![[Top 10] LOL Wild Rift Best Champions For Beginners (All Roles) [Top 10] LOL Wild Rift Best Champions For Beginners (All Roles)](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/wild_ridt_main_image_3_0.jpg.webp?itok=Q6TL5bUd)
If you’re new to Wild Rift you must be trying to learn all sorts of new things to become better at the game, and like what most long time players will tell you, you gotta spend time learning the game mechanics while mastering the mechanics of one champion. Now it might be hard trying to learn everything in the game as you need to know a lot to become really good and at the same time you’re learning how to learn the champion you’re using, but no no worries I will show you the top 10 best Wild Rift champions for beginners.
This list contains champions that are easy to use but can carry hard when given the opportunity. These champions all have low skill ceilings that make it easier to master them and allow you to focus on learning game mechanics.
10. Vi
Vi is one of the easier champions to play in the Jungle, her kit has no difficult combos to learn, she has two forms of crowd control and one of them is a lock on ability that you will never miss. Her jungling ability is also good and can be considered top tier as she can clear camps fast and gank really well especially once you get her ultimate ability.
Vi is a champion that can always give you a big impact in team fights, her ultimate ability can lock on to the most fed enemy, ultimately preventing them from escaping or doing anything in team fights. You can also burst squishy enemies while remaining relatively tanky.
While Vi is not the most broken champion in the game, you can definitely say she remains in the S to S+ in champion ratings, this is due to her overall impact in team fights with her damage and ganking capability.
Some things you need to keep in mind when playing Vi is:
- You can build items that can give you burst to one shot squishy enemies or build tanky items so that you can survive when you start a team fight. She is a flexible champion so you can play around with a lot of items.
- Her ultimate can win team fights when used at the right champions on the right moments, keep in mind where your team is because you might get isolated if they are too far.
- Your ganks have a high chance to kill enemies so try to gank more and farm only when you don’t have any lanes to gank or any objectives to take.
What makes Vi one of the best champions for beginners:
- Low skill ceiling but a very impactful champion.
- She is useful even if she's behind.
- Beginners will be able to focus learning jungle rotations and how or when to gank.
See Vi in action:
Olaf is a champion that doesn’t have a complicated kit, his abilities are easy to use and you don’t need to know any difficult combos to use him. Olaf is mainly played in the Jungle but you can also play him at the solo lane. Olaf can clear jungle camps and sustain well from his inbuilt physical vamp, this also gives him a huge advantage early on allowing him to win one versus ones fairly easily.
Olaf can chase down enemies really well, you can run to your target and attack them without getting stopped because his ultimate makes you immune to any kind of crowd control, Olaf can also throw his axe to slow down enemies allowing you to catch up to them. Your passive plus your physical vamp will also allow you to survive long enough to kill one or two squishy enemies.
Olaf is a great pick if you’re struggling with enemy team compositions that have champions that have a lot of crowd control and tanks because he deals true damage and becomes immune to all forms of crowd control making unstoppable if he really wants to kill the enemy marksman.
Things you need to keep in mind when playing Olaf is:
- You can build Olaf as a tank or as an AD bruiser, either way will work but if your team is lacking a tank build more tanky items.
- Olaf can sustain really well, so early on don’t be afraid to duel enemies even at level 3.
- You can use Olaf’s first ability again and again in short periods of time if you pick up the axe.
What makes Olaf one of the best champions for beginners:
- Olaf has a very beginner friendly kit that allows players to learn more in game mechanics.
- Although he is a relatively easy champion to use, you can carry games with him.
- He is a fun champion to use, since you won’t get frustrated by crowd controls.
See Olaf in action:
8. Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is an AD marksman that is played mainly in the Duo lane. She doesn't have a very hard kit to master, and her abilities allow you to damage enemies at a safe distance. In the Duo lane you can harass enemies with your first ability, which is a really great ability to poke enemies with as all you need to do is aim for a minion in front of the enemy.
Miss Fortune is a champion that is great in team fights, you use her first ability to damage two champions, slow them down with your third ability and use your ultimate ability to do a lot of damage in a wide area. You can also outrun most enemies with your second ability, even if she doesn’t have a dash or blink she can still move fast.
