[Top 50] Best Minecraft Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome
It’s been ages since I gathered up all the coolest trending Minecraft skins on the web for your viewing pleasure - that’s why, this time, I decided to showcase TWICE as many skins as last time! Minecraft skin creators always manage to amaze me with how much detail and life they can imbue into a skin design using only pixel art. Without further ado, here are fifty - yes, fifty - incredible Minecraft skins with which to switch up your wardrobe in-game!
Each entry will include a title, an HD image, a link to a youtube video showcasing the skin, and a download link. I’m also going to credit the creators and specify the skin model (either “Alex” or “Steve”) in a brief comment underneath the links. Many thanks to all the creators involved - not just of the skins themselves, but the videos showing them off, too! You guys are amazing; keep up the great work!
50. + violet + Skin
Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=125
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/violet-5557519/
Everytime I look at this skin, I can’t help but think of Candyland. The asymmetrical stripes on the sleeve and the leg remind me of the stripes on a candy cane, and the vibrant purple color scheme feels sugary and sweet in a way I can only explain as “grape soda flavored.”This is an Alex skin by Buhh on PlanetMinecraft.
49. Grass Block Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/XIEK7vlE87c?t=87
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/57f41458e85cff63
This skin is simple and classic. If you’d like your Minecraft skin to be Minecraft-themed with a cool, stylish twist, look no further than _nikita_morozov_’s Grass Block skin. The translucent gray half makes the character model appear to be made out of jelly.This is a Steve skin first used by _nikita_morozov_ on NameMC.
48. Pink Themed Couples Skins

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=13
Download this Skin:
- Feminine ver. https://namemc.com/skin/8f8f113dfcb5013c
- Masculine ver. https://namemc.com/skin/ab8a1f13ed2f338b
These are Alex skins first used by Giovanka on NameMC.
They’re designed as a matching set!
47. When They’re Unreachable Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=43
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/when-they-re-unreachable/
Twixxed provides no backstory for this beautiful and striking skin beyond mentioning in the comments section that it’s a depiction of an original character. The diverse color scheme and climbing floral vines make me wish we could hear their story.This is an Alex skin by Twixxed on PlanetMinecraft.
46. Teddy Bear Girl Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/SHFHyBnAqXg?t=11
Download this Skin: https://skinseedapp.com/skins/131876A75DCABC28CB8A5834AE4507DC
I’ve never actually imported a skin to Pocket Edition Minecraft - I stopped playing that version a long time ago, before they were capable of supporting custom skins, but clearly, the game has come a long way. This skin is beautiful and detailed, and I love that the hairstyle is completely unique. Most designs use the same hairstyle due to the limited workspace, but not this creator!This is a Steve skin by Bratzilla on Skinseed.
This skin was made for Pocket Edition Minecraft.
45. Alex Holding Steve Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20018638/alex-hding-steve/
Alex holding Steve skin. Need I say more?Humorous skins are always a hoot to see, and creators are always coming up with new and clever ways to make us laugh.
This is an Alex skin by CaptainSimonio on the Skindex.
44. Illusion Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=9
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/71dbf6b5a1e5b321
This skin looks really cool - and it makes me very dizzy. The geometric patterns are fun and mesmerizing, and I like that they didn’t repeat the design identically on every side. It makes for a much more interesting skin.This is a Steve skin first used by Icosahead on NameMC.
43. f l a w s a k e n Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/XIEK7vlE87c?t=199
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/f-l-a-w-s-a-k-e-n-5494669/
This lovely, delicate pastel skin feeds my old pastel grunge phase. In real life, I have learned the hard way that I simply cannot pull off pastels; they wash me out and make me look fragile and unbalanced. With this skin, I can live out my sixteen year old pastel fashion dreams - without fearing that it won’t look good.This is an Alex skin by Angel on PlanetMinecraft.
42. Powder Blue Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=44
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/9e56b6dcfd23a11f
This sweet skin is a staple for any Minecrafter with a fondness for the warm and cozy. I can’t help but imagine that big powder blue hoodie as an oversized, fleece sweater, perfect for naps and late-night gaming sessions.This is an Alex skin first used by Giovanka on NameMC.
