The Importance Of New Maps
With several new maps added to Overwatch 2, the best maps in the game have changed. A good map is made of a versatile environment, beautiful scenery, and visual clarity. Which maps in Overwatch 2 are the most fun to play, and why?
10. Colosseo
Starting off with one of the new maps, Colosseo is vibrant, spacious, and fun to play on. The fresh environment gives new and old players different options when using their preferred heroes. However, as pretty as it is, the structure of the environment is the best part of this map.
The combination of narrow streets, spacious bases, and close-quarter combat zones adds to the experience on the map. It’s definitely a map more catered toward aggressive heroes and players, but the map is very fun to play. Especially for those familiar with the game. Beginners may struggle to keep up with the pace.
Map rating: 85/100
9. Busan
Although I’m not a huge fan of control maps, it’d be impossible to make this list without mentioning the beautiful Busan. Now that time changes in the Overwatch 2 maps, the neon lights and colors of Busan pop more in the night, creating a more aesthetic atmosphere. Beyond that, the map offers some of the best avenues of attack in the entire game.
One of the maps, Sanctuary, features a drum on the control point where you can hide and stall. It gives your team a great advantage while also heightening the tension in the game. MEKA Base features unique shields around the point that activate and deactivate. If you time it right, you can use the shields to save your life. Lastly, Downtown has narrow streets and an open space near the back of the objective where you can boop enemies off the map; Lucio players will love the Downtown map.
Map rating: 85/100
8. Midtown
Yet another new map, but Midtown is a perfect addition to the Overwatch map list. Not only is it spacious with plenty of avenues for attack, but it offers intriguing twists and turns with the streets that add tension to the game.
The end of the map is a highlight since it goes indoors, showing off the cool color palette. As for the gameplay, you have to play in a closer, more compact area. Thanks to this, Midtown forces you to rethink your strategy and keeps you on your toes. If you like maps that make you think, Midtown is perfect for you.
Map rating: 90/100
7. Lijiang Tower
Lijiang Tower is a map that appeals to a wide variety of heroes. Defense heroes, offense heroes, main and off tanks, and main and off supports can all work depending on which map you’re playing in Lijiang Tower. There are spacious maps where you can use long-ranged heroes, or there are close-quarters choke points where you can utilize heroes such as Reaper.
The best part about Lijiang is that there are always spots you can use to knock your enemies off the map. This makes for a unique dynamic where your enemies have to be more mindful of where they’re stepping. On the other hand, you have to be mindful too. If you like maps where you have to use the environment to your advantage (or be mindful of it so it doesn’t bring you a disadvantage), then Lijiang Tower is perfect for your playstyle.
Map rating: 90/100
6. Dorado
Dorado is so high on this list because of how simple yet fun it is. Since Overwatch 2 is seeing an influx of new players, Dorado is perfect for them. Dorado is great for beginner players since it has a straightforward layout, a gorgeous color palette, and plenty of opportunities for various types of heroes to shine.
Along with how easy it is for beginners, it’s also one of the most festive maps in the game. These festivities are thanks to the game’s lore, where Dorado is celebrating the end of the Omnic crisis. So not only is the map well-balanced with vantage points and close-ranged combat, but it also adds more depth to the game’s lore.
Map rating: 90/100
5. Ilios
Unlike Dorado, Ilios panders more toward experienced players thanks to the lack of choke points. This makes Ilios a very aggressive map where you always have to stay on your toes. Any experienced player will have a blast changing heroes to best suit the map and enemy team composition.
The best part about Ilios is how many different level designs there are. Between the three maps, there are lots of twists and turns that keep you switching your tactics. Of course, there’s always an area to boop your enemies off the map, but otherwise, the maps are completely different from one another.
Along with that, Ilios is one of the most gorgeous maps in the game. Its environment is cozy and makes you feel at peace. However, this map is the opposite of peaceful since you’ll have a barrage of Pharah and Echo players ready to shoot you down. Make sure you’re always paying attention; otherwise, a flanker might sneak up on you.
Map rating: 90/100
4. Paraíso
Moving to Brazil, Paraíso is a new Overwatch 2 map with narrow streets that favors close-quarters and flankers. Flankers have many opportunities to sneak behind the enemy and launch their attack, making this map very fast-paced and aggressive while also having gorgeous graffiti to give it a distinct aesthetic.
Paraíso allows flankers to dominate, but support heroes get a huge advantage too. Thanks to the narrow streets, there’s more cover to play with. Although this benefits the entire team, support players especially get to utilize these points and hide behind them. Thanks to the support players having more room to breathe, tank players can relax and push up without having to worry as much about peeling back for their healers.
Map rating: 95/100
3. Junkertown
Junkertown is a classic map with a different feel to it than the other maps in the game. Overall, Junkertown has a fun vibe to it with the jewel-encrusted cart the attackers have to push and the steampunk feel the inside of Junkertown has. Any player who enjoys unique map design will love Junkertown.
This map is known for how spacious it is. Although it gets narrower as you progress, the first section of the map is perfect for long-ranged heroes. If you play hitscan, this map is your best friend. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t utilize other heroes as well. Roadhog is great since there are plenty of sections both at the beginning and end of the map that allow him to flank.
So, in short, this map is amazing for all types of heroes, including, but not limited to, flankers, hitscans, and defensive heroes.
Map rating: 95/100
2. Eichenwalde
Eichenwalde is a beloved map thanks to how creative it is. The first half of the game takes place outdoors in a spacious area, making it viable for long-ranged heroes such as Pharah and Echo. The second half takes place indoors, making it less viable for the flying heroes, but hitscan still has a chance as there are many spots for high ground inside.
Eichenwalde has it all: tight corners, spacious outdoors, a mini castle with close-quarter battle opportunities, and more. It is one of the most beloved maps in the game because it runs smoothly and provides players of all types of heroes with a lot of fun. It’s nearly impossible not to have fun on this map. If not for the vibrant environment, then for the fluid gameplay it provides.
Map rating: 100/100
1. King’s Row
It would be impossible to make a list of the best maps in Overwatch 2 without mentioning King’s Row. This map will forever remain a classic due to how fluid it is. It always plays smoothly. Even bad games on King’s Row still give players a fun experience since the map has clear choke points, areas for cover, and more.
Like Eichenwalde, much of King’s Row takes place outdoors in a spacious environment. The first point is known for attackers using Widowmaker to gain high ground and pick off the defenders. When attackers gain control of the payload, they push it through the narrow streets. Despite the streets being narrow, there is much vertical space, meaning flying heroes are still viable in this section.
The last part has an interior that has wide walls and high ceilings. Hitscan and flying heroes thrive in any of the three main parts of the map. Not only is King’s Row rich with Overwatch lore and history, but it's also great for all heroes, whether they’re defensive or offensive.
King’s Row is one of the most beloved maps in the game. Jeff Kaplan, Overwatch’s former lead developer, posted a poll on the official Overwatch forums to see what the most-liked map was in Overwatch. Out of over twenty thousand votes, over 32% of the votes went to King’s Row, making it first place. Second place, scoring 9% of votes, went to Eichenwalde.
Map rating: 100/100
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