S-Tier – These operators are on the top of the list but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re much more powerful than the ones on the lower tiers. Some of the S-Tier operators may not win a one-on-one match against C-Tier ones, but they’re on top because they’re the most useful operators in Siege’s core gameplay, which is focused on a tactical approach to team play. The S-Tier operators are also generally the ones who excel regardless of situation and map. Lastly, they’re the ones who are the best to use for competitive game modes such as Ranked.
Sens: 95/100 Attacker
Azami: 95/100 Defender
Smoke: 94/100 Defender
Finka: 97/100 Attacker
Dokkaebi: 93/100 Attacker
Kaid: 94/100 Defender
Ace: 95/100 Attacker
Sledge: 92/100 Attacker
Fuze: 92/100 Attacker
Valkyrie: 95/100 Defender
Jager: 93/100 Defender
Zofia: 94/100 Attacker
Flores: 92/100 Attacker
Capitao: 91/100 Attacker
Thatcher: 95/100 Attacker
A-Tier – These are great operators but a tier below S because they’re more dispensable than them, and many of them, such as Mira, are very situational. Now, while they might even be on OP levels in certain situations, we must take into account that those situations don’t represent most situations in Siege. And that’s why these operators are in A-Tier, even though they’re very powerful and useful as well. In many cases, they’re great alternatives to the S-Tier ones, for example, Maverick and Twitch are great alternatives to Thatcher when he’s banned.
Bandit: 88/100 Defender
Kapkan: 86/100 Defender
Mute: 84/100 Defender
Mira: 81/100 Defender
Buck: 84/100 Attacker
Lion: 87/100 Attacker
Nomad: 85/100 Attacker
Goyo: 86/100 Defender
Thermite: 85/100 Attacker
Alibi: 86/100 Defender
Iana: 84/100 Attacker
Jackal: 86/100 Attacker
Melusi: 88/100 Defender
Gridlock: 85/100 Defender
Maverick: 87/100 Attacker
Maestro: 84/100 Defender
Pulse: 82/100 Defender
Ying: 83/100 Attacker
Oryx: 81/100 Defender
Twitch: 82/100 Attacker
Mozie: 83/100 Defender
Wamai: 87/100 Defender
B-Tier – B-Tier operators are really good operators. Some of them are my favorite in fact, like Castle and Aruni. But apart from being situational, it’s also quite easy to counter them, and their weaknesses are more apparent than the operators in S-Tier and A-Tier. Take Kali for example, she’s a really good operator with very heavy firepower, but that firepower comes with the price of a very slow rate of fire. Her special gadget is also not that great for destroying gadgets because its range is limited.
Castle: 79/100 Defender
Montagne: 73/100 Attacker
Osa: 75/100 Attacker
Blitz: 79/100 Defender
Hibana: 77/100 Attacker
Amaru: 71/100 Attacker
Lesion: 78/100 Defender
Zero: 77/100 Attacker
Warden: 75/100 Defender
Kali: 78/100 Attacker
Ela: 74/100 Defender
Vigil: 73/100 Defender
Rook: 78/100 Defender
Nokk: 74/100 Attacker
Tachanka: 78/100 Defender
Thunderbird: 79/100 Defender
Aruni: 77/100 Defender
C-Tier – Don't get me wrong, even though they’re on the lowest tier, they’re still good operators. Just not as good as the S-Tier ones of course, and their drawbacks are more apparent than the A-tier and B-tier ones. Let’s take Glaz and Caveira for example. As for Glaz’s case, they did give him a buff with the addition of the Bearing-9, but it’s still hard to use his OTs-03's thermal sight at close range. As for Caveira, even though she’s very powerful one-on-one, all the Attackers have to do is to be coordinated and not to be too far apart from each other and it’ll be easy to neutralize her interrogation ability.
Glaz: 68/100 Attacker
Clash: 65/100 Defender
Caveira: 67/100 Defender
Frost: 68/100 Defender
Blackbeard: 64/100 Attacker
Doc: 67/100 Defender
Thorn: 63/100 Defender
Echo: 62/100 Defender
IQ: 68/100 Attacker
Ash: 67/100 Attacker
Sens (S-Tier Covering Fire, Crowd Control, Area Denial)
Ranked is the most competitive game mode that is available for most players in Siege, and in Ranked mode, there’s only bomb mode. That’s why learning how to coordinate with your team to be able to plant the defuser is very important in Siege. And Sens is the best cover provider for a defuser plant right now, because their R.O.U. Projector Systems provides huge walls of light that covers a large area, covering the advance of the whole Attacker team, especially the defuser plant attempt.
