Top 5 The Outer Worlds Best Builds
5. The Captain (the best outcomes)
The Captain build is great for getting every outcome in the game from hacking to lock picking and doing speech checks with help from your companions there is no stat that is left untouched. This build utilizes your companions in combat over themselves.
The Captain Details:
- All attributes up to good
- Tag leadership and stealth
- Take any aptitude with reduced damage
- Level 2 and 3 bring up tech, dialogue skills
- After that level leadership up to bring inspiration to 60
- Get companions Parvati and Vicar Max
- Equip Parvati with legendary Iconoclast gear
- Equip Max legendary MSI gear
- Equip both with light or heavy machine guns
- For the captain equip protective clothing with safety harness and a nice hat
- Captain weapon deadeye assault rifle
Tier 1 perks:
- strider
- cheetah
- Precision
- the negotiator
- deadly demonstrations
- pack mule
Tier 2 perks:
- we band of brothers
- tag-team
- rolling thunder,
- Hoarder
- pack of pack mules
Tier 3 perks:
- armor master
- don’t go dyin’ on me
4. The Paladin (High Damage)
The Paladin build is perfect for anyone with an itch to one hit any enemy in the game all while using a big hammer.
The Paladin Details:
- Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence at very high
- Perception, Charm, and Temperament down to below average
- Tag melee and tech
- Take dirt farmer aptitude for -3% N-Ray Damage received
- Invest levels on tech skills
- Once science hits 50 focus on it till its 100
- Get prismatic hammer on the groundbreaker
- Begin raising 2-Handed to 100
- Get Companions, Felix and Vicar Max
- Equip Max with shrink ray
- Equip Felix with Goop gun
- Equip Paladin with Legendary iconoclast armor and helmet
- Help Iconoclast faction
- Level Prismatic Hammer as you level up cost 200 bits each
Tier 1 perks:
- Toughness
- slow the world
- Strider
- Cheetah
- high maintenance
- quick and the dead
- resilient
Tier 2 perks:
- weird science
- speed demon
- harvester
Tier 3 perks:
- wild science
- Confidence
- armor master
- tactical master
3. The Simpleton (low intelligence)
The Simpleton build is great for anyone who wants some entertainment and interesting dialogue.
The Simpleton Details:
- Strength and Intelligence down to below average
- Dexterity and Perception up to good
- Charm and temperament up to very high
- Tag dialogue and leadership
- Take any aptitude with reduced damage
- First level up put 10 points into stealth
- Get deadly demonstrations perk at level 2
- Focus on leadership skill till at 45
- Bring stealth and tech to 50 points
- Invest in science
- Use Parvati and Sam (rotate to do companion quest)
- Equip Simpleton with Chimaera and a nice hat
- Equip Parvati with MSI elite armor and pauper popper
Tier 1 perks:
- Toughness
- the negotiator
- deadly demonstration
- Strider
- Cheetah
- pack mule
- precision
Tier 2 perk:
- snake oil salesmen
- pack of pack mules
- tag-team
Tier 3:
- armor master
2. The Gunslinger (Handguns)
The GunSlinger is wonderful for anyone wanting to ever be a space cowboy, using all handguns to take down enemies.
The Gunslinger Details:
- Keep strength, Dexterity, charm, and temperament at average
- Intelligence and perception up to very high
- Tag ranged and defense
- Take Beverage service technician aptitude
- Equip gunslinger with ordinance control armor gold and hat wide-brimmed or sunlight contractor helm
- Equip with auto-mag pistol ultra (physical and shock damage)
Tier 1 perks:
- Toughness
- slow the world
- lone wolf
- Cheetah
- high maintenance
- quick and the dead
Tier 2 perks:
- run and gun
- the reaper
- Scanner
- harvester
Tier 3 perks:
- steady hand
- Confidence
- Revenge
- boom headshot
1. The Sniper (stealth)
The Assassin build is perfect for anyone wanting to take enemies out from afar and be as sneaky as they want.
The Sniper Details:
- Strength, Charm, and Temperament down to below average
- Dexterity, Intelligence, and perception up to very high
- Tag ranged and stealth
- Take dirt farmer aptitude
- Level 2 tech skills up to 20 remaining skills in stealth
- Level 4 invest in ranged skill
- Get sneak, long guns to 100
- Hack and lock pick to 80
- Tech skills to 40
- Use Parvati and Nyoka
- Equip Nyoka with MSI elite armor
- Equip Parvati with iconoclast armor
- Equip Parvati and Nyoka with light machine gun
- Sniper weapon: hunting rifle ultra with fun time’s barrel
- Sniper armor: anti-riot gear and hemlocks eyepatch
Tier 1 perks:
- Toughness
- slow the world
- Strider
- Cheetah
- high maintenance
- quick and the dead
- pack mule
Tier 2 perks:
- the reaper
- Scanner
- harvester
Tier 3 perks:
- armor master
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