What Are The Best Aatrox Skins?
Aatrox was once an honored defender of Shurima against the void until he and his brethren became an overwhelming threat to Runeterra. After centuries of imprisonment from cunning sorcerers, Aatrox walks Runeterra as a brutal titan composed of stolen flesh seeking apocalyptic vengeance.
Aatrox is without a doubt one of the most badass bruisers in League of Legends. After his rework in late 2018, Aatrox has proven to be a dominant force in the top lane. If you enjoy crushing your competition with this tank of a life-stealing Darkin monster, this article is for you.
Today, we’re going to take a look at the coolest skins Riot has made for this demonic destroyer of worlds. We’ll rank Aatrox skins by popularity, price, and how unique they look in-game.
4. Sea Hunter Aatrox
Captain Jack Sparrow Doesn't Stand a Chance.
Coming in at number four on our list is Sea Hunter Aatrox. This representation of The Darkin Blade features Aatrox as a member of a pirate crew accompanied by Garen, Malphite, and Quinn. Perfect for Aatrox players that want to unleash a pirate-themed pounding on their opponents.
- Aatrox looks pretty cool as a pirate, taking inspiration from a hammerhead shark.
- In-game, Aatrox’s wings have a unique oceanic look with a blue hue that transitions in value.
- The Darkin Blade itself looks as though it’s infused with the jaws of a prehistoric oceanic predator, featuring a more jagged and bony look.
- Cheapest skin for Aatrox.
- Unfortunately, aside from some minor differences, Sea Hunter Aatrox can be easily confused with the classic Aatrox skin.
- His torso doesn’t take on any meaningful change in this skin, a little boring.
His Q area of effect animation is identical to his base skin, further reducing the uniqueness of this skin.
The price for this skin is 750 RP.
See this skin in action:
Captain Aatrox
3. Blood Moon Aatrox
The Warrior of LoL.
Blood Moon Aatrox takes the number four spot on our list. This skin features a more human-looking Aatrox, possibly before he was corrupted. With this skin, Aatrox has a more eastern mythological look. This skin is perfect for players ready to kick ass with this mythological monster.
- Very unique skin, easily distinguishable from the base skin.
- The splash art is beautiful, great for flexing on your opponents in the loading screen.
- The blade has a very appealing aesthetic, and his Q animation looks incredible and fits the theme perfectly.
- As neat as this skin is, it doesn’t quite mesh well with the theme of Aatrox. Aatrox is supposed to be a demonic amalgamation of stolen flesh with jagged edges. This Aatrox looks a bit too human and doesn’t seem like the same character at first glance.
- Pricey. This is the most expensive Aatrox skin.
The price for this skin is 1350 RP.
See this skin in action:
The Skin that Makes a Statement
2. Mecha Aatrox
A Force to be Reckoned With.
Mecha Aatrox takes the number two spot. This skin is inspired by the Transformers franchise and blockbuster film Pacific Rim. Here, Aatrox has been given life as a menacing monstrous machine. This skin is ideal for Aatrox players that want to dominate their lane as a technological terror.
- Incredibly unique skin, Mecha Aatrox is a fresh re-imagining of the champion.
- In-game, Mecha Aatrox has an overall theme colors of orange and blue, every energy source has a hexagonal pattern.
- The Ironman-Eesque arc reactor in the chest plate really brings this mechanical theme home.
- The best feature of this skin isare the textures of Aatrox’s abilities. Every Q animation and W infernal chains zone has a really cool new techno look to it.
- Some of the particles produced by this skin can look a bit messy and odd on lower graphical settings.
- This skin is a bit pricey.
The price for this skin is 1350 RP.
See this skin in action:
Step Aside Optimus Prime.
1. Justicar Aatrox
The Legendary Skin of Aatrox.
Coming in at number one on our list is Justicar Aatrox. This sky blue and golden angelic form is a fascinating take on the hulking darkin. This skin is unique yet adheres to the original character design perfectly. Perfect for Aatrox mains ready to rain down an angelic ass-whooping on their adversaries.
- Aatrox is completely reimagined as an angelic justicar with sky blue and gold colors, giving the character a bright, vibrant, and triumphant look.
- In-game, Justicar Aatrox looks incredible with the new colors, redesigned sword, and breathtaking animations.
- All of Aatrox’s abilities create a valiant gold animation that’s pleasing to the eyes.
- The only issue with Justicar Aatrox is that you trade Aatrox’s original blood-red demonic theme with a brighter blue look
- Some may say this is just a blue recoloring of classic Aatrox.
The price for this skin is 975 RP.
See this skin in action: