![[Top 10] LOL Wild Rift Best Mid Laners (Ranked) [Top 10] LOL Wild Rift Best Mid Laners (Ranked)](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/wr_image_main_5.jpg.webp?itok=dbRjqWNF)
Katarina is a melee AP assassin that is commonly played in Mid lane. She can deal a lot of burst and damage multiple enemies with her abilities and passive. Her mobility is also one of the best in the game, she can easily go in and out of team fights. In the Mid lane she can’t do much at level one as she is a melee champion, she will be open to all sorts of poke from her enemies in lane, but once she reaches level three she can play aggressively and trade with enemies, her burst is really strong even in the early game and once she gets a kill she can snowball hard.
Katarina can become a huge threat once she gets a lead. In team fights she doesn’t need to worry about aiming her abilities at squishy enemies as her abilities are AoE. Once she hits level three she is free to roam to help other lanes get an advantage and to pick up a few kills of her own. Katarina can easily get solo kills in the mid lane as her first ability is a lock on ability allowing her to harass enemies, this ability also bounces on minions so she doesn’t need to target enemy champions directly.
Katarina’s burst is one of the best in the game, it can also be said to be the fastest given the circumstances, if you have allies who pick a champion that can crowd control multiple enemies at once she is a great pick as she can deal a lot of AoE damage and inflict grievous wounds to multiple enemies.
It’s inadvisable to pick Katarina against a team that has a lot of crowd control, so try not to first pick her as she can be countered. Try not to enter a team fight from the start, wait until enemies use their crowd control so that your ultimate won’t get cancelled abruptly. If you can’t get a kill in lane try to roam to other lanes. Try to stick with your ally that can crowd control multiple enemies so that you can follow up with a quick AoE burst.
What makes Katarina a strong Mid laner:
- Katarina deals a burst of magic damage, allowing her to kill multiple enemies quickly.
- She can apply grievous wounds to multiple enemies, making it hard for the enemy to sustain themselves.
- As a mid laner she has impressive mobility allowing her to instantly get beside an enemy to deal damage or to get to an ally to escape dangerous situations.
See Katarina in action:
Fizz is a melee AP assassin that can be played in the Solo lane, Jungle but and Mid. In the mid lane Fizz doesn’t have a lot of counter picks, as he can easily get out of dangerous situations and he can solo kill most of the squishy enemies he faces in lane.
Fizz can get a lot of solo kills once he gets his ultimate, this allows him to snowball and get more items. As the game progresses Fizz becomes more and more deadly, if lands his ultimate on a squishy champion he can go in for the kill, the enemy cannot get too close to their ally as Fizz’s ultimate will knock up enemies that are close to the enemy that was hit. Fizz is also hard to kill, he can go invulnerable allowing him to dodge abilities or escape unfavorable situations.
Fizz is a good champion to use against any team composition as he can deal the damage that he needs to and get out of the fight without much risk. He can also clear minion waves fast and deal a lot of damage to towers with his empowered basic attack, this gives him a lot of split push potential, he can also easily escape so he can keep putting pressure around the map.
Fizz a flexible champion in terms of item builds, you can either go for a pure AP build that provides more burst or a sturdier build with more ability haste that allows him to deal damage while also surviving more. Try to land the max range of his ultimate so it can deal the maximum amount of damage while also having a wider area of effect. Try to roam if you can’t kill your enemy in lane, respond to your team doing objectives to get opportunities to throw a good ultimate and get a few kills.
What makes Fizz a strong Mid laner:
- As a mid lane assassin he can solo kill most enemies and even become a core initiator.
- He can deal a lot of AoE AP damage that can deal a burst of damage to multiple enemies or clear minion waves quickly.
- He can effectively roam to other lanes as his ultimate can almost always lead to a kill.
See Fizz in action:
Ekko is a melee AP assassin that is mostly played in the Mid lane but can also be played in the Jungle or the Solo lane. Although being a melee champion Ekko can trade against his enemies in lane thanks to his movement speed and mobility. His burst is no joke as he can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time and still be safe thanks to his ultimate.
In the mid lane Ekko can harass his enemies with his abilities, once hitting his first ability he can then dash and blink towards the enemy champion to pop his passive that can deal a lot of magic damage, then gain a burst of movement speed to chase down the enemy or to disengage by backing up. Ekko also has exceptional roaming capability as he can initiate fights with his second ability that can stun enemies caught up in it. Ekko can also freely flank the enemy to try and burst down squishy champions, and if he can’t he can just press his ultimate ability to escape the dangerous situation.
