Are you curious about all the possible ways in which The Quarry characters can meet their end? With a butterfly-effect game, there is bound to be a bounty of possible deaths. This article goes over all the possible deaths for every protagonist and side character. Maybe you’ll find some that you want to see for yourself.
Jacob Custos
A dumb jock with a heart of gold.
Jacob is an extroverted, optimistic jock who is head-over-heels in love with Emma. He is far more emotional than he may appear on the surface. He is willing to do anything–including tampering with the only accessible vehicle–in order to try to continue his relationship with Emma (despite the fact that she has made it quite clear that their relationship was only meant to be a summer fling).
Death 1: Drowning
Detangle, don't pull.
Choosing to dive into the lake to retrieve the rotor arm, Jacob gets caught on barbed wire that is wrapped around heavy chains. If you choose to pull rather than detangle, Jacob will not be able to break free and will drown.
Given this is the only drowning related death in the entire game, this death stands out. The fact that Jacob only gets caught on the barbed wire after being jump-scared by a bloated corpse, adds to the tension and uniqueness of the scene. Overall, a good death scene, although he does drown quite quickly–it could have been drawn out a bit.
Death 2: Shot by Ryan
This is why you should yell out if your friends are shooting at you...I mean, this is partially on you Jacob.
After hearing Abigail scream, Jacob runs back to the campfire. However, he does not say anything, so Ryan is not sure if it is a friend or foe. Playing as Ryan, you have the option to shoot towards the bushes twice–if you do so, you end up shooting and killing Jacob.
Not a very satisfying death scene, as we do not actually see his death. We only find out he is dead after Ryan shoots the shotgun twice. If it did not pan over to Jacob’s corpse, we would not know for sure that Jacob was dead until the end credits of the game. There could have been more drama if Jacob came stumbling out of the bushes, clutching his wounds, before falling over dead. Now that would add some drama!
Death 3: Killed by Werewolf-Max
Talk about a tense death scene.
While on the island running from the werewolf (Max in werewolf form), Jacob may fall off the bridge and if you do not mash the X/A button, Jacob will not be able to pull himself back up. This gives werewolf Max enough time to lunge at him, biting Jacob’s neck hard enough that it results in decapitation.
A satisfying death scene. There is built-up tension as Jacob runs from the werewolf, then falls over the edge (but hangs onto the ledge), before losing his grip and getting decapitated. The way werewolf Max lunges to attack the dangling Jacob, before decapitating him, is also quite satisfying to watch.
Death 4: Facefirst into a Bear Trap
This is just kind of funny.
When Jacob is running through the woods, he accidentally steps in a beartrap. If you choose to pull free, Jacob will lose his balance after pulling his foot out. If you miss the skill check, Jacob falls face first into the bear trap.
What a death! There is already tension due to the fact that Jacob is incredibly vulnerable, running partially naked through the woods, and then steps into a bear trap, making him an easy target. We have a quick sense of relief as Jacob is able to pull his put back, only for that relief to be crushed when he stumbles forward, face first into the bear trap. Definitely a unique way to go.
Death 5: Ryan, You Idiot!
God damn it, Ryan!
While Ryan is trying to figure out how to let Jacob out of the cage, if he chooses the wrong breaker combinations (first Breaker 1 and 2, then Breaker 3 and 4), he will accidentally open the middle door and the door to the werewolf’s cage, causing the werewolf (werewolf Nick) to rip Jacob’s throat out.
A satisfying death owing to the tense circumstances. As the player, we are on edge trying to figure out which breakers to switch in order to safely let Jacob out. Realizing that we are the reason the werewolf is able to get into Jacob’s cage, before subsequently ripping his throat out, is a bit awkward. Whoops…
Death 6: Power Outages = Throats Ripped Out
Should've convinced Ryan to let you out earlier.
When Laura turns off the power in the Hackett House, this causes the cell door(s) to open in the Hackett dungeon area. If Jacob has not been successfully let out by Ryan, werewolf Nick will charge in and kill Jacob.
This death is not the most satisfying, although it does prove how the seemingly distant actions of another character can prove fatal for one character. Plus, it is ironic that Laura’s actions, which were done to save herself and (possibly) Ryan, also result in Jacob’s death.
Death 7: Don’t Trip or Your Chest Will Rip
What else can you expect when you trip during a werewolf chase?
If Jacob chooses to run from the werewolf in the woods, and then misses the X/A button mash, he will trip, giving the werewolf time to tear apart his chest. For most of the possible deaths in this section, Jacob screams out “I’m sorry” as the werewolf is tearing into him.
There are a number of possible deaths during this section, all (but one) of which end in the werewolf tearing apart Jacob’s chest. The reason why is what differs. This death is more satisfying than the others given the fact that Jacob trips and falls onto the ground.
Death 8: Hold Your Breath or You’ll Lose Your Chest
Really? You can't hold your breath a little longer.
While hiding from the werewolf, if Jacob fails to hold his breath, the werewolf will pounce and tear apart his chest. Again, he screams out “I’m sorry” as he is being killed.
Another variation of the death in this section, this one is not as satisfying as the trip, because Jacob ‘s death is caused by him not being able to hold his breath. Accidentally tripping while running through the woods is understandable, but not being able to hold your breath for a minute? Come on man.
Death 9: Torn in Half
Wow! Now that's a gruesome way to go.
While running from the werewolf, Jacob misses the QTE for the snare trap, causing him to get pulled up by the foot, dangling there–easy pickings. The werewolf bites into Jacob’s torso and slashes into him with its claws to the point that Jacob is cut in half.
There are many possible deaths during this section of the game (see Deaths 7, 8, and 10), but this is definitely the stand out. While most of the other deaths simply involve Jacob making a mistake that results in his chest getting torn apart, Jacob is devoured so intensely in this scene, that he is literally ripped in half. The fact that Jacob literally gets ripped in half, makes this a standout death. Definitely one of the most gory deaths in the game.
Death 10: No Choice is Always the Worst Choice
Fight or flight are always better options than freeze.
While in the woods on the run from the werewolf, Jacob has the opportunity to either run or hide–if he chooses to do nothing, the werewolf will lunge at Jacob and tear into his neck so hard he is decapitated. Another death in this section in which he screams out “I’m sorry” as he is being killed.
The fact that this death is caused by not making a choice is a bit frustrating, although the player feels a sense of vindication in the sense–if you stand in the open while being chased by a monster, what else could you expect? This one is better than deaths 7 and 8, due to the fact that Jacob gets decapitated, which is always more fun to watch. I mean who doesn’t love the drama of a decapitation?
