Ahhhh, swords. Any fantasy RPG, or even fantasy fiction, is chock full of them. Who didn’t get chills when Aragorn drew the reforged Anduril in Return of the King for the first time? (If you didn’t, I’m not even sure how to relate to you right now. Are you human? Do you even have a soul?)
Witcher 3 delivers when it comes to swords. Picking the right assortment of weapons can make a big difference in the game. While subject to opinion, as always, here is a list of five great swords to choose from in Witcher 3. Be aware, some of these swords are from the Blood and Wine and Heart of Stone expansions.
5. Bloodsword (Best for making beasties bleed)
The WItcher 3, Location Relic Silver Bloodsword
Bloodsword is one of the least complicated to obtain swords on this list, and it is a good haul from a bland quest. It’s another of those Witcher 3 moments that seems like an inconspicuous quest yet gives a nice reward. Reading the note from the body in the “Inheritance” quest indicates the sword was meant for vengeance though it never fulfilled its purpose. “Exact revenge on the men who did you wrong after my death. Make me proud.”
Weapon Stats
- Silver Sword, Relic, 3 upgrade slots
- Weight 2.01
- 227 - 277 Silver Damage
- Critical Hit Damage +9%
- Crit Hit Chance +2%
- Bleed Chance +9%
- Chance to Dismember +1%
What makes Bloodsword awesome
- Extra bleeding - Having an enemy bleed out as you’re fighting gives you an edge.
- Extra dismemberment - What’s the fun of a sword-based RPG if there’s not some dismemberment?
- Not difficult to obtain - Bloodsword is part of a random and quick loot quest.
How to Get Bloodsword
There are two ways:
- Start the “Inheritance” quest by looting the dead body found in Boxholm in Skellige (be sure to grab the key).
- Use your Witcher senses to find the hidden chest.
- Loot said chest.
See Intro Video
- Start the “Battlefield Loot” quest by killing a bilge hag near a dead body and dog.
- Loot the body (always be sure to grab the key).
- Follow bloodstains to a chest with Bloodsword inside.
The Witcher 3 - Bloodsword Rare Relic Silver Sword Location 306 Damage
4. Wolven Silver Sword - Mastercrafted (Best for making you feel like an accomplished swordsmith)
The Witcher 3 Upgrade Guide (2020) – Wolf School Witcher Gear (Wolven - Basic to Grandmaster)
I included a link to a lengthy video of how to upgrade all the Wolven Witcher gear to make my point about this sword-making you feel like a swordsmith. One doesn’t just find a Witcher gear sword. One must find the diagram for the sword, then the diagram for the next level, then the diagram for the next level after that, etc. This is true for the gear of all the different Witcher schools. But eventually, in the main game, the process will get you to this sword with great bonuses and a feeling of accomplishment (or frustration depending on your perspective).
Weapon Stats
- Witcher Item, silver sword, craft, 3 slots
- +10% sign intensity
- +10% adrenaline point gain
- +10% critical hit chance
- +10% chance to cause bleeding
- +20% bonus experience from monsters
- 409-499 Damage
What makes the Mastercrafted Wolven Silver Sword awesome
- Great overall bonuses - This sword causes bleeding, enhances sign intensity, gives bonus experience. It is an overall good sword and boost for Geralt.
- School of the Wolf - It’s Geralt’s school so there’s some sentimental value for sappy players like me.
How to Get the Mastercrafted Wolven Silver Sword
- First, find the diagram for the basic Wolven silver sword and all other iterations.
- Once you have crafted the superior Wolven silver sword, find the diagram for the mastercrafted sword south-southwest of Kimbolt Way at a hidden treasure marker.
- Obtain the rest of the necessary ingredients (leather scraps, a dimeritium ingot, a monster feather, and a monster heart) and have a master blacksmith forge the sword for you (i.e. Hattori in Novigrad).
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Wolven Silver Sword Mastercrafted Location
or if you want the entire set
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Mastercrafted Wolven Witcher Gear Set Locations (Upgrade Diagrams)
3. Black Unicorn (Best for killing human baddies)
BLACK UNICORN - Strongest Steel Sword Location [Level 46] - The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone
This is another sword on the list to be crafted, but it’s worth the effort. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the name didn’t play a part in my love of this sword. It’s a strong steel sword which is important since some of the monsters Geralt hunts are humans. Don’t neglect the steel, my friends. And get one with a cool name.
