You throw yourself into a vast world full of veteran killing machines who know this game inside and out. There is barely a chance of survival. Any noob will be hung, drawn, and quartered. Don’t expect mercy; this is PUBG.
Anyway, don’t worry: there is hope. The following tips and tricks can help you speed up progress. The first chicken dinner is the daintiest.The 25 tips and tricks are divided into early game, mid game and end game.
Early game
This is the beginning. Inspired with confidence, you jump out of the plane into unknown territory. You have nothing with you besides your best friends and some standard clothing. Ideally, you have already chosen a spot to land.
25. Location, location, location.
Once you drop out of the plane, you should know where you are heading. As a beginner, it is always a good idea to pull the parachute early and to get away from the plane’s flying path as far as possible. Then you are free to loot wherever you like without having to face more experienced players early on. Recommended spots to start looting: warehouses, bigger farm places (minimum of 3-4 large houses), and cities.
How it works:
- Drop out of the plane at an angle of 90 degrees.
- Wait until you are able to pull the parachute.
- Pull parachute.
- Fly faruntil you naturally touch the ground and enjoy the scenery!
24. Loot.
Yes, humankind has the desire to loot. Harder to do in real life, as it probably gets you arrested. However, in PUBG, it is possible. Yet, with each new round, the loot is distributed randomly across the different locations. This means you can’t expect each round to provide the same proper loot at your favorite location. Anyhow, places like the military camp and police stations have a higher probability of having better equipment.
How it works:
- Look for bigger places far off the flight’s path to increase your chance of finding the right loot.
23. Weapons.
Unless you are a diehard pacifist who plays unarmed until the blue zone kills the other last player, you need firepower. This really comes down to personal preference, as there is an abundance of weapons available. But there are a few general suggestions to help you make a choice.
First of all, get comfortable with a DMR or sniper rifle. Most maps are huge, so keeping a distance from other players helps you get used to handling weapons while being safe.Secondly, choose between any submachine gun or 5.56mm assault rifle. The M416 is a great weapon to start off with; fully equipped, it is quite easy to handle.
Thirdly, consider using submachine guns when maps are small (like Karakin and Haven), as their rate of fire prevails in close combat. Also they are generally more easy to control.How it works:
- Find a DMR or sniper rifle to get comfortable with in the long run (minimum 3x scope or higher).
- Find an assault rifle caliber 5.56mm and stick with it for a while.
- If you play on small maps, consider guns with high muzzle velocity, like the Vector.
- Always seek to find all attachments for the weapons.
22. Gear.
The best weapon is useless when you don’t have any armor. In the beginning, you want to have a level 2 helmet, a level 2 vest, and a level 2 backpack. Ammo. Meds. Throwables. Do not stack up too many hand grenades, as any additional item takes up more space in your inventory. This accounts for adrenaline syringes too. Also keep in mind that 7.62mm ammunition takes up more space than all other calibers.
How it works:
- Find a level 2 helmet, a vest, and a backpack.
- Have at least 3-4 first aid kits, 2-3 painkillers and 3-4 energy drinks.
- Find a couple of different throwables to be more flexible in difficult situations.
- If you play 9mm or .45 caliber, you need around 300 spare bullets (200-250 for 5.56mm), (200 max for 7.62mm), (20-30 for a shotgun).
21. Smoke grenades.
This is an absolute must for sticky situations. Either to cross a dangerous stretch or to get up knocked-down teammates under enemy fire. Be aware that it takes some time for the covering smoke to unfold. Then you might want to consider the smoke grenade launcher, which has an instant effect and is quite popular.
How it works:
- Find some smoke grenades or the smoke grenade launcher.
20. Flare gun.
If you are lucky enough to be one of the few who manage to stumble across the flare gun, you have two choices. Either you call a drop, which includes fancy weapons and armor, or you call for the armored vehicle.
Don’t be too cocky with the latter, as it is not as resistant to combat as it used to be. It is advisable to use the flare gun as soon as possible, as it does attract some trigger-happy players later in the game.
How it works:
- Go in the open and just look above your head without aiming until you see the small circle in the screen’s center closing, then you can shoot the gun.
- If you are outside of the white game circle, you call for the armored truck.
- If you are inside the white gaming circle, you call for the airdrop. Be aware that only after the first circle closes will you be able to call in the airdrop.
- Be ready for curious players showing up.
19. Take off your shoes.
Sometimes, games are very realistic - at least in some sense. If you take off your shoes, you make less noise. Since almost everybody plays with a decent headset, you definitely want to do that.
How it works:
- Drop your shoes in the inventory.
18. Vehicles.
Even though auto run is one of the most helpful inventions in gaming history, you should find some alternative way to cover the distances on the battleground. Especially needed on the 8 km x 8 km maps, whereas on the smallest maps there is no vehicle at all (besides the mountain bike).