Ekko can be played really aggressively once he reaches level three, once he gets his ultimate ability he can tower dive low health enemies as he deals bonus magic damage based on the missing health of enemies. Ekko can also split push really well, his empowered basic attack that comes from his third ability deals a lot of damage to towers, and he can easily run away whenever more than one enemy tries to stop him, which also opens the opportunity for his allies to take objectives that are on the other side of the map.
Ekko is a melee champion, this might make the early game hard as most of his matchups in the mid lane would be ranged champions which opens him to being poked when he tries to go for minions. To have an easier time farming in the early game you can put in a point on your second ability so that you can last hit a lot easier or put a point in your first ability so that you can last hit minions from afar. The latter is good if your enemy in lane doesn’t have abilities that can deal a lot of damage to poke you with, while the former is good if the enemy has a lot of ways to poke you while you try to last hit minions. Taking second wind in your runes is also good to help you in the early game. Try to keep track of where the shadow of your ultimate is so that you won’t be put in a more dangerous spot if you use it because enemies will be able to see where his shadow is. If you’re having a hard time bursting enemies in team fights you can try to split other lanes to put pressure on the map.
What makes Ekko a strong Mid laner:
- Ekko can deal a lot of magic damage in a single burst and as an assassin he can safely get out once he is done dealing damage.
- Ekko can also wave clear with his first ability, it can slow down multiple enemies which can help his team.
- Ekko can roam a lot and gank other lanes in unexpected angles since he can just use his ultimate to quickly escape and recover HP.
See Ekko in action:
Brand is a Mage that is mostly played in the Mid lane but sometimes played as a support. He deals a lot of AoE damage while also applying a DoT that burns enemies based on their max HP, which is very effective against tanks that stack a lot of HP. Brand can harass his enemy in lane from a safe distance, although he isn’t a champion that can be played aggressively in a one versus one situation he makes up for it by being able to deal a lot of damage in team fights .
In the mid lane he can harass enemies with his second ability which deals a decent amount of damage but if enemies are set Ablaze, which comes from his passive, this ability deals a lot more damage. He can also harass enemies with his third ability, if he misses his second ability but it lands on nearby minions he can use his third ability on a minion that is affected by his passive to also hit the champion, this is good for continuously applying his passive to enemies while also stacking his “Tear of the Goddess” and/or the Manaflow band rune. Brand can be also played as a support but he can be put to use more as a mid laner so that he can quickly get his items, if you farm well you can get your first item before Dragon or Rift Herald spawns, these objectives will often lead to team fights and with just one item brand can deal a lot of damage to multiple enemies.
Brand can deal damage based on the max HP of his enemies, this lets his damage scale at any stage of the game, allowing him to deal damage even if he is behind in gold and items. His passive also applies to epic monsters, allowing him to help his allies take objectives a lot quicker. Brand can make tanks suffer a lot from prolonged combat with him so it makes it harder for them to stand in front of their team. The second part of his passive makes it deal a lot more magic damage based on their max HP, this is also an AoE blast that deals the same damage that is based on their max HP, what makes this ability terrifying is that multiple enemies can have this applied to them and each of them will have a ring of fire that will deal the damage, if all enemies stick together with each other with the passive applied on them the passive itself will remove more than 50% of their HP.
As Brand you want to stay alive in team fights for as long as you can so that you can continuously deal damage and allow your passive to chunk as much HP from the enemy. Building items like “Liandry’s Torment” and “Infinity Orb” can give a huge boost to his damage, the former will also deal damage based on max HP while the latter will boost the damage they take from all the DoT when their HP is below 35%. Brand is most effective in team fights as he can deal more damage that way.
What makes Brand a strong Mid laner:
- Brand is a mid laner that can deal damage to more than one enemy, making him a huge threat in team fights.
- Brand can clear minions waves really easily thanks to his abilities being AoE, this lets him stop enemies from pushing.
- Brand hardly ever falls off because of his damage being based on the max HP of his enemies.
See Brand in action:
Veigar is a mage that is played in the Mid lane. He is a champion that limitlessly gains more AP as he stacks his passive, this lets him become a bigger threat because of the damage he can deal, at some point even with a lot of magic resist he will still be able to one shot enemies. His ultimate is an ability that can execute enemies
Veigar can dominate games by stacking his passive to gain a lot of AP, at some point he would be able to one shot enemies even without using his ultimate ability. Veigar can quickly clear his lane while quickly stacking his passive, this gives him more opportunities to roam and look for potential kills, because hitting abilities on champions and getting kills also contributes to his stacks.
Late game Veigar becomes a high damage AP carry that can remove huge chunks of the enemies HP bars. He becomes hard to target due to his third ability that can stun enemies and his second ability can dish out a lot of damage to an area. As Veigar can gain AP from his passive he can shift his build to become a bit more tankier, making him harder to kill while also still being able to deal lots of damage.
