20 Apr 2022
Communication is a vital key in winning Valorant matches. You can either talk to your teammates with voice chat or simply send a message on the chatbox.
But at times, opponents are just either too good or toxic that you also need to send them a message–either to commend or trash talk.
Here’s how to enable all chat in Valorant:
- Step 1: Choose any game mode and enter matchmaking.
- Step 2: Select an agent and wait for the map to load.
- Step 3: While the rounds are ongoing, you can type /all on the chatbox or press Shift + Enter to enable All chat.
- Step 4: Once the prefix changes from “Team:” to “All:,” just type what you want to say and press Enter to send. The enemy team can now read your message.Image
While many say that trash talks are part of the game, you should still be cautious about what you say. Riot punishes those who violate community rules by imposing temporary suspensions or permanent bans.
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