Not one person will say they don't have a personal favorite weapon. Now every player has their favorite weapon they love but this isn't a list of favorites, rather of which weapons are the best. I won't keep you any longer from reading the Top 10 Weapons in Splatoon 2.
10. Aerospray MG
This is one of the guns the player receives after completing level 6. This Aerospray MG is one of the staple weapons that is seen when playing Turf Wars. This shooter type not only gives great range up close and far but also has an amazing sub-weapon and special.
Depending on if you are in your human or squid form when ambushed will affect the rate that you shoot back at your opponent. Keep this in mind when facing opponents to use it to your advantage. Without upgrades, the Aerospray MG can fire about 200 shots before needing to refill your ink tank. This gun is a lightweight weapon that makes it easier to escape from an enemy. When Sheldon first introduces this gun to you, he will comment that he made it with the help of his grandpappy’s blueprints.
The sub-weapon is called Suction Bomb and this is only used when your ink tank reaches the fill mark. Suction bombs can be aimed and thrown at your opponent. The special attack for this weapon is called the Curling-Bomb Launcher. Just imagine throwing a stone at your opponent that explodes with ink. This is exactly what this attack does to the opposing team. The Aerospray MG fires extremely quickly, which is good when an unexpected opponent shows up but also remember that the shot is weak, so more firepower is better with this gun. Find the right balance of how and when to use your weapon, sub-weapon, and special attack is the key to your victory.
See Aerospray MG in action:
SPLATOON 2 Turf War: Aerospray MG Gameplay!
Aerospray MG details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Aerospray_MG
9. Inkbrush Nouveau
Next, we have the Inkbrush Nouveau which can be obtained after completing level 7. Inkbrush Nouveau is a roller type with a short attack range compared to other weapons. There are many brush types in Splatoon 2 but many will choose this weapon because it is easy to handle and its quick speed is great for inking up the entire map.
This weapon is really fast but it comes with a disadvantage of having to refill your ink tank after 50 hits. When an opponent is next to you, just swing your brush to deal heavy damage to your opponent. Sometimes it gets rid of opponents in one swing. This weapon leaves a trail of ink everywhere which comes in handy during a battle.
Inkbrush Nouveau is a medium weight weapon and has the same stats as the Inkbrush. The only crucial difference is the sub-weapon which is Ink Mine and its special attack Baller. The sub-weapon Ink Mine is amazing because it’s an explosive that can be placed on the floor and can’t be seen by the opponent. The mine explodes without them even knowing what hit them. One thing about this sub-weapon is that if nobody walks and sets it off in 10 seconds, it will explode. Also, if an opponent happens to cover it with ink, it will explode. The special attack for Inkbrush Nouveau is called Baller. The player is wrapped up in a hamster-like ball which protects them from oncoming danger and leaves a trail of ink behind. While using Baller, you can climb walls and take no damage while inside. This doesn’t prevent it from exploding too soon, so timing is crucial to success because if not, you will be the one splatted instead of your opponent.
See Inkbrush Nouveau in action:
Inkbrush Nouveau ~ Weapon Demonstration (Splatoon)
Inkbrush Nouveau details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Inkbrush_Nouveau
8. Slosher
Slosher has many varieties throughout the game and this is the first one you get at level 5. Slosher is in its unique category called Slosher. This is good for a beginner to see if this is a type of weapon they may like and later try the other varieties. Slosher is very powerful, has great range, and easy to handle as a beginner in the game.
This weapon doesn’t rapidly fire but is strong enough to get rid of your opponent in 2 shots, whether they are out in the open or behind a wall. This weapon helps you not only quickly ink your turf but also gets rid of any unsuspecting opponents that are nearby. If you need to refill your Slosher, your sub and the special attack will be ready to help.
The downfall of this weapon is that after 14 attack shots, you will need to refill your ink tank. Despite this, the sub-weapon Suction Bomb and special attack Tenta Missiles are here to help. The Suction Bomb has a suction cup at the bottom of the bomb to stick to wherever you aim. After it lands, it immediately explodes with ink. This gives you time to recover and prepare your main weapon, the Slosher. Tenta Missiles help lock onto nearby opponents and keep them away as you recharge your ink tank. They will never miss their target which can lock onto 5 targets at once. They have no range too far they can’t reach but understand when doing a special attack, you are vulnerable to your enemy.
See Slosher in action:
Slosher ~ Weapon Demonstration (Splatoon)
Slosher details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Slosher
7. Splattershot Jr.
This weapon is the Spattershot Jr. which is a shooter type weapon that is lightweight and splatters everywhere. This weapon was made for new players and veteran players who love this weapon. This is the first weapon players receive when they first play the game but with its ability to quickly ink and fire, no wonder people like this classic weapon.
With this weapon, there is no need to refill your ink tank until you have fired 255 shots. You can splatter everywhere with this shooter type and help your team when in a turf war without worrying that you will slow down. While each shot won’t deal much damage, shooting repeatedly is the way to bring down your opponent quickly. This weapon was made to be used offensively and defensively in the game.