Just be mindful while speeding like a lunatic with 140 km/h offroad on the motorcycle. It gets really annoying when you finally get your stuff together and wrap yourself around the next tree. The motorcycle is the best means of transportation since you can go anywhere very fast.
How it works:
- Find a motorcycle or any other vehicle.
- Don’t crash!
17. Blue zone.
Don’t be overly afraid of the blue zone. Yes, it is stressful in the beginning to be in there, but you only lose a little health. When the fourth circle starts, it gets sticky, but even then, you can remain outside for a while.
It does give you an advantage to roam in the blue zone, since only a few players expect you from there. After some practice, you will get used to it and feel more comfortable. Just make sure to have sufficient meds beforehand.
How it works:
- When you have a vehicle close by, just ignore the first blue zone.
- Stay in there and keep looting. One day, it will lose its dread.
16. First drop.
Everybody is eager to get their hands on an airdrop. After all, you can find the most resistant armor and most lethal weapons in there, as well as the ghillie suit, which is just too fancy.
Yet, at times, airdrops get really crowded, and your chances of survival decrease dramatically. The best chance to get the content is the first airdrop in the game. Most players tend to be busy looting, and this is your chance to get there first. Be quick. Be determined.Stay away from later airdrops, because the longer you are into the game, the higher the chance to encounter players going after it. However, from a safe distance, it is interesting to watch what happens.
How it works:
- After exiting the plane, land as fast as possible.
- You only need some remote houses near a vehicle spawn.
- Loot until you have a weapon and any helmet, plus any vest.
- Get in the car.
- Drive towards the center of the first white gaming circle.
- The first plane carrying the valuable loot box appears somewhere within the first circle at around minute 2:30, earliest. You want to be in the white circle to spot the plane.
- Chase after it.
- Be first, and get all the good stuff.
- Get out of there relieved.
Mid Game
You are done looting. You are equipped with the best items from the airdrop. You feel ready. You are also ready to lose all your stuff in an unexpected gunfight? No way.
Where to go then? There are some tactical options now and some things to keep in mind before you enter the final stage of the game.
15. Strategic gameplay.
Now you need to know the flight path of the plane right at the beginning. Try to remember it, or use the waypoint marker to pinpoint it exactly. If you compare the flight path to the white game circle, you will know the direction where the majority of players come from.
Let’s say the flight path is south of the circle. This means that most people enter from the south. If you have followed the tips in this article, you have a vehicle and can travel to the northern part of the circle. There you will find fewer players. Take it from there. Very simple.
How it works:
- In the beginning of the round, mark the flight path by using waypoints in the map menu.
- For the rest of the round, you can check where the majority of players are, since most players land close to the flight path.
- Find areas that are furthest away from the path to minimize enemy contact.
14. Engage in combat.
If you feel comfortable with gun controls and your equipment in general, you want to get some fighting practice to help you improve. The most promising tactic is to intervene in gunfights as a third party from a distance.
If there are two players or teams fighting each other, you can easily pick anyone up from afar. It is sneaky but effective. Just an idea. The third mouse gets the cheese. Just take care of the fourth one.
How it works:
- Drive around in your vehicle, away from crowded areas and cities.
- Listen to shots being fired.
- Engage from a safe distance.
- See what happens.
13. Third circle tactic.
This is a fairly straightforward concept. Once the game progresses to the third circle, you take your vehicle and drive to the center of that particular circle. Most of the time, it is like being in the eye of a huge storm - peaceful and quiet. Sit back and enjoy. The advantage is that no other players will be there.
How it works:
- As soon as the third circle appears, mark the center of the circle.
- Take your ride and get there.
- Take it from there, preferably on foot.
12. Dismiss the vehicle.
At some point, it is useful to abandon the vehicle after all. Towards the end game, when the running distance is not too far any more, it is often better to move in silence. When the circle gets small, it will be very hard to find a spot to get out of the car safely. There will be players everywhere. Everybody knows where you are, but you don’t know where all the others are.
How it works:
- Around the fourth circle, just go on foot, unless the terrain is too dangerous (field f.e.).
11. Stay away from the circle’s edge.
This is where most of the action takes place. Unless you have a superior position, you really should avoid hanging around the circle’s edge. Opponents can approach from every side and at any time; once you are caught up in a fight, it is likely that a third party will join in.
If you have a superior position, stand firm. Other players might be forced to run towards your position, which is the best case scenario for you. Show them the way to the lobby.
How it works:
- Get into the middle of the circle by vehicle.
- Find a superior position on the circle's edge.
- Move away from the edge.
End Game
Slowly, you start to get more excited as player numbers decrease quickly to around 15 remaining. More tension builds up, and it might be good to take a sip of water and a couple of deep breaths. Your attention increases and you get a little nervous. Adrenaline is released inside your brain. Now we are talking.
