Wukong is an AD champion that can be played in the Jungle or Solo lane. He is a champion with exceptional mobility and damage. He can become a good initiator for his team with his ultimate ability and still be able to get out of a dangerous situation with his clone that has a high chance of confusing enemies making them waste abilities. As a Jungler Wukong can clear camps fast with his kit having an AoE attack that also boosts his attack speed, he also maintains a good amount HP as his first ability also heals him. He also deals up to 20% more damage to champions and epic monsters allowing him to out damage most champions early on and take objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald really quickly. His ganks are also deadly as he can become invisible to catch enemies of guard. When he has his ultimate his ganks will have a high chance of killing the enemies of the lanes he gank.
Wukong can clear Jungle camps fast while sustaining a healthy amount of HP, he can clear his whole red side Jungle before the Scuttle Crab spawns giving him the opportunity to look for a gank in the two lanes closest to his red side jungle before taking Scuttle Crab. He can do a lot for his team when he has his ultimate, being able to initiate a fight on his own while dealing a lot of damage while still being able to escape with his invisibility.
Wukong is always a good pick as he has no hard counter in Wild Rift. In a lot of tier lists Wukong can always be seen in S to S+ so other players won’t have problems with you picking him. He is also a good pick if someone in your team picks Yasuo because your ultimate synergizes well with his ultimate. Wukong can also build items flexibly as he doesn’t have specific core items that need to be always in his build. He can build items that can counter his enemies whether it be anti-heal items like Thornmail and Mortal Reminder for enemies that have a lot of physical or magical vamp or building Dawnshroud for enemies that can go invisible.
Wukong clear really fast, remember to use smite as soon as you can early on to further increase the speed of your clear, even if you smite Krugs and Red Brambleback you will still have smite ready for the Scuttle Crab. You will have enough time to buy a control ward to place on your Blue Sentinel and recall to replace your ward and get to Krugs before it spawns. The ability you start with depends on which camp you start with, I recommend starting with Nimbus Strike which is your third ability and start clearing Krugs first, although this camp won’t give you level 2 immediately you will still hit level 2 before you start the next camp. Max your Nimbus Strike first as the bonus attack speed will help you out a lot whether it be for ganking or clearing camps. You can take either Conqueror or Electrocute as your rune, I recommend Conqueror since it’ll work better in prolonged fights but if you need more burst then Electrocute works well.
What makes Wukong a strong Jungler:
Fast and healthy clear times due to having decent AoE damage while having the clone tank some of the damage.
Really good at ganking enemy lanes. Warriors trickster plus cyclone will almost always guarantee a kill.
Doesn't fall off at late game, being able to set up for your team and even take 1v1's all throughout the game.
See Wukong in action:
2.Lee sin
Lee Sin is a highly mobile attack damage Jungle Champion with a strong early game. He has a fast clear speed and he can win in a lot of one versus one fights against enemy champions . Additionally, he has effective early game ganks that can help you gain an advantage in your lanes and potentially snowball to victory. He has the best out playing potential in the game, he’s hard to catch, can initiate fights for his team and even burst squishy enemy champions.
Lee Sin is known for his exceptional speed in clearing jungle camps early in the game. This allows players to quickly navigate around the jungle and take advantage of opportunities to contest objectives such as the Scuttle Crabs. Lee Sin is a good pick at any rank but since he has a high skill cap and there are a lot of things to learn it is better to practice using this champion in non ranked games or even make use of the practice mode that is in the game. Lee Sin doesn’t have any hard counters but he also isn’t a hard counter to a lot of champions, his effectiveness relies on his mobility to out play enemies, deal damage to squishy enemies and displace enemies with his ultimate.
One of the key elements to successfully playing Lee Sin is making the most of his passive ability, Flurry. This ability causes your next two auto attacks after using any of Lee Sin's abilities to gain attack speed and restore energy. This means that it is often best to use your abilities in a specific sequence: ability, auto attack twice, ability, auto attack twice, and so on. This will allow you to take full advantage of the attack speed and energy restoration provided by Flurry and maintain a high level of sustained damage and mobility throughout the game. So, it is important to remember to use your abilities effectively and take advantage of Flurry in order to maximize your performance as Lee Sin.
What makes Lee sin a strong Jungle:
High mobility jungle, he can get around the map thanks to the mobility of his kit letting you gank more lanes.
Fast clear time while maintaining a healthy amount of HP, this is thanks to his sustain from his ability “Safeguard/Iron will” which gives a barrier and physical and magic vamp.
