What are some of the best Pokémon you can use to catch other Pokémon?
It depends on which stage of the game you're on:
- Early-Game
- Mid-game
- Post-Game
Early-Game may use slightly weaker Pokémon for catching as Post-Game may use powerful Pokémon. When catching, the goal should never be to KO the wild Pokémon. You should create status conditions and create minimum damage for a higher catch rate.
For example, Fletchling is a great Pokémon to use early game so you can catch many grounded Pokémon and give them a small burn.
Slowbro is a great Pokémon to use mid-game when you’re trying to catch Rock, Fire, or Ground Types with opposing Water-Type moves, leaving them with the confusion status.
Scizor is a great Pokémon to use post-game when trying to catch legendaries. One of its signature moves, False Swipe, leaves the target with at least 1HP.
This article will list recommendations from Early-Game, Mid-Game, and Post-Game.
10. Paldean Wooper (Early-Game)

Paldean Wooper base stats:
- 55 HP
- 45 Attack
- 45 Defense
- 25 Special Attack
- 25 Special Defense
- 15 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Poison Point
Paldean Wooper is a Ground and Poison Type Pokémon. It’s a common Pokémon in South Province Area 1. It evolves into Clodsire at Level 20.
Catch the following types as Paldean Wooper is strong against:
- Fairy (Use Toxic + Water Gun)
- Grass (Use Toxic + Water Gun)
- Rock (Use Yawn + Mud Shot or Water Gun)
- Steel (Use Yawn + Mud Shot)
- Fire (Use Yawn + Mud Shot or Water Gun)
- Poison (Use Toxic + Yawn + Water Gun)
- Electric (Use Toxic + Mud Shot)
Paldean Wooper can help you catch 7 of 18 types during Early-Game, which is extremely nice. It’s immune to Electric-Types
Fairy, Fire, Electric, Poison, and Grass Pokémon are common throughout your entire journey.
Rock and Steel Types mostly live in Paldea’s rocky areas, which makes ⅓ of the map.
When catching Pokémon, stick with Paldean Wooper’s Poison Point Ability, where contact with Paldean Wooper may poison the attacker. You may want to save a move and allow the wild Pokémon to poison themselves.
During battle, Paldean Wooper should have this build:
- Toxic
- Yawn
- Mud Shot
- Water Gun
If failed on the first catch, Paldean Wooper should use its Toxic to poison the target or use Yawn to make them fall asleep for 2 turns. Mud Shot and Water Gun are great low-powered moves that won’t KO the target.
If you’ve got a plan for what Pokémon-Type you want to catch, such as Grass, Electric, and Fire, you can swap out Water Gun for Amnesia. Amnesia increases Paldea Wooper’s Special Defense by two stages. Grass, Electric, and Fire-Types are generally known for learning many Special Attacks.
How To Use Paldean Wooper and catching tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Paldean Wooper to use Toxic if the wild Pokémon is weak to Poison-Type moves. Or you can use Paldean Wooper’s Yawn, to make the Pokémon fall asleep.
- (only if the wild Pokémon is asleep) Use Water Gun or Mud Shot to do some damage. You may want to use Yawn again once again, and if it fails, just use Toxic and follow the next step.
Keep throwing your normal Pokéballs until you catch it. It may take 2-3 throws total during the early game without Gym Badges.
9. Fletchling (Early-Game)

Fletchling stats:
- 45 HP
- 50 Attack
- 43 Defense
- 40 Special Attack
- 38 Special Defense
- 62 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Big Pecks
Fletchling is a Fire and Flying-Type Pokémon. It loves flying around the Poco Path Lighthouse and appears in Paldea’s general Southern Province. It evolves into a Fletchinder at Level 17 and evolves into a Talonflame at Level 35.
Catch the following types as Fletchling is strong against:
- Fighting (Use Ember + Peck)
- Bug (Use Ember + Peck)
- Grass (Use Ember + Peck)
- Steel (Use Ember + Quick Attack)
- Ice (Use Ember)
Fletchling can help you catch 5 out of 18 Types. It’s immune to Ground-Type moves.
While Bug and Grass are widely spread in Paldea, Fighting, Steel, and Ice like to stay in specific regions:
- Fighting = South Providence Area 4 and North Providence Areas 1 and 2
- Steel = East Providence Area 3, Glaseado Mountain, South Providence Area 3
- Ice= Glaseado Mountain
During Early-Game, Fletchling can help you catch the 1’st evolutions of powerful Fighting, Steel, and Ice Pokémon such as Lucario.