Emma Mountebank
A wannabe social media influencer who is bound to get lots of great content tonight...but will she survive to post it?
Emma is someone who stands out wherever she is. She is an extroverted, ambitious, and snarky aspiring social media influencer. Although she may seem superficial, she has immense fortitude and independence, which she demonstrates as the events of the night unfold.
Death 1: Don’t Pick the Trapdoor First
Goodbye cruel world!
While in the treehouse on the island, Emma is presented with the option of searching the bag first or opening the trapdoor. If she chooses to open the trapdoor, werewolf Max will rip her throat out. Anything for the vine right?
This death is a bit satisfying due to the foreshadowing–Emma literally says that death is behind the trapdoor, but chooses to open it first anyways. Situational irony like that is always satisfying to watch.
Death 2: No Choice = Throat Ripped Out
Just choose one of them!
While in the treehouse on the island, if Emma searches the bag first, she will get a change of clothes, a taser, and bear spray. When she opens the trapdoor, if she does not choose to use either the taser and bear spray, werewolf Max will have time to rip her throat out.
Similar to the death scene with Jacob, doing nothing is almost never a good option. As the audience, we feel frustrated–why didn’t you do something, anything? This leads to a sense of “well, that’s kind of what she gets”.
Death 3: Don’t Lose Your Grip
No guts, no glory.
While running away from werewolf Max, if Emma misses the QTEs and X/A button mashing, she will fall off the zipline and not be able to grab onto the ledge, causing her to fall to the ground, where werewolf Max will rip out her stomach.
Jacob has a similar death, but this death is more satisfying. There is even more tension in this scene, because Emma is running for her life, falls off the zipline, has the potential to grab the ledge but fails, and then falls to the ground, where she could potentially be okay, only for werewolf Max to pounce and rip open her stomach.
Death 4: Don’t Slip
I guess Max really hates it when people slip.
While running away from werewolf Max, if Emma uses her bear spray, before she approaches the slippery area of the bridge, then misses the QTE to avoid the water, she will slip and fall, allowing Max time to thrust his hand through her torso and rip out her throat. (She has no weapon to fight him off)
There are many ways that Emma can die from werewolf Max, but this is probably the most gruesome. The overkill of werewolf Max thrusting his hand through her torso, before ripping her throat out, makes this death more satisfying.
Death 5: If You Don’t Grab the Weapon in Time, The Weapon was Useless
All you had to do was grab the weapon Emma.
While running away from werewolf Max, if Emma misses the QTE to avoid the water, she will slip and fall. If she fails to grab her taser/bear spray in time, Max will thrust his hand through her torso and rip out her throat.
This death is the same as Death 4, except in this version, Emma did not use her weapons earlier, so she still has the potential to survive. The fact that Emma had one last chance to fight off Max, but fails to grab the weapon in time, adds to the tension of the scene.
Death 6: Don’t Trip
Tripping again? Maybe y'all need to invest in some better shoes.
While running from werewolf Max, if Emma misses the QTE to jump over the hole in the bridge, she will trip and fall, giving Max time to rip her apart.
Another warning to watch your footing, this death is alright, but not as satisfying as some of Emma’s other deaths.
Death 7: Gutted
Okay, now this is a more gruesome twist on no guts, no glory.
While fighting off the werewolf, if Laura chooses to block the door, then use the bear spray, and fail the QTEs to remove the chair blocking the door and grab your taser, Max will rip out Emma’s intestines.
You have to make quite a series of choices to get this particular death, but the ending is worth it. Some of Emma’s other deaths via Max are generic–throat gets ripped out–but this is far more graphic, which makes it more satisfying
Death 8: You Better Climb That Ladder
Really Emma? You couldn't climb the ladder a little faster?
If Emma fails to climb up the stairs to the roof of the treehouse and fails to grab her taser in time, werewolf Max will slam Emma into the ground, punch her, and bite her until she dies.
The added violence on Max’s part–slamming her into the ground, punching her, then biting her in different areas until she dies–makes this death fairly satisfying.
Death 9: Splat
Guess you can die from falling at that height.
If Emma makes it to the roof of the treehouse, but reels the zipline too quickly, alerting Max, she will have to reel it in more or jump to the handlebar. If she misses the QTE, she will fall to her death.
During the running from werewolf Max scene, there are many ways for Emma to die. However, this is only one in which Max does not directly kill her, making this a standout. It is also more satisfying in the sense that Emma is a hand's reach away from escaping, only to fall short and subsequently fall to her death.
Death 10: If You Reel In, Protect Your Throat
Werewolf Max pulls out some vampire moves in this one.
If Emma makes it to the roof of the treehouse, but reels the zipline too quickly, alerting Max, she will have to reel it in more or jump to the handlebar. If she chooses to reel it in, but fails the QTE, werewolf Max will grab her and rip her throat out vampire-style.
There are a number of deaths by the throat getting ripped out, but the way this one is animated is reminiscent of vampires grabbing their victims and ripping their throats out. The slight difference in animation makes this more satisfying.
Death 11: Death by Silver
Silver allergy?
Emma, in her werewolf form, can be shot by Kaitlyn with regular bullets, in order to scare the werewolf away from the lodge. Kaitlyn can choose to use silver bullets; if she does, Emma will die.
The irony and tension in this scene makes for a good death. The player knows that this werewolf is Emma, but the character you are currently playing as does not. So this death scene forces you to pick a play style–are you playing as yourself, who has far more knowledge, or are you playing as the characters with the limited knowledge they have?
Death 12: Beware of Toxic Exes
Emma had the right instinct when wanting to end her relationship with Jacob...
If Emma is able to reconvene with Jacob, but Jacob is infected, Jacob will turn in front of her and violently attack her, biting her and yanking her around so hard that he rips her head off.
The tension in this scene is fantastic. Emma seems to have a slight change of heart, or at least she demonstrates a bit more compassion towards Jacob’s feelings about not staying together, only for that to go to waste with Jacob’s aggressive and toxic comments as he turns into a werewolf. His aggression causes a violent attack on Emma, which is quite mouth-dropping to watch as a player. Afterall, the whole reason the counselors were stuck here is because Jacob tampered with their ride so he could have another shot with Emma…only for him to violently decapitate her.
Abigail Blyg
Maybe avoiding Nick might be the best for you Abi...
Abigail is a shy artist who can always be found sketching in her journal. She struggles to open up, but with some advice from another camp counselor, she opens up to Nick…for better or worse.