41. Spring has Sprung Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=74
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20205802/spring-has-sprung---rce/
The contrast between the pastel rainbow elements and the dusty neutrals of the hair and body makes this skin especially unique. There’s an adorable springtime detail that’s easy to miss if you aren’t looking closely - long, floppy bunny ears, laying over the back of the character model’s head.This is an Alex skin by catsarecool666 on the Skindex.
40. Cottagecore Angel Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/SHFHyBnAqXg?t=27
Download this Skin: https://skinseedapp.com/skins/82736551F755C7E652044F1359671E7E
The embroidery on this skin’s jeans are genuinely enviable. The mushrooms, the flowers, and the frog are all precious, adding depth of detail and design to this skin. The angel wings on the back are lovely, too. However, if you’re downloading this skin, you might want to edit it to remove the strip of peach left on the backs of the arms.This is a Steve skin by giftyypoop on Skinseed.
This skin was made for Pocket Edition Minecraft.
39. Stardown Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=158
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/stardown-5510421/
This skin’s colors are positively stunning. Vibrant purples, pinks, and golds, generating a classic galaxy color palette, swirling across the character model like Van Gogh’s Starry Night - simply gorgeous.This is an Alex skin by Fishkiss on PlanetMinecraft.
38. .:. ever green .:. Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=148
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20236430/----ever-green----/
This skin screams Tik Tok fashion - and I’m not complaining one bit. The split dye hairstyle is awesome, the colors are pleasing and soft, the pants are chunky and fun, and the elf ears? An inspired touch, if I do say so myself.This is an Alex skin by gumoholic on the Skindex.

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/XIEK7vlE87c?t=369
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/3ed0bf8a60b72bc9
I think we all know what Steve is yelling. Mouth open, eyes pushed back - he’s screaming, forever, one name, and one name only: STEEEEVE!This is an Alex skin first used by Stteevve on NameMC.
36. Teddy Bear Overalls Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=126
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/9f33e0631278c6a8
This skin is androgynous and adorable. Tik Tok aesthetics have brought brown into the limelight as a recently trendy color; it’s warm, cozy, and inviting, and, like black, it looks good with a wide range of other colors - and who doesn’t love a cute little bear cap?This is an Alex skin by an unknown user on NameMC.
35. +. i m p o s t e r .+ Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=199
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20190802/---i-m-p-o-s-t-e-r------rrce/
Among Us hasn’t been as wildly popular since its peak in 2020, but it’s managed to stick around as a common meme, folks seeing the characters in everything they encounter. Now, with this skin, they can see them when they encounter you!This is an Alex skin by BornToPlayMC on the Skindex.
Warning: this skin is a bit sus.
34. Kawaii Skin

Check out this Skin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHFHyBnAqXg&ab_channel=nyladasme
Download this Skin: https://skinseedapp.com/skins/37FA46FCFE33FE7EE3DAFD98580C1891
Pocket Edition creators seem to do some pretty innovative things with the character models to change their structure, adding extra depth and detail to the body to make them more… human-like. This creator has carefully added white to the arms to give them a bit more shape.This is an Alex skin by Priscillax7 on Skinseed.
This skin was made for Pocket Edition Minecraft.
33. Wizard of the Ender Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=178
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20018576/wizard-of-the-ender/
This would be an awesome skin to wear to battle with the Ender Dragon. I love the use of multiple values, not just of purples, but also of grays. There’s an illusion of depth; folds in the fabric and raised detailing.This is an Alex skin by Joell0 on the Skindex.
32. Urban Outfitters Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=232
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/3850fd82b82693de
We always see casual feminine skins scattered around these lists, but it’s not every day that you find a truly stylish casual masculine skin. A simple color palette makes this skin effortlessly sleek, fashionable, and functional.This is an Alex skin first used by Kfuryp on NameMC.
31. =+ S p i d e y += Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/XIEK7vlE87c?t=340
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/19941772/---s-p-i-d-e-y---/
Spiderman is one of the world’s most popular superheroes. There are probably infinite Spiderman skins online, but today, we’re showcasing BornToPlayMC’s. I love the maturity of the color palette, leaning towards more muted and reserved reds and blues, and the dimension in the details is a lovely touch.This is an Alex skin by BornToPlayMC on the Skindex.