That is the primary reason why Sens is an S-tier operator, because they enable a defuser plant really well. On top of that, they have secondary gadgets and guns that complement their special gadget and gameplay. Their two claymores can be used to counter roamers and flankers. They can also be used as traps behind the R.O.U. Projector Systems in order to score kills on those Defenders who will attempt to swing the projector lights. Sens also has the newest gun in Siege, the POF-9, which has a very decent damage, and has a huge magazine capacity for an assault rifle.
Operator stats:
- 3 Armor
- 1 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- POF-9 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Gonne-6
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Provides a lot of cover for pushing and defuser planting
- Great at area denial as well because Defenders would be uncomfortable near the Sens’ projector lights
- Heavy armor rating makes Sens hard to take down
Operator weaknesses:
- Aside from the ability to make entry holes, her gameplay is very self-centric
- Reload time (if player chooses the LMG-E)
- Very rough recoil (if player chooses the M762)
Azami (S-Tier Area Denial, Area Securer, Intel Denial)
Azami and the season when she came out, which is Operation Demon Veil, were both universally loved by the Siege community. It was one of the seasons where there weren't a lot of complaints from players. Most just loved the changes the Operation Demon Veil and Azami brought to the game. And who can blame the community? Azami is just a top tier operator who is not just powerful, she also added a lot of tactical aspects in the game, which is what Siege is all about. A thinking man’s first-person multiplayer shooter.
Azami is an S-Tier operator because she possesses the ability to rework enemy movements through her Kiba Barriers. For example, she can place a Kiba Barrier on the upper part of a doorway leading to the objective spot, so that the Defenders inside can shoot the feet and legs of Attackers who will attempt to swing by that doorway. Chances are, Attackers will avoid that doorway instead and try another path of attack. And the most powerful use of her Kiba Barriers is when they’re used to provide cover on a previously vulnerable angle.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- ACS12 with 1.5x Scope and Angled Grip
- D-50 with Suppressor
- Impact Grenades
Operator strengths:
- Able to rework the movements of enemies
- Able to practically change the geometry of the fight
- Able to deny intel by blocking drone holes
- Can provide cover on previously vulnerable angles
Operator weaknesses:
- Only has one choice for her secondary weapon
- Both of her primary guns lack scopes that provide higher levels of zoom
- Will be mostly stuck anchoring
Smoke (S-Tier Area Denial, Anchor, Are Securer)
Smoke is one of the best area denial operators in the game and he’s the most unique. That is because he can go inside the effects of his area denial device and not be harmed by it. That means he can push back Attackers using his Remote Gas Grenade, and he can also take back control of that area easily by being there while the gas grenade is going off. This gas grenade deals a lot of damage to Attackers, and the effects are fast, so most of the time, they have no choice but to back away when its detonated on the area where they’re attempting to push.
Another thing that makes Smoke a great Defender is that he’s very deadly from close to medium range. That is because he can equip a shotgun as his primary and the SMG-11 machine pistol as his secondary. With that loadout, he has superiority at close range because of his shotgun, and he can frag enemies effectively at medium range using the SMG-11 which has a really fast rate of fire. This makes Smoke one of the most versatile operators in the game, and no wonder why he’s one of the favorite picks in pro-league.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- M590A1
- SMG-11 with Holographic, Extended Barrel, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Barbed Wire
Operator strengths:
- Really great at close range up to medium range
- Can deny area to enemies for long periods of time
- Can enter the effects of his area denial device and outmaneuver enemies with it
Operator weaknesses:
- Lacks the gun or scope that can make him excel at long range
- Weapons lack scopes that could prevent high levels of zoom
- Best weapon for medium range shooting has a very strong recoil
Finka (S-Tier Buffer, Back Line Support)
Finka’s pick rate has skyrocketed in major proportions since the update that made her able to use her Adrenal Surge even when she’s in a down-but-not-out (dbno) state. Her pick rate has been at the top for like two seasons now, and recently, Ubisoft has released the pick rate stats for Year 7 season 2 and we can see from there that Finka’s pick rate has even surpassed the actual graph. That’s something really crazy, and of course, her pick rate is astronomical because there’s no doubt that she’s an S-Tier operator, and probably the strongest S-Tier operator right now.