Death 1: Head Thrown Across The Room
Now that's a decapitation!
In the pool house, when Nick is about to turn, if Abigail does not shoot him, Nick will turn and attack Abigail, biting her neck and tossing her head across the room.
This death scene is quite satisfying as the player is put in a tense situation–they know that Nick is likely about to turn into one of the creatures, but should they shoot him (which may kill him)? The tension combined with the intense violence of her death, including a close-up of Abigail’s decapitated head, frozen in a shocked expression, makes for quite an intense death scene.
Death 2: Kaitlyn Shoulda Shot
Thanks a lot Kaitlyn!
When Dylan opens the car door, letting werewolf Emma out, Kaitlyn has the option to shoot the werewolf or run. If Kaitlyn runs, werewolf Emma will pounce on Abigail, causing her to fall down to the cellar floor and rips her throat out with her claw.
The emotional tension in this scene is fantastic, because you do not know who is going to die–you know it’s likely that any of them could die, but you’re not sure who. The fact that Kaitlyn’s choice to protect herself causes Abigail’s death is frustrating, but satisfying in the sense that one character’s survival could result in another’s death. Additionally, the way in which werewolf Emma pulls a Roman Reigns and spears Abigail down into the cellar before killing her, is incredibly satisfying.
Death 3: Climb Abigail, Climb!
If you were just a little faster Abi...
When trapped in the cellar with the werewolf, if Abigail chooses to escape via the ladder, but fails the QTEs, the werewolf will rip her apart with her teeth.
This death is not as satisfying, but more so frustrating. If Abigail just hurried up a little bit, she would be safe and sound. This death has a sense of, “well this one’s kind of on you”.
Death 4: Don’t Choose the Stairs
I guess don't run towards the light?
When trapped in the cellar with the werewolf, if Abigail chooses to escape via the stairs, the werewolf will pounce on Abigail and kill her before she even makes it to the stairs.
This death is a bit frustrating for a different reason. Similar to Max’s death, this is solely based on the split-second choice you make. There is no way for you to fight back against werewolf Emma–if you choose to go for the stairs rather than the ladder, you automatically die.
Dylan Lenivy
Sarcastic, sassy, and selfless. A top tier friend or romantic partner (cough cough, Ryan).
Dylan is a sarcastic, witty young man, who always seeks to lighten the mood. However, Dylan has a complicated interior persona that he only reveals to a select few. Under his snarky exterior is someone with immense bravery and empathy; he demonstrates immense fortitude by asking Ryan to cut off his hand when he is bitten by one of the werewolves and empathy through his willingness to sacrifice himself in order to protect Kaitlyn.
Death 1: Kaitlyn Misses the Shot
I thought Kaitlyn was the best shot...
When Dylan opens the car door, werewolf Emma jumps out. Dylan goes in the car and tries to start it. If Kaitlyn tries to help, but misses the shot, then werewolf Emma pounces through the front window and tears him to shreds.
There are a couple ways that Kaitlyn’s actions can result in Dylan’s death in this scene. This is frustrating, but the way that Emma pounces through the car window and tears Dylan apart is rather satisfying to watch.
Death 2: Really Kaitlyn? Running?
Really Kaitlyn? That's cold.
When Dylan opens the car door, werewolf Emma jumps out. Dylan goes in the car and tries to start it. If Kaitlyn chooses to run, then werewolf Emma pounces through the front window and tears him to shreds.
Again, Kaitlyn causes Dylan’s death here, but this time, it is out of cowardice or self-preservation (whatever you prefer to call it). This provides a sense of shock and frustration towards Kaitlyn, which makes it a bit more satisfying to watch.
Death 3: Dylan Sacrifices Himself for Kaitlyn
Just Dylan being selfless.
When Dylan opens the car door, werewolf Emma jumps out. Dylan goes in the car and tries to start it. If Kaitlyn shoots Emma, then Dylan falls out the car door. If Kaitlyn misses the second shot, then werewolf Emma will charge towards Kaitlyn, but Dylan will push her out of the way and get attacked by werewolf Emma. Kaitlyn has another chance to shoot Emma, but if she misses, Emma will eviscerate Dylan.
Dylan is one of the only characters who has multiple death scenes based on him sacrificing himself for others, and this one is incredibly satisfying. Dylan’s sacrifice allows Kaitlyn to live, and he doesn’t hesitate to do it.
Death 4: Dang Blowtorch
If only you lit the blowtorch in time.
While in the crane at the junkyard, if Dylan fails the QTE with the blowtorch, the werewolf will break through the crane window and brutally kill Dylan–including ripping off his left arm.
The reasons for Dylan’s death in this scene–failing to light the blowtorch–are not very satisfying, but the actual death is–the werewolf must have a twisted sense of humor, because he brutally attacks Dylan, including ripping off Dylan’s left arm (which depending on your choice in the radio shack may be missing its hand).
Death 5: Now That’s Just Cruel
What does the universe have against Dylan keeping his arm?
While in the crane at the junkyard, if Dylan successfully turns on the blowtorch, but fails the next QTE, the werewolf will slap it out of his hands and bite down on his one good arm. In this version, Dylan had his hand cut off earlier (to prevent the infection), Dylan cannot grab the blowtorch (talk about a cruel joke), resulting in the werewolf killing Dylan–including ripping off his already deformed arm.
This is an incredibly satisfying and twisted death scene. Imagine choosing to cut your hand off to prevent an infection from spreading, only for that choice to prevent you from grabbing a weapon to save your life only a few hours later. The universe really has a twisted sense of humor.
Death 6: Just Reach a Little Further
This one's on you Dylan.
While in the crane at the junkyard, if Dylan successfully turns on the blowtorch, but fails the next QTE, the werewolf will slap it out of his hands and bite down on his one good arm. In this version, Dylan did not have his hand cut off earlier, so he reaches for the blowtorch, but fails the button mashing, resulting in the werewolf killing Dylan–including ripping off his arm.
This version is more frustrating than satisfying, because Dylan has his hand intact in this version, so he could potentially grab the blowtorch and fight off the werewolf. It is frustrating to watch, knowing that he could potentially survive if he reached down a little further.
Death 7: Overkill
What does this werewolf have against Dylan?
In the lodge with Kaitlyn, if Dylan chooses to wait and Kaitlyn fails to shoot the werewolf Caleb, she runs away, leaving Dylan in the werewolf’s path. Then the werewolf rips out Dylan’s throat and slams him repeatedly into the ground and proceeds to eat him.
The overkill in this scene makes it more satisfying. Really werewolf? Was all that necessary?
