Out of all of the weapons you can get in Resident Evil 7, there are only two shotguns that you can get in the main game, but, even though we wish it was, it’s not as easy as picking one up and walking away. The game definitely makes you work for them, but the damage they do is worth the quest for sure. But what exactly does that entail? Oh, and for the fellow DLC players; don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you.
#5 - Broken Shotgun
(Not exactly usable, but you're going to need it either way.)
The broken shotgun, rather self-explanatory due to its name, is not usable upon picking it up. Although, don’t worry; you can use it to get the working M21 or M37 shotgun that’ll help slide you into the end. You can do so by either swapping it with the working M37 that is being held by a statue, or by using a repair kit on the broken one you have to create an M21. There are a couple places you can get repair kits, but not many; so make sure you use them wisely. To grab the shotgun, you’ll have to go to the Grandma's room where you can see it propped up near a broken mirror.
What’s so great about a broken shotgun?- Nothing really if we’re being honest - but you can’t get both shotguns without it, and you’re definitely going to want them.
- It’s relatively easy to get, so you’ll have a working version in no time.
- It adds a puzzle element to the game that can be a fun change from killing the Molded.
Broken Shotgun full details: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Broken_Shotgun
#4 - M37 shotgun
(I'll take that.)
Getting into a shotgun that you can actually use to take down the enemies, the M37 is the one that you’ll find guarded by a statue. After you’ve retrieved the broken shotgun from the Grandma’s room, go ahead and swap them out and get yourself your well-earned shotgun. You can find this statue in the Main Hall (1F) of the Main House, and you can technically take the gun before you have one to swap it with; but doing so will lock you inside the house until it’s replaced with the broken shotgun. The M37 is a bit weaker than the M21, but at close range you can take out an enemy with just one shot.
What makes the M37 great:- It holds 4 shotgun shells compared to the M21’s capacity of two.
- It has a widespread pellet range but is still more powerful than the early-game weapons you’re likely to still be using (Maybe..depending on how good you are at finding weapons.)
- Comes in at 80 damage per pellet, with 9 pellets to a shotgun shell, giving it a whopping 720 damage.
#3 - Model Shotgun
(The cousin of the broken shotgun)
Similarly to the above spot, the model shotgun is one that you’ll use to retrieve the M21, but in a bit of a different way. After you swap out your broken shotgun with the working M37 (the one the statue was holding), you’ll eventually come across the model shotgun. After you get the snake key that you needed to advance the game earlier, you’ll have the access you need to the Main House’s attic. Here is where you’ll find the model that you’ll use to get that broken shotgun back (seems redundant, doesn’t it? That’s because it is, but so worth it in the end.). After swapping it with the broken one that you put into the hands of the soldier earlier, you can then use the repair kit to transform the broken shotgun into the M21 Shotgun, the best shotgun in the main game.
What’s so great about a model shotgun?- The shotguns in the main game are some of the best weapons you can get mid-game. So while the model shotgun isn’t usable, it’s still vital if you plan to pick up those working ones.
- It allows you to get the broken shotgun back and turn it into the M21, which, I’ve said before and I’ll say again, you’re going to want.
#2 - M21 Shotgun
(A powerful addition to your inventory)
The M21 isn’t only the best shotgun in the main game, it’s one of the best weapons you can use as well. After you get the model shotgun into the hands of the soldier statue, effectively giving you back the broken shotgun; you can use one of two repair kits to get it working again. The M21 is better than the M37 in ways of overall damage, knockback, and pellet spread and is a weapon you’ll no doubt find worth the journey. It’s not the overall best gun nor weapon in the game, but it is pretty high up there in the ranking and will glide you into the end of the game seamlessly…until the end of game bosses come out.
What makes the M21 great:- While it only holds 2 shotgun shells, it deals more firepower than its counterpart; giving you more overall damage.
- Great knockback power and a tighter spread when it comes to the shell’s pellets; making it a great weapon for lighter boss fights.
- 10 pellets per shell with 80 damage per pellet, giving a total of 800 damage per shot. Feel like we’re doing a lot of math here, yet? Welcome to Re7.
#1 - Thor's Hammer
(The Albert...02?)
For those of us that love a good DLC, you may be familiar with Resident Evil 7’s ‘Not A Hero’ DLC. With that extra content came the introduction of Thor’s Hammer; a semi automatic weapon that is sometimes referred to as the ‘Albert 02’ (RIP Albert 01). The actual power and overall damage is similar to that of the M21, but adapts better than the latter. You don’t actually need to find this weapon, as you’ll start the DLC with it already in your inventory, but what you can unlock are Sights B and C. You’ll start with Sight A already equipped, and Sight B will be unlocked after you complete the DLC on a normal difficulty. You can find Sight C while playing on the ‘professional’ difficulty, with it being locked in a bird cage near the shield machine console; retrievable for 6 antique coins.
What makes Thor’s Hammer great:- It’s easier to get than the M21, since it’s in your inventory at the start of the DLC.
- Better for combat and is good at both boss fights and Molded fights due to its generous adaptability and use of shotgun shells.
- Its rate of fire is comparable to both main game shotguns, making it a good pairing if you do choose to grab either the M37 or M21 in the DLC.
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