In order to make it through your quest in Miitopia, it isn’t enough to have the right teams and/or personalities. You also need to keep your party’s stats in check. Each Mii’s stats will go up a little every time it levels up in combat, but a great way to increase those buffs is to feed them Grub while resting at the game’s many Inns. It is also beneficial, in that the stat boosts obtained in this fashion are separate from your chosen Job’s stats and stack on top of them. Likewise, these ones will carry over if you decide to switch Jobs, making it so you won’t have to completely start from scratch while leveling up. Each stat can be increased up to 99.
Grub can be obtained in many ways: it can be won from the game’s roulette minigame, earned by taking out certain enemies (Cats and Chefs have the ability to swipe the dish from the enemy without having to defeat it) or clearing certain postgame missions, found in treasure chests, collected during friendship outings, or simply handed to you from a certain recurring NPC. Upon being fed to a party member, their reaction will affect the stat boost. If they hate or dislike it, then the stats will lower slightly; a neutral reaction will yield no effects; and if they like or love it, then the stats will increase a little or a lot.
There are a total of 196 types of Grub to be found in the game, with all but ten of them being variants of other dishes. Each base dish increases one or multiple stats (HP, Magic, MP, Attack, Defense, and Speed) and has two stronger and rarer variants that grant higher stat boosts; it is also worth noting that the two-star variants have a high probability of being dropped by bosses. For this ranking, each slot was decided based on the stats increased and how much of a Mii’s stomach it will fill. Each slot includes all three variants of the dish and assumes that the Mii loves the dish.
#10. Frog Juice
That description does very little to answer our questions, Nintendo...
We never see the substance inside the bottle, but from the name alone, it sounds pretty gross. It isn’t the ideal beverage anyway, despite coming in three varieties. The Frog Juice is probably the most situational in the game, only good for Jobs that lack in defense or magic ability. If you ever obtain one of these on your quest, we’d suggest drinking it alongside a meal that will fill in the gaps.
What It’s Great For:
- Increasing the HP of more vulnerable Jobs like the Cat or the Elf so they can tank more hits.
- Making magic-heavy Jobs such as the Mage even more deadly in combat.
- Mages can also benefit from the MP increase (as can other Jobs like the Tank, Imp, and Vampire), as it would allow them to get in more special attacks before running dry.
- Players who want to create a self-imposed challenge by minimizing buffs to attack and defense.
- Its effects can be doubled or even tripled, due to the low amount of stomach room it occupies.
Food Stats:
- HP, MP, and Magic will go up by between 13 and 40.
- All variants will fill the Mii’s stomach by 30%.
How to Obtain:
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
- Defeat the frog-themed bosses throughout the game.
#9. Warming Soup
Looks decent, but that name is not helping its case.
One of only three foods in the game that provides three stat increases, but it’s easily the most basic of the bunch. It’s pretty useful for Miis who are new to the party and haven’t leveled up much, but as the game progresses, it’s best when either fed to party members with high attack power or paired with something else in order to cover for its shortcomings. And they said eating your vegetables would greatly benefit you…
What It’s Great For:
- Players who want to get more of a challenge, and prioritize endurance over damage output.
- Taking Jobs who behave more like glass cannons, such as Cats and Mages, and turning them into all-rounders. Their defense and maneuverability will go up, while their attack power remains as is.
- Slower Jobs such as the Elf, Vampire, and Tank will benefit from the speed buff, with the Elf, in particular, benefitting from the other buffs due to its notoriously middle-of-the-road stats.
- Can be fed to a Mii twice in order to double its effects.
Food Stats:
- HP, Defense, and Speed will go up by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach halfway.
How to Obtain:
- For free upon interacting with a certain roaming NPC.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#8. Grilled Mahimahi
Let's hope your Mii isn't the type to eat the eyeballs.
In real life, Mahi-mahi is known for the impressive fight they put up when caught by fishermen. And in Miitopia, eating this fish will help your team put up an impressive fight. Really, the only reason why this dish isn’t ranked higher is that it only buffs three of your stats instead of four.