Death 8: Ragdoll
This werewolf needs to go to anger management.
If the werewolf kills Kaitlyn and Dylan rushes into the kitchen, he ends up falling on the ground, where the werewolf bites Dylan by the throat and thrashes him around like a ragdoll.
The nature of the death is satisfying in this version as well, owing to the intense thrashing while clamping down on Dylan’s throat. Talk about anger issues.
Nicholas (Nick) Furcillo
His hair is more fascinating than his personality.
Nick is a shy jock with intense emotions that he tries to hide. Over the course of the night, he opens up to Abigail, letting her see the other facets of his personality.
Death: Fleeting, Just Like His Screen Presence
If only Ryan spoke up...
When Laura and Ryan find the Hackett dungeon, Laura has the option to shoot the werewolf in the cage (who they don’t know is Nick), if Ryan does not stop her. If she does, Nick dies.
Much like his character, Nick's only possible death scene is rather underwhelming. As the player, we are not 100% sure about the identity of the werewolf in the cage. We only find out at the end of the game, in the credits. So that is a bit frustrating. The fact that this is the only way Nick can die in the game is also a bit disappointing.
Kaitlyn Ka
Snarky, indepedent, rational, and a self-proclaimed excellent shot...although many possible deaths suggest otherwise.
Kaitlyn is a snarky independent woman who takes up the initiative to be the leader of the group. She provides a refreshing sense of reason and temperance amongst the impulsive decisions of some of the other counselors.
Death 1: Take the Shot Next Time
Where are those shooting skills Kaitlyn?
At the junkyard, when aiming towards the motion detector lights, if Kaitlyn misses the shot, the werewolf tears her apart.
This is not a super satisfying death. If Kaitlyn had made the shot, she would have lived. On top of that, the death itself is nothing special.
Death 2: Torn Apart in a Car
You had a couple ways out of this and you failed them all? Kind of on you Kaitlyn.
At the junkyard, if Kaitlyn chooses to hide in the car, fails to hold her breath, and fails to take the shot, the werewolf will tear her apart in the car.
Similar to other deaths caused by not holding one’s breath, this is a bit frustrating. However, the animation of the werewolf tearing her apart in the car, adds tension due to the cramped space causing a sense of entrapment.
Death 3: Almost There
Again, indecision is never the answer.
At the junkyard, if Kaitlyn chooses to hide in the car and fails to hold her breath, but successfully shoots the werewolf, she will run out towards a pillar with a chain on it. If she does not mash the button, the werewolf will pounce on her and kill her.
This death is a bit of a rollercoaster, as Kaitlyn narrowly escapes the werewolf’s attack while hiding in the car, only for her inaction outside to kill her. The fact that she is able to escape for a brief moment, only for her inaction to get her killed is both frustrating and satisfying. Afterall, what can you expect if you stand there doing nothing?
Death 4: So Close
At least they both get crushed.
At the junkyard, if Kaitlyn chooses to hide in the car and fails to hold her breath, but successfully shoots the werewolf, she will run out towards a pillar with a chain on it. If she smashes the button, but fails the next QTE, the werewolf will pounce on her and knock over the pillar, causing the shipping container to crush both of them.
This is more satisfying than Death 3, because she gets even closer to crushing the werewolf and getting out alive, only for a split section misstep to result in both her and the werewolf getting crushed by a shipping container. At least she took out the werewolf too. There is a bit of satisfaction owing to the fact that the werewolf spears Kaitlyn, causing his own death as well. On top of that, this is one of the only deaths by getting crushed, making it satisfying for its originality.
Death 5: No Dylan = Death
Guess Dylan is more of an asset than you thought Kaitlyn.
If Dylan is not alive at this point in the lodge with Kaitlyn, if Kaitlyn misses the shot, the werewolf will grab Kaitlyn by the throat, lift her up, and smash her repeatedly into the ground.
The overkill in this death is satisfying, although it is frustrating that Kaitlyn could have survived if she had simply made the shot (and considering she’s supposed to be a master marksman, why would she miss?).
Death 6: No Choice is Never the Good Choice
This one is on you Kaitlyn.
When in the lodge and presented with the choice of beam or window, if Kaitlyn does not make a choice, the werewolf will come up the stairs and grab Kaitlyn by the throat and smash her into the ground, bite into her, then drop her.
The death itself is the same animation you can get multiple ways throughout this sequence. In this version, Kaitlyn deserves the death–afterall, what do you expect to happen to you if you stand still in the middle of a room, doing nothing, when you were just being chased by a werewolf?
Death 7: Dying from a Fall? Really?
Dying from a second(ish) story fall? Really?
When in the lodge and presented with the choice of beam or window, if Kaitlyn chooses beam, but does not smash the buttons, and misses the QTE, then she falls off the beam, dying from the fall.
This death scene is satisfying for the variety it provides. Most of the deaths in this sequence are caused by Caleb choking, smashing, biting, etc. Kaitlyn. So the fact that Kaitlyn dies in a different way provides some satisfaction.
Death 8: What a Throw
Guess werewolf Caleb really wants to play ball.
When in the lodge and presented with the choice of beam or window, if Kaitlyn chooses the window option, but misses the QTE, the werewolf tackles her out the window, then grabs her by the throat, then smashes her into the ground and chucks her across the roof.
This death is more satisfying than some of the others in this sequence, because she is tackled out of the window and then smashed into the ground and violently thrown across the roof. The overkill and change of scenery (albeit brief) provide some satisfaction.
Death 9: If You’re Gonna Hide, You Better Hold Your Breath
You couldn't have held your breath a little longer Kaitlyn?
When presented with the option to run or hide, if Kaitlyn chooses to hide, but fails to hold her breath, the werewolf will catch her and smash her into the ground repeatedly, takes bites out of her, and drops her to the ground.
The death animation is the same as many other possible deaths in this section, so that in itself is not incredibly satisfying. It is also a bit frustrating that if Kaitlyn just held her breath a bit longer, she would have survived. Not a very satisfying death scene.
Death 10: If You’re Gonna Hide, You Better Hold Your Breath Part 2
How many times do I have to say it--if you're gonna hide, you better be able to hold your breath.
When Kaitlyn and Dylan hide in the kitchen, if she does not hold her breath, the werewolf will smack her head, knocking her over, lift her by the throat, then smash her into the wall and ground
Exactly the same as Death 10, just in a different part of the lodge. The death animation is the same as many other possible deaths in this section, so that in itself is not incredibly satisfying. It is also a bit frustrating that if Kaitlyn just held her breath a bit longer, she would have survived.