To help with the Splattershot Jr., there is the sub-weapon Splat Bomb and special attack Ink Armor. The Splat Bomb is nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. They are shaped in a triangular pyramid, Throw them at your opponent and watch them splat ink on your opponent. Ink Armor keeps you protected while you go after opponents. The effects don’t last long but Ink Armor can take damage over 100 points from a single attack and if anything over that tries to damage you, it will go directly to that opponent while knocking them away from you. Remind yourself there is a limit to how much the armor can take before breaking. This will keep you from being taken out by the other team.
See Splattershot Jr. in action:
Splattershot Jr Gameplay + Audio Test! (Splatoon 2)
Spattershot Jr. details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Splattershot_Jr.
6. Splat Dualies
No list would be complete without the Splat Dualies, which two weapons are in each hand, and both shoot ink. This gives an advantage over other players with heavier weapons and becomes as soon as you hit level 4. Though not heavy in shots, having two guns is better than one in a turf war.
Splat Dualies have a unique roll technique that can be used by pressing B, allowing the player to roll away from opponents. This move allows you to move from danger much faster. The player can shoot 131 shots before needing to refill their ink tank. Having such great mobility and shot range, the Splat Dualies are for those players that want a quick way out.
These Splat Dualies were never in the first Splatoon game, making this a new weapon for Splatoon 2. The rolling technique combined with the rapid shots makes it appealing to all types of players. There is also the sub-weapon Burst Bomb and the special attack weapon Tenta Missiles. The Burst Bomb is a balloon filled with ink that is thrown at an opponent. It uses less ink than the Splat Bombs and Suction Bombs which means it causes less damage to opponents. This is something to think about before rushing into battle. The Tenta Missiles defend the player from far away while the Splat Dualies and Splat Bombs keep the player safe in close combat. Tenta Missiles direct damage is 150 points while an indirect shot does 30 points damage. That’s a big concern when locking onto an opponent’s location because that can be the difference between an instant kill or just hurt.
See Splat Dualies in action:
TOP 5 SPLAT DUALIES TIPS AND TRICKS | Splatoon 2 Guide / Tutorial
Splat Dualies details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Splat_Dualies
5. Carbon Roller
The Carbon Roller is lighter than the previous Splat Roller, which makes it easier to take out an opponent. The player can fling the Carbon Roller about 25 times before it needs to be refilled. It covers the ground in ink efficiently and quickly. It is available early in the game after completing level 7.
The weapon is lightweight, so it makes it easier to avoid opponents. The Carbon Roller is a favorite among the beginners and veteran players alike. While rolling ink onto the floor, if an opponent is hit by it, it could mean the end of their existence. Though not able to reach far, the Carbon Roller has a sub-weapon and special attack that will give the player the upper hand in any match.
Auto Bomb is the sub-weapon and Ink Storm is the special attack for the Carbon Roller. The small frog-like Auto Bomb comes in handy when dealing with an opponent that likes to run away before they are splatted. This small gadget tracks your opponent a short distance before it explodes, thus giving the player more control of the bomb. It takes a lot of your ink so keep this in mind while chasing an opponent. Ink Storm is exactly what it sounds like, a cloud that is summoned and rains down ink onto the area in which it is thrown. Opponents that are under the cloud will receive a lot of damage if they don’t get out of the cloud’s path. Ink Storm lasts about 8 seconds before moving off the map. Using Ink Storm to your advantage combined with the Auto Bomb and Carbon Roller will make the player an unstoppable force on the playing field.
See Carbon Roller in action:
V-Montages - DOMINATE the Carbon Roller - Splatoon 2 Gameplay
Carbon Roller details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Carbon_Roller
4. Splat Charger
The Splat Charger is a charger type weapon that must be charged up before firing on an opponent. If the player holds down the full charger long, then the attack will be more powerful and can kill your opponent in 1 shot. One of the downsides of Splat Charger is that the player will need to fill up their ink tank after 5 shots.
This weapon has long-range offense attacks, thus providing your team with cover. It is accurate when it comes to splatting an opponent on the opposite side of the map. Splat Charger wouldn’t be complete without its sub-weapon and a special attack that is both used close and far on opponents. This will help your team win in battles when it’s impossible to get too close to the opponent’s base.
The Splat Charger uses most of your ink quickly, so be resourceful when taking out an opponent. This weapon is not great for inking the map but better for splatting enemies. The player’s main weapon combined with the Sub weapon Splat Bomb gives the balance it needs to attack far away or close by. Splat Bomb is just like a triangle balloon filled with ink that is thrown at your nearby opponent. The special attack for this weapon is Sting Ray which is a laser that can shoot through walls to splat your opponent. This weapon’s laser is thin at first then it gets thicker and slower until the weapon stops after a few seconds. One thing about this special to remember is that you cannot use it directly on the opponents’ spawn point and while you are using it, it leaves you open to attacks.