Miss Fortune can do a lot in team fights but like most Attack damage carry marksmen, she is very squishy. You can build items that can help you survive more as Miss Fortune isn’t a champion that sticks to a specific build. You can go full AD and build items like Night’s Edge to block abilities that target you. Full crit build is also really good but more of a glass cannon build, I suggest not going with this if the enemy has assassins like Zed that can easily burst you.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Miss Fortune:
- She is a squishy champion so try not to position yourself in front of your team or get isolated.
- Positioning is one of the things you need to keep in mind while playing her.
- Try to be flexible with your build, if the enemies aren’t that tanky you can go full crit but if they have two or more tanky champions go for a more physical penetration build.
- Remember to build Serylda’s Grudge as the slow and physical penetration will do a lot for you.
What makes Miss Fortune one of the best champion for beginners:
- She is a champion that doesn’t need to go in deep into team fights, allowing new players to learn about positioning.
- She doesn’t fall off in late game and the AoE slows makes her useful even if she is behind.
- Her kit scales on AD and AP, allowing her to go for a lot of builds that can be more advantageous against certain team compositions.
See Miss Fortune in action:
7. Karma
Karma is an AP champion that is mostly played in the support role but you can also play her as a mid lane champion. Using Karma as a support means you can harass enemies early on, zone them or poke them whenever they try to last hit minions and with the shields you won't lose early trades.
Karma is one of the best supports in the game, the shields she can give to her allies will allow you to protect your team and win a lot of team fights. You also wouldn't lack crowd control with her kit, as she has two forms of crowd control that can hit more than one enemy.
There is only one item that works well against her and that is Serpent's Fang, this reduce the shields you and your allies can get but unlike items that apply grievous wounds, Serpent's Fang can only be built by AD champions, most commonly on champions that build lethality or armor pen.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Karma:
- Early on you'd want to poke enemies with abilities, especially with your empowered abilities as they do a lot more damage.
- You can combo two empowered abilities if you use her ultimate in between because her ultimate will always fully stack her passive.
- Know which empowered abilities to use as they can win team fights if you use the right one.
What makes Karma one of the best champions for beginners:
- Karma doesn't have a hard kit to master but it will encourage players to learn when and how to use their abilities correctly.
- Karma can deal a lot of damage and protect her allies , making her a top tier support with a relatively low skill ceiling.
- She doesn't have a specific build she needs to stick to allowing players to build flexibly.
See Karma in action:
6. Malphite
Malphite is a tank that is known for his armor and ultimate ability that is one of the best abilities to initiate a fight, he can also be built like a mage to have more burst damage that can one shot most squishy enemies in a short amount of time. Malphite can be played in almost every lane except for Duo. He does well in top lane, countering most melee AD champions, he can be played in mid lane as a full AP champion, he can also be played as a support, being able to harass most enemies in lane with his first ability and he can be played in the jungle, being able to clear with his AoE abilities and being able to gank with his ultimate ability.
Malphite can win most lanes due to his first ability being a good way to poke enemies, it will always hit unless the enemy can go invulnerable or they're playing Yasuo and can wind wall it. It also slows enemies down while giving Malphite some movement speed which allows him to chase enemies down or run away from them. His ultimate is a very quick AoE crowd control that does a burst of damage as well, this ability makes him a strong champion if you can use him right.
Although Malphite can be used in most lanes, it doesn't mean he'll be strong in every lane, he will be hard to use in the mid lane as he is a melee champion and most champions played in that lane are ranged champions with a lot of abilities to poke you down. His ultimate is one of the best abilities to initiate fights so try to roam with your team whenever you have your ultimate ability.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Malphite:
- Malphite is a champion that can be built as an AP burst champion or a heavy armor tank. It'll depend on what the enemy team composition is.
- You gain a shield when you aren't damaged for a few seconds, you can avoid getting hit while waiting for your cooldowns and then try to trade with your enemy in lane once you get the shield.
What makes Malphite one of the best champions for beginners:
- Malphite has one of the easiest kits to use because his abilities aren't difficult to understand, allowing new players to easily master him.
- Malphite is a champion that barely needs to aim anything, his first ability locks on to enemies and his ultimate is pretty much press and play.
- Remains useful at any stage of the game even if he is behind.
See Malphite in action:
5. Morgana
Morgana is an AP champion that can root enemies for a long time, make her allies immune to crowd control and deal Damage over time in an area. She is mostly played in the support lane thanks to poke and ability to help marksmen become harder to crowd control, but she can also be played in the Jungle and Mid lane but her play style will remain pretty much the same in all roles.
