[Top 10] My Hero Academia Best Characters
10. Shota Aizawa-Eraser Head
Eraserhead vs. League of Villains: https://youtu.be/vx98SCsMA1A
Shota Aizawa is the homeroom teacher for class 1-A in U.A.High. He’s known for taking naps in the middle of class but when his students are in danger he hops into action to protect them.
He’s a very relatable character just wanting to nap because of how tired he is because of dealing with the students of 1-A.
- He didn’t make his hero name Eraser Head; it was given to him by his friend, another pro hero, Present Mic.
- Most don’t know it but Eraser Head prefers to battle underground.
- His scarf might just look like an accessory but he uses it as his main weapon.
What Makes the Pro Hero Eraserhead Awesome:
- Mr.Aizawa is a very stern teacher known for failing an entire class because they didn’t live up to his high expectation and because of it the class of 1-A has shined.
- He is a brilliant tactician carefully watching the battlefield for any possible ways to capture criminals and protect his students.
- His gear matches him perfectly for his style of combat in which he likes to capture the criminals quickly without letting the criminal move.
9. Toshinori Yagi-All Might
All Might vs. All for One: https://youtu.be/EhR-jf3r-SM
All Might is the symbol of peace in the My Hero Academia universe and is largely regarded as the strongest pro hero with a smile that will make you feel safe.
He’s someone I wish could be my mentor and teacher that I think would make me become my best self and push myself further.
- He was able to easily master One for All because he had a strong body from the beginning when he got his quirk.
- When he was younger he defeated All for One but was injured permanently.
Why the Number One Pro Hero is Awesome
- He saves the day with a smile letting you know everything is alright.
- He is the number one hero with unbelievable power able to devastate villains in a single punch no matter how strong they may seem.
- He stands for justice above all else and will do all in his power to save those in need no matter the situation and no matter the cost to himself.
8. Tenko Shimura-Tomura Shigaraki
Shigaraki vs. Redestro: https://youtu.be/jEJrApFzuNo
One of the most dangerous villains you somehow feel sorry for him, everyone in his family is dead and his power has been seen as terrifying only his adopted father All for One accepted him and his unique quirk ability.
I wish I could hug him but he’d kill me instantly but if he had a more positive role model I think he’d have turned out different.
- His quirk destroys anything he touches but he has to place every finger on the target.
- He held his own to Gigantomachia and Re-Destro proving his insane strength and prowess as well as his ability to grow in power.
What Makes Shigaraki so Cool
- He has a killer villain suit that matches his ability to waste away anything he touches.
- As the leader of the League of Villains, he’s incredibly strong, able to fight most pro heroes even going toe to toe with the pro hero Eraserhead.
7. Shoto Todoraki-Shoto
Shoto vs. Deku: https://youtu.be/MQXAgXZyTTk
One of the strongest students of 1-A Shoto can use ice and fire, though because of his resentment to his father he uses his ice much more than his fire, this makes his fire weaker.
One of my favorite characters he opens up as he becomes friends with Deku and his classmates.
- He was made early in the series around the first or second after a couple of others.
- He was enrolled at U. A. through recommendation so he wasn’t counted in the 18 kids to a classroom so with him and one other 1-A has 20 students.
What Makes Shoto Awesome
- He has one of the best growths in the series, when we first meet him he’s cold-hearted and then as he interacts with Deku he gets warmer and finally gets over his problems with his father to use his flame.
- He’s one of few characters with such a powerful two-part quirk at such a young age. He has master control over his ice and good control over his fire.
6. Tamaki Amajiki-Sun Eater
Sun Eater vs Yakuza: https://youtu.be/CNRcbUTql0o
One of the big three in the U. A. he has mastered his ability through vigorous training till the point where he is on par or even out skills pro heroes.
One thing about Tamaki that’s sad is the fact that he is extremely nervous and anxious, I’d love to see him get out of this and feel better about himself.
- He has one of the most versatile, if not gross, quirks because of his ability to manifest different sizes and variations of everything he eats.
- He eats Takoyaki and Clams every day because he thinks they offer great defense and offense for his quirk.
- He’s often seen on a high pedestal by pro heroes because of his amazing abilities and mastery of his quirk even though he doesn’t see himself as all that amazing.
What Makes this Anxious Young Hero so Great
- He has one of the most versatile quirks able to have great offense and defense by manifesting the things he eats.
- He has been regarded as highly skilled and more skilled than some pro heroes with absolute mastery of his quirk.
- He’s so shy it’s cute even when he’s receiving praise he doesn’t accept it and tries to brush it off but his friends don’t stop praising his skills.
5. Toga Himiko-N/A
Toga vs. Eraser Head: https://youtu.be/I5FfDfgL_bE
This villain tends to blush and act cute but will just as soon as smile at you as stab you, she is amazing for stealth because of her strange quirk ability.
Toga is a cute character and I’m not the only one who thinks so, for a villain she is often shipped, matched, with Deku and her counterpart Dabi.
- Her quirk is a lot like the Hero Killer Stain because it also uses blood, Toga uses it to transform and use someone else’s quirk, she thought this would be a great conversation starter with Stain before he was promptly arrested.
- She is a master of Tantojutsu, a type of fighting that uses blades in close combat as well as throwing blades from a considerable distance.
- Even though she’s able to use the quirk of someone she transforms into she still has to know what the power does and understand how it works.
What Makes This Cute Villain Awesome
- Even though she is a villain she is extremely sympathetic and friendly, even if it’s a little creepy sometimes, to her friends and especially Twice.
- She is powerful with an amazing quirk that she’s mastered for espionage and stealth.
- Toga has mastered her quirk allowing her to copy another person as well as their quirk as long as she understands what that quirk is.
4. Keigo Takami-Wing Hero: Hawks
Hawk and Endeavor vs. Hood: https://youtu.be/z-gktijtCNg
The Wing Hero might seem like an arrogant playboy but he knows what he wants and he’s one of the most loved pro heroes who enjoys fame and admiration but can still do what needs to be done to keep the city safe from villains.
I think he has one of the coolest quirks that he uses amazingly, he’s able to fly and save others with the individual feathers of his wings which are hard as steel and sharper than any blade, and faster than a rocket.
- He is the third-ranked pro hero before he got placed in the spot for the second pro hero when another hero retired.
- When he was only 18 years old he climbed his way into the top 10 hero spot before climbing up to the third in only 4 short years making him the youngest pro hero.
- Even though he is fast and agile he doesn’t have much physical prowess like other pro heroes so he uses his steel-like wings as daggers or swords to slice up villains.
- He’s incredibly capable when it comes to multitasking, he was able to apprehend villains, save citizens and animals all while holding a conversation with the pro hero Endeavor.
Why the Wing Hero is Amazing
- Hawk is great at multitasking, able to do multiple things all at the same time when it comes to stopping criminals, saving civilians, or many other things.
- He is the youngest pro hero to ever be in the top 3 pro heroes because of his skills and amazing control over his quirk.
- He’s able to help out allies and catch enemies with his steel-like feathers that he uses as wings to fly and swords to slice enemies.
3. Mirio Tagata-Lemillion
Lemillion vs. Overhaul: https://youtu.be/iJUfJFexdvc
Lemillion is the strongest of the big three with a strange but powerful ability to go through anything, even the ground itself. He’s mastered this unique quirk to allow himself to shoot through the ground at blazing speeds to strike like a rocket.
I love his upbeat attitude, he never gets bummed out, he just keeps trucking on and would be an amazing friend to help you out of a rut.
- His name Lemillion comes from his idea of “Well I can’t save everyone but I can save at least a million.”
- The normal clothes he uses at school don’t work with his quirk and often fell off so he had his hero costume made to stay on him when he uses his quirk.
What Makes Lemillion so Awesome
- Out of the big three, Lemillion is the strongest and considered their leader with a very unique quirk that allows him to go through everything and anyone.
- He has amazing physical ability to improve on his quirk so he doesn’t have to rely on his quirk so much.
- His ability is one of very few that follow the laws of physics, two objects can’t exist in the same space at the same time, when he does use his quirk and turns it off he shoots out of the ground like a rocket.
2. Izuko Midoria-Deku
Izuko vs. Gentle Criminal: https://youtu.be/EOn9MUssEkE
The main character of My Hero Academia, Deku trained hard to be able to use his quirk One for All without destroying his body too much, even though he still has a long way to go to be the new symbol of peace as a pro hero.
Personally, I think Deku is really cool but is kind of emotional, he will do anything for his friends and will save anyone in danger.
- Deku was born without a quirk and never developed one but was still determined to become a pro hero who saves everyone with a smile.
- He has an insane pain tolerance when he destroys the bones in his fingers, hands, arms, and feet as well as burning out his muscles and skin.
- He was spared by the Hero Killer Stain who said that he will make a good hero because he is there to protect everyone and doesn't care about the fame of being a pro hero.
What Makes Deku an Amazing Young Hero
- Deku is the main character and it’s amazing to see his progress as he becomes the strongest pro hero saving everyone with a smile like his mentor.
- Deku has fought amazing adversaries and every time he gets stronger for it.
- Even though he wasn’t born with a quirk he still wanted to become a pro hero and it’s incredibly admirable to chase your dreams and he is a great example of this.
1. Eri-Civilian
Eri & Deku Vs. Overhaul: https://youtu.be/rJhMs4xEzNM
Eri is first seen in distress being held captive by Overhaul, the Yakuza Captain, she has possibly one of the strongest quirks that are even stronger than some pro heroes.
I loved this character the first time I saw her, she is adorable and I’m glad that she gets rescued from the Yakuza family and gets control of her quirk.
- Eri is very naive and curious about everything because she was kept in seclusion by the Yakuza and it’s adorable when she has a new experience.
- Sadly her blood was being used by the Yakuza to get rid of people's quirks permanently with no remedy yet because Eri can’t control her quirk yet.
- Eri has lived a sad life when her mother disowned her for accidentally getting rid of her father, she was then taken by the Yakuza.
Why Eri is the Cutest
- Eri is absolutely adorable with an amazing quirk even though she doesn’t know how to control or use it yet.
- She is so innocent and naive that every new thing she goes through is adorable.
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