10. Valkyrie (Intel, Support)
It comes as no surprise that Valkyrie is one of the operators with the highest win rate, because in Siege, intel gathering is very important, and when it comes to intel gathering, Valkyrie is the best on the defender side. She can gather a lot of intel on the attacking team through her special gadget, the Black Eye cameras. She has three of them, and they’re quite small. Very easy to miss when they’re not being used, because when they’re not active, they won’t emit their usual blue light. This makes them very hard for the attackers to find and can cause them a lot of stress.
If the attackers don’t have an IQ in their team, they could waste a lot of time trying to find Valkyrie’s Black Eyes, especially when the Valkyrie player knows the tricky spots for deploying them. Each Black Eye camera can provide a 180-degree view of an area depending on how they were deployed. They can attach to almost anything in the map, making them easy to attach to wherever Valkyrie wants to deploy them. The great thing is that all of the Black Eye cameras can be accessed by the whole attacking team, effectively giving them three extra ways for gathering intel.
What Makes Valkyrie a Great Defender:
- With her three Black Eye cameras, she can provide a lot of intel on enemy positions, especially since they can be very hard to find and they can provide a wide view of an area
- Since she usually has a good handle on enemy positions, she has a great combo between her Black Eye cameras and nitro cell, which is called c4-under-the-floor
- Valkyrie is one of the best roamers in the defending team because she usually has a good idea when it comes to enemy positioning, allowing her to know the right spots for hitting them from behind
- When there’s no one else in the team that can rework the map, Valkyrie can choose to run with the impact grenades which are great for creating rotation holes
Best Loadout for Valkyrie:
9. Dokkaebi (Intel, Map Control)
If Valkyrie is the best at gathering intel on the defender side, that honor belongs to Dokkaebi on the attacking side. The way she handles intel is truly exceptional, because she possesses the ability to gather intel, as well as to deny it. For her intel gathering capabilities, she has the Logic Bomb which is basically a hack on the defenders’ mobile devices. It forces them to turn on and ring loudly, which is usually enough to give away their locations. This is very useful for both rushing and a more methodical approach, because it’s also great for clearing out roamers.
Another intel gathering ability that Dokkaebi has is that she can hack into a dead defender’s mobile device. Once successful, it will grant the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras. This usually forces defenders to shoot their own cameras, thereby limiting their own intel gathering capabilities. That’s an indirect way that Dokkaebi denies intel to enemies, but the direct way is when her Logic Bomb blocks out the feed of all defender cameras while it’s active. This is a great counter to Valkyrie whose intel gathering capabilities relies heavily on the feed on her Black Eye cameras.
What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Attacker:
- She can compromise defender locations through her Logic Bomb which forcefully turns defender cameras on and makes them ring loudly
- She can hack a dead defender’s mobile device, and once that hack is successful, she and her whole team will have access to all defender cameras
- When her Logic Bomb is active, all the feed from defender cameras will be blocked, and that’s very useful for rushing because the defenders won’t have intel on attacker movements
- The loud ringing from Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb also usually masks the sound cues that the attackers make, preventing the defenders from hearing them well
Best Loadout for Dokkaebi:
8. Mira (Intel, Support)
Mira is a situational operator because her special gadget, the Black Mirror, really only excels in certain areas. However, when the objective spot is in those certain areas, Mira can really make it hard for the attackers to push, and that’s why her win rate is so high. Because when she’s used in those areas, the chances of the defenders winning the round becomes much higher. This is also the reason why Mira is one of the most banned operators in the higher ranks. In certain areas of certain maps, the Black Mirrors usually force defenders to back out and use another path of attack.
And those other path of attack are more difficult for them. Mira gives the attackers a lot of problems in certain areas because her Black Mirror is basically a mirror that provides a one way view. So when deployed on a wall, the defenders will be able to clearly see the other side, while the attackers on the other side would only be able to see a very heavily tinted mirror. This is one of the best ways to gather intel on the attackers, and is also a great way to frag them. That’s because all Mira has to do is to quick lean from her Black Mirror and shoot the attacker that’s on her sights.
What Makes Mira a Great Defender:
- Provides two one-way view mirrors called the Black Mirrors, and they’re great for gathering intel on enemy movements as well as fragging them
- Mira has an excellent utility in the ITA12S shotgun which is her secondary weapon, and she can use it to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage
- She has access to the nitro cell which is great for fragging enemies on the other side of her Black Mirror or for countering defuser plant attempts
- When the spot for her Black Mirrors is vulnerable from behind, she can also run with the proximity alarms, which would tell her when there are enemies that are trying to get her from behind
Best Loadout for Mira:
7. Ash (Breach, Front Line)
Ash is the embodiment of offensive power in Siege because most of what she does is centered on fragging enemies and destruction. She has a great combination of speed and heavy firepower, and that’s why it comes as no surprise that her win rate is so high. Her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds, are capable of punching large holes on unreinforced walls, and that capability to quickly create entry points is one of the reasons why Ash is one of the best attackers when it comes to rushing. But if the player chooses to, they can also reserve the Breaching Rounds for destroying pesky bulletproof enemy gadgets.
