential, there are many better options for a Support role in general
Hu Tao could find herself in a supporting role for players who aren’t comfortable with the high-risk, high-reward focus of her DPS kit. Hardly any Pyro character can be considered useless on a double-Pyro team with the 25% ATK Resonance bonus, and her Burst is a nice hard hit when you need one.

This build is almost identical to the Burst DPS role except for more Elemental Skill usage than Burst. The main difference would be in prioritizing her Normal/Charged Attack and Elemental Skill Talents first.
Artifact Sets:
See Burst DPS build.
Artifact Stats:
See Burst DPS build.
- Staff of Homa – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 0.8% - 1% of HP [this is Hu Tao’s BiS weapon]
- Primordial Jade-Winged Spear – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 3.2% on hit for 6s x 7 stacks, Dmg + 12% on stack 7
- Deathmatch – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 16% near 2+ enemies, ATK + 24% near -2 enemies
- Dragon’s Bane – Elemental Mastery bonus, Increases damage against Hydro/Pyro-affected enemies by 36% [ideal for Xingqiu team]
- Blackcliff Pole – CRIT Dmg bonus, ATK + 12% for 30s post-enemy defeat x 3 stacks
Team Players:
See previous build options.
PROS: Pyro Resonance, manageable Energy Recharge, Blood Blossom
CONS: issues with crowd control, health maintenance, less effective than other Sub DPS with bigger AoE

Hu Tao’s story quest to lay the citizens of Liyue to rest mirrors the careful balance between life and death hidden in her combat mechanics. She can hit impressive numbers, but some players may not be willing to craft an entire team around shielding and healing to such a specific percent. Fortunately, Hu Tao’s extraordinary Elemental Burst makes her the perfect candidate for a Burst Main DPS: switch her out with another reaction-adjacent DPS during her downtime, and business at the Funeral Parlor will be booming.
Artifact Sets:
- Crimson Witch of Flames – 2 PC 15% Pyro Dmg bonus & Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Crimson Witch of Flames – 4 PC 15% Pyro Dmg bonus, Overload/Burning Dmg + 40%, Vaporize/Melt Dmg + 15% [using an Elemental Skill increases Pyro Dmg bonus by 50% for 10s x 3 stacks]
- Crimson Witch of Flames – 2 PC 15% Pyro Dmg bonus & Tenacity of the Millelith – 2 PC HP + 20%
- Noblesse Oblige – 4 PC 20% Elemental Burst Dmg + Elemental Burst increases party’s ATK by 20% for 12s
Artifact Stats: HP% Sands, PYRO DMG Goblet, CRIT RATE/CRIT DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT Rate/CRIT Dmg, HP%, ATK %, Elemental Mastery
- Staff of Homa – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 0.8% - 1% of HP [this is Hu Tao’s BiS weapon]
- Skyward Spine – Energy Recharge bonus, CRIT Rate + 8%, Normal/Charged attacks have 50% chance to deal 40% ATK vacuum
- Primordial Jade-Winged Spear – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 3.2% on hit for 6s x 7 stacks, Dmg + 12% on stack 7
- Deathmatch – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 16% near 2+ enemies, ATK + 24% near -2 enemies
- Dragon’s Bane – Elemental Mastery bonus, Increases damage against Hydro/Pyro-affected enemies by 36% [ideal for Xingqiu team]
- Prototype Starglitter – Energy Recharge bonus, Increases Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by 8% for 12s x 2 stacks post-Elemental Skill
- Blackcliff Pole – CRIT Dmg bonus, ATK + 12% for 30s post-enemy defeat x 3 stacks
Team Players:
- GANYU: Best DPS with massive AoE Cryo Dmg for Melt reactions
- TARTAGLIA: Great AoE Hydro Dmg for Vaporize reactions, long cooldown needs another DPS support for optimal field time, similar big hit burst
- AYAKA: AoE Cryo Dmg, Normal/Charged attack Cryo application
- ZHONGLI: Best shield for Hu Tao, decreases Elemental Res. of nearby enemies
- BENNET: Pyro Resonance Buff + Fantastic Voyage ATK% bonus. Pyro particles
- XINGQIU: Rain Swords create on-hit Vaporize reactions perfect for Hu Tao’s Pyro infused Normal/Charged attack hits, healing ability humble enough to not overpower 50% bonus, minor shield ability
- KAZUHA: Increases party’s Elemental Dmg Bonus by 0.04% per EM point for 8s when triggering Swirl. C2: party Elemental Mastery + 200
- VENTI: Swirl reactions, compensates for Hu Tao’s poor crowd control
- DILUC: Pyro Resonance, short cooldowns
- KEQING: Massive AoE Electro Dmg for Overload reactions
- ROSARIA: Melt reactions. Party gains +15% of Rosaria’s CRIT Rate for 10s per Rites of Termination. C5: Rites of Termination + 3
- KLEE: Pyro Resonance, generates Pyro particles/Elemental Energy, off-field Jumpy Dumpty damage
PROS: Pairing Hu Tao with a Cryo/Hydro DPS + EM boosting Support = amazing Melt/Vaporize Dmg
CONS: Requires you to build another complementary DPS, high investment for single purpose attack
If you have a C6 Hu Tao: first of all, feel free to pay off my student loans. Second, you have a Burst DPS madwoman in the making with her 10s 100% CRIT Rate bonus triggering on the brink of death. Hovering between these two planes of existence and non-existence is just how the eccentric Hu Tao likes it.