When catching Pokémon, stick with Fletchling’s Big Pecks Ability It prevents Fletchling from lowering its Defense stat from the target.
During battle Flectchling should have this build:
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Peck
- Growl
The goal with Fletchling is that after your first catch if it fails, plan to use Ember right away. As the wild Pokémon’s HP burns after every end of turn, you can stall by using Growl to lower their Attack stat and focus on catching. Occasionally, you may need to use Quick Attack or Peck.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Fletchling to use Ember, attempting to burn the target. Catch away and wait for success. If necessary, use Growl to lower the target’s Attack by 1 stage.
- If necessary, and 2 catches were unsuccessful, use either Peck or Quick Attack to deal some damage. You’re looking for at least Half HP and then you can start catching the target from there. Use Peck if the target is weak to Flying-Type attacks.
8. Pawmi (Early-Game)

Pawmi stats:
- 45 HP
- 50 Attack
- 20 Defense
- 40 Special Attack
- 25 Special Defense
- 60 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Static
Pawmi is an Electric-Type Pokémon. You can find many around the South Province and around Cortondo East. It evolves into a Pawmo at level 18 as a Fighting and Electric type. Evolve it into a Pawmot by walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode.
Catch the following types as Pawmi is strong against:
- Flying (use Nuzzle + Growl)
- Water (Use Nuzzle + Thundershock)
- Sometimes Ghost (Use Thundershock)
Pawmi can help you catch 3 out of 18 Types, as Flying usually is the hardest to catch as they do fly in the game and are known for Evasiveness, Speed, and Defense stats.
Flying and Water-Types are all over Paldea in every region. Find bodies of water to catch Water-Types. Flying-Types are always around, just not in dry areas or caves. Find any Ghost-Types during nighttime all over Paldea.
During the early stages of the game, Pawmi could help you catch rare flying Pokémon such as Flamigo who is a Flying and Fighting-Type.
During battle Pawmi should have this build:
- Nuzzle
- Charge
- Growl
- Thunder Shock
The goal with Pawmi is that after your first catch if it fails, plan to use Nuzzle right away. It deals 20 accurate damage and paralyzes the target. Keep catching after that, and if you’re having trouble, use Growl to lower the target’s attack.
Use Charge against Water-Types. If you need to deal slightly more damage, use Thundershock to get the target to at least half HP. Pawmi’s Static Ability has a 30% chance of paralyzing wild Pokémon if it makes physical contact with it.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Pawmi to use Nuzzle. Make your 2’nd catch with your normal Pokéball. If not successful, follow next steps.
- Do another Nuzzle, and catch again. With lower level Pokémon this technique should work. If not, follow next steps.
- If necessary, you may want to use a Growl or Thundershock 2 times. If the target is aggressive and using Special Attacks, activate the move Charge.
- Catch the wild Pokémon with your normal Pokéball.
7. Sneasel (Early-Game and Mid-Game)

Sneasel stats:
- 55 HP
- 95 Attack
- 55 Defense
- 35 Special Attack
- 75 Special Defense
- 115 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Keen Eye
Sneasel is a Dark and Ice-Type Pokémon. You can find it in southwest Glaseado Mountain around nighttime. It evolves into a Weavile if it holds a Razor Claw at nighttime.
Catch the following types as Sneasel is strong against:
- Ghost (Use Leer + Icicle Spear)
- Ground (Use Leer + Ice Punch)
- Grass (Use Scary Face + False Swipe)
- Psychic (Use Leer + False Swipe)
- Flying (Use Scary Face + False Swipe + Icicle Spear)
- Dragon (Use Leer + Scary Face + Ice Punch or False Swipe)
- Other Ice-Types (Use Leer + False Swipe)
Sneasel is immune to Psychic-Types and can use its Ice-Type moves to freeze Pokémon. Stick with its Keen Eye Ability for catching as it prevents it from losing accuracy from moves like Sand Attack.
The important detail with Keen Eye is that if Sneasel is the leading party Pokémon (top of the party), wild Pokémon are 50% less likely to be at a lower level. You can quickly advance to get higher level Pokémon up to level 20-35 during Early-Game and reach level 45 Mid-Game.
Sneasel may help counter powerful Ground Pokémon such as Gible, who evolves into Garchomp. Sneasel is super useful when exploring Paldea’s cave system.