30. Costume Hoodie Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=55
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/acb7c4ccc895e41f
It’s hard to tell what kind of creature this hoodie is meant to be, but regardless of its species, it’s extremely cute. The fluffy sleeves and the hint of ribbing along the hems add realistic details that make this simple outfit stand out in a crowd.This is an Alex skin first used by flako2013 on NameMC.
29. Carved in Stone Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=222
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/6e42536667d82c40
This skin introduces a completely new style of skin design. Instead of sticking with the flat, mostly-featureless faces and torsos that most creators use - simply because it’s easiest in this particular medium - this skin is highly detailed, almost to an uncanny level.This is an Alex skin first used by anapa on NameMC.
28. Vines Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/SHFHyBnAqXg?t=52
Download this Skin: https://skinseedapp.com/skins/E791992A080D41E30FCAEEC0859CF745
The drowsy eyes and creeping vines give this skin an undeniably pixie-ish vibe, but the outfit is cute, modern, and casual. This whole design is serving Wix. I never watched Wix growing up, but one of my closest friends did, and she showed me a bit of it; somehow, this design looks like it would fit right in among those characters’ ranks.This is an Alex skin by sisa_ on Skinseed.
This skin was made for Pocket Edition Minecraft.
27. The Mona Lisa Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=222
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/the-mona-lisa-5505939/
Is it presumptuous of me to say that this skin is redefining what a “Minecraft Skin” can be? The attention to detail, the depth of the pixelated shading, it’s absolutely breathtakingly unique. I have never, in my life, seen a more mind-blowing skin. Well done, Felidae - well-done.This is an Alex skin by Felidae on PlanetMinecraft.
26. ~ Flare ~ Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=274
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20241021/--flare----glow-effect-/
I think the best way to describe this skin would be “ominous.” The red glow peeking out from under the deep, dark gray makes me feel like I would not be excited to see this player charging at me from the darkness on a PVP server.This is a Steve skin by FoxesRule32112 on the Skindex.
25. Hatsune Miku ~First Storm~ Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/XIEK7vlE87c?t=438
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/miku-draft/
This skin must have taken the creators - yes, creators, this skin is a collaborative piece - ages and ages and ages to render. Again, there’s so much dimension to the way this skin is shaded, but my favorite part has got to be the pigtails on the back, flowing in that helix pattern shape, adding movement and life to this absolute art piece of a Minecraft skin.This is an Alex skin by DragonsDungeon and -Lunatique on PlanetMinecraft.
24. Beret Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=93
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/28ac9da8beae2842
Dark academia is always a safe bet for a cool fit. The warm neutrals and the cozy nature of the clothes always offer a timeless, elegant look. With fall approaching in the Northern hemisphere, this androgynous dark academia skin is the perfect way to switch up your Minecraft wardrobe to match the gloomy, contemplative vibes of the season.This is an Alex skin by an unknown user on NameMC.
23. *~ Kermit ~* Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=269
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20200028/*--kermit--*/
Kermit the frog is a classic favorite character for kids of all ages - as well as a surprisingly abundant source of meme material. Whether you truly love this amphibian or just think it would be funny, this Kermit skin is high-quality and delightfully detailed.This is an Alex skin by TippidyToppidy on the Skindex.
22. Fairy Skin
Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/SHFHyBnAqXg?t=71
Download this Skin: https://skinseedapp.com/skins/F7EB11697E8071ADAC392966840D930C
The crown made of vines is a lovely topper to a lovely skin - but the true beauty of this piece lies hidden on her back. Check out the download link to see her in 3D; when you spin her around, you’ll see an incredibly intricately designed pair of fairy wings, stretched across her shoulders.This is an Alex skin by giftyypoop on Skinseed.
This skin was made for Pocket Edition Minecraft.
21. .:. skele'bunny // girl .:. Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=260
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20013520/----skele-bunny----girl----/
If you’re looking for a feminine, soft punk sort of vibe, this skin is for you. Delicate pinks contrasting against rich dark grays; the juxtaposition of the bunny features and the skeletal details. This skin is super cute - but not without its edge!This is an Alex skin by gumoholic on the Skindex.
