[Top 15] My Hero Academia Best Fight Scenes Worth Watching Again
Childhood rivals, Bakugo and Midoriya, finally face down each other in the pursuit of becoming the greatest Heroes.
The Greatest Fights in My Hero Academia History
There's no doubting that the fights in My Hero Academia are amazing. The graphics in this Shonen Jump, alone, have rocketed this Anime to top charts all over the world giving it the reputation as one of the greatest anime of all time. But just which fights are the best? Well, that's exactly what we are here to discuss! The Top 15 Greatest fights of ALL TIME!!
15. All Might Vs. Nomu
All Might, while walking the school grounds, runs into Tenya Iida who informs him that Villains are attacking the school! All Might comes to the rescue, knocking out the majority of the villains, and securing Aizawa, Tsuyu, Minoru, and Midoriya. After placing down the children, All Might tells them that everything will be alright and gets to work fighting the Nomu!
All Might Vs. Nomu Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We see All Might go all out in a fight for the first time!
- We learn the true meaning behind the “Symbol of Peace” because even though the Nomu was specifically designed to defeat him, All Might was able to figure out how to overcome the Nomu, despite having the odds stacked against him.
- Those Villains we were worried about? Watch them get Rocked!
- All Might Plus Ultras that Nomu into space. Maybe he’ll set up the first moon base?
14. Class 1A Vs. Mirio
We learn that Mirio is one of the top students at UA as a member of the Big 3. Aizawa brought the Big 3 into their classroom as a sort of “show and tell”, but instead of all the telling Mirio believes it would be better to just show! He challenges all of class 1A at once and after everyone gets changed over and heads to the gym, Mirio tells them to attack whenever they’re ready.
Mirio vs Class 1A Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We see Lemillion’s quirk at work for the first time.
- Mirio shows the result of hard work with a quirk that has major downsides, proving that even the most underwhelming quirks, with enough hard work, can be made into quirks that seem overpowered!
- POWER, POWER, POWER, and fighting with a naked man.
13. Deku Vs. Shinso
After making it this far into the Sports Festival, the final portion is a tournament between all the top contenders! Midoriya has the added stress of making it through the tournament without using his quirk much because, at this point, he doesn’t know how to use it without seriously hurting himself. Before going into his fight with Shinso, Deku is warned by Ojiro (monkey tail guy) not to reply to Shinso because that is how his mind control quirk is activated! SPOILER ALERT: Midoriya couldn’t keep his mouth shut! Come on man! YOU HAD ONE JOB!
Midoriya vs Shinso Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We see, for the first time, that the previous One for All users are dormant inside of Midoriya.
- We are introduced to the concept of a student who wants to be a hero, but is trying to make use of a quirk that would be more suited for a villain.
- Shinso serves as an example to the bias within the hero community for bright showy powers. He very nearly defeated Deku with a quirk that isn’t showy from a boy who is not even in the hero’s course.
12. Deku and All Might Vs. Wolfram
Just as the Heroes believe they have rescued David, All Might is struck by an enormous iron pillar. Wolfram equips the quirk amplification device, and because of this, he can now use his quirk to manipulate the huge tower to exact his rage on the Heroes. All Might realizes he does not have much time in his muscular form because of the blood he is coughing up and plans to end the fight quickly. The battle begins as Wolfram sits on an Iron Throne (watch out Khaleesi) and manipulates the battlefield to overwhelm the heroes.
Midoriya and All Might vs Wolfram Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We get to see the two One for All users battle side by side for the first and, likely, only time because of All Might’s current lack of powers.
- If you ever wondered what it would be like for Superman to fight Magneto, this is the closest you’ll get!
- Is this the power of the Iron Throne, King of the Andals and the first men?