What It’s Great For:
- Strengthening party members in a relatively even manner, without skewing their stats away from what the game intended.
- Alternatively, it can be fed to Jobs that already excel in those stats, to make them even more powerful.
- Giving a boost to party members who might lack in offensive or defensive abilities (e.g. Pop Star or Elf, respectively).
- Its effects can be doubled since two can fit into a single Mii’s stomach.
Food Stats:
- HP, Attack, and Defense will go up by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach 50%.
How to Obtain:
- For free upon interacting with a certain roaming NPC.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#7. Geothermal Pizza
"Crispy?" That description better matches St. Louis-style pizza, not the New York kind.
If you want to make the most of your time with this game, then you’ll have to look below the crust. This pizza is one of the few dishes that can buff four stats, but it differs from the others in its league, in that it will leave your HP and MP alone. It’s certainly a good option for those who enjoy tougher gameplay, and more casual players won’t be able to pair it with other dishes to compensate. Sounds a bit alienating, but hey, at least there’s no pineapple on it.
What It’s Great For:
- Players who want to get more of a challenge out of combat by keeping their maximum HP and/or MP as low as possible.
- Jobs who lack in defense or magic, such as Scientists respectively.
- Jobs who lack speed, such as Vampires or Tanks.
- A Job with already high attack power, such as a Tank or a Warrior, can become even more of a powerhouse.
Food Stats:
- Attack, Magic, Defense, and Speed will go up by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach 80%.
How to Obtain:
- For free upon interacting with a certain roaming NPC.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#6. Cake
Don't fret if you're averse or allergic to strawberries; your Mii isn't a complete replica of you.
Are you more of a cake person, or an ice cream person? Unfortunately for you, Miitopia doesn’t give you a choice but don’t fret. With a high boost to offense upon eating it, this filling confection will make every battle feel like your birthday.
What It’s Great For:
- Adding more offensive power to Jobs who are more defense-oriented, such as Pop Stars or Tanks.
- Bolstering the magic and MP of certain Jobs such as Mages and Imps.
- Providing an added safety net for Jobs with lower defense, such as the Cat.
- Boosting the HP and MP of Jobs that are lacking in those departments, such as the Thief.
- Jobs with a lower Magic stat, such as the Flower, can hugely benefit from this one.
Food Stats:
- HP, MP, Attack, and Magic will go up by 40.
- The Mii’s stomach will be filled 80%.
How to Obtain:
- As a reward for rescuing the youngest Fab Fairy (only happens once during the story campaign)
- As a reward for certain random events in the field.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#5. Royal Roast
Fun fact: the Miis eat these things bone and all. Talk about hardcore!
It just wouldn’t be a medieval adventure without a good old-fashioned roast to munch on. In addition to looking surprisingly delicious for a video game sprite, this hunk of meat is hearty, strengthening, and surprisingly not too filling. Only downside is that it’s quite rare, and we’re not talking about the way it’s cooked.
What It’s Great For:
- It’s great to use on Miis with more offensive, powerhouse-like Jobs such as Warriors and Tanks.
- Tanks, Elves, and Vampires in particular can benefit from the Speed increase in addition to the Attack and Defense, as by default, they are the slowest Jobs in the game.
- The buffs to HP and Defense can also benefit less defensive Jobs such as Cats, Princesses, and Mages.
- Can make speedy Jobs such as Cats and Thieves even more speedy.
- Elves can eat this in order to remedy their notoriously low HP and speed stats.
- Can double its effects by feeding two of it to a hungry Mii.
Food Stats:
- HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed are increased by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach halfway.
How to Obtain:
- Find it in a treasure chest
- Win it from the roulette
- As a reward for saving the King of Greenhorne (only happens once in the story campaign).
#4. Doner Kebab
What, no fries with that? Lame!
One of only six foods that can boost four stats, this Mediterranean classic arguably provides the healthiest mix of buffs out of all of them, and it looks rather healthy too. Now, why would such a fancy dish be easier to come by than a regular old roast? It’s all Greek to us!