For her primary weapon, Ash has a choice between the G36C and the R4-C, both of which are powerful assault rifles. I personally run with the G36C though because of its compatibility to the scope 1.5x. Ash also has access to two claymores per round which are excellent for protecting herself and her teammates from roamers. However, when the objective spot is on the basement, Ash can run with the breach charges instead so that she can destroy large portions of the wooden floor above it. That will expose the defenders below, and Ash would be able to pick them off from above.
What Makes Ash a Great Attacker:
- She has a 3-speed rating and heavy firepower due to her weapons and special gadget, and that makes her one of the best attackers for fragging
- Her Breaching Rounds are great for creating entry points on unreinforced walls, however, they can also be used to destroy pesky bulletproof defender gadgets
- Ash’s G36C is a powerful assault rifle with a good amount of damage per shot and low recoil, plus, it’s compatible to the scope 1.5x which will allow the user to see their enemies clearly
- Ash can protect herself and her teammates from roamers through the two claymores in her arsenal, and she can also run with the breach charges for a vertical play
Best Loadout for Ash:
6. Frost (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Frost’s high win rate is very understandable because her special gadget, the Welcome Mat, is such a menace, especially when the opponents weren’t able to scan her during the prep phase. When enemies aren’t aware that there’s a Frost in the defending team, they’ll likely fall victim to her Welcome Mat traps. Frost has access to three of them per round, and they’re one of the scariest defender gadgets, because once an attacker gets trapped by one of them, that attacker won’t be able to do anything until they get rescued by their teammates.
When left alone, the trapped attacker will continue to bleed out and die. As for her offensive capabilities, Frost’s unique weapon, the 9mm C1, has heavy stopping power, low recoil, and a higher-than-average magazine capacity. Like Mira above, she can also equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon, and that will allow her to create rotation holes, destroy unreinforced hatches, or create lines of sight on unreinforced walls for fragging enemies. For her generic gadget, Frost can choose between the bulletproof camera and the deployable shield, and while the bulletproof camera is also a very handy defender utility, the deployable shield is a good partner for her Welcome Mat.
What Makes Frost a Great Defender:
- Her Welcome Mats are very powerful traps that basically neutralizes enemies that they trap, rendering them useless and dying until they get rescued by their teammates
- Even when enemies are aware that there’s a Frost in the defending team, constantly looking out for Welcome Mats can leave them vulnerable to defender gunfire instead
- Frost’s unique weapon, the 9mm C1, has heavy stopping power, very low recoil, and its magazine size is higher than average
- She can also equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon, and that gives her the ability to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage
Best Loadout for Frost:
5. Iana (Front Line, Intel)
Iana is one of the most picked attackers in Siege and her win rate is also up there among the best. That shouldn’t really surprise anyone because she’s a very versatile operator. If Ash excels at using her 3-speed rating and heavy firepower, Iana on the other hand has her intel gathering capabilities and her firepower. Her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, literally replicates Iana into a holographic projection that looks exactly like her. The copy can also imitate Iana’s movements except for rappelling, shooting, and deploying utilities. On top of that, Iana will also be able to view whatever the copy is seeing.
So in simple terms, Iana’s holographic copy from the Gemini Replicator is basically a drone in the shape of Iana. It’s only limited by cooldown, and Iana can use it to scan an area before entering. Since the holographic clone looks exactly like her, it can cause some confusion to the enemies, and most of the time, they will shoot it. This is one of the best ways to gather intel on enemy positions and distract them in the process. Like Ash above, Iana can also run with the G36C assault rifle, which will give her access to the scope 1.5x for better targeting her opponents.
What Makes Iana a Great Attacker:
- Her Gemini Replicator creates an exact holographic copy of her that can mimic all her movements except for shooting, rappelling, and utility deployment
- The holographic copy from her Gemini Replicator can be used just like a regular drone and is a great utility for gathering intel
- Since the holographic copy from her Gemini Replicator looks exactly like her, it can cause a lot of distraction to the enemies
- For her generic gadget, Iana is one of the few attackers that has access to the frag grenades which are great for killing enemies who are in their entrenched position
Best Loadout for Iana:
4. Kapkan (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Kapkan’s win rate is one of the highest because when he’s present in the defending team, his presence can really be felt by the attackers, even if they take him out early. That’s because Kapkan’s special gadget, the Entry Denial Device, or EDD for short, are traps that he deploys on entryways. He has five EDDs and each of them can inflict a massive amount of damage. On top of that, Kapkan can now deploy multiple EDDs in one entryway, and usually, even just two EDDs are enough to kill an enemy. Three would be sure to kill an enemy without a shield.
This makes Kapkan such a dangerous operator, especially for attackers that have a highly aggressive playstyle. This is also why Kapkan is one of the most banned operators. Because when he’s around, attackers will always have to check for his traps on entryways, and especially when it’s near the objective spot, checking entryways for Kapkan’s EDDs can leave them vulnerable. Another reason why Kapkan is such a great operator is because he has access to two impact grenades per round, and impact grenades are great utilities for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage.
