After Its Reveal and We Were Hyped but Worried at The Same Time
During this year’s E3 out of nowhere came a first person gameplay trailer nobody saw coming. Yup, Resident Evil VII, one of Capcom’s most beloved franchises and one of the best known survival horror games. When people saw the title of the trailer at first they were excited to see that the new Resident Evil game would be so different, especially since the last title was met with somewhat mixed reviews. Once the excitement cooled down a bit some fans started to get worried.
Capcom Brings Innovation and Still Caters to Veteran Resident Evil Players
Some fans were worried that this new evolution of the beloved Survival Horror would bring the franchise just another step closer to being a full-fledged shooter, since most shooters are played from the first person perspective. Other more mature and older fans were longing for the old days of the Spencer Mansion, Tank controls, Jill Sandwiches and all the good stuff that made Resident Evil really stand out back in the days. We are happy to report that, according to Polygon’s pre-review of Resident Evil 7, the developers have listened to both sides and delivered an extremely refreshing experience.
So What’s New in Resident Evil 7?
With a fully playable demo (which you can download right now), it’s very clear how different the new entry will be. Enemies are much harder to kill and actually require some strategy before you can take them down, this was one of the biggest complaints about Resident Evil 6 where enemies took a lot of bullets and never seemed like a threat.
There is also a cool new upgrade system and have we mentioned how spooky the game is? Because of the new perspective, the game is more immersive than ever. The sound design and graphics only complement the experience.
Most People Would Be Scared, but Resident Evil Fans Get Excited.
We are very impressed with what we’ve seen so far and are looking forward to the full game coming next year.
Resident Evil 7 Trailer