20. noobula Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/6D_yOpDsEb4?t=441
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/nebula-dude/
Astronaut suits are a fun way to use the spaces available to you when designing a skin. The helmets explain the flat facial features, and the suit itself is easy to translate to the clunky, boxy body. However, of all the astronaut suit skins I’ve seen, this one has got to be my favorite. It’s bright, colorful, and creative, and packed with sleek and futuristic details.This is an Alex skin by -Lunatique on PlanetMinecraft.
19. Darkskinned Beauty Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=13
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/12791776/darkskinned-beauty/
I rarely see Minecraft skins with dark skin ranking on lists that aren’t specifically dedicated to them, and that felt wrong to me. You’re telling me there are videos out there that flick through one hundred Minecraft skins, and none of them are black? Now that’s just unrealistic. Thank you, LuvBunny, for this beautiful and casual dark-skinned skin.This is an Alex skin by LuvBunny on the Skindex.
18. Lasagna Cat Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=88
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/f2b10fcaa769454a
At this point, Garfield is pretty much exclusively a meme - which is totally fine. It’s just the circle of life; we’ll all be memes, one day. In the meantime, if you want to wear a funny skin but still care about fashion, this skin is right up your alley. Stylish and silly - a tasty mix.This is an Alex skin first used by IMakeSkins on NameMC.
17. Steampunk Engineer Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=324
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/38a000facdc4ec72
Why does it feel like nobody talks about steampunk anymore? It feels like steampunk was everywhere for a couple years, and then it just… disappeared. Not completely, though. This steampunk engineer skin would fit right in on select roleplay servers - but it would also, of course, look great anywhere else, too!This is an Alex skin first used by Goudadan on NameMC.
16. ocean eyes Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=343
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/ocean-eyes-fs/
Don’t ask me why “eyes” is plural in this skin’s title - I couldn’t tell you. I can tell you something else, though: it’s an awesome skin. Another revisit to pastel grunge… I’m feeling self indulgent today, I suppose.This is an Alex skin by Mellie on PlanetMinecraft.
15. keroppi Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=33
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16886339/keroppi--edited-/
A Keroppi skin? …oh, yea, very self-indulgent. Keroppi is one of my favorite Sanrio characters. I’m LGBTQ+, frogs are kind of our thing. This skin is an extremely cute representation of an extremely cute character.This is an Alex skin by ef4iry on the Skindex.
14. Butcher Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=247
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/-5537675/
PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft implies that the red stains on this skin’s apron are ketchup.For our own safety, it’s probably best to just believe them.
This is an Alex skin by PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft on PlanetMinecraft.
13. Gangster Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/ahJLmK2aNFs?t=403
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/gangster-smoke-proof-of-concept/
This mafia-themed skin is breaking new grounds, regarding the limits of Minecraft skin designs. The artist has used the various layers in skin design to emulate cigar smoke curling around the character’s head. I especially like the orange glow from the embers, illuminating the left eye.This is an Alex skin by DragonsDungeon on PlanetMinecraft.
12. //isnt it lovely? Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=38
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16721874/--isnt-it-lovely-/
I chose this skin, because it reminded me of my best friend. Her favorite color is violet, and she also embodies the same level of peace and serenity that this design achieves. Aside from that, it’s also just a very pretty skin, all on its own. I really adore the hint of blush along the bottom of the face.This is an Alex skin by oofysushi on the Skindex.
11. Jack O’ Lantern Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=80
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/e438198ab6f2a567
Another excellent skin to ring in autumn, slumberparties’ Jack O’ Lantern skin combines fresh, trendy fashion design with precious - but spooky - iconography.This is an Alex skin first used by slumberparties on NameMC.
10. brighter than the sun Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=298
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/-5549584/
With antlers, flowers, and a fiery color palette, this skin is one of the more imaginative designs on this list. The striped pants remind me of the circus - perhaps this character is a ringmaster? I suppose that’s, partially, for you to decide.This is an Alex skin by thebudgie on PlanetMinecraft.
