New to the game? Looking for some inspiration? Or bored of your old one? Check out this list of the 100 best PUBG names.
Unfortunately, there is a maximum number of characters in-game. This restricts the possible names, especially for the Xbox One. Anyone know the maximum for the PS4?
Let us know in the comments.
For Xbox: Up to 12 charactersFor Steam: Up to 32 characters
Here is the list:
100. ChucklesAndChokes
99. LaughingLooter
98. PronePanther97. GhillieGorilla
96. PeacefulDetonator95. PolitePirate
94. ReluctantReviver93. MuzzleMania
92. IronicIronSights
91. BushBanter
90. Pan-tasticPuns
89. GrimGamer
88. DeadEnd
87. GimmeYourLoot
86. SanhokShadow
85. JerkChicken
84. HarmlessTerror
83. RelaxedRiot
82. BluntBomber
81. MediocreAtBest
80. PacifistKiller
79. DesertDrifter
78. CircleConqueror
77. TessTickles
76. VehicleVandal
75. OhLootLord
74. KnockKnockBang
73. BarrelBlaster
72. BluntBlaster
71. SmokeScreenSneaker
70. HopelessHobo
69. CloseRangeSniper
68. RoofRunner
67. LongRangeLunatic
66. NadeCatcher
65. SwiftSlug
64. MissedShotMaster
63. ClumsyNinja
62. VikendiViking
61. BudBrigadier
60. HighCommando
59. ResinRaider
58. RecoilRascal
57. SherlockStoned
56. BootcampBrawler
55. CamoUnicorn
54. StaticFlash
53. PotatoAimPro
52. BoostBandit
51. TaegoTryHard
50. TrenchTrooper
49. SumTingWong
48. SleepyAssassin
47. TommyGunTony
46. ResidentErangel
45. UrbanNomad
44. UMPstoppable
43. HastyTurtle
42. VehicleFlipMaster
41. QuickdrawQueen
40. ObedientOutlaw
39. GanjaGhillie38. LordMolotov
37. LethalLamb
36. ArsBandeet
35. NadeDelivery
34. ChuckNorrisJunior
33. 404_PlayerNotFound
32. BenDover
31. HidingRambo
30. LootAddict
29. ChickenChaser
28. CouchPotato
27. PanSlammer
26. BulletBender
25. ShotgunSheriff
24. RoachRunner
23. HugsForBullets
22. RedDotRanger
21. SmokinScope
20. CrateCraver
19. HighGroundHero
18. BlazingBizon
17. BulletBaboon
16. StealthyHobo
15. SirDiesAlot
14. CouchCommando
13. SirCampAlot
12. PanPunPalooza
11. DropItLikeItsShot
10. Fragalicious
9. FunkyFragger
8. LethalLooter
7. BlueZoneRider
6. RedZoneRaver
5. AimbotAmigo
4. WackyWanderer
3. NadeNavigator
2. LastManLaughing
1. LootyMcShooty
If you have other names which you feel have to be included on the list, just drop them in the comments.