Sneasel can help you catch 6 out of 18 Types. During Early-Game, you may not have many Ghost, Ground, Psychic, Flying, or Dragon Pokémon. Sneasel can help you develop a strong arsenal of Pokémon to tackle most of Paldea’s Gyms, such as Glaseado Gym, way ahead of time!
During battle Sneasel should have this build:
- Leer
- Scary Face
- False Swipe
- Icicle Spear or Ice Punch
The goal with Sneasel is that after your first catch, if it fails, plan to use Leer and Scary Face to lower the wild Pokémon’s Defense and Speed stats. Lead with False Swipe at first. If it fails, you may need to use Icicle Spear or Ice Punch to create damage.
Use Icicle Spear on wild Pokémon levels 20-35. Use Ice Punch on wild Pokémon levels 37 - 45 to freeze them.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Sneasel to use Leer and Scary Face. You could try another catch with your normal Pokéball before using False Swipe, it may work.
- If you’re 2’nd catch didn’t work, use False Swipe so the wild Pokémon has at least 1 HP. If False Swipe fails, you might want to use Icicle Spear or Ice Punch a few times.
- Catch the wild Pokémon with a normal Pokéball.
6. Haunter (Mid-Game)

Haunter stats:
- 45 HP
- 50 Attack
- 45 Defense
- 115 Special Attack
- 55 Special Defense
- 95 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Levitate
Haunter is a Ghost and Poison-Type Pokémon. You can find its first evolution, Gastly, roaming around Cortondo East or East Province Area 2 at nighttime. Gastly evolves to Haunter at level 25. To get a Haunter, an NPC in Levencia will give you Gengar if you give them a Pinnurchin.
Mid-Game means that you’ve at least completed half of all the gyms and might have dipped your toes in the Kitakami DLC. Around Mid-Game you should be able to purchase Great Balls, which are much better than the regular Pokéballs. Other Pokéballs to consider are Dive Ball, Dusk Ball, Net Ball, and the Luxury Ball.
Catch the following types as Haunter is strong against:
- Psychic (Use Lick)
- Fairy (Use Hypnosis + Dream Eater + Acid Spray)
- Ghost (Use Hypnosis + Dream Eater + Lick + Acid Spray)
- Grass (Use Hypnosis + Acid Spray)
- Sometimes Normal (Use Hypnosis + Dream Eater + Acid Spray)
- Sometimes Fighting (Use Hypnosis + Dream Eater + Acid Spray)
While Haunter is immune to Normal and Fighting Types, it can’t damage them effectively with Ghost-Type moves. You’ll need to use Haunter’s Poison or Psychic moves. Haunter has the Levitate Ability, so it is immune to Ground-Type moves!
With Poison-Type moves, Haunter may help counter powerful Grass Pokémon such as Tropius or Trevenant.
Haunter can help you catch 6 out of 18 Types. During Mid-Game, you may not have many Psychic or Ghost Pokémon, so Haunter can help you develop a strong roster against Montenverna Gym and Alfornada Gym. Catch Pokémon levels 25 - 40.
Ghost Pokémon spread out in Paldea, but there’s plenty more around Glaseado Mountain. Psychic Pokémon like to roam around the Alfornada Gym.
During battle Haunter should have this build:
- Mean Look
- Hypnosis
- Dream Eater
- TM Move Acid Spray or Lick
The goal with Haunter is that after your first catch, if it fails, plan to use Mean Look right away. It prevents the wild Pokémon from fleeing.
Depending on which moves are most effective on it, Hypnosis is the most neutral move, making wild Pokémon fall asleep. Start catching from there.
If unsuccessful or Hypnosis fails, create some status damage such as Lick’s paralyzing effects or Acid Spray’s poison effects. After using Hypnosis, Haunter can use Dream Eater to steal some HP from the sleeping wild Pokémon.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Haunter to use Mean Look and Hypnosis. Make your 2’nd catch with your normal Pokéball. If not successful, follow next steps.
- Follow up with either Dream Eater, Lick, or Acid Spray. Whichever is moderately effective on the Wild Pokémon. Catch the wild Pokémon with your normal Pokéball.
5. Slowbro (Mid-Game)

Slowbro stats:
- 95 HP
- 75 Attack
- 110 Defense
- 100 Special Attack
- 80 Special Defense
- 30 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Own Tempo
Slowbro is a Water and Psychic-Type Pokémon. You can find its first evolution, Slowpoke, around Casseroya Lake. Slowpoke evolves into a Slowbro at level 37.
