Jean, the acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius in Mondstadt, has long-since been a fan favorite of the game. Genshin Impact has a plethora of standard banner characters, some of which still maintain relevance in the meta despite the game’s now three years of operation. Jean is one such character, whose usefulness still hasn’t been negated by newer character releases. Sure, there are better healers, but Jean’s buffs and crowd control put her in a delightful position.
If you want Jean, well, you’ll probably lose 50/50 to her eventually. If that day has already arrived, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s go ahead and discuss Jean’s strengths and weaknesses–reasons you might, or might not, want to build and use her in your comps.
Jean’s Strengths
- Built in CC with her skill allows you to easily and consistently lock targets down.
- She’s a healer and buffer just like Bennet.
- She’s reactionary; as such, EM isn’t bad on her, even if you’re leaning far into her damage-buffing and healing capabilities.
- She’s easy to acquire and easy to get constellations for. We’re all going to fail 50/50 sooner or later, so by playing the game you’ll gradually (hopefully, at least) be able to acquire her, and perhaps even constellations.
- Her normal attacks heal the party.
- She’s pretty easy to build, even as a sub DPS.
- Her weapon options are incredibly vast.
Alright. We’ve gotten her strengths out of the way, so now let’s go ahead and take a look at her weaknesses.
Jean’s Weaknesses
- Unlike units like Kazuha, Jean can actually push enemies away, making it harder to perform combos on them like you’d want. There are certainly better crowd control units to make use of.
- Her burst’s cooldown is quite long.
- She’s not the strongest anemo support. And indeed, despite offering both buffs and heals, she’s still outperformed by more niche units in specific comps. While nice to run her with Bennet, it’s not necessary by any means. She’s good, but she’s not really the best at any one thing.
WIth both her strengths and weaknesses analyzed, we’ll finally get started on how to build her.
1. Jean Support Double Anemo: Viridescent Venerer
Viridescent Venerer is a fan favorite of anemo characters.. It’s incredibly useful, versatile, and immensely powerful. If you know you’ve already got someone with 4 piece Noblesse Oblige, or you know that she’s going to be shredding resistances in your party, you’ll want to make use of this set above all others.
Why Viridescent Venerer?
- VV, or Viridescent Venerer, is the go-to option for all Anemo support units. Even some Anemo DPS units can run it because it’s so effective.
- It decreases elemental resistance. Equipping Jean with this in a team comp that makes use of multiple elements and swirl means big damage.
- It’s very, very, very easy to farm. The domain is considered one of Genshin’s easiest, if not Genshin’s easiest. You might struggle if you’re new to the game, but don’t worry–it gets easier, and fast.
- It has an artifact strongbox; you can make as many as you want, so long as you’ve got the extra artifacts.
- It provides an increase to anemo damage.
Artifact Stats:
Goblet: Anemo DMG% Main Stat.
Flower: Flat HP Main Stat.
Feather: Flat ATK Main Stat.
Sands: ATK%/Energy Recharge Main Stat.
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG Main Stat.
For substats, you’ll want to prioritize ER over Crit Rate, which is always equal to Crit Damage in priority; ATK% is valued above EM, which is valued above flat ATK.
- Five Star: Summit Shaper works tremendously well within this team comp with its attack increasing buffs; make sure, however, in order to fully utilize this weapon, you’re running a shielder. Being shielded increases the attack buff from Summit Shaper by 100%.
- Four Star: Amenoma Kaguichi is especially good in this team because there’s not a lot of energy gain. Amenoma essentially reduces the ER requirements of Jean to little more than zero, especially in dual-anemo comps, and is a strong stat-stick to boot.
Jean’s Talent Priority:
- 1. Elemental Skill: Gale Blade. Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.
- 2. Burst: Dandelion Breeze. Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG. At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
- 3. Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework. Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Best Teams for this Build:
Double Anemo: Xiao, Jean, Bennet, Zhongli
This team provides a shield for Xiao, who is the main DPS, and also makes use of the synergy between Bennet and Jean to constantly buff and heal Xiao, who will be benefiting from the anemo resonance. Overall this team is wonderfully powerful, though it should be worth noting that having two healers and a shielder might not give you the result you want–it is, after all, a bit much (though thankfully they provide buffs, too).
2. Jean Support Freeze Comp: 2PC Viridescent Venerer, 2PC Gladiator’s Finale
Now, 2pc/2pc sets can be very, very good if used properly. This set will increase your attack and simultaneously offer anemo damage. It’s not the best pick, but your healing scales off your attack; try to get as much of it as you can, more or less.
Why 2PC Viridescent and Gladiator’s?
- As mentioned before, Jean’s heals scale with attack. The more of it you get, the more healing you’ll be providing for the team.
- Again, as with the 4pc set, anemo damage is very useful on her. In a comp like this you’ll be swirling and freezing a lot. . The 4pc VV (Viridescent Venerer) still might be more worthwhile, but 2pc/2pc is still very much viable.
- Both are incredibly easy to acquire. So easy, in fact, you probably have a plethora of Gladiator’s Finale just laying around.