Death 11: That’s Cold
Now that's a cold way to go.
When Kaitlyn and Dylan hide in the kitchen, Kaitlyn has the option to run or hide in the freezer. If she chooses to hide in the freezer, she will then be presented with the option to hide or use a decoy. If she chooses to hide, she will freeze to death.
This death scene is satisfying for the variety it provides. Most of the deaths in this sequence are caused by Caleb choking, smashing, biting, etc. Kaitlyn. Also a bit ironic, since staying in the freezer does protect her from Caleb, but causes her to die. In other words, what saves her is also what kills her.
Death 12: Don’t Run in the Kitchen
Didn't your parents ever tell you not to run in the house?
When Kaitlyn and Dylan hide in the kitchen, Kaitlyn has the option to run or hide in the freezer. If she chooses to run, the werewolf will slap Kaitlyn so hard she flies across the room, lifts her by the throat, then smashes her into the wall and ground.
The death animation is the same as many other possible deaths in this section, so that in itself is not incredibly satisfying.
Death 13: No Choice Again? Haven’t We Learned Our Lesson Yet?
Always make a choice.
When Kaitlyn and Dylan hide in the kitchen, Kaitlyn has the option to run or hide in the freezer. If she chooses nothing, the werewolf will walk around the corner, knocking her over, lift her by the throat, then smash her into the wall and ground.
The death animation is the same as many other possible deaths in this section, so that in itself is not incredibly satisfying.
Death 14: If A Werewolf’s A-Charging, You Best Be A-Shooting
Indecision kills again.
When in the lodge downstairs, as the werewolf comes charging towards Kaitlyn, if she does not shoot or misses the shot (and was not infected with the werewolf infection earlier), he will kill her.
What else did she expect? If a werewolf is charging at you, you better use the gun you have and shoot it!
Death 15: If You’re Gonna Lock a Werewolf In a Freezer, Close the Door
At least they can both vibe to Ice-Ice Baby?
When Kaitlyn and Dylan hide in the kitchen, Kaitlyn has the option to run or hide in the freezer. If she chooses to hide in the freezer, she will then be presented with the option to hide or use a decoy. If she chooses to use a decoy, but fails the subsequent QTE, the werewolf will pull Kaitlyn into the freezer with him, trapping them inside, where he will kill her.
This death is rather satisfying for a couple reasons: one, it provides variety–there are so many similar deaths in this section that this is a breath of fresh air. It is also satisfying that Kaitlyn nearly traps Caleb, protecting herself and Dylan, but then gets pulled into the freezer, where she is killed. Also a bit satisfying in the sense that Caleb (if Silas is killed and the curse is lifted) will also die in that freezer (albeit from freezing to death). So at least her death was not in vain.
Ryan Erzahler
For someone who loves true crime and the supernatural, you don't seem too happy about experiencing it yourself.
Ryan is an incredibly introverted, socially awkward intellectual who loves podcasts and has been coming to Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp for years. He looks up to Chris as a father figure, but struggles to communicate with most of his peers. However, this may change as the night progresses…
Death 1: Shotgun Through the Face
And so the father kills the son.
When Chris attacks the Hackett house in his werewolf form, Ryan is given the choice to shoot him or not. If he misses the shot or hesitates to shoot, Chris will pounce on him and jam the shotgun through his face.
This death is somewhat satisfying, particularly considering the relationship between Ryan and Chris. Ryan views Chris as a father figure, which is why it is so difficult for him to pull the trigger; however, in his werewolf form, Chris’s only drive is to eat and kill. It should be noted that the manner of his death is incredibly brutal as well. As such, the brutality paired with the emotional turmoil of this stand-off makes for a satisfying death.
Death 2: Ryan Shoots Laura and Gets Instant Payback
You deserve this one Ryan. Why on Earth would have chosen to shoot Laura first?
When Chris attacks the Hackett house in his werewolf form, Ryan is given the choice to shoot him or not. If he instead shoots Laura in her werewolf form, Chris will pounce on him and jam the shotgun through his face.
This death is less satisfying, and frankly quite odd. His choice to shoot Laura protects Travis…but for how long? Regardless, the shotgun through the face is a bit more justifiable in this version.
Death 3: Ryan Does Not Stand His Ground
He just stabbed your friend to death and you do nothing?
If Laura chose to shoot Travis in Chapter 7, Travis will murder her and then charge towards Ryan. If Ryan chooses to be diplomatic and then misses the QTE, Travis will be able to take the shotgun from Ryan and shoot him in the face.
This is not incredibly satisfying, because if Ryan simply stood his ground and grew the courage to shoot Travis—who he just watched violently murder Laura–he would live.
Death 4: Blood Loss
Ryan finally stood his ground...and then died from blood loss a second later.
If Laura chose to shoot Travis in Chapter 7, Travis will murder her and then charge towards Ryan. If Ryan chooses to be aggressive and successfully hits the QTE, he will be given the choice to shoot Travis. If he shoots Travis in the face, then he will die from blood loss.
This is one of the absolute worst deaths in the game. Coming from the perspective of a player, we are frustrated that after successfully saving himself from Travis, he just dies from–what first appears to be–nothing.
Death 5: If You’re Gonna Stand Your Ground, Stick With It
Just shoot him Ryan!
If Laura chose to shoot Travis in Chapter 7, Travis will murder her and then charge towards Ryan. If Ryan chooses to be aggressive and successfully hits the QTE, he will be given the choice to shoot Travis. If he does not shoot Travis, Travis will take the gun from him and shoot Ryan in the face.
At least Ryan stands his ground a bit, but his inaction is what ultimately kills him, and that is frustrating.
Death 6: Blood Loss Part 2
I guess you did lose a lot of blood, huh, Ryan.
After shooting Chris, Ryan dies from blood loss (due to pulling out the knife that Bobby had stabbed him with earlier).
This is one of the absolute worst deaths in the game. Coming from the perspective of a player, we are frustrated that after successfully saving himself from Travis, he just dies from–what first appears to be–nothing. The only upside is the fact that Ryan shoots Chris in this version, so Laura is transformed back into a human and can potentially work with Travis to end the curse once and for all.
Death 7: Fatal Car Crash
I wonder if car insurance covers crashes caused by werewolves decapitating the driver.
While riding with Ryan and Travis, if Laura fails the QTE when Silas reaches his hand through the roof of the car, Travis’s head will get ripped off, causing the car to crash, killing Ryan on impact.