His ultimate dragons rage can crowd control multiple enemies if you position yourself well and displace the target for a few seconds, this is really good at the early game, kicking an enemy out of their tower and letting your laner kill them is a basic strategy for this.
See Lee Sin in action:
Vi is an attack damage Jungle champion with considerable mobility, she is built more as a tanky initiator as she has a very useful targetable ability which is her ultimate ability that locks onto a target and crowd controls them for 1.25 seconds, this also knocks enemies aside that are between Vi and her target while dealing 75% of the damage to them. Vi can 1 v 1 a lot of champions in the game making her really good for contesting Scuttle crabs or even invading the enemy jungle, just make sure to have your allies be ready to assist you in case other enemy champions try to help. Vi can really be effective once you reach level 5 or when you get your ultimate ability “Cease and Desist”. Once you have your ultimate, ganking enemies becomes a lot easier, with a target lock down ability like her ultimate and an additional stun from her ability “Vault Breaker” this lets you stun lock an enemy long enough for both you and your ally to deal enough damage to take them down. With a lot of good ganks and secured kills your allies will be able to snowball a lot early and be able to get a lead against their enemy on their respective lanes.
Vi is a good pick at any rank, she stays strong at all stages of the game and her ultimate can become a good way to hold down enemies that are too hard to deal with. Vi is strong early making her good at taking the lead early, always ganking when you have your ultimate is a must. Since Vi is mostly built to be on the tankier side you will be at most always on the front of your team, building tank items and counter items to enemies will be crucial. Building an anti-heal item like “Thornmail” against hard sustaining team compositions can really help your team win in team fights. An item like “Randuin’s Omen” against a team composition that deals a lot of critical damage can turn a fight around. While items like “Sterak’s Gage” will improve your survivability making you last longer in team fights and effectively tank more damage for your team.
What makes Vi a strong Jungler:
Strong ganking ability, her kit allows you to gank top and mid really well.
Vi’s ultimate can target and lockdown any champion she wants, targeting the right enemy champion can really win you team fights.
Being a tanky fighter allows her to take the front and engage for her team.
See Vi in action:
4. Kayn
Kayn is an AD champion that is played in the Jungle. He has one of the fastest clears in the game while also being able to easily move around the jungle by being able to pass through walls. Kayn can also change his playstyle with his two forms; Shadow Assassin and Rhaast. Shadow assassin deals a lot of burst damage while Rhaast is more of a bruiser that can do damage and survive a lot of hits.
Kayn can clear his Jungle camps fast, his abilities deal AoE damage and he can go through walls with either his first ability or his third ability making it easy for him to get from one camp to the next. His ganks are also hard to deal with, with him being able to go through walls he can gank lanes through unexpected angles. He can also dive towers with his ultimate because he becomes invulnerable. Shadow Assassin can target the enemy team’s squishy champions. Rhaast can deal damage to tanky champions and crowd control enemies while healing from the damage he deals.
Kayn is a good pick and can be played in different ways depending on the enemy team composition, which champions you need to deal with more in game, and what your team needs more, if your team need more damage to the squishy enemies then going shadow assassin is good but if your team needs an initiator that can survive a lot of hits while crowd controlling the enemy, Rhaast will be a better choice.
Kayn cannot change to a different form once he chooses one, so if you go Shadow assassin you can’t change to Rhaast and vice versa you can’t change from Rhaast to Shadow assassin, try to analyze early on what you need to be to win the game. Shadow. Always keep track on how long your third ability will last, as you will be immediately thrown out the wall once it ends, this may put you in a bad spot if you’re not careful. Kayn can clear camps fast so once you clear three camps try to see if you can gank any lanes before deciding to go to another camp or wait for Scuttle Crab to spawn. Keep in mind the items you build will change depending on what form you take, Shadow assassin you’d want to build an assassin build and for Rhaast you would build a bruiser build.
What makes Kayn a strong Jungle:
Kayn clears his camps fast allowing him to look for ganks more frequently while not losing gold from farming his jungle.
Kayn can dive enemies under tower as soon as he gets his ultimate, making him good for getting early kills.
He has a flexible kit making him fill a role the team needs either a tanky bruiser of a burst assassin.
See Kayn in action:
Lilia the Bashful Bloom, one of the fastest AP Jungler in the game allowing her to easily chase down enemies and dodge abilities by moving. One of the strongest Junglers in the right hands, can easily dominate enemies that don’t know how to play against her, and can set up easily for her team through her ultimate ability “Lilting Lullaby”, which causes enemies that are damaged by Lilia to be put to sleep. Lilia has a really good clear speed thanks to her abilities that can deal AoE damage. She can easily clear Krugs, Wolves and Raptors and because she can move around really quickly she can easily kite monsters without taking a lot of damage. Clearing camps really fast is a good thing because it lets her level up faster and get her ultimate.