What It’s Great For:
- The four buffs it provides are given to arguably the most fundamental stats in the game, meaning every Job can benefit from them.
- Lower HP/Defense Jobs such as Elves and Princesses won’t keel over as easily.
- Slower Jobs such as Tanks and Vampires will become more agile.
- Jobs who tend to consume more MP, such as Mages and Tanks, will be able to go all out with their special attacks more often.
- Can be fed to a hungry Mii twice, doubling its effects.
Food Stats:
- HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed will go up by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach halfway.
How to Obtain:
- For free upon interacting with a certain roaming NPC.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#3. Cheesecake
Yeah, that's nice, but the real question is, why is it so yellow?
Pretty much the same deal as the Doner Kebab, with the same buffs, frequency, and other benefits. Really, we only decided to rank this one higher since cheesecake is the favorite dessert of this article’s author.
What It’s Great For:
- The four buffs it provides are given to arguably the most fundamental stats in the game, meaning every Job can benefit from them.
- Lower HP/Defense Jobs such as Elves and Princesses won’t keel over as easily.
- Slower Jobs such as Tanks and Vampires will become more agile.
- Jobs who tend to consume more MP, such as Mages and Tanks, will be able to go all out with their special attacks more often.
- Can be fed to a hungry Mii twice, doubling its effects.
Food Stats:
- HP, MP, Defense, and Speed will go up by 40.
- Fills the Mii’s stomach halfway.
How to Obtain:
- For free upon interacting with a certain roaming NPC.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
#2. Ultimate Delicacy
Are we sure we should be taking food recommendations from a bad guy?
The name might be on the debatable side since you can’t even see what the dish looks like, but don’t let that sway you from indulging in its brilliance. It’s one of the few dishes in the game that will increase four stats at once, and the only one of these to have three variants, while also being the most common and accessible of these. All those upsides must be worth the ambiguous flavor, right?
What It’s Great For:
- Increasing the defenses of more delicate Jobs such as Cats, Mages, and Princesses, making it so they won’t have to heal quite as often.
- It can also help make Tanks and Warriors even more invulnerable against enemy attacks.
- The Thief can also receive an added safety net, due to the increases in HP and Defense, and their already high speed will be buffed as well.
- Increasing the strength of various special attacks across the board. In the case of the Mage, this makes their magic-heavy moveset even more deadly.
- The Flower can benefit too, given its naturally mediocre Magic stat.
- Slower Jobs such as the Tank can benefit from the speed buff.
Food Stats:
- HP, Magic, Defense, and Speed can be increased by between 13 and 40.
- All variants will fill the Mii’s stomach 80%.
How to Obtain:
- Defeat the various Dark Lord-type enemies.
- Find it in a treasure chest.
- Win it from the roulette.
- Two-star variant only:
- Defeat the various Light and Dark bosses from the postgame gauntlets.
#1. Snurp Radish
Sounds tempting, but are you sure we have to eat it straight instead of chopping it up in a salad?
Not one for eating your vegetables? Well, this dish just might change your mind. Snurp Radishes are somewhat rare and are easier to find during Snurp-centric quests, but they have a very high drop rate from those enemies, and they’re the only Grub whose variants have a roughly equal drop rate.
What It’s Great For:
- Snurp Radishes are the only Grub that will increase all stats upon consumption.
- Players who want to prioritize certain stats above others, while also not letting said others fall by the wayside.
- Ideal for players who prefer all-around characters.
- For this reason, it is perfect for anyone who enjoys playing as an Elf or having one on their team.
- Easier to consume alongside other foods, including other Snurp Radishes, due to how light of a meal it is.
Food Stats:
- All stats can increase by anywhere between 13 and 40.
- All variants will only fill a Mii’s stomach 25%.
How to Obtain:
- Defeat a Tasty or Delicious Snurp
- Find it in a treasure chest
- Obtain during an outing
- Win it from the roulette