She has a very oppressive weapon in her 6P41 light machine gun which has a huge magazine capacity, manageable recoil, and high damage. Its only weakness really is its slow reload time, but because of Finka’s Adrenal Surge, that reload time can be faster in her hands. That’s why of course, the main reason why Finka is an S-Tier operator is her Adrenal Surge. Her Adrenal Surge provides her whole team with several buffs like being able to walk over barbed wires faster, have more tolerance to the effects of stun grenades and ear ringing effects of explosions, removal of concussion effects, added health points, and of course, upon activation, it will revive any attacker who are in a dbno state.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Health
Best weapon loadout:
- 6P41 with Scope 2.5x B, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Gonne-6
- Stun Grenade
Operator strengths:
- Has a very powerful and oppressive weapon in the 6P41 LMG
- Can provide a lot of buffs for the whole Attacker team
- Can self-revive and revive any downed teammates from any distance
- Can provide healing for the whole team
Operator weaknesses:
- Sound effects of the Adrenal Surge can prevent you from hearing sound cues from enemies
- Her 6P41 LMG can take a long time to reload, even with an Adrenal Surge.
- Added toughness and buffs from the Adrenal Surge can make teammates overconfident and careless
Dokkaebi (S-Tier Intel Gatherer, Intel Denial, Anti-Roamer, Flanker)
The queen of intel on the Attacker side. The way she handles intel is why she’s on the S-tier spot. Usually, operators are just either an intel gather, or an intel denier. But in Dokkaebi's case, she’s both. With her Logic Bomb, she can gather intel on enemy positions by hacking into their mobile devices and making them ring. Those loud sound cues will compromise the Defenders’ locations, as well as nullify their ability to hear the noises that Attackers make while pushing.
The action of disabling the Logic Bomb on their phone could also leave them vulnerable to Attacker fire. That’s why Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb is so dangerous. Aside from that, she can also hack a dead Defender’s mobile device and once that hacking is successful, the whole attacking team will have access to Defender cameras, even the cameras on special gadgets like Valkyrie’s or Maestro’s. This fiery South Korean operator also has the powerful Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle which excels at any range really, due to its manageable recoil and wide variety of scopes available to it.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip
- Stun Grenade
Operator strengths:
- Can compromise current enemy locations by making their mobile devices ring
- Can prevent enemies from hearing sound cues from the Attacker team
- Can hack a dead Defender’s phone and have access to all Defender cameras
Operator weaknesses:
- Activating the Logic Bomb can leave Dokkaebi vulnerable for a few seconds
- Hacking a dead Defender’s phone may also leave her vulnerable for a few seconds
- Lacks a fully automatic weapon for her primary
Kaid (S-Tier Anti Hard Breacher, Anchor, Area Securer)
Kaid is the only Defender that has a gadget that could prevent a hard breach on a top hatch. It was originally designed for that, but because Thatcher is usually banned in Ranked, Kaid’s Rtillas have also become the best gadgets for preventing horizontal breaching. That is because, unlike Mute and Bandit’s special gadgets, Kaid’s Rtillas wouldn’t be so easily reached by Maverick’s Breaching Torch, and as most Siege players know by now, Maverick is the best alternative to Thatcher. So, when Thatcher is banned, the Defenders could expect that a Maverick would be on the Attacker team.
With that said, Kaid’s Rtillas aren’t the only reason why he’s a top tier operator. He possesses in his arsenal the very powerful TCSG12 shotgun which shoots a single-slug per shot, making it more similar to a marksman rifle rather than a typical shotgun. As for players who aren’t used to non-automatic guns, Kaid also has the AUG A3 submachine gun which deals a good amount of damage, has low recoil, and a good magazine capacity. Kaid also has a nitro cell which is great for countering Attackers who are pushing, especially Osa.
Operator stats:
- 3 Armor
- 1 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- TCSG12 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- LFP586
- Nitro Cell
Operator strengths:
- Right now, he is the best operator for preventing hard breaching.
- Has the TCSG12 which basically makes him a sniper on the Defender side
- Has a nitro cell which is great for countering Maverick on the other side of the wall
Operator weaknesses:
- Slow movement speed makes him easier to hit
- Would be basically stuck with anchoring most of the time
- Secondary weapon has a really strong weapon kick
Ace (S-Tier Hard Breacher, Front Liner)
Ace is a top tier hard breacher because he can basically do what the other hard breachers can do, but better. The S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher is his special gadget, and he has three of them. Each of them can open up big holes on unreinforced walls, enough for a good entry point. The holes that Ace makes on reinforced walls aren’t as big as the holes that Thermite can create, but since Ace has three hard breach devices, he’s still a tier above Thermite. As for Hibana, Ace just completely blows her out of the water when it comes to hard breaching capabilities.
