You did it! You finally rode the bus to the desert and unlocked the doors to Skull Cavern. For players familiar and unfamiliar, Skull Cavern can seem daunting and dangerous. Below is the Top 10 best equipment that I recommend you take with you into the deep dark dangers of Skull Cavern.
1. A Good Weapon

Gaining the Galaxy Sword in Calico Desert
A good weapon is vital to have when entering a combat situation in Skull Cavern! I suggest not even entering the caverns until you’ve at least purchased the Lava Katana from the Adventurer’s Guild. The best weapon to take with you though, is the Galaxy Sword (which can be obtained by taking a Prismatic Shard into the center of the three pillars in the desert).
2. Cheese, please!

Milking your cows is how you begin the process of obtaining cheese
Gold star cow’s (or goat’s) cheese is the easiest food to obtain that heals a lot of health. Though, if you grow mushrooms in your farm cave, you can use them to make a Life Elixir even though mushrooms do better being sold for profit (or you can purchase one from the dwarf for 2,000 gold, though this is a bit costly).
3. Coffee and lots of it

Buying the Triple Shot Espresso recipe from Gus
Triple Shot Espresso is very useful to have with you in the caves! It increases your speed for much longer than regular coffee. You can purchase the Triple Shot recipe from Gus for 5,000 gold and then make one using three cups of regular coffee. This will help you outrun mummies, slimes, and royal serpents when you don’t want to fight them.
4. Mega Bombs

Be careful not to accidentally explode yourself with bombs!
Mega Bombs have an explosion radius of 6 to 8 tiles, which is the most of any explosive you can obtain in the game. You can purchase Mega Bombs from the dwarf for 1,000 gold or make them yourself using 4 gold ore, one solar essence, and one void essence. If you find yourself needing a few extra solar or void essences, Krobus sells up to ten of them everyday in the sewer.
5. Totem to Farm

Stone statue with a green center indicates your teleportation location when using a Totem to Farm
Carrying a totem to your farm with you as a failsafe is something I highly recommend. You might have some already from completing Community Center bundles or be able to craft them. They help for quick getaways when health is low and you’re out of food or when it’s late and you'll pass out before the bus gets you back home.
6. Upgraded Pickaxe

Swinging a pickaxe to break rocks
Honestly, an iron pickaxe is the bare minimum of what I recommend your pickaxe be in Skull Cavern. A gold pickaxe, at first, is the most recommended. Once you get enough iridium for five bars though, I’d invest in a fully upgraded one.
7. Iridium Band Ring

Showing off an assortment of rings in your inventory, including a combined ring
This is a ring you for sure want to have with you! You gain a recipe for this ring once you reach level 9 in combat. This ring is a combination of the Glow Ring, Magnet Ring, and Ruby Ring. You can also mix and match this ring with others you obtain from the Adventurer’s Guild by completing goals Gil sets or by purchasing one.
8. Regular Bombs

Showing off the different explosives available in game, with the regular bomb being in the left center
Regular Bombs are easier to make and less costly than Mega Bombs. Their explosive radius isn’t as big, but they are useful to carry when you want to explode smaller areas or run out of Mega Bombs. The dwarf also sells these for 600 gold.
9. Alternative Foods

Getting the Spicy Eel recipe in the mail from George
Having alternative foods besides cheese is a good idea. Taking something like Spicy Eel, which raises your speed and luck, or Root Platter, which increases your attack, is a good idea to add extra buffs to yourself.
10. Stairs, Stairs, Stairs

Gaining level 2 in Mining gives you the ability to craft a Staircase
It takes 99 rocks to make one set of stairs. This is a small price to pay whenever you get stuck or decide you want to move quickly and not bother looking for the ladder down. Stairs can be set almost anywhere in Skull Cavern and let you descend one level.
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