See Splat Charger in action:
[Splatoon 2] Snapper Canal w/ Splat Charger
Splat Charger details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Splat_Charger
3. N-Zap ‘89
The N-Zap ’89 has quite a history and a favorite among Splatoon fans. The N-Zap ’89 is a middleweight shooter weapon with a sub-weapon and special which becomes available to purchase after completing level 11. It is a balance of short-range and long-range attacks, making the player a deadly opponent.
This weapon doesn’t use up much of your ink, so it allows the player to shoot 125 shots before needing to refill the ink tank. This weapon fires rapidly and has a perfect combination of sub and a special attack that will get the player through any map. Remember that after firing your weapon, the weapon cools down before you can use it.
The NES Zapper is orange instead of grey like the previous N-Zap ’85 due to a law in 1989 requiring toy guns not to have a black tip or exterior. The sub-weapon is called Autobomb which is a small frog-like bomb that seeks out the opponent without leaving an ink trail like the Curling-Bomb launcher. This has its advantages over other subs because once it has targeted an opponent, it won’t stop following until it explodes. The special attack for the N-Zap ’89 is called Tenta Missiles. These are homing missiles that lock onto its target, whether it is right in front of you or on the opposite side of the map. Tenta Missiles can target up to 5 targets at once but keep in mind that when you are shooting these missiles, you are leaving yourself open for an attack.
See N-Zap ’89 in action:
Splatoon: N-ZAP '89 Gameplay
N-Zap ’89 details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/N-ZAP_%2789
2. Enperry Splat Dualities
The Enperry Splat Dualities is a weapon that a player once they reach level 11. It is the dualie category and can be fired 131 times before the ink tank needs to be filled. This weapon is great because it has both short-range and long-range attacks.
For players that love to jump into the action, these guns are the perfect weapon. The two guns will splat your opponents quickly or if they are trying to splat the player, all they must do is roll out of the way. If for some reason the player is about to be cornered, they can rely on the sub-weapon and the special attack weapon to help them out.
The Enperry Splat Dualities is a weapon made for the player that is ready to attack and on the move without worrying that they will get splatted early in the match. Just like other weapons, there is always a backup weapon just in cases like the Sub weapon Curling Bomb and the special attack Inkjet. The Curling Bomb looks like a Roomba zooming to splatter everything instead of cleaning. The player can not control it after it has been released, causing it to bounce off walls. This could be used as an advantage to ink unsuspecting enemies. The Inkjet attack is nothing like the other specials in the game. The player shoots into the air with a jet-like blaster, which allows them to fly above all the players for a short time. Once in the air, you can pick off all the players from the opposing team one by one. Also, while in the air the player can transform squid/octopus form to human form to confuse enemies on the ground and to avoid their attacks. Once the special attack is done after 7.5 seconds, the player will go back to where they first used their Inkjet special.
See Enperry Splat Dualities in action:
Splatoon 2 Enperry Splat Dualies Tips and Tricks
Enperry Splat Dualities details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Enperry_Splat_Dualies
1. Bloblobber
The Bloblobber is a slosher type weapon and an iconic weapon of Splatoon 2. This weapon shoots small bubbles that bounce off the ground and walls. This weapon can attack 12 times before needing to refill the ink tank. Sheldon will tell the player that the design was inspired by a bathtub and becomes available to purchase after completing level 11.
This weapon can stop the opposing team from getting into your turf because they will either get damaged by the bubbles or they must shoot the bubbles so they can disappear off the map. The weapon has long-range attacks and great handling despite not doing much damage. Also, this can be used the best with its Sub Weapon and Special attack to support your team.
Bloblobber can be used to get enemies to come out from hiding around the corner or even above you. It is a middleweight weapon which will slow the player down while on the field. That’s when the Sub weapon and Special attack come into action. The Sub weapon is Splash Wall and the Special attack is Ink Storm. They work hand in hand to keep your team protected and to make advances on the opposing team. Splash Wall creates a temporary wall of ink to hold off the opposing team. This will protect you because the Bloblobber isn’t that good up close thus the wall serves as protection so the player attacks from behind it. It uses 60% ink from the ink tank and causes a delay to refill your ink tank after using it. The Ink Storm lasts 8 seconds and appears over the opponent. The cloud of ink then rains down on anyone that is under it. If it’s an opponent, it could get rid of them.
See Bloblobber in action:
Bloblobber Guide and Strategy - Splatoon 2
Bloblobber details: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Bloblobber
All these weapons are not perfect for everyone, but this can help narrow down the weapon that’s best for you as a new player. Each weapon on this list has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of battlefields such as Tower Control, Rain Maker, Turf War, Clam Blitz, or Splat Zones. As a new player to Splatoon 2, you must consider all this while selecting the perfect weapon. Hope my Top 10 list of weapons helps you in the future. Thank you and remember as Pearl and Marina say, “Don’t Get Cooked, Stay off the Hook”.
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