- They’re both useful artifacts which have reusability. Someone somewhere will always benefit from Gladiator’s, and almost every anemo unit Hoyoverse releases will still benefit from VV in some way or another.
- They’re easy to get the right substats on. More than other artifacts, due to how easy they are to acquire and the fact that you can strongbox them.
Artifact Stats:
Goblet: Anemo DMG% Main Stat.
Flower: Flat HP Main Stat.
Feather: Flat ATK Main Stat.
Sands: ATK%/Energy Recharge Main Stat.
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG Main Stat.
For substats, you’ll want to prioritize ER over Crit Rate, which is always equal to Crit Damage in priority; ATK% is valued above EM, which is valued above flat ATK.
- Five Star: Primordial Jade Cutter is considered Jean’s best weapon. It offers crit rate as its second stat, increases HP by 20%, and then further increases attack based on HP. If you’ve managed to pull the Jade Cutter, don’t hesitate to put it on Jean, as it is without a doubt one of her best weapons.
- Four Star: Festering Desire is possibly Jean’s best four star option. Though most accounts lack this amazing weapon, if you have it, especially at R5, you’ll want to put it on her; it gives energy recharge, an increase to elemental skill damage, and even increases the crit rate of elemental skills.
Jean’s Talent Priority:
- 1. Elemental Skill: Gale Blade. Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.
- 2. Burst: Dandelion Breeze. Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG. At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
- 3. Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework. Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Best Teams for this Build:
Double Cryo: Ayaka, Jean, Xingqiu, Shenhe.
This build is good; Ayaka and Xingqiu alongside Shenhe means that there’s going to be freeze, and Shenhe synergizes incredibly well with Ayaka. Jean can swirl both cryo and hydro, again making use of freeze.
3. Jean Sub DPS Sunfire: Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige is an incredibly powerful and versatile option if you don’t have anyone else in the team running it. Jean makes great use of this artifact set and, though it might not seem like it’s the best, in a comp where she’s simply supporting there isn't much of a difference between it and VV.
Why Noblesse Oblige?
- Jean’s ult might not deal a lot of damage. However, in this comp, Bennet and Jean’s ults are constantly swirling and dealing damage, which makes it more worthwhile to run because these two are the only characters in the game whose ults react like this (for the most part).
- The buffs are tremendous. A 20% elemental damage buff? If you decide to invest more EM into Jean, the results will be astoundingly beneficial.
- Characters who want ATK benefit from simply having a party member with 4pc Noblesse Oblige.
- It’s pretty easy to farm and, like all the others, can be gained from the strongbox to top it all off.
- Just like the others, these sets introduced early on into Genshin’s lifespan are all rather broad and versatile, with countless characters being able to make use of them. Farming them isn’t as much of a chore; the set will still be just as good a year from now. Provided, of course, Hoyoverse doesn’t simply release a better one.
Artifact Stats:
Goblet: Anemo DMG% Main Stat.
Flower: Flat HP Main Stat.
Feather: Flat ATK Main Stat.
Sands: ATK%/Energy Recharge Main Stat.
Circlet: Crit Rate/DMG Main Stat.
For substats, you’ll want to prioritize ER over Crit Rate, which is always equal to Crit Damage in priority; ATK% is valued above EM, which is valued above flat ATK.
- Five Star: Mistsplitter Reforged is another stellar five star option for the acting grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, one which provides high base attack and an incredible passive which, admittedly, she cannot make full use of. However, even still, it just barely loses out to Jade Cutter.
- Four Star: Favonius Sword gives Jean particles, especially at R5, and that means she has to worry less about energy recharge. You do certainly need to be mindful of the stat with her, but the one benefit of Favonious is that, at R5, there is a 100% chance of generating particles per crit. Since you put a crit circlet on Jean anyways, she makes use of this weapon.
Jean’s Talent Priority:
- 1. Elemental Skill: Gale Blade. Focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade, Jean releases a miniature storm, launching opponents in the direction she aims at, dealing massive Anemo DMG.
- 2. Burst: Dandelion Breeze. Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG. At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
- 3. Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework. Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Best Teams for this Build:
Sunfire: Jean, Bennet, Raiden, Xingqiu
This is generally Jean’s strongest sunfire team comp. It works off Bennet and Jean’s bursts primarily, but once you add characters like Raiden and Xingqiu into the mix, the number of reactions and damage becomes absurd. Even before dendro, this reactionary team comp was unbelievably powerful. Hydro is undoubtedly one of Genshin’s strongest elements, so being able to consistently trigger reactions by using Xingqiu’s skill after Bennet and Jean’s bursts, then swapping to Raiden–it’s not only fun, it’s powerful. And you don’t even need a “main,” DPS.
Players should, however, be mindful of the fact that VV is still generally better in Jean’s sunfire comps, as she’s usually the only anemo unit and thus the resistance shred outweighs the 2pc and 4pc effects of Noblesse (for the most part).
\Now that you know how to build Jean, what artifacts she wants, what weapons she needs, and where exactly her strengths and weaknesses lay, the only thing left to do is actually build her. If you don’t have her yet, I hope you manage to get her if you lose 50/50 or with one of your standard wishes. Remember: No loss to Jean is truly a loss.