As for dealing with enemies, Ace is actually very versatile, just like his hard breach devices. He has the powerful AK-12 as one of the choices for his primary weapon. It has a high damage output as well as a fast rate of fire. Its recoil may be a bit rough, but it’s very manageable, making Ace a great backline support as well. For players who are shotgun masters, the other choice for Ace’s primary is the M1014 shotgun which can take down opponents with just one shot at its optimal range. Ace can also cover his back really well with his two claymores which can score kills from roamers and flankers.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- AK-12 with 2.0x Scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- P9 with Suppressor
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Has three special hard breaching devices
- Primary gun deals high damage, has a 2.0x scope, and has a manageable recoil.
- Has two claymores to cover his and his teammates’ backs
Operator weaknesses:
- The hard breaches that he makes aren’t perfect in a sense that Attackers would still need to vault to enter them
- His hard breach device works slower than Thermite’s, so they’re easier to counter..
- Only has one choice for his secondary weapon
Sledge (S-Tier Flanker, Soft Breacher)
Sledge is a top tier operator because it’s very hard to stop his vertical attack unless your team’s roamer is able to kill him, which could be very difficult when Sledge is around his teammates. Once Sledge begins his vertical attack, it presents a lot of problems for the Defenders below, because when he keeps destroying the wooden floor above the objective area, it will expose the Defenders below and make them vulnerable to Sledge’s or his teammates' gunfire. And Sledge doesn’t only have his gunfire to harass and kill the Defenders below. He also has two frag grenades which can easily score him kills.
As for a more conventional approach, Sledge is also a very dangerous rush-initiator, because he can bring down barricaded doors, even the ones with Castle’s Armor Panels, with just one strike from his Tactical Breaching Hammer. And he can make soft breaches in relative silence compared to Ash or Buck. That helps the whole attacking team catch the Defenders by surprise. As for rushing, Sledge can choose the stun grenades as his secondary gadget in order to soften up the objective spot before a push, or stick with the frag grenades which he can use to flush out enemies from their hiding spots.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- L85A2 with 2.5x Scope, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Frag Grenades
Operator strengths:
- Can keep harassing enemies with his vertical attack
- His special gadget doesn’t run out of uses
- His primary weapon, secondary weapon, as well as his secondary gadget, all pack heavy firepower.
Operator weaknesses:
- Lacks a good gun for long range shooting
- Only has one choice for his secondary weapon
- Sound cues from his Tactical Breaching Hammer can compromise his location
Fuze (S-Tier Area Denial, Flanker, Disabler)
Speaking of vertical attackers, Fuze is right up there with Sledge on the top tier list because no one softens up the objective area before a push than Fuze. With his Cluster Charges, he basically rains down explosives after explosives on the objective spot, killing Defenders who don't get away from them on time, and mostly, destroying a lot of Defender gadgets inside. Experienced Fuze players even know the pattern of how the Cluster Charges fall and bounce, allowing them to accurately determine where they want the Cluster Charges to explode.
And because Fuze has two hard breach charges as his secondary gadgets, Fuze can destroy a reinforced hatch above the objective spot, and use his Cluster Charge to lead Defenders near the hatch area, making them vulnerable to Fuze’s gunfire. This is why Fuze is definitely an S-tier operator. His special gadget isn’t just for damage and destruction, it can be used for high IQ plays as well, because it basically forces Defenders out of their entrenched positions, making them panic. And when players panic, that’s when they’re prone to make mistakes.
Operator stats:
- 3 Armor
- 1 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- Ballistic Shield + PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Hard Breach Charge
Operator strengths:
- Very effective at making enemies panic
- Can destroy a lot of Defender gadgets with his Cluster Charges
- Great at flushing out enemies from their hiding spots or entrenched positions
Operator weaknesses:
- Leaves himself vulnerable for a few seconds while deploying his Cluster Charges
- Sometimes the Cluster Charges can cause friendly fire if the team is not coordinated
- Has a slow movement speed
Valkyrie (S-Tier Intel Gatherer, Roamer)
Intel plays a very important role in Siege’s gameplay because it’s a tactical multiplayer shooter where aim and firepower isn’t everything. In fact, one could say that strategy is much more important than aim and firepower in Siege. And that is why Valkyrie is a top tier operator, because when it comes to gathering intel, she’s the best on the Defender side. And yes, that’s despite the nerf that basically made her Black Eye cameras useless outside the mission building.
