When I was younger, I turned my nose up at mods. If asked, I haughtily told people, “I don’t use mods.”. But as I’ve gotten a little older and a little wiser, I’ve learned a few things. And one thing I’ve learned is this: Mods can be like magic. They can inject new life into a well-worn, well-loved game. While mods that add skills and gameplay components get all the glory, graphic mods don’t always get the love they deserve. So here are 10 graphic mods for Witcher 3 that are worth a look.
10. Friendly HUD
I can see everything!
The HUD of a game is one of the most important aspects of the gamer’s experience. A clunky HUD can make the entire game clunky. Since everyone is different, what works for one player might not work for another. This mod allows choices to suit each player’s tastes.
How the mod makes more fun:
- The user can remove distractions from the screen.
- This mod allows customization. Who doesn’t like choices?
Get the mod here
9. HENRY CAVILL and Anya Chalotra
If you enjoyed the Witcher series on Netflix as much as I did, it stands to reason you’ll like this mod. As you’d expect, this mod adds Henry Cavill’s and Anya Charlotra’s faces to Geralt and Yennefer. A purely aesthetic mod, and very nicely done with multiple options.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Henry Cavill.
- Anya Charlotra.
Get the mod here
8. The Witcher 3 Enhanced Reshade
This mod adds vibrancy to the overall look of the game and enhances shadows to bring out the light. It’s very well executed. Check out the videos from the download page for a better look at the mod in action. It’s a nice enhancement that breathes some new life into the appearance.
How the mod makes more fun:
- Better lighting.
- Very small performance drain on the game.
Get the mod here
7. Friendly Meditation
This mod is a sweet, little tweak that makes a boring screen change a little less boring. I love the landscape art of Witcher 3 (particularly in the Blood and Wine Expansion) so any chance to look at it makes me happy.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Players get to see the beautiful Witcher 3 graphics instead of a plain menu.
Get the mod here
6. Lore-Friendly Witchers
This mod takes some of the gloss off the Witchers and makes them more like what you would expect. Geralt’s look is revised to be truer to the descriptions of his mutations. Don’t we all want the Witchers to look like Witchers?
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- The Witcher eyes are more striking.
- Witcher characteristics lineup more closely with the source material.
Get the mod here
5. Geralt Cloak
This mod is one of those tweaks that just make the character more fun to play. I wish we could bring back cloaks in real life so why wouldn’t I want Geralt to wear one? And with this mod, I’m no longer stuck choosing the Feline Armor just because I like the hood… Not that I would ever do that...
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Makes Geralt look even more like a B.A.
- Control over the cloak and hood wearing options.
Get the mod here
4. Realistic Weather
Most RPG gamers I know love the immersion aspect. This mod helps create a more immersive experience with an upgrade to the weather system. This affects the weather in every region and includes snow, rain, and even fog improvements.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Improved weather makes for more overall realism.
- Contributes to better game immersion.
Get the mod here
3. PhotoMode 2inOne for Debug Console Enabler
Smile for the camera!
Maybe your Geralt is a ham and likes having his picture taken but can’t stand all the HUD display gunking up his portrait. Make Geralt happy. Get this mod. It removes everything for a better photo opportunity.
How the mod makes more fun:
- Better photo ops.
- Easy commands to remove HUD and subtitles for photos.
Get the mod here
2. No Dirty Lens Effect
This mod is for those of us who just want to wipe that dirt right off the lens. Poof. Dirt’s gone! No cleaning required! And yet, the mod does not hamper any other effects like water droplets so you don’t lose the fun stuff.
How the mod makes more fun:
- Hooray for not needing to feel like we need to wipe the dirt off the screen!
- Better visibility.
Get the mod here
1. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project
This is number one on my list for a very good reason. The amazing amount of effort put into this mod shows in the quality of the work. A couple of images do not do it justice so take a look at the video for a better overall comparison of the vanilla graphics versus the reskinned look. This mod will give your Witcher 3 game a high-quality bump to the visuals.
How the mod makes the game more fun:
- Overall look improvement.
- Sharper images while maintaining the original art.
- Added realism for a more immersive experience.
Get the mod here
The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project 10.0 Reborn Release Preview
That ends my top 10 best graphic mods list, but new mods crop up even now so don’t neglect to check out new stuff. In the meantime, I’m gonna just go take another look at that Henry Cavill mod (don’t judge me). Happy monster hunting, Witchers!
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