Ganking isn’t that great without your ultimate. Lilia doesn’t have any crowd control besides her ultimate, it’s more advisable to gank enemies that are over extending their lanes or even invading the enemy Jungler. Once you have your ultimate, ganking will be a lot easier.
Lilia deals bonus damage based on an enemy’s HP, this lets her be effective against tanky enemies so she’s a good pick against tanky enemy team comps. Meanwhile her ultimate sleep effect makes enemies take bonus damage when they fully become asleep, the damage is based on the next damaging ability's damage to the enemy that is asleep which means saving your most damage dealing skill for that moment will be good.
What makes Lilia a strong Jungler:
Fast clear time gives her more opportunities to look for ganks, contest Scuttle crab and even invade.
Lilia can set up for your team with your ultimate making her really effective at any stage of the game.
She deals bonus damage based on a target's health, this lets her scale really well even against champions that are fairly tanky, combined with her movement speed she has a high survivability rate.
See Lilia in action:
6.Master Yi
Master Yi the Wuju bladesman, one of the scariest Jungler once he gets to snowball, a team composition without much crowd control will have a hard time against a fed Master Yi. His Ultimate ability allows him to chase down any opponent while his skill “Alpha Strike” allows him to close the distance between him and any target within its range. Master Yi’s ability “Wuju Style” lets him deal true damage allowing him to even melt tanky champions.
Master Yi can clear camps fairly fast with “Alpha strike”, at early levels it’s best to clear camps and contest Scuttle Crabs while keeping an eye on the mini map to spot enemies that are overextending or when your ally laner has enough crowd control to secure a kill. Early levels Master Yi will not be as effective but spotting an opportunity to get a kill or get an objective will be crucial, once you get a kill and get your first item, you will be strong enough to kill enemies 1 v 1 or even be able to gank enemies and secure a kill and still be able to survive. “Alpha Strike” isn’t only a gap closer, it's also a way for you to dodge enemy abilities, and you can use it to escape certain situations, using it on a minion or monster on the opposite side of the wall will allow you to get through. Another thing to keep in mind is “Meditate” gives you damage reduction which lets you be tanky and will save you a lot of times when you’re taking tower shots.
What makes Master Yi a strong Jungler:
Master Yi is one of the champions that can snowball early and hard carry a game.
He can deal true damage even to Epic monsters allowing him to quickly take objectives.
His ultimate ability grants him immunity to slow allowing to easily chase enemies, if you see a low HP enemy under tower you can run them under tower and kill them easily.
See Master Yi in action:
Diana The Scorn of the Moon, an AP assassin that can close gaps and set for her team. Diana can turn the tide of a battle with a well timed ultimate, pulling all enemies inside the range of it which allows allies with AoE abilities to deal damage effectively. Her gap closing ability is very useful and allows her to gank enemies even at level 2, and all her abilities scale well making her viable even mid to late game.
Diana can clear her Jungle camps really quickly, her passive,”Moonsilver Blade” empowers her third basic attack making it deal bonus magic damage while also dealing AoE damage not to mention it also boosts her attack speed for the next three attacks whenever she uses a skill. When you reach level 2 and you put points into your “Crescent Strike” and “Lunar Rush”, you’ll be able to move around your Jungle and improve your clearing speed, Throwing your “Crescent Strike” reveals enemies that are hit, this includes minions and monsters which means you can use “Lunar Rush” to dash into the monsters that revealed allowing you to move faster in your Jungler.
Something to keep in mind is to make sure to use “Lunar Rush” properly by using it on enemies marked by your “Crescent Strike” or your ultimate, this makes sure you deal more damage or even be able to use it again if the enemy can dash or flash away. Your ultimate can pull more enemies if you hold it but make sure not to hold it for long, if you can hit 2-3 enemies you should let go since the longer you take the more the enemy can react to it.
What makes Diana a strong Jungler:
She can clear the Jungle really fast and she can gank early making her really good for pressuring enemies early.
She scales really well, although she can’t 1 v 5, she can turn a team fight around with a good ultimate.
She can split effectively allowing her to put pressure on the whole map.
See Diana in action:
Warwick is a champion that is made to hunt and chase down enemies that are low in HP, his skills allow him to be able to locate and even improve his DPS against them. By making use of his skills you can snowball early and get your items a lot quicker by just targeting low HP enemies that are overextending, and this isn’t something that is hard since the game pushes you to target them.