Early on Veigar needs to be solely focused on stacking his passive, either through last hitting minions with abilities or hitting enemies with abilities. Once he gets his ultimate he can play more aggressively for kills, but he still needs to clear his lane to get as many stacks as he can. Building a lot of cooldown and mana will be helpful in the long run.
What makes Veigar a strong Mid laner:
- Veigar can scale the longer the game lasts, dealing a lot of magic damage to enemies even with high magic resist.
- Veigar can quickly clear minion waves, allowing him to easily defend against enemies that are pushing.
- Veigar has one of the fastest bursts in the late game, sometimes he can even just press his ultimate to kill an enemy.
See Veigar in action:
Akali is a melee AP assassin that is played in the Solo or Mid lane. As a mid laner Akali has a lot of bursts, she can solo kill her enemy in lane as soon as she gets her ultimate, but don’t underestimate her burst even without it. Her mobility allows her to move around the enemy in team fights, and her shroud can keep her safe from being focused by the enemy.
Akali can snowball hard once she gets a lead, her damage and mobility allows her to go for aggressive plays like tower diving moderately low health enemies. Her AoE damage also can’t be underestimated as it can let her execute multiple low health enemies that get caught up in her ultimate ability. The pressure Akali can exert from the mid lane is also nothing to scoff at as it allows her to roam to the other two lanes to pick up kills.
Akali is a good pick if the enemy has a squishy team composition that doesn't have a lot of crowd control. Try not to engage more than one enemy if they have ways to reveal you while you are in your shroud. Try to make use of your passive as much as you can as it can deal a lot of damage. Hitting enemy champions with the maximum range of your first ability will slow them, this gives you a chance to get your passive and hit the enemy with it.
What makes Akali a strong Mid laner:
- Akali can burst down squishy enemies, and her damage doesn’t fall off at any point of the game.
- She can easily maneuver herself in team fights, allowing her to focus on squishy enemies that are in the back.
- Once she gets a lead she can get a lot of kills either by solo killing her enemy in lane or by roaming to other lanes to pick a few kills or assist.
See Akali in action:
Ahri is a mage that is commonly played in the Mid lane. Ahri is a mage that has a lot of mobility and sustain. She can deal a burst of magic damage with a mix of true damage which makes her hard to counter with just magic resist. Her mobility is also one of the best in the game as she can dash three times. Her sustain is also really good as she can heal herself with the use of her passive.
Early on the mid lane Ahri can poke and harass her enemies in lane, making it hard for them to farm gold from minions, she can also win a lot of trades because of the damage she deals and the amount she heals herself for. Ahri’s charm is one of the best single target crowd control in the game, due to the long duration of the charm and how the enemy moves towards her when she lands it, it can almost always guarantee a kill once she gets a few items. Her snowball is also no joke as it is hard to counter the true damage that she deals.
Ahri is a good pick against almost all matchups in the mid lane, she is one of the hardest to counter champions in the game, she can deal damage, clear minion waves really well, crowd control an enemy and escape a lot of dangerous situations she is in. Her ultimate is one of the best mobility type abilities, as she can dash almost instantly towards a direction, allowing her to pass through terrain to initiate a fight or to escape from a disadvantageous spot.
Ahri can sustain herself with her passive that heals her after hitting a few abilities, so don’t be afraid to commit to hard trades, just keep track of your passive so that you can know when you will get the heal. Her ultimate gives three dashes to use, but when activates her passive she can gain an additional dash, and she can get up to three more dashes. Her first ability deals true damage so try to focus on getting more AP items that allow you to burst enemies more easily.
What makes Ahri a strong Mid laner:
- Ahri can deal a mix of magic damage and true damage, making it hard for enemies to counter her with magic resist items.
- Her mobility allows her to get into better positions or to quickly dash and charm an enemy that is squishy.
- Almost impossible to fall off even in a game where the whole team is behind, as Ahri is a ranged champion she can easily farm minions for gold and get out when enemies decide to gank her.
See Ahri in action:
Vex is a controller mage that is mostly played in the mid lane. Vex is a controller mage that can apply an AoE fear onto the enemies, her burst is no joke and she can mark enemies from afar, dash to them and proceed to pour her whole combo on them. Vex can fear enemies with all her abilities with the exception of her ultimate ability.
In the mid lane Vex can try to go for trades even as early as level one or two, as long as she has her passive up and she can fear enemies she will almost always win trades. Her ability to roam is also impeccable, as her ultimate has a long range, she can wait in a bush that is hardly ever warded by the enemy, throw her ultimate and dash into the enemy to fear them, this allows allies to do damage and possibly allow you to score a takedown.