In fact, the “nerf” may have actually made Valkyrie stronger, because it forces Valkyrie players to place all three of the Black Eye cameras inside the mission building, which is where most of the action happens anyway. And these Black Eye cameras are small. They could look just like a speck of dirt on a wall or corner when they’re not turned on. And that is why when they’re placed on awkward angles and cheeky hiding spots, the Attackers would have a really hard time finding and destroying them. These cameras can be accessed by the whole Defender team, giving them much needed intel on the current enemy whereabouts.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- MPX with Red Dot, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- D-50 with Suppressor
- Nitro Cell
Operator strengths:
- Excellent at gathering intel on enemies because of her Black Eye cameras
- Her cameras can also be used by the whole Defender team
- Has a nitro cell which is great for a c4-under-the-floor strat armed with intel from her Black Eye cameras
Operator weaknesses:
- Leaves herself vulnerable whenever she’s watching her Black Eye cameras
- Switching from operator view to camera view causes a pretty loud sound cue which can compromise her location
- The MPX, while having great recoil control, lacks damage.
Jager (S-Tier Area Securer, Roamer)
Jager may have suffered a lot of nerfs throughout the years. His 416-C carbine isn’t even as powerful as before, I mean, it’s a pretty average gun right now, with decent damage, decent magazine capacity, and a pretty rough recoil. But Jager remains on the S-tier list because even now, he’s the most effective anti-grenade and projectile operator that the Defenders have. Yes, Wamai is great too, especially his guns and impact grenades, but Wamai’s Mag-NETS, mostly only pulls grenades, and they still detonate, so there’s still a risk that the grenade will destroy Defender gadgets, most importantly, anti-hard breach gadgets like the Rtilla.
This is why Jager is still the best anti-grenade operator that we have in the game right now, especially when Thatcher is banned and you’re trying to prevent Maverick from destroying anti-hard breach gadgets using his frag grenades, and that’s evidenced in his pick rate which remains very high. What’s great about Jager is that he can deploy his three special gadgets on spots where Attackers usually throw their grenades and they will do their thing on their own, so Jager can go around, roam, and pick off Attackers one by one.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- 416-C Carbine with Red Dot, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Suppressed P12 Handgun
- Barbed Wire
Operator strengths:
- His special gadgets are still the best when it comes to neutralizing enemy grenades and projectiles
- After deploying his special gadgets, he’s free to roam around and hunt enemies.
- Has a really powerful shotgun in the M870
Operator weaknesses:
- His unique gun, the 416-C has a rough recoil, and pretty low damage.
- His weapons don’t have scopes that can provide higher levels of zoom
- Has to put at least two special gadgets in one spot to ensure that no grenades will come though
Zofia (S-Tier Crowd Control, Anti Roamer, Flanker, Soft Breacher, Disabler)
Zofia is a top tier attacker mainly because of her LMG-E which has one of the biggest magazine capacities in the game. It has a whopping 150 bullets per magazine, and that makes Zofia really capable of oppressing her enemies with suppressive fire. Of course, that’s also possible because of its low recoil, and wide variety of attachments. It’s safe to say that right now, the LMG-E is an overpowered gun. It inflicts high damage per shot too, so basically it doesn’t have any weaknesses, except for its slow reload time.
Another great thing about Zofia is that with her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, which can shoot two impact grenades and two concussion grenades, she can be a very versatile Attacker. That’s because she can basically concuss opponents that are in their entrenched position using her concussion grenades, especially because they can bounce on surfaces, and her impact grenades can be used for creating entry holes on unreinforced walls, as well as destroying wooden floors above the Defenders’ objective spot. Zofia also has two claymores that can protect her and the whole attacking team from roamers and flankers.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- LMG-E with 2.5x Scope, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- RG15 with Suppressor
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Has a really powerful and oppressive weapon in the LMG-E
- Has a great handgun with a great stock red dot sight
- Has two claymores that can protect her and her teammates from roamers and flankers
Operator weaknesses:
- Her LMG-E has a really slow reload time
- His other primary weapon choice, the M762 assault rifle, has a really rough recoil.