With Morgana you can root enemies for a long time, making her first ability a terrifying ability to get hit with. Besides her main root she can damage enemies overtime in an area where she places her second ability and her third ability will let you or an ally become immune to crowd control. Her ultimate is an AoE ability that deals damage in a big area, a chain will also form between Morgana and the enemies that get caught within the initial cast, if enemies cannot get away in time they will be stunned.
Morgana’s main source of damage will be from her second ability, this leaves an area where enemies will take damage over time while they stay in it, this is good for zoning and poking enemies and it will shine even more in team fights where multiple enemies will take damage. Hitting an enemy with the root can result in a kill as the root time is really long and if you can combine it with your ultimate it’s safe to say they’ll be stuck watching their champion die.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Morgana:
- Although her roots last for a while, it isn’t as easy to hit. You can use your second ability to zone an area so that the enemy will be forced to move into a more open area for you to have an easier time rooting them.
- Try not to be too predictable with your first ability, although you won’t have much problem in lower elos, as you climb higher players will predict and try to always dodge that.
- Remember to use your black shield to protect your carries from crowd control.
- When you’re a support you can buy the stasis enchantment on your boots, you can use your ultimate ability and then stasis to avoid getting killed while you’re waiting for the crowd control from your ultimate.
What makes Morgana one of the best champions for beginners:
- She has a relatively low skill ceiling, not hard to use or master and lets players learn to throw more accurate skill shots.
- A really easy support to use, as she only needs to apply one skill to an ally and most of the time you’ll be using that ability at the start of the fight.
- Can deal a lot of damage in a wide area, making her scary in teamfights, especially in tight areas like inside the dragon or baron pit.
See Morgana in action:
4. Annie
Annie is an AP champion that is most commonly played in the mid lane. Annie is a champion that can stun multiple enemies and deal damage to a wide area. She can deal AoE damage and even give a shield to herself or her allies that can deal damage to enemies that attack the one with the shield.
Annie is one of the champions that can burst enemies with them being unable to do anything, once you get level five and have a point on your ultimate you can one shot your enemy in mid lane or any other squishy enemies. Roaming with her is also good, allowing you to assist your team with their lanes or assist your Jungle with getting objectives.
You can win a lot of team fights with Annie, she is a control mage that can stun more than one enemy while also deal a huge burst of damage, she also has some form of survivability with her being able to shield herself or her allies and also being able to use her stun to get away from enemies.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Annie:
- Keep track of your passive and how many stacks you have before you can engage.
- Your ultimate will have a better effect if you can use it while you have your passive fully stacked.
- Your first ability will cooldown faster if you kill an enemy with it while also refunding the mana cost, so you can use it to last hit minions at a safe distance.
- Your first ability is also an AoE ability but the range is just a lot smaller so most of the time you’d only hit one enemy with it.
What makes Annie one of the best champions for beginners:
- Her kit is easy to understand and master and beginners can definitely carry with her.
- Her ability to last hit minions safely can allow new players to focus on farming early on or to learn how to lane better.
- Because Annie can also be played as an initiator she will still have many uses even if she’s behind.
See Annie action:
3. Nautilus
Nautilus is a tank that can crowd control enemies with different abilities, he can be played in Solo, Jungle or support and remains effective in all of those roles. Nautilus is a tank that can initiate a lot of fights and even one versus one a lot of champions with the right items. His team fighting ability is definitely one of the best in the game and he remains top tier in three different roles.
Although Nautilus can be placed in three different roles his main objective in the game remains the same in all roles which is to initiate fights. His abilities can crowd control enemies in different ways and he can even kill squishy enemies by himself in a one versus one situation. His ultimate is definitely one of the best abilities for initiating team fights, it locks onto a single enemy and then knocks them up when the ability reaches them, this ability can also knock up enemies that it passes through while making its way to the target.
You can win a lot of team fights by controlling the most fed enemy in team fights, and Nautilus can do this with just his ultimate ability. Since his ultimate is a lock on ability this makes it hard to avoid unless the enemy decides to buy a stasis enchantment for their boots but in turn that also accomplishes the goal of making that specific target unable to do anything in the team fight. You can also wait on them while they are in stasis and just control them after.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Nautilus:
- You can hard control an enemy but be careful if they have spell shields as it can waste the effect of your abilities.
- Try to keep in mind the positioning of your allies as initiating a fight on your own will result in you dying.