11. Deku and Bakugo Vs. All Might
During UA’s first term final exam, the students are put into teams of 2 to get past a teacher assigned to their exam. As fate would have it, Deku and Bakugo are put together to beat All Might. During the beginning, Midoriya insists that they should avoid All Might and make a break for the gate, but Bakugo refuses and says they should be going after All Might to beat him and get a better score. This argument continues until they are interrupted by a punch FROM A HURRICANE THAT THROWS THEM ACROSS THE CITY!
All Might vs Midoriya and Bakugo
What’s Great About This Fight?
- Despite the bickering at the beginning of the fight, Bakugo and Deku work together to pass their final exam. (Even if “Working together” is just Bakugo throwing Midoriya really far).
- We get to see the two young heroes, who both look up to All Might, take on their idol and see their 2 different perspectives on their idolization.
- We can imagine how awful a world it would be if All Might was a villain.
10. Uraraka Vs. Bakugo
Leading up to the final rounds of the sports festival, the brackets are shown and it is revealed that Uraraka is going to have to fight Bakugo. Understandably, Uraraka is very nervous to fight him because WHO WOULDN’T BE? Midoriya tells Uraraka that he has a plan for her to beat him but she refuses the help as she feels she needs to do this herself! She reassures her friends that she’s going to win, then heads to the arena.
Uravity vs Bakugo Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We get to see Uraraka’s drive for the first REAL time as she refuses to give up until she, literally, can’t go on any further.
- Despite her quirk being mostly utility and supportive, she shows that she has the capability of making her quirk into an offensive powerhouse.
- We see Uraraka’s offensive mindset vs. Midoriya’s utility mindset as Deku admits his plan for Ochaco was to get in close and touch Bakugo to float him out of bounds.
- We get a glimpse of Uraraka’s brilliance, even while under fire.
- Bakugo respects someone?? WHAT?!
9. Deku, Iida, and Todoroki Vs. Stain
Tenya Iida’s brother was a victim of the Hero Killer, Stain, and, as a result, Tenya is actively searching for Stain to exact vengeance. During that time, Stain is trying to take out the League of Villains who just released Nomu in the city after he rejected to join their League. The Pro-Hero Native identifies the Hero Killer while Stain moves through the city, but right before Stain kills Native, Iida attacks Stain and reveals himself as Ingenium.
Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki vs Stain Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We see Iida break that “teacher’s pet” stereotype and watch him grow in his resolve to become a proper hero.
- We see an outsider's perspective on the corruption within the hero community with a conflicting ideal of what is right and wrong.
- This marks the beginning of the idealization of what Stain stood for (which accidentally creates more villains for the very group he was attempting to take down. Oops!).
- Stain recognizes Midoriya as a True, Worthy Hero.
8. Aizawa Vs. League of Villains
Class 1A is in the gym to do their rescue training when the League of Villains warps into their training area. Aizawa tells the students to be on alert because the Villain attack is very real and instructs the Pro-Hero, Thirteen, to protect them. Knowing that Aizawa’s quirk is meant more for stealth and one on one fights, Midoriya questions his teacher on his ability to take on the villains. Aizawa replies that Pro-Heroes must be versatile, then proceeds to take on the League of Villains like an absolute boss.
Aizawa vs League of Villains Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- Up until this point, Aizawa has just seemed like a tense teacher who just slept during any free time he was given.
- Despite his cold, dry personality we get a glimpse of the lengths class 1A’s teacher will go to in order to protect his students.
- Aizawa is the first real look we get into a hero that does not have a showy power but is extremely powerful nonetheless.
- Even when he is eventually captured by the Nomu, Aizawa stays in the fight by doing everything he can, while in extreme pain, to protect his students.
7. Bakugo Vs. Todoroki
Leading up to the final battle of the sports festival, Bakugo bursts into Todoroki’s waiting room and accuses Todoroki of being in the wrong room before Bakugo realizes that this IS Todoroki’s room. Before leaving, however, Bakugo threateningly tells Todoroki to use his fire powers against him and to not hold anything back. Bakugo yearns to be able to say that he defeated Todoroki at his full power and Bakugo informs Todoroki that his feelings and family problems do not matter. After this brief heated exchange, both competitors enter the arena.
Bakugo vs Todoroki Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- The final battle of the sports festival, duh!
- We see Todoroki still conflicted about using his “fire half” even after his fight with Midoriya.
- Although Bakugo wins, he doesn’t believe that he truly won because Shoto held back his fire half and therefore, did not use his full power against Bakugo.
- Todoroki’s quirk is almost the opposite of Bakugo’s quirk. We get to see the interaction between a power that focuses on large imprecise attacks vs. a power that manages precise movements and strikes!
- This is the culmination fight between the two prodigies that keeps everyone at the edge of their seat.
6. Todoroki Vs. Deku
As Deku is walking to the arena, he runs into Todoroki’s father “Endeavor”. Endeavor states that Midoriya’s quirk is a lot like All Might’s (which makes Deku very nervous) and that his son is to, one day, surpass All Might, so this fight would be a good test. Midoriya confronts Endeavor about this and says that he is not All Might, and although Todoroki is his son, he is not Endeavor. Remembering that Todoroki declared he would not use Endeavor’s fire side and would win without it, Deku walks onto the stage with the revelation that Todoroki’s quirk is his own.
Midoriya vs Todoroki Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- Midoriya spends the majority of the fight pushing Todoroki to use his fire half even though he still wants to win!
- Midoriya breaks his same fingers MULTIPLE TIMES for the first time in battle, pushes through the pain, and tries to outlast the downside of Todoroki’s quirk (freezing up his left side).
- The visuals of the compact air strikes shattering ice over and over are SO COOL! We also get to see chess-like gameplay from Todoroki in setting up defenses to prevent himself from being thrown out of bounds.
- Todoroki begins thinking of his quirk as his own instead of a curse from his father!
5. Deku Vs. Muscular
At the quirk training camp, Deku meets the young boy Kota whose parents were Pro-Heroes but were killed by the villain “Muscular”. Because of this, Kota has grown to hate and reject heroes, feeling that his parents abandoned him. Once the Vanguard Action Squad appears with the mission to kidnap Bakugo, Muscular finds Kota as he is hiding out in his “secret hideout”. Midoriya goes looking for Kota once he notices the boy is missing, suspecting Kota is at his hideout. Just as Muscular begins to crush Kota and Kota realizes Muscular is the villain that killed his parents, Midoriya appears to rescue Kota and fight off Muscular.
Midoriya vs Muscular Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- Deku begins to embody the role of a hero even though Kota rejects heroes after his parents’ death.
- We watch as Deku heroically motivates Kota to believe in Heroes again and Kota, in turn, believes that Deku is a true hero.
- Deku takes on a villain with a similar quirk to his own and uses the iconic 1 million percent Delaware Detroit Smash to win.
- We hear that the League of Villains came to kidnap Bakugo to turn him to their side.
4. Deku Vs. Bakugo (Part 2)
Following the results of the licensing exam, we find out that Deku passed while Bakugo failed. Bakugo feels that the gap between himself and Midoriya is growing larger and he is beginning to become overwhelmed with anger at Midoriya, all of a sudden, having a powerful quirk. Bakugo tells Midoriya to meet him after curfew and they travel to Ground Beta where Bakugo reminds Deku that this was the place that he defeated him earlier in the year.
Katsuki puts forward his suspicions that All Might gave his quirk to Deku as after Deku’s quirk appeared, All Might got weaker and Deku was the only one who had an adverse reaction to All Mights speech after the battle with All for One. Deku remains silent during this, confirming to Bakugo that this is true. Bakugo expresses that although they both looked up to All Might, All Might acknowledged Midoriya over him. Bakugo shouts that they need to fight right here, right now.
Deku vs Bakugo Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We get to see some more of Bakugo being a crazy person.
- The feud between Deku and Bakugo finally reaches a breaking point in which Bakugo finally tells Midoriya how he feels and what he thinks of him.
- This is one of the first times that Bakugo's adaptability and intelligence are shown as he adapts to his weaknesses and uses them to throw Midoriya off balance.
- This is the moment that Bakugo puts together all the clues given throughout the series that Midoriya’s quirk came from All Might and from here Bakugo is in on their secret.
- The dramatic building of this rival fight is finally met with a very satisfying all-out brawl.
3. Lemillion Vs. Overhaul
The Heroes develop a plan to save the young girl Eri and to put an end to the Yakuza led by Chisaki. Mirio, along with all the other heroes and students studying under them, work their way through Overhaul’s base. The Heroes decide to spread out to find the girl. After much searching, Mirio is the first to happen upon Overhaul and Eri in the narrow hallway and locks gazes with the villain. Mirio calls for them to stop as he was not going to let Eri get away from safety after allowing her to be put back in danger after their first meeting. Lemillion quickly dispatches Shin Nemoto and Deidoro Sakaki, then he begins his assault on Overhaul and Chronostasis.
Lemillion vs Overhaul Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- Wow, this one will get you. If you didn’t cry during this fight, we can’t be friends.
- Mirio sacrifices EVERYTHING to save Eri, proving he is the ultimate hero.
- Despite the period of time his quirk is erased, he still holds his own against Overhaul, outsmarting and outmaneuvering him at every turn.
- Anytime we get to see Overhaul’s quirk in use, it’s going to be cool. Overhaul has the best quirk in the series in my opinion.
- Seriously, Mirio’s passion to be Eri’s hero at the cost of everything is just too much to handle.
2. All Might Vs. All For One
Ever since we first learned of All for One, all of us fans began waiting desperately for this clash and we finally got it! After Bakugo was kidnapped by the League of Villains, the Pro-Heroes found the League’s base and planned a raid on it to rescue the captured student. Once the heroes reached them, however, All for One transported all of the members of the League of Villains to his location at the Nomu factory. As all the Heroes cleared the base of the crazed Nomu, All Might left the raid to Endeavor and sprinted to the Nomu factory to face All for One alone. The Symbol of Peace arrives, proclaiming he will save Bakugo and the destined fight begins.
All Might vs All for One Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- This fight is foreshadowed through the entire beginning of the series, so the moment it finally happens is one of the most intensely satisfying scenes in the entire anime.
- All Might can feel the embers of his quirk leaving him, despite this he still fights with everything he has to take down All for One, forcing himself into retirement.
- SHOCKWAVES EVERYWHERE. At every turn, All Might has to constantly outdo himself because All for One does not let up on his full assault.
- Some of the coolest animation in history as the variation of All for One’s powers linger across the screen met by the shockwaves of All Might’s punches.
- We get to watch faceless Darth Vader get taken to prison!
1. Deku Vs. Overhaul
Just as Mirio sustains heavy wounds from Overhaul, Deku and Nighteye burst through the wall to Mirio’s aid. Noticing the dire situation, Nighteye bounds towards Overhaul to take him on, but after a few exchanges, his future sight sees no future in which the heroes defeat Overhaul and save Eri. Nighteye is heavily wounded by Chisaki and Midoriya jumps into the fray saying that despite Nighteye seeing no path to victory, he will create one himself!
Midoriya vs Overhaul Clip
What’s Great About This Fight?
- We get a real look at what Midoriya will be like once he masters One for All at 100% Power.
- This is proof that even powers of precognition can be wrong in certain situations when faced with pure determination to succeed.
- Eri decides, for herself, that she DOES want to be saved after her lifelong abuse.
- This fight becomes a large scale battle as Overhaul consumes his followers, becoming bigger and stronger with each one.
- Immediate joy after the fight with Mirio is very much needed.
Once you get done rewatching all of these fights 2 or maybe 3 times, let me know if you agree with my ranking order! Detroit Smash that comment section if you think I got it wrong and maybe WE can have a battle of fate that may even make it on another Top Fights list!
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