This death scene is great for the overall emotional turmoil and tense nature of the situation, but it is frustrating that we do not find out that Ryan is dead until the end credits. If Laura tried to wake Ryan first, only to realize he is dead, before she crawled out, then the scene would be even better.
Death 8: Really Laura?
Talk about a painful way to go...
Upon finding Silas’ nest, if Laura hesitates and then struggles with Travis for the shotgun, Travis will get injured. Then if she fails to shoot Silas, Silas will attack Travis and then Ryan, ripping off his jaw and some of his intestines.
The gore alone makes this death scene satisfying. However, it is a bit frustrating that Laura, who essentially triggered the events of Ryan’s death, does not die in this version.
Death 9: Silas Kills the Trio
Wow! Silas really had it out for Ryan!
Laura initially raises the gun to shoot Silas, but then hesitates and Silas begins to wake up. Silas slaps Travis's head off, then slaps Laura’s head off, and lastly, rips off the bottom of Ryan’s jaw and eats his intestines.
The gore alone makes this death scene satisfying. The fact that all three die is also satisfying. At least they all went out together, right?
Laura Kearney
Laura Croft, I mean Kearney.
Laura is an intelligent, curious, resourceful veterinarian student who proves that she has an inner strength that rivals the strongest people in the world. When she sets her mind to something, she will stop at nothing to achieve it.
Death 1: Way to Hold a Grudge Travis
Some people really can hold a grudge.
If Laura chose to shoot Travis in Chapter 7, then when Ryan shoots Crhis and Laura turns back into a human, Travis will stab her repeatedly until death.
This scene is satisfying in the sense that you see how your earlier violent actions (although justified in the context of the situation) do have consequences. The only con is that Laura has no opportunity to fight back and save her life–if she shoots Travis in Chapter 7, he will kill her in this scene.
Death 2: Mutually Assured Destruction
At least Laura does not go down without a fight.
If Ryan does not shoot Chris or Laura in werewolf form, Travis will stab Laura with a silver-plated mirror, while she kills him, which causes her to die as well (from the silver).
This scene is satisfying in the sense that Travis and Laura kill each other. The epitome of “if I’m going down, I’m taking you with me”.
Death 3: Really Ryan?
At least Ryan dies too.
When given the choice to shoot Chris in his werewolf form, Ryan spins towards Travis and Laura and shoots Laura instead, killing her with a silver bullet.
Not satisfying at all. This choice (which the player would have to go out of there to make), benefits no one.
Death 4: If You Survive the Crash, You Better Grab that Gun
Come on Laura, grab the gun!
After Silas attacks the car and the car crashes, Laura crawls out of the car. If she fails to reach the gun in time, Silas will grab her by the throat and break her neck, by twisting her head nearly 180 degrees and chowing down.
This scene is somewhat satisfying in its emotional turmoil–a fatal car crash with the small potential to still kill Silas. However, the fact that she dies without shooting Silas is disappointing. However, the fact that twists her neck and then chows down is a bit satisfying to watch.
Death 5: If You Get the Gun, You Better Use It
So close to ending the curse.
After Silas attacks the car and the car crashes, Laura crawls out of the car. If she gets the gun, but fails the QTE, Silas will smack the gun out of her hands and bite out the back of her neck.
This scene is somewhat satisfying in its emotional turmoil–a fatal car crash with the small potential to still kill Silas. However, the fact that she dies without shooting Silas is disappointing.
Death 6: Save the Day With Your Dying Breath
Now this is a way to go out!
After Silas attacks the car and the car crashes, Laura crawls out of the car. If she gets the gun, and hits the QTE, she will kill Silas, but she also dies from the traumatic impact of the car crash.
Out of all the car crash-related deaths she can suffer, this is by far the most satisfying, for she is able to kill Silas with her dying breath. Talk about drama!
Death 7: Well Maybe You Should Have Shot Silas First
Shoot Silas, not Travis!
Upon finding Silas’s nest, if Laura hesitates to shoot him and successfully dodges Travis’s attempts to steal the gun, then she has the option to shoot Travis, Silas, or no one. If she shoots Travis, then Silas will swiftly jump out and swipe her head off.
This death is satisfying in the sense that Laura deserves to die if she acts in this way. However, it is frustrating to watch, knowing that she could have ended the curse and survived if she had simply shot Silas instead of Travis.
Death 8: Jedediah Shoots Laura
Come on Laura, shouldn't you be able to dodge with your werewolf senses?
After Laura accidentally kills Constance Hackett, Jedediah decides to get revenge by shooting Laura in the head.
This death is somewhat satisfying in the sense that as an objective audience member, Jedediah is getting revenge for the death of his wife. However, as the player, this death is not satisfying at all, because if Laura simply dodged to the side, she would have survived the shot.
Death 9: Constance Shoots Laura
Don't lie, you laughed too.
Laura does not accidentally kill Constance, so the Hacketts argue about what to do with her. When Bobby brings Ryan up from the basement, Laura decides to distract rather than run; this distraction involves making odd high-pitched annoying sounds. Ryan gets stabbed, but is able to run away. Laura chooses to continue making the sound and not spit in Constance’s face, which leads Constance to shoot Laura in the head for being so obnoxious.
This is probably the funniest death in the entire game. The sound that Laura makes as a distraction is absolutely bizarre, and incredibly annoying. Constance’s response to shoot Laura in the face when she continues making the sound is quite humorous.
Death 10: Silas Kills the Trio
Don't hesitate to shoot or you might get you and your friends killed.
Laura initially raises the gun to shoot Silas, but then hesitates and Silas begins to wake up. Silas slaps Travis's head off, then slaps Laura’s head off, and lastly, rips off the bottom of Ryan’s jaw and eats his intestines.
The gore alone makes this death scene satisfying. I mean, talk about overkill–jaw ripped off and intestines ripped out while alive?! The fact that all three die is also satisfying. At least they all went out together, right?
Max Brinly
What can be said about Max? He is dating Laura. That's about the only interesting thing about him.
Max is a self-proclaimed jokester who rationalizes every situation. Afraid to break the rules, will Max have the guts to survive the night?
Death: Guess You Should’ve Stayed on the Island
To be fair, how was he supposed to know that he would insta-die if he returned to the mainland?
If Max is turned back into a human, he will have the option to stay on the island or swim to shore. If he swims to shore, he will immediately be killed by werewolf Caleb biting out the back of his neck.
This death scene was incredibly frustrating, at least from my initial playthrough. The fact that one simple choice–influenced by the thought that this choice will allow you to reconvene and potentially help the other characters–ends in immediate death (no QTEs or button mashing to save you here) was incredibly frustrating if you are not expecting it. The fact that this is the only way Max can die in the game is also a bit disappointing.