Warwicks Jungle clear is not the fastest, but he can sustain really well, to the point you can easily have a health advantage against enemy Jungle Champions so when you put a point on your 2nd skill and you can track the enemy Jungle with the blood scent, invade and target them. You won’t lose a 1 v 1, with his sustain and increased attack speed against enemies that have low HP you will have a high chance of winning the invade, either by getting a kill or forcing a flash.
Keep in mind that your 1st skill can make you immune to crowd control if you use it at the right time, this can also let you follow the enemy if they decide to flash or dash while you are using it. Your 3rd skill, don’t use it immediately once you can fear the enemy, if the enemy can’t get away from you right away just keep it on as it will help by also giving you damage reduction. Your Ultimate will have longer range the faster you are, following blood scent will boost your speed so it will also improve your ultimate’s range.
Why is Warwick a strong Jungler:
He is built to hunt down low HP enemies so you can easily finish off enemies that your allies can’t kill.
He can be built AD or Tank which allows him to be very versatile and be useful for different situations.
Making use of blood scent can let him move around the map really quickly, allowing him to put pressure on the enemy team a lot specially since it will make them less greedy so if they win a fight and they have little to no HP they won’t decide to push right away and decide to back off.
See Warwick in action:
Kha’zix an AD assassin, one of the strongest champs for picking off isolated enemies, he can make any ADC disappear if he catches them away from their team. He can really change the flow of the game when he snowballs early, he can force enemies to group up more allowing your Baron laner to split effectively and play for tower objectives.
Kha’zix can easily clear Jungle camps that only have a single monster, like the Red Buff or blue buff monster, or even the frog. His 2nd skill can also help him clear camps with multiple monsters while also helping him by healing some of his HP when he hits it while being close to the target.
Ganking with Kha’zix is best when it’s early to mid game, the baron lane or mid lane should be the ones you are frequenting since those enemies are mostly isolated early allowing you to deal more damage with your first skill.
Things to keep in mind when using Kha’zix, evolving the right skills is crucial and which skills to evolve first is depends on how you want to play, either more aggressively by evolving your 3rd skill to get resets on it or your 2nd skill to be able to deal an AoE slow to your enemies or your 1st skill to deal more damage to isolated enemies. Evolving your ultimate isn’t really as good since it just adds one more invisibility charge to your ultimate.
Why Kha’zix is a strong Jugnler:
Kha’zix can snowball hard once you get ahead early, once you do get ahead make sure to keep the pressure on your enemy.
Can have a flexible playstyle by choosing which abilities to evolve.
Can easily pick off any enemy that is isolated.
See Kha’zix in action:
Evelynn a stealthy AP assassin, able to get through normal wards and be able to ambush enemies really well and even if you target one enemy that is surrounded by their allies you can still escape really easily with her ultimate which allows her to become invulnerable and deal damage while also making her blink a short distance away. She can easily go behind the enemy team without getting caught, target their back lane, make them collapse and get out without much issue.
Evelynn has a really good jungle clear thanks to her 1st skill dealing consecutive AoE damage, meaning she can clear jungle camps with multiple monsters really quickly. Her 3rd skill also lets her deal a huge burst of damage when she’s no longer in combat, meaning she can deal a huge chunk of damage to solo monster camps like the red and blue buff monsters.
Ganking with Evelynn is really easy, once you hit level 5 and get a point on your ultimate skill then ganking becomes simple as walking into their lane, as long as they don’t have a constant control ward placed you can just walk into their lane thanks to the camouflage passive of her ultimate.
Things to keep in mind when using Evelynn. Your ultimate grants you Camouflage not invisibility, being close to enemies will reveal you as do control wards. Your 2nd skill can charm the target once the heart on the top if their head becomes complete. If you hit them before that they will only be slowed, sometimes a slow can be enough so don’t wait for too long. Your ultimate can be considered an execution so once you deal your max damage with your non ultimate skills and you’re in a bad position use your ultimate and get out. Your ultimate will blink you to the opposite of where you pointed it at, don’t just randomly spam it since it can put you in a bad spot if you’re not careful.
What makes Evelynn a strong Jungler:
She has a fast clearing time, so you can focus on clearing your camps and rushing to get level 5 to get your ultimate.
She can gank any lane pretty easily.
She can position at the back of the enemies and target their damage dealers without much risk.
See Evelynn in action:
And those are the Best Junglers in Wild Rift. Of course it still depends on the player on how good they are at using the champ and playing the role so practice before trying it in ranked games.