Released in 2014 by Red Barrels, Outlast is one of the most striking horror games ever produced. At launch, the game had only the standard difficulty. After a few updates, the developers added more options to the game.
Despite not having any type of defense (the protagonist only has his camera and his legs to run) Outlast has 4 difficulties to make the experience even richer.
In this article, we will explore each of the difficulties and their characteristics and, then, present you with the best choice for you!
#4 - Normal
On normal, although the game is still a lot frightening...
- The enemies are slow and inattentive.
- Enemies walk while chasing you.
- The protagonist does not have to worry much about the sounds he makes when opening doors and jumping over obstacles.
- The number of batteries you can carry is quite large, and you can find them easily on the game map.
- The protagonist can take many hits until dying, 3 or 4 on average.
Choose this difficulty if...
- If you are more focused on the game's story instead of frightening and difficult encounters with its many foes.
#3 - Hard
On hard mode, things get a little more exciting...
- Most enemies do not walk while chasing you but run.
- The amount of hits you can take is halved.
- The number of batteries is greatly reduced, but still enough to have night vision for most of the game.
Choose this difficulty if…
- If you want to concentrate on the game’s story but still challenge yourself with the setbacks and difficulties.
- If you want a moderate difficulty. Not so comfortable, not so frenetic.
#2 - Nightmare
Nightmare mode brings more shine and horror to your experience...
- The variants are much more attentive and intelligent.
- They listen and search for you with much more precision, and, of course, at the highest speed.
- The number of batteries you can carry is extremely limited, only two, and they are hard to find on the game map.
- Night vision consumes the battery much faster.
- The scarcity of batteries causes you to walk around in the dark or with blurred night vision sometimes.
- You die with only one hit from the main variants.
Choose this difficulty if...
- If you are seeking a strategic challenge and want to boost the haunting feeling of being chased frenetically.
- If you want to have a more immersive and realistic experience.
#1 - Insane
In insane mode, we have the same conditions as in Nightmare mode, with only one difference:
- It is a YOLO. No checkpoints. When you die, the character goes back to the beginning of the game.
- If you finish the game in Insane mode, you get the Lunatic trophy and probably world recognition as such xD
Choose this difficulty if...
- If you want the utmost challenge this game can offer, or else you simply like suffering xD
- If you have plenty of free time and patience and have already finished the game on other difficulties.