Side Characters
Kaylee Hackett
The baby of the hackett family is also the first to die.
Kaylee is seen as the baby of the Hackett family. She is the one who started the fire at the Harum Scarum traveling circus. Although her intentions were good–she wanted to free Silas, who she perceived as a child being exploited and mistreated for entertainment–the fire ended up causing immense damage, loss, and spreading the werewolf curse.
Death: Killed by Silver Bullet
Point 1 for the werewolf hunter.
Laura chases Kaylee through the camp and shoots her with a silver bullet. Her body is found in its human form in the pool by Kaitlyn, Ryan, Nick, and Abigail. This is the only death that cannot be prevented. This is a scripted part of the story.
Although we do not actually see her die, this death scene is rather satisfying. As the player, we suddenly hear a gunshot go off and following the noise, find a pool of blood in the nearby pool. Kaylee’s body suddenly pops up, adding to the dramatic tension of the scene. This is also the first death that the characters confront head-on, making it significant in that way.
Caleb Hackett
He's had quite a night.
Caleb is one of the babies of the Hackett family. He, like his sister, is infected with the werewolf curse, which has caused him to become quite introverted.
Death 1: Kaitlyn Shoots Caleb with Silver Bullet
Don't bring a werewolf to a silver bullet fight.
Kaitlyn shoots werewolf Caleb with a silver bullet, killing him.
This death is fairly satisfying, as Kaitlyn rightfully shoots the werewolf charging towards her. Doing so protects Kaitlyn and Dylan. Plus, unlike Caleb’s other possible death, we actually see him die in this scene.
Death 2: Caleb Freezes to Death
Ice-ice baby.
Kaitlyn throws a decoy teddy bear into the freezer, drawing Caleb (in his werewolf form) into the freezer, where Kaitlyn locks him in. Because Laura was able to kill Silas, everyone infected (including Caleb) was returned to their human form. In his human form, Caleb was trapped in the freezer until late the next day, so he froze to death.
Kaitlyn’s tactic to trap werewolf Caleb in the freezer is satisfying, however his actual death is not very satisfying, for we do not even know he dies until we see it in the credits.
Constance Hackett
Don't mess with this mama bear--she's got claws! (Or rather, bullets).
The matriarch of the Hackett family, Constance is the true ruling force. Her love for her family surpasses anything else in her world. She will go to the ends of the earth to protect her family, no matter who she has to hurt to do so.
Death 1: Whoops
This is why gun safety is important...
When struggling with Laura for the shotgun, if Laura successfully mashes the X/A button, the shotgun will accidentally go off, blowing Constance’s face off.
What a fantastic death scene. This death comes quite unexpectedly–the player is simply trying to protect Laura. The incredibly graphic portrayal of Constance getting shot in the face is not only shocking, but satisfying and accurate. The fact that Laura is outnumbered by Constance’s family in the room also adds to the tension of the scene.
Death 2: Family Can Be Violent
A violent end from her favorite son.
If Constance does not die during the interaction with Laura, when Chris comes by later in his werewolf form, he will attack her, slicing her chest open and throwing her against the wall.
This death is fairly satisfying as well. Constance spends her entire life trying to protect her family, even if it means innocent people die in the process, only for one of her family members to kill her.
Jedediah Hackett
This papa bear is not as violent as his wife, but he will whatever he needs to in order to protect his family.
The patriarch of the Hackett family, Jedediah tries to help maintain order in his family. He loves all of his family, but none more than his wife Constance.
Death 1: Choked Out by Laura
Maybe don't try to fight a werewolf at close range?
Laura can choose to attack or run from Jedediah. If she chooses to attack and successfully smashes the X/A button, she will strangle him hard enough to break his neck.
This death scene is quite satisfying. Laura has been put through the ringer because of the Hackett family–she was imprisoned, not told why, had to watch her boyfriend transform into a werewolf, and had her eye clawed out by her boyfriend. She has had enough. And she takes it out on Jedediah in this scene. Can we really blame her?
Death 2: Family Can Be Violent Part 2
A shockingly brutal end at the hands of his son.
After killing Constance, Chris will grab Jedediah and smash his face into the mantelpiece.
Another satisfying death scene. Like Constance, Jedediah has put his family first, putting innocent civilians at risk, only for his family to kill him in an incredibly brutal way.
Bobby Hackett
His face says it all--anger and confusion are his two main emotions.
Bobby is the muscle–and certainly not the brains–of the Hackett family…his mentality and dependence on his parents is quite child-like. However, that doesn’t mean you should underestimate the danger he poses. Afterall, he stabs Ryan in the ribs, as if it were the most casual thing in the world.
Death: Family Can Be Violent Part 3
Brother vs. brother...to the death!
If Bobby was injured earlier (stabbed by Ryan, with the very knife Bobby had used to stab Ryan), he will not be able to hold off Chris in his werewolf form, so Chris rips his throat out.
This death is somewhat satisfying due to the irony of the fact that, like the other Hacketts, Bobby has committed crimes and hurt people to protect his family’s secret, and yet the very secret they are trying to protect (the werewolf curse that afflicts Chris, Kaylee, and Caleb) is what kills him in this moment.
Travis Hackett
You can tell he's had enough.
Travis is the black sheep of the Hackett family. He struggles balancing his loyalty to his family with his sense of duty towards legal justice that he took an oath to uphold when he became a police officer. He comes off as quite cold and unnerving, but he is simply trying to protect civilians without revealing the supernatural and complicated nature of the curse of Hackett's Quarry.
Death 1: If I’m Going Down, I’m Taking You With Me
Fight to the death!
If Ryan does not shoot Chris in his werewolf form, Laura will not transform back into her human form. As a result, while Laura is attacking Travis, although he stabs her with a silver-plated mirror piece, she strikes his head so hard, she decapitates him.
This death scene is quite satisfying. There is something poetic about the fact that Travis and Laura die because of one another. On top of that, for Travis, it is even more satisfying, as he resourcefully uses the silver-plated mirror shards, which he knows will be lethal towards Laura in her werewolf form. Furthermore, Travis refuses to give up without a fight. He fights until the end, which is incredibly satisfying.
Death 2: Shotgun to the Face is Fair Consequence for Stabbing Ryan’s Friend to Death
What else did you expect Ryan to do?
