[Top 5] Overwatch Best Beginner Supports That Are Powerful
If you’re new to Overwatch 2, one of the roles that may interest you is support. But my friend, you should prepare yourself for the pain of being targeted by every member of the enemy team.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hiding in the back only to get headshot by a widowmaker or picked off by a reaper from behind. However, I’m not here to judge you; I’m here to show you the 5 best beginner supports that are powerful.
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Expert Analysis: In all my time spent playing Mercy, I’ve learned that her healing stick is a bit overpowered. She can heal an entire team singlehandedly and defend herself if needed. If you’re a beginner, it also helps that her passive is that she automatically self-heals over time.
Advice: When and if you choose her, don’t forget that your rod does a damage buff as well as healing. You can also fly away to escape if the battlefield is too much. And lastly, your pistol is only a glorified nerf gun, so only use it if you have to, as it doesn’t do very much damage.
What makes Mercy great for Support:
- The Caduceus Staff deals 55 points of healing per second
- Her Ultimate ability allows you to heal the entire team simultaneously
- The Revive ability can give you the chance to bring back a fallen teammate if your team needs more firepower or damage output
- The ultimate ability lasts for a full 15-seconds
- Other than healing, Mercy’s staff gives a 30% damage buff to teammates
Pro - Grovylite - playing mercy:
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Expert Analysis: Moira is powerful both in healing and in damage. Her orbs can easily heal or weaken an entire team, depending on what the situation calls for. She’s also a good counter to multiple DPS and Tanks as I have come to learn from playing her.
Advice: Don’t waste orbs, plain and simple. You don’t want to be in a situation where you wasted a damage orb and now your team needs a healing orb because everyone is low on health all of a sudden (which happens more often than you’d think).
What makes Moira great for Support:
- The first second of healing deals 70 healing points
- Subsequent seconds heal 35 points
- Her healing orbs do 65 points of healing per second, but can do up to 300
- Her ultimate coalescence allows for 140 healing points per second
- The ultimate lasts for 8 seconds, meaning you’ll have ample time to heal the whole team
Pro - ARX - playing Moira:
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Expert Analysis: Lucio has been a part of my roster since the beginning, for obvious reasons. As Lucio, as long as you keep the team in your circle, you can passively heal them as well as return fire on the enemy team. Whether you have experience with him or not, Lucio is someone that anyone can pick up and learn
Advice: For starters, don’t only use sprint or health; add some variety. This is because Lucio can either help the team stay alive or retreat, and since everything in Overwatch is fast-paced, Lucio has to adapt according to the present moment. Also, wall-riding is your best friend because it keeps you alive and on the point when maybe your team is dead and respawning.
What makes Lucio great for Support:
- His wall ride passive ability lets you move 30% faster to keep the enemies away from you so you can focus on healing
- His sonic amplifier deals 16 points of healing to all teammates in his circle per second
- His area of effect for healing goes up to 12 meters in diameter
- His amp it up ability adds 34 healing points per second for a total of 3 seconds
- His ultimate has a 30 meter diameter and gives each of your teammates a health spike of 750 points
Pro - FDGOD - playing lucio:
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Expert Analysis: I’ve been playing Brigitte since 2017, and she’s a great support for plenty of reasons. She can self-heal, heal others, and provide damage all at the same time.
Advice: When using Brigitte, don’t think that just because you can get close and do some damage, doesn’t mean you should. Healing your teammates always takes priority over doing damage. Also, be sure to use your shield bash and whip shot abilities to push the enemy team off of the point.
What makes Brigitte great for Support:
- In using your rocket flail, you heal 15 points of health every one second
- Your repair pack heals a total of 110 health points over 2 seconds
- You get three that take about 6 seconds to fully recharge
- Her ultimate ability, Rally, gives teammates in the general vicinity 15 overhealth points per 0.5 seconds
- The ultimate lasts a full ten seconds, giving you ample time to support your dying team on the final push of the match
Pro - Violet - playing brigitte:
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Expert Analysis: Baptiste has to be the support with which I have the most experience. Baptiste has an arsenal of abilities and health grenades that provide all the support he needs to carry the team. Baptiste is perfect for the support who wants to do an equal amount of healing and damage.
Advice: When you want to use your regenerative burst, don’t waste it; by that, I mean don’t use it when your teammates are only down 10 or 15 health, because it’s better used if your team is very low on health. Try not to use your immortality field at the wrong moment; instead, save it for when an enemy is using their ultimate trying to kill your team.
What makes Baptiste great for Support:
- His healing grenades deal 70 healing points on direct impact and 50 healing points through thesplash effect
- His clip can hold up to 13 healing grenades
- Regen Burst gives 100 health over 5 seconds if the teammate is over 50% health
- Regen Burst gives 150 health over 5 seconds if the teammate is under 50% health
- The Immortality field keeps anyone under 10% health alive, regardless of what is trying to damage them
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