If you are searching for reasons why you should place Lux in TFT and wondering what the advantage of having her is and how to use her, this is the right place for you.
Lux is back again in TFT with her lighting skills to light up your path and burn enemies.
Lux is a one-cost champion, and she is really strong in terms of ability power as she shares both spellslinger and star guardian traits.
This is a full article about how to best place the magician who can control light, Lux, in TFT.
Everywhere I go, the light follows.
Lux does have a huge impact in early games as she is a low-cost champion that can deal significant damage, but she also has an impact on your late game as she can increase your spellslinger and starguardian traits in TFT.
Lux doesn't only deal a lot of damage to enemies, but she also reduces their incoming damage, which makes her a great choice throughout the whole game.
Lux may appear naive, but she is devious; learn how she became the master of light:
Luxanna was born into a Crownguard family that protected Demacian rulers for millennia. With her infectious positivity and passion for life, Lux was hard to hate. She unleashed a flood of magical light from deep inside her, routing the animals but leaving her trembling. Lux began experimenting in secret, playing with sunbeams in the courtyards, bending them into solid form, and even creating tiny, glowing figures in her palm. She tried to conceal her power, but her restless nights became fewer as she got more comfortable with her powers.
Best Lux builds in TFT Set 8
Lux’s stats:
- Cost: 1 Gold
- Health: 500 / 900 / 1620
- Mana: 70
- Armor: 15
- MR: 15
- DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
- Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 4
Lux’s traits:
1-Star Guardian
Gain more Mana from all sources.
- 3 40% additional mana
- 5 70% additional mana
- 7 120% additional mana
- 9 200% additional mana
Every 5 seconds, the next attack instead fires a magic orb at a random target, which explodes for 50% Ability Power as magic damage.
- 2 +25 Ability Power
- 4 +60 Ability Power
- 6 +100 Ability Power
- 8 +150 Ability Power
Lux’s ability
Lux sends a lucent singularity at a random enemy's location that detonates after arrival, dealing damage to nearby enemies and reducing the Attack Damage of the enemy in the center by 40% for 4 seconds.
Damage: 190/285/425
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Lux’s best items
1-Spear of Shojin
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power.
Every 3rd attack restores 20 additional mana.
2- Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
3-Giant Slayer
Grant 15% bonus Attack damage and 15 bonus Ability power. Abilities and attacks deal 30% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health
Best comps for Lux
This comp revolves around the Star Guardian trait, which will give them access to tons of additional mana, making them able to cast the spell multiple times.
This is a slow reroll to level 8, with a very strong economy because the majority of the team is only 2-3 cost.
Best team for this build:
1-Lux is an additional Star Guardian and Spellslinger, just like Taliyah, which makes her really strong.
2-Taliyah is the primary source of your harm.She is a star guardian and a spellslinger; therefore, she has a lot of destructive power.
3-Because he possesses both the Aegis and Star Guardian qualities, Ekko might have a significant impact on your squad.
4-Because he possesses both the Ox-Force attribute and the Aegis trait, Alistar makes a fantastic addition to your team.
5-Yummi is one of the strongest cats you will see, as she can deal a lot of damage as a Star Guardian, which really annoys enemies.
6-Rell can be a great frontliner as a Star Guardian.
7-Kai’Sa would be dealing tons of damage from the backlines when she breaks her passive, as she also shares the Star Guardian trait.
8-Nilah is one of the strongest frontline members as she heals way too much, and she will also be sharing the Star Guardian trait.
This composition is a speedy, economically sound reroll to level eight. It concentrates on fast-leveling Taliyah, who will be the team's primary carry, and levelling low- to mid-cost champions.
The competition's focal point is Spellslinger's capacity to cast AP spells.
Best group to create this:
1-Because of her Spellslinger class ability, which grants her a large shield and increases her damage output, Annie is a potent frontline fighter.
2-Janna is an excellent predictor and supporter for everyone in her network.
3-Sona is one of the greatest champions for enhancing the effectiveness of a team because she is a member of the Heart and Spellslinger, which heals teammates, stuns enemies, and deals a lot of damage.
4-Le Blanc is a skilled spellcaster who works in the background as an ADMIN member.
5-Lux is an additional Spellslinger and Star Guardian.
6-Taliyah primarily causes the harm for you. She is a star guardian and a spellslinger; therefore, she has a lot of destructive power.
7-Because he possesses both the Aegis and Star Guardian qualities, Ekko might have a significant impact on your squad.
8-Because he possesses both the Ox-Force attribute and the Aegis trait, Alistar makes a fantastic addition to your team.
This comp is a really strong one when it comes to ability powers, as it rotates around both the Star Guardian and Spellslinger traits.
This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a really strong economy, trying to get all the 3-cost and less champions to level 3 and others to level 2 at least, such as Taliyah, Syndra, and Ekko.
Best team for this build:
1-Lux is an additional Spellslinger and Star Guardian.
2-Taliyah is the primary source of your harm.She is a star guardian and a spellslinger; therefore, she has a lot of destructive power.
3-Because he possesses both the Aegis and Star Guardian qualities, Ekko might have a significant impact on your squad.
4-Because he possesses both the Ox-Force attribute and the Aegis trait, Alistar makes a fantastic addition to your team.
5-Because of her Spellslinger class ability, which grants her a large shield and increases her damage output, Annie is a potent frontline fighter.
6-Sona is one of the greatest champions for enhancing the effectiveness of a team because she is a member of the Heart and Spellslinger, which heals teammates, stuns enemies, and deals a lot of damage.
7-Yummi is one of the strongest cats you will see, as she can deal a lot of damage as a Star Guardian, which really annoys enemies.
8-Syndra is one of the strongest 5-cost champions as she shares both the Star Guardian and Heart traits while also helping your team out by picking random champions from your bench and pushing them into the game to fight by your side.