If Laura chooses to shoot Travis in Chapter 7, Travis will repeatedly stab Laura to death later on. When he does this, Ryan threatens him to stay back, but then Travis charges at Ryan. Ryan then shoots Travis in the face, blowing most of his face off.
This death scene is rather satisfying. Travis is able to get his revenge and unleash his rage on Laura, but he faces comparable consequences. Plus, who doesn’t love a little shotgun vs. face gore?
Death 3: Don’t Threaten to Imprison Laura Yet Again
Shotgun vs. Travis's face...who will win?
After Ryan shoots werewolf Chris, Laura returns to her human form. Travis says he can’t let her go, so they fight for the shotgun. If Laura is able to get the gun, she can choose to shoot Travis in the face.
This death is not the most satisfying (if you know the other possible outcomes). However, if you don’t know the other outcomes, it is quite satisfying. From Laura’s perspective, her actions are completely understandable–she has been kidnapped and held prisoner by Travis once, so implying that he may do that again is a no-go. Plus, shotgun vs. face gore is always satisfying.
Death 4: Decapitation of the Driver
Decapitated while driving is certainly a dramatic way to go.
While driving the car with Laura and Ryan inside, Silas attacks the car. If Laura fails the QTE, then Silas rips off Travis’s head.
This scene is fairly satisfying. It is disappointing that the trio are so close to ending the curse, only for them to die. However, in terms of unique deaths, having a werewolf attack your car, while in the middle of driving, and thrust his hand through the roof and rip your head off?! Talk about a dramatic exit.
Death 5: Maybe Don’t Try to Steal a Shotgun While It’s Pointed Near You
What is it with Hacketts and lack of gun safety?
Upon finding Silas’s nest, if Laura hesitates shooting Silas, Travis will try to take the shotgun. If Laura fails the QTE, the shotgun will accidentally go off, causing Travis to get shot in the chest.
This death scene is somewhat satisfying. If Travis did not try to take the shotgun from Laura, he would be alive. So his rash (and possibly arrogant) choice to attempt to overpower Laura, while she is holding a shotgun, results in his own death. If it ain’t the consequences of his own actions.
Death 6: Be Careful What You Say–It Might Get You Killed
Be careful what you say to Laura.
Upon finding Silas’s nest, if Laura hesitates shooting Silas, Travis will try to take the shotgun. If Laura successfully dodges, Travis will fall to the ground next to Silas’s nest, where Laura subsequently shoots him.
This death scene is somewhat satisfying (albeit, not for Travis). His attempts to overpower Laura prove futile, and then he has the nerve to say he should have killed her when he had the chance? No wonder she chooses to shoot him.
Death 7: Silas Agrees that Travis Should Watch What He Says
Silas can hold a grudge too.
Upon finding Silas’s nest, if Laura hesitates shooting Silas, Travis will try to take the shotgun. If Laura successfully dodges, Travis will fall to the ground next to Silas’s nest. Laura hesitates shooting Travis or Silas, so Silas seizes the opportunity and jumps out, attacking Travis, biting his neck and thrashing to the point of decapitation.
This death scene is somewhat satisfying (albeit, not for Travis). His attempts to overpower Laura prove futile, and then he has the nerve to say he should have killed her when he had the chance? Silas killing him seems like karma to me.
Death 8: Silas Kills the Trio
Well, that didn't go as planned.
Laura initially raises the gun to shoot Silas, but then hesitates and Silas begins to wake up. Silas slaps Travis's head off, then slaps Laura’s head off, and lastly, rips off the bottom of Ryan’s jaw and eats his intestines.
The gore alone makes this death scene satisfying. The fact that all three die is also satisfying. At least they all went out together, right?
Chris Hackett
Deputy Dewey? No, camp counselor Chris Hackett.
One of the golden boys of the Hackett family, Chris runs the Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp every year, all while struggling to deal with the fact that he has been afflicted with the werewolf curse.
Death: Ryan Commits Symbolic Patricide
And so the son kills the father.
If Ryan chooses to shoot Chris in his werewolf form, Chris will die.
This death scene is fairly satisfying. The emotional tension with this death is quite profound, given the fact that Ryan–who sees Chris as his father-figure–is the one that has to kill Chris. On top of that, his choice to shoot Chris saves both Laura and Travis’s lives.
Silas Vorez
A face only a mama could love.
Silas is the son of Eliza Vorez. Silas was the Wolf Boy or Dog Boy in the Harum Scarum traveling circus, until Kaylee Hackett set a fire that allowed for Silas to escape and live ferally in the woods.
Death 1: Killed in His Nest
This is just sad...
Upon finding Silas in his nest, Laura chooses to shoot Silas with a silver bullet, killing him.
This death scene is quite sorrowful. Laura and the player realize that Silas is simply an orphaned boy who suffers from this curse. He never chose this. He was safe when he was with his mother, but Kaylee Hackett’s actions (although well-intentioned) caused him to be let loose on the world, living in isolation, without the ability to control his condition. Although it ends the curse, his death–particularly this version where you find him curled up in his old circus cage–is incredibly sad.
Death 2: Car Crash Showdown Proves Fatal
Fatal car crash and mutual death--talk about a dramatic end.
After Silas attacks the car and the car crashes, Laura crawls out of the car. If she gets the gun, and hits the QTE, she will kill Silas, but she also dies from the traumatic impact of the car crash.
This death is more satisfying than the previous death, as Silas is not portrayed in a pitiful position in this scene. There is a greater sense of vindication in his death, as he just ripped off Travis’s head and caused a car crash which killed Ryan, and will soon kill Laura. On top of that, the fact that he and Laura essentially kill one another, adds a layer of drama that makes this scene more satisfying.
Eliza Vorez
This mama bear will do anything necessary to find her Silas.
Eliza is Silas's mother, who was a fortune teller at Harum Scarum's traveling circus until a fire, started by Kaylee Hackett, destroyed the circus and killed most of the circus members. Ever since, her presence has wandered through the woods, wailing for her boy Silas, causing her to be known as “The Hag of Hackett’s Quarry”. She also serves as the narrator who reads the player’s fortune in between chapters, secretly trying to sway the player to kill as many Hacketts as possible and spare Silas.
Death: Impaled While Life is Up in Flames
Thus the Hag of Hackett's Quarry was born.
During the Harum Scarum fire flashback, if Eliza does not move out of the way of the flying metal rod, she is impaled by it.
Talk about drama. Eliza is in shock, walking around as her entire life is literally up in flames, searching desperately for her son, when an explosion causes a random metal rod to shoot through the air and impale her. What a dramatic way to go. Certainly a satisfying death.