It’s really getting serious, right? You have a squad whose stats prove that you might be the next successful team to conquer the ranked mode? Ready to lead the dance? Then you might need a clan name, which spreads kudos in your favor.
Well, who hasn't heard of the RotationGambler or the PochinkiPoppers? Yes, nobody. This is your chance. You can either go with a humble clan name and poke some fun at yourself, like the LobbyResidents, or you can be boastfully serious, as the RoughGamerGroup. The choice is yours.Finally, Clans have arrived in PUBG. The 23.2 update brings the new Clan system, which also features Clan levels, a progression similar to the player survival tier. It costs 15,000 BP to create a clan, only available to players with Plus Status.
The Clan name can only consist of 2-15 characters, with a Clan tag of maximum 4 characters. Be aware that if you want to change the Clan’s name later, it costs 990 G-Points. So be aware. Check out the full patch notes here.However, this list of the best 100 PUBG Clan names helps to get some inspiration. They all have a maximum of 15 characters, ready to use. It’s actually funny to play around with different words, once you have chosen a fancy abbreviation. Again, let us know in the comments if you came up with some great names!
Here we go:
- BitcoinMaxis (BIT)
- RotationGambler (ROG)
- GringoGunners (GG)
- CircleCouncil (CICO)
- FranticOddballs (FO)
- LobbyLovers (LOVE)
- DinnerJunta (DJ)
- FirstPersonPros (FPP)
- RoughGamerGroup (RGG)
- AngryRascals (AR)
- KushHorde (KUSH)
- BetaBrawlers (BRWL)
- CamperMenPosse (CAMP)
- SilentScopes (SS)
- SuperTrooper (STO)
- GammaGang (GMMA)
- ShitcoinMfers (MFER)
- ApePeople (APE)
- ChilledAimMob (CHAM)
- DeltaDestroyers (DEAD)
- AgroGamerRowdys(AGRO)
- BushBrigade (BBR)
- RetardedDudes (RED)
- PolitePirates(PPs)
- Masterminds (MM)
- PunnyNinjaKids (PUNK)
- BlitzkriegSquad(BKS)
- ApeKillerSquad (APE)
- KillerClownCrew (KCC)
- BotBrigade (BOT)
- ViciousVipers(VPER)
- MultiKillCrew (MKC)
- AssassinBrigade (AaBr)
- Flashbangers (FLSH)
- WhackyWhackers (WAWA)
- SigmaSkunks (SKNK)
- WarriorVendetta (WAVE)
- ZenNovices (ZEN)
- ChaoticDudes (CoD)
- MemeMen (MEME)
- SanhokShadows (SASH)
- ViciousOwls (VOL)
- WiseFools (FOOL)
- PushPosse (PUSH)
- LastMenLaughing (LML)
- HudHooligans (HOOL)
- StonedWarriors (HIGH)
- ServerSlayers (SLAY)
- BluntBomber (BOMB)
- RageQuitRaiders (RAGE)
- XPExtremists (XP)
- AFKArmy (AFK)
- PixelPuncher (PIP)
- AimbotAmigos (AA)
- LlamaDramaLoot (LAMA)
- CloseRangeSnipa (CRS)
- ByteBattlers (BYTE)
- SmokeScreenPack (SMKE)
- PanSlamGroup (PSG)
- EndgameEnsemble (END)
- CamoUnicorns (CU)
- BlueZoneRider (BZR)
- PotatoPlatoon (POT)
- DropZoneDivas (DIVA)
- FrameRateFreaks (FRME)
- ButtonBashBunch (BASH)
- CrouchCrew (CRCH)
- NadeNavigators (NADE)
- NoobNation (NOOB)
- LaggyLegion (LAG)
- ShootOnSight (SOS)
- KamikazeCartel (KAZE)
- PochinkiPoppers (POPO)
- BurritoBadasses (BUBA
- LMGMaroder (LMG)
- CarlessCamper (CAMP)
- BridgeBlocker (BLCK)
- MolotovJoes (MOJO)
- ElderlyGamers (EG)
- AlligatorGang (GAG)
- TerrorAttackMob (TEAM)
- DirtyBattalion (DAB)
- HighGroundHero (HGH)
- SneakyShooters (SNSH)
- TrashyHempClub (THC)
- GhillieGoofs (GOOF)
- PanzerfaustUnit (RPG)
- SilentScreamer (SIC)
- ChickenChics (CHIC)
- RedZoneRaiders (RZA)
- CrtlAltDefeat (CRTL)
- DinnerControl (DC)
- FraggerFrontier (FF)
- FragFactionEast (FRAG)
- CoopPlatoon (COOP)
- LobbyResidents (LORD)
- AirDropDivision (ADD)
- E_DanceMachines (EDM)
- UndeadUnicorns (UNI)