When life gives you limes, make the flashiest car design!
As much as Rocket League is this serious sweaty game that everyone keeps trying to grind its ranked ladders, it’s a lot more than that when it comes to showing off. Players tend to show off in many different ways these days using the variety of customizations found in the game.
Rocket League players don’t only freestyle for fun in the arena. From boosts to decals, players also go inside their garage to freestyle their skills at creating a unique car that’ll make their friends’ jaws drop in awe. Fire themed cars, skull-themed bodies, even colored themes like all black or white, the possibilities are endless. Today we’ll be looking at the top 10 best lime wheels that will help you complete that color profile you’re looking for!
10- Apex (Lime)
The Lime Apex Wheels
We start off the list with the Apex wheels. This pair of wheels is a beauty to look at as it’s really easy on the eye. No animation and nothing too fancy, but if you want a pair of bright lime wheels that don’t really look like they should belong on a spaceship, this is a solid choice.
Even without an animation, the Apex wheels aren't dull at all. They have a neon strip of lime light wrapped around their tires with sharp glowing rims divided into 4 parts to connect everything. In the center, you find a nice hexagon finish to match the hexagon pattern on the rubber. Literally, everything glows on these wheels.
9- Andr01d (Lime)
The Lime Andr01d Wheels
If you’re looking for something simple but effective, these were tailor-made for you. The Andr01d’s have the most realistic look you could find on a car in real life out of everything on this list. The wheels are bulky and give off a nice off-road vibe that would suit the bigger cars in Rocket League.
The tires have a really nice detailed pattern, even though they look like the doors you’d find on spaceships in a space RPG game. The rims are black to give the wheels a whole lime and black theme if you’re into that, and each rim has a flashy neon light at the end of it. Pair these wheels with a black painted Interstellar decal for an awesome midnight look.
8- Gernot (Lime)
The Lime Gernot Wheels
The Gernot wheels are for the players who want to stand out the most! There’s not a single normal and level-head feature on them. They look like what a mad scientist would put on his ride, which is why I like them!
The animation is really sick though! The rims are one of the brightest lime versions you can get with sharp diagonal cutouts to show the inner animation. The inner animation looks like a glowing ball of lime fire for that extra detail. I like that the tire has a strip glowing in the middle to finish it off which makes it look like there are lights inside the wheels, rather than the rubber itself glowing. It’s all in the small details.
7- Zadeh S3 Inverted (Lime)
The Lime Zadeh S3 Inverted Wheels
When I said the Apex wheels are easy on the eye to look at, these are the complete opposite. There’s so much going on with the Zadeh S3 wheels that I don’t even know where to start. The wheels left no surface untouched and are packed with as much design and details as possible.
The animation on the Zadeh S3’s is unique as it’s much slower than most animations. It does make you feel like you just finished smoking a joint while you’re looking at it, but maybe that’s a plus. The tires also give off a nice illusion where the colors change from black to lime. The rims are simple but cool with an “S3” marked on one rim to give it a sports car vibe.
6- Pyrrhos (Lime)
The Lime Pyrrhos Wheels
This is a weird one as there’s not much going on here, but you can’t take your eyes off of it as well. The Pyrrhos wheels are really special as they look like 4 small portals into the lime underworld attached to your car. The level of detail in the animation is also really high compared to other wheels.
The Pyrrhos look to have no rims as they were replaced with a lime black hole. How good would those look on the Interstellar decal? The 2 luminous fireballs circling the inside resemble the yin-yang sign while the rubber received a nice finish with an arrow-like design that looks even better while driving around.
5- Draco (Lime)
The Lime Draco Wheels
The Draco wheels are well known in the Rocket League universe. They used to be a popular choice among players, and if I were to choose any version of them, it’d be in lime. Fierce looking with that fire-breathing dragon head, it’s a great aggressive design for you hot-headed players.
The animation on the Draco wheels is among the best on this list with the dragon head breathing green fire. The semicircular silver rims surrounding it give that extra touch of detail. My favorite aspect of these wheels is the burning flames around the tire. Pair these wheels with the fire god decal using green forest and lime colors for a sick look!
4- Capacitor IV (Lime)
The Lime Capacitor IV Wheels
These are the wheels a mad scientist with some aesthetic about him would choose. The Capacitor IV wheels are seriously high quality in the animation department. The level of detail found in these wheels is unmatched.
As the name suggests, the center of the wheels has a large capacitor with lightning sparks shooting out of it randomly. Next to the capacitor, you can see a pool of lime electricity circling around. The best part is the electric lines running around the tire while alternating in brightness, going bright and dim like a live wire. Stunning, pun intended.
3- Tri-2050 (Lime)
The Lime Tri-2050 Wheels
My top non-animated wheels pick. The Tri-2050 wheels are very simple but sometimes less is more. They look like they belong on a Hot Wheels car, but the Hot Wheels designs are usually among the best.
That matte finish on the tires is just magnificent. The contrast in that shade of black really brings out the best in the lime rims. The rims are flashy and bright with a unique 3-way design. Those slight green slashes on the matte black tires really finish it off in style. Pair these wheels with some Anodized Pearl paint and watch it glow.
2- Stella Inverted (Lime)
The Lime Stella Inverted Wheels
The Stella Inverted wheels have a lot going on for them in terms of animation. You can tell they worked on every inch of these wheels. Everything is moving and everything is bright, but somehow, it actually maintains a sleek clean design at the same time.
Its rims present a nice black to lime finish. The rims are pretty standard, but the way that green line animation moves around the outer edges of the rims really makes it stand out from the competition. A Dinosaur skin-like animation also circles around the tires. Pair this with the Shield Glitch decal for a perfect design.
1- Gripstride HX (Lime)
The Lime Gripstride HX Wheels
My top pick for the best lime wheels in Rocket League! Choosing the best wheels is all preference obviously, but the Gripstride HX wheels have a bit of everything. They would fit into every car design you could think of from the flashy car to the classic sports car.
The animation starts off with a nice hexagon spot pattern going along the tires from left to right. The rims give it a classic look with one glowing spot on the edge of the far right rim for that special touch. The brakes behind the rims glow an ultra-bright color, making it look like they’re fiery hot.
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