What Makes Kapkan a Great Defender:
- Because of his EDDs, he has a huge presence in the match. Even if he gets fragged early, he can still inflict fatalities to the attackers.
- His EDDs are a big nuisance to the attackers because if they don’t want to get badly damaged or killed, they’ll have to slow down and check each entryway that they’re going through
- Kapkan can bring two impact grenades per round and impact grenades are great utilities for creating rotation holes which are very important especially in bomb mode
- He has access to excellent weapons in the 9x19VSN assault rifle and the SASG-12 shotgun which is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game
Best Loadout for Kapkan:
3. Amaru (Front Line, Map Control)
Amaru may not be an ideal operator to use every round, because after a round of successfully using her, most defenders, especially in the higher ranks, will be prepared to counter her. With that said, it’s really understandable why Amaru has such a high win rate. That’s because for at least a round or two, players can use her to really surprise defenders with a rush. And when that rush is successful, it’s most likely going to be a win for the attackers. Heck, there are even players who are so good at using Amaru that they can use her effectively round by round by mixing up their timing on her Garra Hook.
Amaru may be known for her rushes with the Garra Hook, but even when treated by the player as a regular operator, Amaru is surprisingly effective. That’s because she brings in heavy firepower with her G8A1 light machine gun, which, despite being an LMG, can be reloaded quickly due to its detachable magazine. Amaru is also one of the few attackers that can equip a shotgun as their secondary weapon, and that’s great for Amaru because with a shotgun, she can destroy unreinforced hatches and use her Garra Hook to get to a higher floor quickly.
What Makes Amaru a Great Attacker:
- She’s the fastest when it comes to rushing because through her Garra Hook, she can pull herself towards a higher floor and right through the objective spot within a few seconds of the round
- She’s the only attacker that is capable of climbing over a broken hatch, and this ability is great for surprising enemies
- Her G8A1 light machine gun inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, has low recoil, high magazine capacity, and can be reloaded quickly due to its detachable magazine
- She can equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon and she can use that to destroy unreinforced hatches or create entry points on unreinforced walls
Best Loadout for Amaru:
2. Rook (Support)
On the defender side, Rook has the highest win rate, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess why. That’s because he’s one of the best, if not the best support out there, and he supports his team in such a convenient way. All he has to do is drop his Armor Pack at the beginning of the round and let his teammates equip the armor plates that are in it. Rook will automatically equip it after he drops his Armor Pack, and everyone who equips an armor plate will have their health points buffed, effectively making them tougher.
Another great perk that Rook’s armor plates provide is the ability to self-revive from a down-but-not-out state. So when there’s a Rook in the defending team, all the defenders will be tougher, and they’ll have the ability to revive themselves from a dbno state. This drastically affects the defending team’s chances of winning in a positive way, and it’s really no wonder how Rook’s win rate skyrocketed after the buff on his armor plates. On top of all that, Rook is also one of the few defenders who can use the scope 2.0x on their primary weapon.
What Makes Rook a Great Defender:
- Rook’s armor plates provide additional health points to all operators who equips them, effectively making them tougher to take down
- All operators who have equipped Rook’s armor plates will also have the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
- Rook’s MP5 submachine gun is compatible to the scope 2.0x, making him one of the few defenders who can use it for targeting their enemies
- Rook also has access to two impact grenades per round, and as mentioned above, the impact grenades are great for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage
Best Loadout for Rook:
1. Finka (Front line, Support)
Like Rook above, it comes as no surprise that Finka has the highest win rate on the attacking side, because her special gadget also affects her whole team, and she’s a great support. She can activate her Adrenal Surge three times per round and each activation adds twenty health points to all attackers, effectively making them tougher or healing them. Upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, all attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state would also be revived, giving them a second chance in the fight.
Aside from those two obvious benefits, Finka’s Adrenal Surge also provides the whole attacking team with a wide variety of buffs such as being able to reload faster, walk over barbed wires quicker, more resistance to blind effects and tinnitus, and now, the Adrenal Surge also provides the whole attacking team more resistance to Fenrir’s Dread Mine’s effects. Upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, any attacker suffering from concussion effects will also have it removed. Finka has such a huge presence in the attacking team as support and she also brings in heavy firepower per round.
What Makes Finka a Great Attacker:
- Her Adrenal Surge adds twenty health points to all attackers each time it’s activated, and she can activate it three times per round
- Upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, any attacker in a down-but-not out state will be revived including Finka, and those who are suffering from concussion effects will have it removed
- While the Adrenal Surge is active, attackers will be able to walk over barbed wires faster, reload quicker, and have more resistance to tinnitus and blind effects
- Finka has a very powerful assault rifle in the Spear .308 because it has heavy stopping power, manageable recoil, and is compatible to scopes that provide high levels of zoom
Best Loadout for Finka:
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