9. be with you… Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=63
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16859839/be-with-you---/
In case one wasn’t enough, here’s another stylish, cute, and casual masculine skin. This one is a bit softer and sweeter. The character looks warm and cozy, like they’re ready for a comfy hay ride through the brisk fall air.This is an Alex skin by musicallyDani on the Skindex.
8. Dragon Onesie Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/wTb97d94vmQ?t=110
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/e87dc4e544407fc4
I’m honestly not certain what creature this onesie is supposed to be… it was described as a dinosaur, which certainly fits, but it looks so much like the Ender Dragon that I felt it couldn’t be a coincidence - but if it’s meant to be the Ender Dragon, where are the wings? And the spines are all wrong, too. Whatever it is, it’s very cute - I suppose you could define its species yourself!This is an Alex skin first used by Clarysa on NameMC.
7. Bell Witch Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=344
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/bell-witch-v-3-5-years-of-progress/
This skin is a re-attempt on LogMaiden’s part; it’s common for artists to revisit old pieces to see how much their skills have grown. It’s fascinating to see the three generations of this skin progress through the artist’s style and creative tastes. The latest rendition is lovely, but I’m also quite charmed by the first attempt’s sharp, dynamic shading style!This is an Alex skin by LogMaiden on PlanetMinecraft.
6. creamsicle Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=17
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/19152266/creamsicle/
Down in the Southern Hemisphere, winter is coming to a close; spring and summer are approaching, bringing with them fresh flowers and warm weather. The pale oranges in this skin remind me of long, hot summer days by the lake, a melting popsicle in my hand and a smile on my face.This is an Alex skin by UrBestieTheIndieKid on the Skindex.
5. Shadowy Saviour Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=394
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/shadowy-saviour-calling-all-heroes/
If you don’t want to put too much thought into your skin - or if you do - this suit of armor skin will look awesome anywhere you go, without the need for context or backstory. You could come up with one if you wanted, but the creator said it might be best not to, so proceed with caution. Who knows what could be hiding under that helmet?This is an Alex skin by Tacoshet on PlanetMinecraft.
4. -daisy- Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/H9kzCZKKPg0?t=19
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16877136/-daisy-/
For a bit of a 90s vintage vibe, look no further than oofysushi’s -daisy- skin! Chunky stripes in muted tones, short skirts, and curtain bangs, all indicate a super cute retro aesthetic without the need for intricate detail.This is an Alex skin by oofysushi on the Skindex.
3. .:. man behind the slaughter .:. Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=416
Download this Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20199279/----man-behind-the-slaughter----/
I just… thought this one was funny.I mean, it’s super well-done; Gumoholic managed to take an extremely simple design and turn it into a detailed, three dimensional skin without obscuring any of the features that make it recognizable.
…but yea, I gave it the number three spot because it made me laugh. It’s my list, I can do what I want.
This is an Alex skin by gumoholic on the Skindex.
2. Moondrop/Sundrop Skin

Check out this Skin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ak5af1I3Po&ab_channel=Fr0ggie
Download this Skin: https://namemc.com/skin/ab2e17ceb32025d7
Can you tell I loved FNAF growing up?My dark backstory aside, this skin is fantastic. I love that each side is an entirely different design, representing the character it’s meant to be perfectly, with remarkable detail and skill. It’s extremely cool.
This is an Alex skin first used by saopy_ on NameMC.
1. my eye is up here Skin

Check out this Skin: https://youtu.be/U804yyAhH8s?t=464
Download this Skin: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/my-eye-is-up-here/
I know what you’re thinking: Seriously? A second eyeball head skin? Why?Because they slap, that’s why. Next question.
This skin is reminiscent of the fearsome Guardians you’ll encounter in Minecraft’s oceans, but the artist doesn’t actually remember why they designed it this way. Regardless, they dress like I do, so this skin receives the Official Adrien stamp of approval.
This is an Alex skin by Fawne on PlanetMinecraft.
There’s a skin for every player on this list, so I’m sure you’ll find just the right outfit to wear to your next friendly game night! We’ll see you around - oh, and happy gaming!
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