What makes Nautilus one of the best champion for beginners:
- He can be played in most roles and his play style remains the same in all of those roles. This makes it a good champion for beginners looking for a champion to master as they can play it even if they get autofilled to a role they don’t usually play.
- HIs effectiveness never falls off no matter what stage of the game.
- Fairly easy to master and only has one skill shot that isn’t that hard to hit.
See Nautilus in action:
2. Veigar
Veigar is a champion whose damage only grows stronger as the game lasts, he can gain AP almost indefinitely to grow his damage while being to have big roles in team fights with his AoE damage and stun. He can also execute enemies with his ultimate ability that deals massive amounts of damage the lower the health of the target is. He is a mid lane champion and you will mostly find him playing there but you can also play him as a support but his stacking capability will be severely limited.
In the mid lane Veigar is one of the hardest to kill champions in the game because his play style is mostly throwing abilities at a safe distance. His abilities can deal damage to multiple enemies with his first ability being able to hit two enemies, his second ability can deal damage to multiple enemies in an area while his third ability will create a cage that can stun or trap multiple enemies. His only single target ability is his ultimate which deals a lot of burst damage. All of his abilities are for dealing damage but since he can do it without the need to go in or get too close he can remain safe while being able to deal damage.
Veigar can become really strong in the late game, but he has a very weak early game presence, this makes it hard for him to deal a lot of damage early on and his most useful ability will definitely be his third ability which he can use in critical moments in the first early team fights. Even though Veigar will have a hard time getting kills early, he will also be very hard kill, since his main focus early on is to farm minions and stack his passive this will make his enemy in the mid lane have a hard time getting kills early on, which isn’t much but if you think about how Veigar and his enemy will have the same amount of gold and items, Veigar will come out on top because he gains more AP with his passive.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Veigar:
- Early on you should focus on stacking your passive by last hitting minions with your abilities and if you have the opportunity hit the enemy champion with an ability.
- Don’t randomly use your third ability, try to use it if you can surely cage the enemy or if you can cage more than one enemy, you can also use it to keep yourself safe.
- Try to hold off on using your ultimate immediately as it will deal damage the lower the enemy health is.
What makes Veigar one of the best champions to use for beginners:
- Veigar is one of the easiest champions to master since his kit doesn't have any difficult combos to make it effective.
- He is a champion that beginners can use to practice last hitting minions because it is what makes him strong.
- Although Veigar isn’t the best champion early on he will become a monster in the late game.
- His abilities aren’t hard to use or hit the enemies with since the game automatically locks your abilities to enemies that you stun.
See Veigar in action:
1. Garen
Garen is a champion that deals a lot of damage while remaining really tanky. He is a champion that is played in the solo lane. Garen doesn't have many counters in the solo lane and his ability to just win trades makes him a formidable champion that can even deal true damage to a wide area.
He can silence enemies, deal damage to multiple enemies around him, become immune to slow and become really tanky with the damage reduction that is in his kit. In lane he can abuse enemies with the silence, spin on them, resist a lot of damage and then back off to regen health with his passive after regaining enough health he can do it all over again. When the enemy is low enough he can use his ultimate to deal true damage based on the missing health of the target.
Although Garen is a pretty hard to kill champion, he is still a melee champion that can suffer against ranged champions, he can still focus on last hitting minions and even if he gets poked he can just regen by backing off. Garen can also be built with items that have more AD, since he gains a lot of tenacity you can just run towards the enemy, deal damage and execute them with your ultimate.
Things you need to keep in mind while playing Garen:
- You can gain a lot of tenacity with your second ability so try to be more aggressive even if the enemy has some forms of crowd control.
- Your silence will work wonders on ability reliant champions like Riven or Aatrox.
- Try to use your ultimate when the enemy is below 50% health.
What makes Garen one of the best champions to use for beginners:
- His kit is pretty straightforward with no difficult combos, you will only need to know when to use your abilities which most of the time is at the start of a fight.
- Garen is strong early on and even in the late game, he becomes especially hard to kill at late game.
- He wins a lot of trades and he can easily go in and out of team fights because of his regen.
See Garen in action:
Those are all the best champions for beginners. Some may agree and some may disagree but this is mainly based on how easy the champion is to use and how good they are in the game. As always it will depend on the player to make most of the champions they are using.
Also riot Nautilus skin when? I had like one skin to choose for the photo and it wasn't even that great so I had to use default.