When it comes to games created in the 2010’s, a lot of them have the same set up; multiple endings. Whether you like them or not, we can all agree it adds an element of motivation to the game. Not only wanting to play it again to get a different ending, but also playing the game differently to what you usually would in order to see what you may have missed the first time..
Resident Evil 7 is no stranger to the ‘multiple endings’ trope, as what you choose to do could change the outcome of the ending in a not so great way (Well, depending on how you feel about Mia I guess.). But if you haven’t played through the game once before, or have and just don’t know how you got to a certain ending, you may not know what those endings are or how to get them - which can honestly be a bit stressful to some people. Don’t fret, however, as there are only two possible endings, and one very big and obvious decision that can cause them.
Ending #1 - “End Of Night” (‘Good’)
(You've chosen to save Mia)
While the options you make throughout the game have no actual effect on the ending, there is one decision, as mentioned, that does change things. This choice comes outside the ‘Boathouse’ after you’ve used one of the serums on Jack Baker during the boss fight, leaving you with only one serum left. The game will make you decide between the woman that’s been helping you throughout the game (Zoe), or, well, your wife Mia.
Some people get a little tripped up at the choice, and understandably; Mia has been attacking you on and off through the whole game, while Zoe has helped you and ultimately led you to the serums. However, picking Mia is the true ending and the one that gives you the most satisfying ending..
How to get this ending:
- Choose to give the last serum to Mia and leave on the boat, sorry Zoe. You’ll be heading towards the wrecked ship that Mia and Eveline arrived at the farm on.
- From here you’ll be playing as Mia and will find that Ethan has been kidnapped.
- Explore the ship to find Ethan; after finding him, he’ll leave and a boss fight between Eveline and Ethan will ensue.
- Right at the end of the game, not only will Ethan be rescued by the helicopter, but Mia will be as well; revealing that she won her own battle with Eveline.
Ending #2 - “Just A Memory Now” (Bad)
(You've chosen to save Zoe)
Many, many people are guilty of choosing this ending. For some reason it just feels right to do, and although you will receive an achievement for picking to cure Zoe (the same way you will if you choose to cure Mia), the ending won’t turn out in your favor. After all, *DLC SPOILER ALERT* Zoe gets saved either way by her uncle in the DLC End of Zoe.
Even so, it’s understandable why someone would choose this ending, and a lot of people go back to achieve it for the trophy anyway, so with that being said,
How do you get this ending?:- For this you’ll want to give the last serum to Zoe, which will then result in you and her riding away on the boat instead. Quite awkwardly, to be honest.
- At the wrecked ship, Eveline will essentially calcify Zoe, leaving her a statue and unable to continue on. Ethan will still be captured and you will wake up as Mia inside of the wrecked ship.
- After you’re able to find the kidnapped Ethan, Mia won’t be able to fight off Eveline’s influence anymore since she didn’t receive the serum, and you (playing as Ethan) will be forced to kill her with a crowbar.
- Mia will subsequently not be in the helicopter with you at the end of the game, leaving you with only a voice recording of her left. Some people truly hate Mia and prefer this ending, however. All up to how you perceive things in the end, really
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