Catch the following types as Slowbro is strong against:
- Fire (Use Water Pulse + Disable)
- Rock (Use Water Pulse + Disable)
- Ground (Use Water Pulse + Disable)
- Fighting (Use Confusion + Disable)
- Poison (Use Confusion + Disable)
- Sometimes other Psychic (Use Confusion + Water Pulse + Disable)
Slowbro can counter plenty of Psychic Hybrids. For example, it can battle against powerful Psychic and Fire-Type Pokémon such as Delphox and Armarouge. Medicham is an example of a powerful Fighting and Psychic-Type Pokémon.
Slowbro should stick with its Own Tempo Ability, preventing Slowbro from becoming confused against other Psychic Pokémon’s moves.
Slowbro can help you catch 6 out of 18 Types. During Mid-Game, you may not have many Psychic Pokémon, so Slowbro can help you and develop a strong roster against the Alfornada Gym. Catch Pokémon levels 35 - 45.
Psychic Pokémon like to roam around the Alfornada Gym. Another way to seek Psychic Pokémon is to create a picnic anywhere in South Province Area 6 and make a Psychic Sandwich:
- 1 orders of Bacon
- 2 orders of Vinegar
During battle Slowbro should have this build:
- Confusion
- Disable
- Water Pulse
- Heal Pulse
The goal with Slowbro is that after your first catch if it fails, plan to use Confusion to deal some damage and make the wild Pokémon confused.
You want to use its Disable move whenever a powerful attack lands on Slowbro. Lead with Confusion or Water Pulse to deal damage, ideally below half HP. Water Pulse has a 20% chance of confusing the target.
Slowbro is great against tougher Pokémon around Levels 30- 45. In case your other Pokémon were involved in battle and made conditions like a burn, you should have Slowbro use Heal Pulse whenever the wild Pokémon will guarantee to faint on the next turn.
Heal Pulse restores half of the target's maximum HP. The great thing about Slowbro is that it can help you get the wild Pokémon’s HP in a pinch fairly quickly with Confusion or Water Pulse. This is why Heal Pulse is important if you need to swap in another Pokémon to create shock, burn, or poison.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away with a Great Ball, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Slowbro to use Confusion. Make your 2’nd catch with your Great Ball. If not successful, follow next steps.
- Follow up with either Water Pulse or Confusion once or twice. Get the wild Pokémon’s HP to turn red, aka, below half HP.
- Use Disable when appropriate. Use Heal Pulse if on the next move, the wild Pokémon is guaranteed to faint. Catch the wild Pokémon with your 3’rd Great Ball.
- Use Disable when appropriate. Use Heal Pulse if on the next move, the wild Pokémon is guaranteed to faint. Catch the wild Pokémon with your 3’rd Great Ball.
4. Scyther (mid-game)

Scyther stats:
- 70 HP
- 110 Attack
- 80 Defense
- 55 Special Attack
- 85 Special Defense
- 105 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Technician
Scyther is a Bug and Flying Pokémon. You can find it in North Providence Area 2.
Catch the following types as Scyther is strong against:
- Dark (Use Focus Energy + False Swipe or Fury Cutter)
- Fighting (Use Focus Energy + False Swipe)
- Psychic (Use Focus Energy + Fury Cutter)
- Grass (Use Focus Energy + False Swipe)
- Sometimes Flying (Use False Swipe or Wing Attack)
Scyther around Mid-Game is useful for catching buffier Pokémon because of its Technician Ability, powering up weaker moves under 60 damage by 50%. This pairs well with Fury Cutter. It’s immune to Ground-Type moves. Catch Pokémon levels 45 - 60.
Scyther can help you catch 4 out of 18 types. During Mid-Game, you may struggle with finding and catching Dark-Type Pokémon such as the Ruinous Pokémon or Zoroark. Catching Dark Types becomes essential if you want to defeat theMontenverna Gym, or the Alfornada Gym with less effort. Bug-Types also have the advantage against the Alfornada Gym.
Scyther may help with catching powerful Flying Types too, such as Tropius or Corviknight.
It’s hard to find Dark-Types in Paldea, and most Dark-Types will be in caves. It’s recommended to eat a Dark-Type sandwich:
- Avocado
- Smoked Fillet
- Tomato
- Lettuce
- Salt
During battle Scyther should have this build:
- Focus Energy
- Leer
- False Swipe
- Fury Cutter
The goal with Scyther is that after your first catch if it fails, plan for an effective False Swipe strategy. For wild Pokémon level 50 and up, you may want to use Leer, Focus Energy, and then False Swipe. It should leave them with at least 1-4 HP, and then you can enter your 2’nd catch.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away with a Great Ball, you may as well succeed first. If all fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Scyther to use Leer, Focus Energy, and then False Swipe. Use Fury Cutter if the icon says it’s more effective than False Swipe.