Move over Diluc, there’s a new Pyro DPS superstar in Teyvat. Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill converts her standard Normal/Charged attacks into Pyro-infused slashes, dealing massive Elemental Dmg at the cost of HP and stamina. She gains an ATK bonus contingent upon her Max HP once activated, up to 400% of her base ATK. As if the Pyro Dmg conversion wasn’t enough, Charged attacks have the additional benefit of inflicting “Blood Blossom”: a slow sap of health via Pyro Dmg every 4 seconds.
The best technique with Hu Tao is to spam her Skill and Charged attacks until a healing Burst is ready. Hu Tao has some of the highest Elemental Burst scaling in Genshin Impact, but this gift comes with the caveat of a below 50% HP requirement, so her playstyle can be daunting compared to more straightforward DPS kits. Hu Tao’s composition will require thoughtfulness, dedication, and a gallon of resin in exchange for some of the biggest numbers to ever pop across your screen.
Artifact Sets:
- Crimson Witch of Flames – 4 PC 15% Pyro Dmg bonus, Overload/Burning Dmg + 40%, Vaporize/Melt Dmg + 15% [using an Elemental Skill increases Pyro Dmg bonus by 50% for 10s x 3 stacks]
- Lavawalker – 4 PC 40% Pyro Dmg Resistance + 35% Dmg increase against Pyro-affected enemies
- Retracing Bolide – 4 PC + 35% Shield Strength & + 40% Normal/Charged ATK dmg for shielded characters [Shield team only]
Artifact Stats: HP% Sands, PYRO Dmg Goblet, CRIT RATE/CRIT DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT RATE/CRIT DMG HP%, ATK %, ELEMENTAL MASTERY (Energy Recharge is infrequently recommended for Hu Tao despite Skill reliance due to the HP cost per Skill usage, but is fine with an attentive Healer)
- Staff of Homa – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 0.8% - 1% of HP [this is Hu Tao’s BiS weapon]
- Primordial Jade-Winged Spear – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 3.2% on hit for 6s x 7 stacks, Dmg + 12% on stack 7
- Deathmatch – CRIT Rate bonus, ATK + 16% near 2+ enemies, ATK + 24% near -2 enemies
- Dragon’s Bane – Elemental Mastery bonus, Increases damage against Hydro/Pyro-affected enemies by 36% [ideal for Xingqiu team]
- Blackcliff Pole – CRIT Dmg bonus, ATK + 12% for 30s post-enemy defeat x 3 stacks
Team Players:
Pyro Resonance: Increases party ATK by 25%, affected by Cryo for 40% less time.
Melt (Pyro to Cryo): Deals 2x Dmg
Reverse-Melt (Cryo to Pyro): Deals 1.5x Dmg
Vaporize (Hydro to Pyro): Deals 2x Dmg
Reverse-Vaporize (Pyro to Hydro): Deals 1.5 Dmg
*Melt and Vaporize are the only reactions that can CRIT
Pair Hu Tao with another Pyro character for a 25% ATK increase via Pyro Resonance, or 1 Hydro, 2 Cryo characters for a steady Melt reaction plus 15% CRIT Rate against frozen enemies.
- XINGQIU: Rain Swords create on-hit Vaporize reactions perfect for Hu Tao’s Pyro infused Normal/Charged attack hits, healing ability humble enough to not overpower 50% bonus, minor shield ability
- ZHONGLI: Best shield for Hu Tao, decreases Elemental Res. of nearby enemies
- DIONA: AoE Cryo Dmg for Melt reactions, stamina reduction shield, healing
- KAEYA: Glacial Waltz is perfect for Hu Tao Melt since it’s helpful against both bosses & mobs, easy to spam
- MONA: Excellent AoE Hydro Dmg for Vaporize reactions, crowd control. C1: Vaporize Dmg + 15%
- VENTI: Swirl reactions, compensates for Hu Tao’s poor crowd control
- KAZUHA: Swirl reactions, VV set, Elemental Dmg Bonus for party [“Poetics of Fuubutsu” Passive Talent]
- NOELLE: Shield with easily controllable HP Regen, auto-shields active character with less than 30% HP for 20s
- XIANGLING: Pyro Resonance. C1: Enemy Pyro Resistance -15%. C6: 15% Pyro Dmg Bonus for party during Pyronado
- BENNET: Pyro Resonance, heals up to 70%. C1: 20% ATK Bonus AoE with no HP restriction. C6: 15% Pyro Dmg Bonus for Polearm characters + Pyro weapon infusion AoE [Bennet may risk over-healing]
- SUCROSE: Swirl reactions, EM + 50 for party members with swirled element, compensates for Hu Tao’s poor crowd control. C6: Elemental Dmg Bonus + 20% swirled element [may be difficult to Pyro Swirl with just Hu Tao applying]
- CHONGYUN: AoE Cryo Dmg + AoE Cryo weapon infusion for Melt damage when Hu Tao’s Elemental Skill is not in use. C2: CD decrease by 15% in AoE
- YANFEI: Pyro Resonance, ranged assistance. C4: Pyro absorption shield
PROS: Superb main DPS for bosses & reaction-heavy teams, C1 removes stamina concern for Charged spam
CONS: Not great with crowds, severe performance downgrade when not in Elemental Skill, needs to be on life support to really shine
Hu Tao is a force of nature in the right hands. Provided you aren’t afraid to dodge, have a sturdy shield unit or healer, and possess the patience to farm the infamous Crimson Witch domain, she’ll definitely compensate you for the in-game and IRL Mora invested.
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Hu Tao building sources: