[Top 10] My Hero Academia Best Fights Worth Watching Again
10. Endeavor vs. Hood
This scene takes place after Endeavor has been made the number one hero and is having a chat with Hawk, the now number two hero, as they get attacked by Hood, the strongest Nomu we’ve seen so far with a plethora of different quirks and intelligence that other nomus lacked.
- This scene shows us the true power of Endeavor as he goes all out fighting Hood alongside Hawks against an unbelievably powerful foe.
- While Endeavor and Hood are fighting they ram through a building causing it to collapse but Hawk was able to save most of the civilians in it with his Fierce Wings as the building collapses.
- Hood seems faster and stronger than Endeavor but he doesn’t give up because he is the number one pro hero and will put his life on the line to save the city.
- Even after being injured with his body starting to fail, he finishes the fight with an epic final attack with the help of Hawk to finish off Nomu and save the city from even more devastation and needless casualties.
What's great about this scene
- This scene shows Endeavor in a new light, we’ve only seen him as an ironically cold-hearted man who was only focused on surpassing All Might and making his son become strong enough to Surpass him as well.
- We get to see Endeavor go all out in this fight which we haven’t seen before this episode, every fight he’s been in he hasn’t had to unleash his full power so it’s awesome to see him use moves we haven’t seen before in the show.
9. All Might vs. USJ Nomu
While the students of 1-A are training they get attacked by the League of Villains with a special Nomu meant specifically to fight All Might and defeat him, killing the number one pro hero.
- This scene is great to rewatch to see not just All Might fight but Eraser head as well and see their resolve when fighting to protect the students of U. A.
- Even though All Might is weakened and can’t keep his powerful form active for long he still pushes through the pain for a lot longer than he initially said he could to keep the students safe with the help of Eraser head and other pro heroes.
- He’s not just firing on full pistons he’s going way past 100% to decimate the Nomu and keep the students safe as he goes Plus Ulta!
What's great about this scene
- Not only is All Might not as strong as he used to be, he is injured and is slowly losing his power but he was still able to hold on and defeat the Nomu who was made specifically to kill the strongest pro hero All Might.
- He begins to fight the beast of a Nomu faster and stronger as they both begin to fly up the air blowing away and breaking the ground of the stadium as they fight.
- Even though after the fight he is about to switch back to his weaker form he holds on a little while longer to force back the other villains.
8. All Might vs. All for One
This fight has been long-awaited by fans of My Hero Academia and it does not disappoint with both All for One and All Might giving it their all for their causes.
- This fight was a tense scene because Bakugo is in danger because the League of Villains is trying to take him away and recruit him, but when he gets rescued by his friends All Might is able to go all out and push past his limits.
- All Might is losing his power rapidly at this point after he gave his quirk to Deku and is at a major disadvantage against All for One but he still gives it his all.
- This bloody battle caused All Might to completely lose his power but not without unleashing the ultimate move The United States of Smash to defeat All for One.
What's great about this scene
- This fight shows the true power of All Might when he goes past 100% and his resolve through the fight to defeat All for One.
- The city finally sees the true form of All Might and Deku feels his new responsibility as the future symbol of peace as the new carrier of One for All.
7. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal
Gentle Criminal has had a minor crime spree through the city while U. A. High is putting on a festival, Gentle wants to infiltrate the festival to prove himself as a pro villain.
- This fight is great because it shows us a villain we can root for because he doesn’t have the same brutal or evil kind of motivation that other villains have.
- Deku has finally gotten much more control over his quirk and can use it without breaking his body like he was when he first got One for All.
- Gentle’s quirk is really unique and he’s mastered it making this fight evenly matched and entertaining to watch as Deku figures out how to fight Gentle’s quirk.
What's great about this scene
- This scene shows Deku’s improvement without him breaking himself or getting assistance from his friends or Eri.
- Deku got new gear and this is the first time we see him use it in the show and it’s perfect for his style of fighting.
6. Shoto vs. Deku
This fight takes place at the sports festival and shows Deku’s resolve as well as Shoto’s raw power with his quirk of ice and fire as they give all they got.
- This was such a great turning point for Deku and Shoto because Deku meets his next teacher after a while Shoto starts to understand his flame is his quirk and not his father’s.
- In the sports festival if either combatant falls out of the ring they lose so Shoto had to use his ice to make sure he didn’t fall out because of Deku’s explosive force.
- Deku’s resolve and not wanting to lose made him hurt himself more than ever before not only breaking his body with a single attack but using his quirk in the same attacks twice burning and breaking his body even further.
What's great about this scene
- This scene is an amazing fight and both Deku and Shoto grow greatly because of it as people and as future pro heroes.
- We get to see Shoto finally use his flame and it’s an incredible display of raw power from both of them, they displayed so much power that the pro hero Cementoss had to hop in and create walls to cushion their attacks.
5. Red Riot: Unbreakable
Against a villain who’s using a quirk boosting drug Red Riot, Eijiro Kirishima has been training his simple quirk, hardening, and we get to see his hard work in action in this amazing fight.
- Even though the fight is short we get to see Kirishima’s growth as a student on his way to becoming a pro hero willing to put his life on the line to save people.
- Red Riot’s quirk is extremely simple and he’s said it himself it’s not very flashy but when we get to see his unbreakable form he is all you can focus on because he looks awesome and powerful to the point where even his eyes are hardened.
What's great about this scene
- This is the first time we see Red Riot use Unbreakable and it’s amazing as he fights to protect innocent civilians who are hiding behind him.
- While the Fight is short we still get to see this amazing showdown of a nonstop blade attack versus the perfect shield.
4. Red Riot & Fat Gum vs. Rappa Tengai
Red Riot and Fat Gum get separated from the other pro heroes after their attempt to save Eraser head, forcing them into fighting Rappa, an unstoppable force of power versus two unbreakable shields.
- Rappa is able to deal a lot of damage while Fat Gum and Red Riot are able to receive a lot of damage while not really being able to deal as much except for Fat Gum’s second part of his quirk.
- This fight is really cool because of how it plays out, we expect our heroes to win of course but the way this fight plays out is a sudden twist.
What's great about this scene
- Red Riot and Fat Gum are both tanky shield-style heroes with quirks that are meant to block damage from power-type quirks so going into the fight they’re at a disadvantage with having no real damage output as Rappa does.
- They took a beating and when Fat Gum just about had enough Red Riot was able to jump back in and help give Fat Gum just enough time to let out a devastating force from every hit he took from Rappa back at him to defeat him.
- We get to see two heroes fight against the odds and pull out an amazing victory.
3. Deku vs. Muscular
When U.A’s field training gets interrupted by the League of Villains Deku goes to try and find Kota because he ran away once the students arrived at the camp.
- This fight is after Deku has learned how to use at least 10% of One for All and now his body is able to control it without breaking.
- Even though he goes 100% and hurts himself he doesn’t defeat him so Deku has to go Plus Ultra and go well past his limit with One for All.
What's great about this scene
- At first, Muscular is just playing and isn’t going all out until after Deku punches him into the side of the mountain with 100% One for All and it’s amazing to see Deku get stronger and stronger as he learns to control his power.
- Deku is against an enormous enemy with destructive power that even his 100% One for All won’t defeat so he has to go Plus Ultra!
2. Shoto vs. Bakugo
This was the last big fight in the sports festival and it shows the growth of Shoto and Bakugo as they learn how to control their quirks better, Bakugo having enough control to change his direction in mid-air with his explosive blast from his palms.
- This fight is amazingly animated with quick and powerful attacks that show Bakugo’s growth and control with his quirk and it’s understandable why he got upset when Shoto refused to use his flame against Bakugo.
- Bakugo shows off an amazing attack even without his special gauntlets that he had made to store his sweat for his quirk.
- Bakugo gets understandably upset because of Shoto’s decision to not use his flame to fight because he wanted to win against Shoto when he is at his strongest.
What's great about this scene
- This scene shows how much anger Bakugo has but it’s understandable with his desire to improve and become the best.
- Bakugo shows off amazing skills and techniques against Shoto as they fight to win the sports festival as the last fight.
- We get to see the growth of Shoto as he starts to question his anger towards his father and it’s attachment to the flame side of his quirk.
1. Deku vs. Overhaul
This fight shows Deku using One for All in his whole body at 100% without breaking himself and we see him at his strongest as he fights Overhaul who enforced himself with unbelievable power and absolutely destructive force.
- We see the power of One for All at 100% as Deku gives his all to save Eri from Overhaul and the Yakuza family.
- Overhaul broke down his subordinates and used them to become this huge monster of a villain able to destroy anything in his path easily, all to try to take Eri back from Deku.
What's great about this scene
- We finally get to see Deku at full strength using One for All at 100% in one of the largest and coolest fights in the series.
- Deku has given his all in saving Eri and this fight is the last obstacle to keeping her safe from the Yakuza and mostly Overhaul.
- Even though Deku was given a grim design of the future he doesn’t care and still risks his life to save Eri and this fight shows his resolve more than any other time in the show.