- Can accidentally affect herself or teammates with her concussion grenades
Flores (S-Tier Area Denial, Soft Breacher, Back Line Support, Disabler)
Flores may be a bit hard to use because his gameplay involves a lot of switching from operator view to drone view and vice versa, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll truly understand why Flores belongs in S-tier. His exploding drones inflicts a lot of damage and destruction in the Defenders’ objective spot just like Fuze’s Cluster Charges, but Flores is more surgical in his approach because he can control his exploding drones for several seconds before they explode. Their uses are very versatile, and there are a lot of creative ways to use them.
Each of Flores’ exploding drones has the same explosion power as a nitro cell, so any Defender that doesn’t get away from it on time will surely get killed. They’re also great for destroying pesky bulletproof gadgets like Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Melusi’s Banshees, deployable shields, and others. They can also be used for soft breaching, especially because they can jump too and latch on barricade doors or windows and explode. My favorite use for them is area denial, because they’re great at flushing out Defenders from their hiding spots or strong angles, and that’s a great way to expose them and make them vulnerable to Attacker gunfire.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- AR33 with 1.5x Scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- GSH-18 with Suppressor
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Excellent at making Defenders panic with his exploding drones
- Can play the role of a soft breacher very easily
- Can destroy a lot of Defender gadgets with his exploding drones
Operator weaknesses:
- Leaves himself vulnerable to runouts, roamers, or flankers, while in drone mode.
- Only has one choice for his secondary gun
- General direction of where his exploding drones are coming from can compromise his location
Capitao (S-Tier Area Denial, Front Liner, Flanker)
Angles and positions are very important in Siege, so to have the ability to deny area is really powerful. That is why Capitao is a top tier operator, a very underrated one at that. With his special gadget, he can shoot two smoke grenades, which is excellent for covering a defuser plant or the Attacker team’s advance. Capitao’s smoke grenades are more effective than the normal ones because the smoke from Capitao’s special gadget pops off immediately as soon as he shoots them. That leaves the Defenders less time to react. By the moment that they realize what’s happening, it has already happened.
His fire grenades are the same way. They immediately cover an area with fire as soon as Capitao shoots them. And that fire deals a lot of damage to anyone who steps on them, so chances are, Defenders won’t risk swinging by it. Those fire grenades are excellent for preventing Defenders from countering, or just generally preventing them from having a good position. Capitao also has a very powerful assault rifle in the PARA-308, and an oppressive LMG in the M249. His two claymores are great for scoring easy kills against roamers and flankers, and his PRB92 handgun is one of the most underrated handguns in the game.
Operator stats:
- 1 Armor
- 3 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- PARA-308 with 1.5x Scope, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- PRB92 with Suppressor
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Excellent at denying area to enemies with his asphyxiating bolts
- Great at providing cover for a push or defuser plant attempt with his micro smoke grenades
- Can also protect the team’s back with his two claymores
Operator weaknesses:
- User needs to kind of press a lot of buttons to perform his role
- The asphyxiating bolts and micro smoke grenades can be hit by bullets midair, so there’s a risk of them blowing up on your face.
- His M249 light machine gun has a slow reload speed
Thatcher (S-Tier Gadget Disabler, Backline Support)
He might be almost unusable in Ranked nowadays, especially in the higher ranks, but there would still be rare times that he’s not banned, and we’re not just talking about Ranked here anyway, so it can’t be denied that Thatcher is an S-tier operator overall. And that’s why he’s the most banned, because when he’s around, hard breaching would be very hard to stop. Even one or two of his EMP Grenades are enough to enable hard breaching, and he has three. Hard breaching is very important for attackers, because once it’s successful, the path to their victory becomes much easier.
And Thatcher isn’t an S-tier operator just because he easily enables hard breaching. His EMP Grenades can neutralize a lot of Defender gadgets because its effect has a radius of 5.2 meters. And most gadgets in the game are made up of electronics, so just like what Thatcher says in his trailer, “the more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they’re kicked out from under you”, that means he can also neutralize pesky bulletproof special gadgets like Maestro’s Evil Eyes, and Melusi’s Banshees, which would really be great for the Attacking team.
Operator stats:
- 2 Armor
- 2 Speed
Best weapon loadout:
- AR33 with 2.5x Scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Claymore
Operator strengths:
- Can easily enable hard breaching with his EMP grenades
- Can disable enemy gadgets en masse, not just the hard breach preventing ones.
- Can also disable Defenders’ reticles which will hamper their ability to aim
Operator weaknesses:
- He is almost unusable now in Ranked mode
- Only has one choice for his secondary weapon
- His AR33 has a small magazine capacity
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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