In Valorant we all get carried away and want to rush Odin to pin down the enemy! But realistically, we don’t have enough money for that kind of fun -also said by our parents on vacations- that’s why we need eco rounds and most if not all of us go for the Ghost! It’s the most used weapon in Valorant. In this article, we will help you look a little unique among all those Ghost carriers.
Here are the top ten Ghost skins that can help you look cool:
10. Recon Ghost - Red Edition:
Going back to war style skins - Recon Ghost
Recon Ghost is a really standard skin, it gives you the feel of war with the comoflauge look. Most players won’t go for it unless they prefer the classical looks with just a little twist.
The skin is all about combining the classical looks with modern as you will get a feeling you are playing games like Call of Duty. One streamer once talked about how special this skin is because it’s just a small twist as it helps him focus while not being too basic. In my opinion, the best version is the red one as it looks more visually appealing.
See the skin in action:
Recon Ghost VALORANT SKIN (ALL COLORS + Attachments) New Recon Skins Showcase
How to get Recon Ghost:
The Recon Ghost was released Aug 25th 2020. It currently costs 1775 VP which is around 18.7 USD.
9. Cavalier Ghost:
Cavalier, a gun with style and fancy LEDs
The Cavalier Ghost can be considered by some as a visually poor skin but to many people it can be appealing.
This skin is relatively new! It’s not the most appealing visually but it’s surely nice to have a new skin! If you’re not into flashy things and just want a change of appearance then you should try this one out but if you don’t care much about having the newest skins then you should probably go for something else higher on this list.
See the skin in action:
Cavalier Ghost DM Gameplay (VALORANT)
How to get this skin:
The Cavalier package was released on Feb 2nd 2021. The set can be unlocked by purchasing the Formation Act 2 battlepass and unlocking XP for ghost at level 16.
8. Winterwunderland Ghost:
See through your weapon > See through Viper's mask
The Winterwunderland Ghost is a weapon with the Christmas spirit! Riot has outdone itself to create a cozy look for this skin! If you are looking for some Christmas looks while it’s not so far away until December then you should consider this one. It’s mainly like having a snowglobe in a weapon.
One of the most unique things about this skin is how it shines differently with your location! Outside any site, you will be able to see the snow during Christmas on your weapon while if you go inside you will see some warm cozy lights which will make you feel the joy of Christmas!
See the skin in action:
Winterwunderland Ghost VALORANT Skin | New Skins Collection Showcase
How to get this skin:
The skin was introduced on Dec 9th 2020. You can wait for it to become available and have it for 1,275 VP which is around 13.4 USD.
7. Tethered Realms:
Like see throughs? Here's a spicy version
In my opinion, this skin was inspired by Winterwunderland but it was executed better! How the aesthetic follow the storyline of good vs evil! If you liked the Winterwunderland skin then you would love the Tethered Realms one.
Two visual effects areavailable. Being outside can be magical with the extra shine but when you go inside it gets even better! The worst thing is that it can be a little distracting as many players complained about not being able to focus on the game but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful.
See the skin in action:
Tethered Realms Ghost Skin Showcase - Valorant Tethered Realms Skins
How to get this skin:
The Tethered Realms Ghost was made available on May 26 2021. You can lurk and have it for 1775 VP which is around 18.7 USD.
6. Dot Exe Ghost:
Cool name for a far cooler skin
The Dot Exe Ghost is a unique skin! It’s not visually rich but it’s surely something nice to have! The design is purely futuristic and it really owns the name as you feel like it’s been printed out of a 3D printer.
With little to no visual effects most players wouldn’t consider ita good skin! But if you’re the design type then you should surely put it into your consideration! Its beautiful outlines are made beautifully to frame the whole weapon making it seem like an art piece.
See the skin in action:
How to get this skin:
The Dot Exe Ghost was released on 2nd of June, 2020. It is not currently for sale in the store the only way to unlock the DOT EXE Ghost is by purchasing the Ignition: Act 1 Battle Pass and reaching Tier 35. It is possible to purchase progress to tier 35 for 10,200 VP but it’s not feasible as it would cost a lot for just a visual improvement on a weapon.
5. Infantry Ghost:
Infantry Ghost is the way WW lovers go
The Infantry Ghost is for classical games lovers! It’s a bit of an old skin but with the perfect old war looks it can always stay new and many players would go for it to stay unique.
This skin was inspired by WW2 as it has that metal and wood look where every detail looks vintage and just practical! If you love old games and you’re into vintage looks then you should surely go for it!
See the skin in action:
Infantry Ghost Skin Showcase - Valorant Infantry Skins
How to get this skin:
This skin was originally released on March 17th 2021. It’s not expensive at all and you can really get some value out of it for 875 VP which is around 9.20 USD.
4. Gaia’s Vengeance Ghost:
Best planet based weapon
Generally, Gaia’s Vengeance skins are one of the most underrated skins! It was published recently but if you take a closer look, you will immediately realize how amazing it is!
If you like nature then you would surely love the design! Unique bullet sounds, the kill effects are amazing where you literally make a tree out of your enemies! And the best thing is how cool the colors look.
See the skin in action:
gaia vengeance ghost is the best ghost | Valorant
How to get this skin:
The Ghost Gaia’s was released on March 1st 2022 which is relatively new. You can purchase it for 1775 VP which is around 18.7 USD.
3. Magepunk:
Magepunk > Cyberpunk
Do you like electricity and think it’s cool? Then you would love the Magepunk ghost!
Electrical looks with a beautiful design that makes you feel like you are holding a transformer in your hands especially with the small circle at the end. Bullets feel amazing with their small visuals. Reloading is refreshing as you feel like you’re charging your weapon not just reloading it.
Unique animations for the winning kill, an electrical prison for the enemy? Go ahead and take my money!
See the skin in action:
How to get this skin:
The Magepunk Ghost was released on April 1st 2021. You can wait for it to become available on store and get it for 1775 VP which is around 18.7 USD.
2. Ruination:
A weapon that steals your heart
Ruination ghost is a great choice if you like the dark looks and being able to literally create a black hole that sucks your enemies.
The Ruination ghost has a slight change in the bullet sound but the visuals are what’s really amazing! It feels like you are walking with a weapon from the dark dimension! The ace kill is super satisfying with the black hole effect up in the sky elevating your enemy.
See the skin in action:
Ruination Ghost VALORANT SKIN (ALL COLORS) | New Skins Showcase
How to get this skin:
This skin was released on July 8th 2021. You can grab it for 2175 VP which will cost you around 23 USD.
1. Reaver Ghost:
Reaver skins are mostly on the top!
The Reaver Ghost is one of the most enjoyable skins in Valorant! The Reaver bundle in general is amazingly unique! It’s just an alien weapon that has the assasination vibes going with it. The Reaver 2.0 is the updated version which makes it extra spicy.
If you like the design then you should wait until you hear the sound and see the cool visuals! The kill effect will undoubtedly capture your attention and make you fall in love with it. The kill effects will undoubtedly capture your attention and make you fall in love with it! Reloading surely feels different like you’re literally an alien from a darker dimension reloading your weird cool weapon. This skin is new and you will surely look cooler with it.
See the skin in action:
Reaver 2.0 Ghost Skin Showcase - Valorant Reaver 2.0 Skins Showcase
How to get this skin:
This skin was released August 10th 2022. You can grab all of this great features for just 1775 VP which equals 18.7 USD.
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