- Enter your 3’nd catch with a Great Ball.
3. Scizor (Post-Game)

Scizor stats:
- 70 HP
- 130 Attack
- 100 Defense
- 55 Special Attack
- 80 Special Defense
- 65 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Technician
Scizor is a Bug and Steel-Type Pokémon. In the Indigo Disc DLC, find it roaming around in the Canyon Biome.
Post-Game means that you’ve unlocked Quick Balls, Ultra Balls, and Timer Balls, which are the best to catch with. Buy a lot of them!
Quick Balls have a high catch rate on the 1’st throw, always go with it first. If Quick Ball fails to catch wild Pokémon on the 1’st toss, you want to use Ultra Balls. For more than 10 throws, you’ll want to use the Timer Ball.
Catch the following types as Scyther is strong against:
- Fairy (Use False Swipe or Bullet Punch)
- Ice (Use False Swipe or Bullet Punch)
- Psychic (Use False Swipe or Fury Cutter + Struggle Bug)
Scizor is most useful during Post-Game, as you will want to catch Wild Pokémon levels 60 - 75, Paradox Pokémon, and maybe some Legendaries such as Articuno.
Scizor can help you catch 6 out of 18 types. During Post-Game, there are many OP Pokémon to catch, such as Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Urshifu, and Iron Valiant. As a recommendation, stick with catching powerful Ice, Fairy, or Psychic Types when you have Scizor.
Ice, Fairy, and Psychic Pokémon are great against powerful Dragon, Flying, Ground, and Fighting Pokémon.
Explore a lot in the game in Area 0 and take on Perrin’s Quest in Kitakami and in Blueberry Academy. Talk to Snacksworth after completing the Indigo Disc DLC to catch some legendaries!
During battle Scizor should have this build:
- False Swipe
- Iron Defense
- Bullet Punch / Fury Cutter
- Leer
The goal with Scizor is that after your first catch, if it fails, plan for an effective False Swipe strategy. It’s almost the same as Scyther’s. You want to use False Swipe first if successful, and if not, use Iron Defense followed by moves Leer, Bullet Punch, and Fury Cutter.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away with a Quick Ball, you may as well succeed first. If all fails, use another catch with an Ultra Ball. If that fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Scizor to use False Swipe. If the wild Pokémon still has a lot of HP left, you may want to use Leer followed up by Bullet Punch or Fury Cutter, whichever is more effective. You may want to use Iron Defense when going up against Paradox and Legendaries.
- Enter your 3’nd catch with an Ultra Ball. If not, get the wild Pokémon’s HP to below half HP, and start catching away with the Ultra Ball. If you’ve reached 10 unsuccessful tosses, it’s time to use the Timer Ball.
2. Articuno (Post-Game)

Articuno stats:
- 90 HP
- 85 Attack
- 100 Defense
- 95 Special Attack
- 125 Special Defense
- 85 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Snowcloak
Articuno is a Flying and Ice-Type Pokémon. In the Indigo Disc DLC, talk to Snacksworth to get the Articuno Snack to spawn it in the game.
Alternatively, transfer Articuno from your other previous Pokémon games such as Pokémon Go, Let’s Go, and Sword and Shield into Scarlet and Violet through the Pokémon Home app.
Catch the following types as Articuno is strong against:
- Ground (Use Powder Snow)
- Dragon (Use Powder Snow)
- Flying (Use Ancient Power + Powder Snow)
- Water (Use Freeze Dry)
Articuno can help you catch 6 out of 18 types. Its best Ability for catching is its Snowcloak ability, where it increases its evasiveness during hail storms. It’s immune to Ground-Type moves.
Use Articuno when you’re trying to get all the Legendaries from Snacksworth. Here are the legendaries Articuno is most effective against:
- Lugia
- Hoh-Oh
- Groudon
- Kyogre
- Rayquaza
- Suicune
- Latias
- Latios
- Kyurem
- Glastrier
During battle Articuno should have this build:
- Snowscape
- Powder Snow
- Freeze Dry / Ancient Power
- Haze
The goal with Articuno is that after your first catch, if it fails, plan for an effective Snowscape and Haze strategy. It will boost Articuno’s Defense during the battle for 5 turns.