Vex is a good champion to play but not that easy to master as she is a champion that relies on good aim with her ultimate or good timing on when to fear the enemy, a good fear can either disrupt enemies when they try to go all in or initiate for the team and fear as many enemy champions as you can. There aren’t many counters to Vex but she doesn't do well against team compositions that have two or more champions that are very tanky.
Level one you can trade with the enemy if you put a point on your third ability, this will inflict Gloom from your passive allowing your basic attack to deal more magic damage. Always position yourself in a way that the tanky champions from the enemy team can’t block your ultimate ability. Don’t spam your fear as it can cause chaos in different ways. Her resets are really good when the enemy team is collapsing, make sure to aim first before you throw.
What makes Vex a strong Mid laner:
- Vex is a control type mage, she can apply fear to one or more enemies , this also allows her to protect allies if they need it.
- Vex can clear minions waves really fast, making it easy to defend a lane or to quickly push mid lane so that she can roam towards other lanes.
- Vex can target squishy enemies to hit with her ultimate, once she decides to go to the enemy she hit, she can instantly fear multiple enemies including the champion she hit and the enemies that were close by.
See Vex in action:
Zed is a melee AD assassin that is commonly played in the Mid lane. Zed can last hit minions really well, he can also last hit from afar using his first ability if he is getting poked a lot in lane. When Zed reaches level three he can begin playing aggressively and try to land a combo on the enemy, hopefully triggering Electrocute to deal more damage. His ultimate allows him to mark the target and the target will take damage based on how much damage Zed deals to them in a few seconds.
Once Zed gets his ultimate there is no stopping him from playing really aggressive, because of how easy it is for Zed to get in and out of a fight this allows him to make riskier plays to one shot squishy enemies. Zed can also roam towards other lanes, as his first item will almost always be “Youmuu’s Ghost blade”, which gives him movement speed. Late game it’s almost impossible for squishy enemies to survive against Zed when he decides to go all in on them.
As an assassin Zed can be one of the deadliest champions in the game, and since his enemies are mostly squishy in the mid lane this gives him a lot of opportunity to go for the kill. Zed can also confuse enemies with his shadows and his Blinking capabilities, making them miss skill shots or outright leaving them behind chasing.
As Zed is a melee champion in a lane where there are mostly ranged champions it’s not the best experience, but since Zed can deal a lot of damage to low health enemies, he can last hit minions really well, and if he can’t go minions without getting skill shots throws at him he can then use his first ability to last hit from afar.Try not to use your ultimate on an enemy with the Stasis encashment from the boots as this can potentially be a waste of an ultimate.
What makes Zed a strong Mid laner:
- Zed has excellent solo kill potential even in the early game, this has a high chance of allowing him to snowball a lot better.
- Zed can also fight with his team, although his main contribution would be to burst the enemy marksman or to bait enemies into using their crowd controls on you.
- Zed can also clear lanes really quickly even though he is a melee AD champion.
See Zed in action:
Zoe is a mage that is played mostly in the Mid lane. She is a champion that can deal a lot of magic damage with just two abilities, her ability to put an enemy asleep is almost always a kill if her allies can quickly follow up, or if she can land the max range on her first ability. Zoe can also pick up summoner spells and boots enchantments giving her a lot of ways to deal damage , or disrupt the enemy from doing anything.
In the mid lane Zoe can’t be too aggressive at level one, but she can easily farm minions and wait until she gets her sleepy bubble to put an enemy to sleep, asleeped enemies will take bonus true damage when they are attacked. Zoe can pick up summoner spells and or boots enchantments that enemies use, this makes it hard to get an advantage against Zoe in the game as she will just use whatever is used. In a team fight she can position herself somewhere where she can throw her sleepy bubble to catch an enemy off guard.
Zoe is one of the best Mid laners that is currently being played, she can deal a huge burst of magic damage, or help her team by throwing a sleepy bubble at them to put them to sleep.allowing her team to follow up to kill that enemy champion. Her max range first ability can also one shot squishy champions. She is hard to play against because Zoe isn’t easy to catch and when she catches you, your champion will be sleeping for the next few seconds of the respawn timer.
As Zoe you have to use your abilities to their full capabilities, try to always get a good summoner spell or enchantment with your second ability, that can help you survive or die the other way. Your passive will empower you basic attacks so try to mix in a few basic attacks. You can use your ultimate to check behind walls if you think there are multiple enemies trying to gank you, remember, your ultimate will teleport you but return you back to where you were after a few seconds.
What makes Zoe a strong Mid laner:
- Zoe can deal a huge burst of magic damage with her max ranged first ability.
- Zoe can pressure enemies with her sleepy bubble or stop enemies from running away,and allow her to have a takedown.
- Zoe is hard to play against and most summoner spells are useless against her as she can use them against you.
See Zoe in action: