Well, true gamers, we have much to talk about this beautiful game… Outlast 2, the sequel of Outlast brings us many thoughts, lamentations and discussions about it. I have to say that I really appreciate Outlast 2 for so many reasons as the back story, characters, the pacing and of course the villains.
Outlast 2 has many difficulties to choose from and today we’re gonna take a look at all those ones so you know which one it's better for you to be a better player like myself.
Story Mode
Story Mode: I’m just here for the ride is a story mode as it says because you don’t have to worry about the monsters or villains along the playthrough, your only goal is to see and understand what is behind Outlast 2. You’ll be able to pay attention to the minimum details about the game, whether it's dark green grass you didn't notice in your yard or a body buried next to that same lawn.
How it works:
- To play this mode you just have to start the game and choose this mode.
- Monsters, villains and other characters with killer intentions will be insignificant so it can be boring sometimes
- Your life is almost infinite but if you’re thinking that you can leave the game to do the dishes it's better to be in a safe place.
Choose this difficulty if:
- you just want to see how beautiful and disgusted this story can be;
- you’re a casual player and don’t want to be pissed about the monsters;
- you want to check everything on minimum details and be an expert about the Outlast 2 story.
Normal: no walk in the park difficulty is like every normal mode of every game you see these days. It’s just normal, the difficulty is reasonable and the monsters have quite good damage and everything else is just ok. If you’re thinking this mode is like the Story one, you're very wrong, my dear gamer friend. In the Normal difficulty you don’t have time to think like the previous one, you have to be worried about the monsters and villains as well but you can also clearly pay attention to the story part.
How it works:
- every monster or villain will be able to kill you with a few hits but your life it’s good to counter them;
- the tension goes up compared to the Story mode;
- you always have to hide from the monsters.
Choose this difficulty if:
- you want a pleasant but extremely linear experience;
- you’re a good casual player;
- you don't want a boring experience.
Hard: I enjoy dying is another place to be I should say. This mode can be unnatural for some gamers because Outlast 2 it’s a not a normal game. Keep that in mind. Those creatures thirsty for your blood, yearning for carnage and brains all over the wall can be your worst nightmare when you thought you were sleeping but in reality you’re on a loop of dreams. First time I started to play Outlast 2 I chose Normal mode because it is what I usually do every time on every game I start to play — and I think everyone does this as well — and I might say that I became depressed.
How it works:
- pay attention on every monster or villain, hide from them and keep safe;
- monsters damage is quite high compared to the previous modes;
- There are less checkpoints than Story and Normal difficulty.
Choose this difficulty if:
- you’re not a casual player and like to be challenged;
- you want an experience of gaming and also some difficulty;
- ou’re not a rookie.
Nightmare: I deserve to be punished is the second to last mode of Outlast 2 you can choose for playing. Do not play in nightmare mode for the first playthrough. You'll die so often the game loses its ability to scare you. Also the night vision drains battery so fast and batteries become so scarce that you virtually cannot continue if you aren't hyper efficient with the battery. Also you can't explore at all in nightmare mode, you just don't have the battery to spare. So I recommend this mode if you have already finished the game at least two or three times.
I said the Hard one is really hard but this mode has its purpose to call it Nightmare because you always want to wake up from it and back to your senses, however you’ll not be able to do this.
How it works:
- monsters can kill you easily with one hit;
- battery is scarce as hell;
- even fewer checkpoints than the previous mode.
Choose this difficulty if:
- you have already finished the game at least two or three times;
- you want to surpass your limits throughout the game;
- you know that you will won't have time to pay attention on the story behind the game;
- you’re a good player and nothing scares you.
Insane: Life Simulator. Well… do you enjoy your life? Have you ever gone through difficulties in your life? Your girlfriend cheated you, my dear gamerboy? This mode can simulate all these things and prove to you that these same things are nothing compared to what this game can offer you. The suffering, grieving and the ability to stay insane are the best things you’ll be able to have in this mode.
Insane mode can also make you cry to your mommy and you’ll remember that your mom is also a monster cuddling your hair while she drools looking at your skin, thirsty to bite it. After playing this mode, your real life is gonna be better than nothing.
How it works:
- enemies can kill you easily with one strike;
- batteries and bandages almost doesn’t exist;
- there’s no checkpoint;
- If you die, you have to start the game from the beginning.
Choose this difficulty if:
- you’re crazy… kidding, if you want to surpass your fears and encounter the most difficulty mode;
- you finished the game a lot of times;
- don’t an experience of enjoying the story but an experience of hell;
- you’re good with the conditions of this mode.
Make a gamer choice...