Use move options such as Powder Snow or Freeze Dry to freeze the wild Pokémon. Use Ancient Power against powerful Flying-Types such as Lugia. Haze is a perfect move against Legendaries, as Legendaries may increase their stats. Haze will reset all stats in the field, bringing their stats to 0. Note that it will affect Articuno’s stats too!
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away with a Quick Ball, you may as well succeed first. If all fails, use another catch with an Ultra Ball. If that fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Articuno to use Snowscape so its Snowcloak Ability can work. Follow up with either Powder Snow, Freeze Dry, or Ancient Power, whichever lists as effective. Having the target frozen will increase the chances of catching it. If the target ever increases its stats so much, you may want to use Haze.
- Enter your 3’nd catch with an Ultra Ball. If not, get the wild Pokémon’s HP to below half HP, and start catching away with the Ultra Ball. If you’ve reached 10 unsuccessful tosses, it’s time to use the Timer Ball.
1. Gardevoir (Post-Game)

Gardevoir stats:
- 68 HP
- 65 Attack
- 65 Defense
- 125 Special Attack
- 115 Special Defense
- 80 Speed
- Best Ability for catching: Trace
Gardevoir is a Fairy and Psychic-Type Pokémon. You can catch it in Glaseado Mountain close to Paldea’s Highest Peak.
Catch the following types as Gardevoir is strong against:
- Fighting (Use Hypnosis + Charm + Disarming Voice)
- Dragon (Use Hypnosis + Charm + Disarming Voice)
- Dark (Use Hypnosis + Disarming Voice)
- Ghost (Use Hypnosis + Shadow Sneak)
- Other Psychics (Use Hypnosis + Confusion + Shadow Sneak)
Gardevoir can help you catch 4 out of 18 types. Its best Ability for catching is its Trace Ability, where Gardevoir copies the wild Pokémon’s Ability.
Use Gardevoir when you’re trying to get all the Legendaries from Snacksworth. Here are the legendaries Gardevoir is most effective against:
- Zapados
- Moltres
- Raikou
- Entei
- Rayquaza
- Latias
- Latios
- Reshiram
- Zecrom
- Kyurem
- Terrakion
- Virizion
- Solgaleo
- Lunala
- Necrozma
- Kubfu / Urshifu
- Spectrier
Gardevoir is a perfect choice when trying to catch the Ruinous Pokémon or some Paradox Pokémon. You’ll want Gardevoir to catch plenty of Dragons. It’s also perfect against the Mewtwo Tera Raid event, should it ever happen again.
During battle Gardevoir should have this build:
- Hypnosis
- Charm / Shadow Sneak / Confusion
- Disarming Voice
- Reflect / Light Screen
The goal with Gardevoir is that after your first catch, if it fails, plan to use Hypnosis immediately. Continue with Ultra Balls. This technique is the best catching method because it mostly works against all types of Pokémon. If your Gardevoir is at a high level, such as level 80, Hypnosis becomes ridiculously accurate even after its 1'st use.
If unsuccessful when catching, and the effects of Hypnosis pass, it’s time to go into fight mode. You’ll want to reduce damage asap with either a Reflect or Light Screen and then lead with move choices of Disarming Voice, Shadow Sneak, or Confusion. After a few hits, if the target is below half HP, use Hypnosis again.
Shadow Sneak is an Egg Move so allow Gardevoir to learn it from Sableye. To learn more about Egg Moves read this article.
Catching Tips:
- Sneak up on your target wild Pokémon with crouch by pressing the B button. Hold the ZL button to lock them. When the Pokémon is facing away from you and is unaware press ZR to start catching them.
- During the battle, the Pokémon should be rattled and unsettled, unable to do moves. Catch it right away with a Quick Ball, you may as well succeed first. If that fails follow the steps below.
- Allow Gardevoir to use Hypnosis, and then follow up with Ultra Balls. If that fails, follow the steps below.
- Set up a Reflect or Light Screen. Then, use either Disarming Voice, Shadow Sneak, or Confusion to deal some damage to get the wild Pokémon at below half HP.
- If the wild Pokémon ever thinks about raising its Attack stat, use Charm to negatively effect that.
- Use Hypnosis again and start catching with the Ultra Ball.
- If you’ve reached 10 unsuccessful tosses, it’s time to use the Timer Ball.
Thanks for reading!