Weapon Stats
- Steel, Relic, 3 upgrade slots
- 360-440 damage
- +10% Aard sign intensity
- +10% chance to cause bleeding
What makes Black Unicorn awesome
- I mentioned the name, right?
- Strong against humans
- 3 upgrade slots allow for even more intensity
How to Get Black Unicorn
- Go to the Signal Tower near Kaer Mohren.
- Climb the ladder to the top to find a chest with the diagram.
- Gather necessary materials (leather scraps, 2 dimeritium ingots, 2 ruby dusts, monster saliva, 2 sapphire dusts).
- Have a master blacksmith craft the sword (i.e. Hattori in Novigrad).
The Witcher 3, Location Relic Black Unicorn Steel Sword lev 18
2. Iris (Best for interesting mechanics)
(spoilers for the Heart of Stone expansion in the videos)
IRIS Sword Effect! - Death March! Difficulty Level [The Witcher 3 - Heart of Stone]
I enjoyed the Heart of Stone expansion and depending on your decisions, one of the rewards you can earn is the steel sword named Iris. At first glance, this doesn’t seem very exciting, but the sword is a lot of fun to use. The sword charges during use with a burning, red energy. Beware, though, the neato mechanic comes at a price as every time it hits its mark, you lose a little bit of health. Still, it’s worth it.
Weapon Stats
- Steel, relic, no upgrade slots
- Weight 4.01
- Charges with energy during combat
What makes Iris awesome
- When the weapon is charged, it delivers an extra powerful strike like a shockwave.
- Energized swords are fun!
How to Get Iris
- In simplest terms, complete the Heart of Stone expansion and choose to help Olgierd von Everec, and you will be gifted with this sword.
The Witcher 3: Hearts Of Stone - Olgierd´s Saber "Iris"
1. Aerondight (Best for improving with you)
Witcher 3 BLOOD AND WINE There Can Be Only One! Claiming Aerondight, Sword of 5 Virtues
Almost any list you read on the internet for best Witcher 3 swords will list this sword as their number one. And with good reason. Found in the Blood and Wine expansion, Aerondight is an excellent sword in and of itself, but it also improves with use (which will be further discussed in the stats). This sword is one of the most difficult to get as it requires the correct choice in multiple quests to qualify. This also makes Aerondight an interesting grab. In Toussaint, the setting of Blood and Wine, virtue is everything, and you must display the five key virtues throughout the expansion to be deemed worthy.
Weapon Stats
- Silver, Relic, No Upgrade slots
- Weight 2.86
- Damage 522-638
- Every hit increases the sword’s damage by 10%
- Fully charged will result in a critical hit
- If the player is undamaged by the final blow, the sword’s damage is permanently increased
What makes Aerondight awesome
- This sword charges as it’s used.
- Aerondight’s damage can be permanently increased.
- A weird lady in a pond gives you the sword.
How to Get Aerondight
(These steps can be completed in a variety of sequences, but typically, it’s best to start with the initial quest before conquering the others)
Start the quest “There Can Be Only One” by retrieving the notice from a notice board in Toussaint and earn all five virtues:
- “Big Game Hunter” Quest - don’t hurt the panthers and visit the art show.
- And/or spare the Shaelmaar after the fight in the arena
- In “Till Death Do Us Part,” choose the dialogue option for “just a marital spat.”
- And/or finish the horse race and accept the duel in “The Warble of the Smitten Knight.”
- In “Father Knows Worst,” save the brother and help him reconcile with the other brothers.
- And/or free the wight from the curse in “La Cage Au Fou.”
- Give a tip to the courier in the “Turn to Face the Strange.”
- And/or buy Geralt’s portrait in “The Witcher As an Old Man.”
- And/or give the bootblack 500 crowns for info during the main expansion storyline.
- In the “Feet As Cold As Ice” quest, tell the knight to take the head and go back to Beauclair.
- And/or finish the tournament during “The Warble of the Smitten Knight.”
- Return to the hermit at the lake and fight him for the sword.
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine AERONDIGHT Sword Guide - Best Silver Sword | Five Virtues Achievement
As with any list, these are my picks, but there is an amazing amount of swords to choose from so don’t just stop here. And for the love of Pete, definitely try Aerondight! It’s about the only thing the entire internet agrees on.
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