1. Loey Lane
Loey Lane is also known as Loey Stromboli on Twitch
Loey Lane is a paranormal youtuber who also streams on Twitch. She is very popular and well known for her paranormal storytimes and her horror game reactions. She plays an array of horror and arg games on both channels.
I am personally a big fan of Loey’s. She is one of the best storytellers that I have ever listened to. She is very good at immersing her audience when streaming horror games. If you are looking for a funny, entertaining, spooky and relatable streamer then give her channel a try.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/loeylane
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/loeystromboli
2. Spooky Loopz
Spooky Loopz is the Dead By Daylight king.
Spooky Loopz is a twitch streamer who mainly plays Dead By Daylight. He has a youtube channel as well where he posts his best DBD moments. He is a twitch partner which is a great achievement.
Spooky Loopz is hilarious and very entertaining to watch. He has some of the best character builds that I have ever seen for Dead by Daylight. While that game is so fun to play, he makes it even more fun to watch with his quippy commentary.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/spookyloopz
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyloopz
3. Markiplier
Markiplier is one of the most recognized Five NIghts at Freddy’s streamers.
Markiplier is a very popular and well known streamer on Twitch and Youtube. He mainly uploads his playthroughs of horror games. He is also an actor, film director, producer and screenwriter which makes him a man of many talents.
I first encountered Markiplier while watching his playthroughs of Five NIghts at Freddy’s. His unique personality and undeniable talent keeps viewers coming back for more. He is one of the best horror streamers and I'm not sure if FNAF would be where it is today without his video playthroughs.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@markiplier
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/markiplier
4. Jacksepticeye
Jacksepticeye is one of the funniest men on the internet.
Jacksepticeye is an Irish Youtuber popular for his humor and his video game streams. He is a horror streamer and he also vlogs and sketches. He started his youtube channel in 2007 and in 2012 his life changed forever when he won a shoutout contest hosted by Pewdiepie He went from 2,000 subs to 15,000 subs pretty much overnight. He now boasts 30.5 million subs on Youtube.
Jacksepticeye is a great entertainer. His wit and comedy really make his channel unique. He is one of the most amazing streamers on the internet. I highly recommend that if you are having a bad day to watch his channel and it will turn your day around.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jacksepticeye
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jacksepticeye
5. Orchlon
Orchlon is one of the best Resident Evil streamers out there.
Orchlon is a streamer on Twitch that mostly plays Resident Evil. He is originally from Mongolia which is very cool. He is known by friends as Orch or Orchy.
Orchlon holds world records for Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 2 remake, and Resident Evil 3 remake. I would dare to say he knows his stuff when it comes to RE. His streams have provided the ability to purchase all of his equipment .Viewers can usually find him between 9pm and 12am streaming on Twitch. He has a very wholesome channel and I enjoy watching his content very much.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@OrchlonSR
Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/orchlon/home
6. LobosJr
Lobos Jr has a dedicated fan base that call themselves The Wolfpack.
Lobos Jr is a Twitch streamer popular for his Dark Souls series. Before he began his streaming career he worked for BioWare on the game Star Wars:The Old Republic. That is a huge accomplishment in the gaming world. He also happens to be the younger sibling of the actor and gamer Brian Villalobos.
With a personality that shines through the screen, he makes easy to relax and just enjoy his streams. The atmosphere is cozy and welcoming. While he is known for darker horror games, he recently shared himself playing Pokemon. It was a nice trip back in time to childhood.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@LobosjrGaming
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lobosjr
7. 8-bit Ryan
Ryan is an English sensation while streaming heart-pounding horror content.
Before gaining fame on Youtube, Ryan was a drum teacher. His channel started out dedicated to horror content but now includes professionally crafted gaming videos. His most recent video was reviewing the new Five Nights at Freddy’s film.
I enjoy this streamers channel so much because it is such a niche category of games reactions. Not many creators cover 8-bit games. Loey Lane covered one of his videos on her channel and that is how I stumbled upon his channel and I am so glad that I did.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/8bitryan
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iam8bitryan
8. John Wolfe
John Wolfe is a wonderfully intriguing storyteller.
In 2011 John started his Youtube channel with a video about a Dragon Age glitch. His content is centered around horror and adventure gameplay. With an impressive 8.1 million views, his most recognizable video is a FNAF death montage.
I have just recently discovered his channel through a search for Goosebumps. His newest upload reviews Goosebumps as a series and if it has withstood the test of time. I enjoy his storytelling; he creates a very moody vibe.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JohnWolfe
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/johnwolfe
9. Bawkbasoup
Bawkbasoup possesses a warm and welcoming personality which adds to his popularity.
Bawkbasoup is a Twitch partner that joined the platform over a decade ago back in September 2013. He started streaming mostly Resident Evil, Tomb Raider and World of Warcraft. He also is a professional chef hailing from Canada. A really neat feature of his channel is his Bawktober event which takes place during October during which he plays horror games.
Bawkbasoup has successfully grown a loyal fanbase with his warm and welcoming environment. He is a truly lovely individual with a very calm demeanor. He is also very funny which is the cherry on top of his wonderful personality.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@bawkbavods3930
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bawkbasoup
10. Gab Smolders
Gab Smolders is one of the best female streamers on the Twitch platform.
Gab smolders is a Dutch gaming youtuber who focuses her content on horror games. She spent time living in Japan and can speak Japanese as well as her native Dutch language. Silent Hill and The Witch’s House playthroughs were the games that started her channel. She boasts 1 million subs on Youtube and frequently collabs with John Wolfe which is awesome.
I really enjoy her channel. Right now she is streaming Halloween Stories: The Neglected Dead which is so cool to watch. She is a great entertainer and if you are a fan of the Alan Wake series then her channel has a plethora of videos great for binging.. Gab Smolders is a wonderful creator to support and I love seeing women in gaming, especially in the horror niche.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GabSmolders
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gabsmolders