10. Check the kill feed.
Get used to having a quick glance at the kill feed regularly; it gives you important intel about high priority targets in your vicinity. If the same player name pops up many times, you know that this player is lethal and on fire. Keeping an eye out for him means you can take him out when there is a chance. High priority!
How it works:
- Check the kill feed regularly.
- One day, you can match gun sounds to the weapons icon.
- Prioritize targets, or at least be aware.
9. Short circle side.
This belongs to tactical gameplay. Each circle has a short side and a long side (the distance between the old and the new circle, respectively). On the short side, the blue wall closes very slowly, giving you time to move and check your surroundings carefully. On the long side, the circle is much faster, which you have to keep in mind. This should give you an orientation to where you should enter the next circle.
How it works:
- Check the map.
- See where the distance between the circles is narrowest.
- Move towards this area.
8. Looting kills.
If you kill an enemy player or find a box somewhere, you want to loot it. Just don't get caught up in it. Many players have been killed while they looted in the late stage (or any stage, really) of the game. Only grab what you need, and learn to move while looting.
Sometimes it is just better to disregard a loot box and move on, unless you really need it.
How it works:
- Check what you need before you loot.
- Move around while looting, never stand still.
- Expect to be shot at; have smoke ready.
7. Refill your throwables.
You always want to have some kind of throwables. They are powerful instruments to put pressure on your opponent, especially in the endgame, where you often have a standoff. Use throwables to push someone out of any cover before they do.
How it works:
- Always fill up your stash.
- Loot player’s boxes.
6. BZ Grenade.
The BZ grenade is very powerful. Use it with deliberation. If you keep it to the very end, it can be a game changer! The grenade temporarily creates a blue zone within a certain diameter. The opponents have to get out of there to avoid losing health.
How it works:
- Always carry at least one BZ grenade with you.
- Use it in late game.
- Use it to block enemies' escape routes or to push players out of buildings or covers.
5. Only shoot to kill.
If you have been playing stealthily for most of the round, you want to get into fighting at some point. If you see someone close, you shoot. Then you give away your position at the same time. This is why you only want to pull the trigger if there is a good chance of killing someone.
How it works:
- You need a clear line of sight to shoot.
- A fast-moving target is hard to hit.
- What does it help if you knock someone down in a sniper duel, if his teammate can just pick him up easily (in buildings f.e.)?
- Only shoot at cars if they seem to be approaching your exact position.
4. Hip-fire.
Hip-fire is shooting without precise aiming at all. This accounts for distances below 5 meters, roughly.
7.62mm weapons work best with this tactic, due to the higher damage. The opponent has to be very close.
How it works:
- If somebody approaches you while you are behind cover, wait until he is very close.
- When he is within a distance of less than 5 meters, leap out sideways and hit the trigger.
- Keep shooting.
- You always want to be on his backside while shooting so he can't hit you.
3. Fast snipe.
Unless you have a level 3 helmet and there is no player with an AWM in the kill feed, you can take your time to aim for the headshot. In most cases, you wear a level 2 helmet, so any sniper can take you out with one shot.
This means standing still for longer than a second results in sudden death. This holds true for 1 on 1 sniper fights especially. Don't give the other player much time to aim accurately.
How it works:
- Use your standard third-person crosshair to pre-aim, safely from behind your cover.
- Then you wanna step out, aim and take the shot.
- This shouldn't take longer than a second.
2. Never stand still.
The most annoying players out there have one thing in common: they don't stand still for a second. You just can't take the shot. You might want to consider doing the same. No place in PUBG is really safe, once you stand around for a while, it is likely that somebody is already observing your head closely with a scope.
How it works:
- Always move in little circles, even though you stand in one spot.
- If you take medication, you can still move, and even duck, stand up, and duck again.
- If you loot, you also should learn to move around, which is difficult but possible.
1. Always be drugged.
Don’t get it wrong. In PUBG. What you do at home is your business. However, in the end, it is very important to be boosted at all times; this could be the decisive difference between life and death.
How it works:
- Once your stamina bar drops to about 50%, take some pills or an energy drink.
- Make sure you always work at capacity.
- Boost before you cross dangerous stretches, such as roads, fields and alike.
- Boost before you engage in a fight.
Well, that's it! Good luck out there.
P.S.: Tips and tricks can help a lot if you keep them in mind, but they never replace actual practice. It takes a lot of practice to get into the game in the first place, and it takes even more practice to maintain a higher level. One day it becomes like a deeply rooted skill: you won’t unlearn it, but it requires dedication to be successful. In the meantime, be prepared to get wrecked regularly; it will be frustrating at times. If you are willing to move past this point, you get rewarded with a game that never gets boring and a lot of tasty chicken!