The wonderful world of the Witcher 3 contains quests, friends, monsters, villains and adventure aplenty. As with many open world games, each player has the ability to choose from many different categories and levels of which to build your characters strengths and in turn, their weaknesses. These choices are not to be made without haste, as each ability you choose can affect what enemies and path you will be able to follow the changes of with the best ease. Which builds will lead you to the greatest trophy victories, protect you from the evils of the Globe? We list the top 5 OP Builds for your witch in shining armor, Geralt.
5. Full Combat Build
Check out the full build in action here.
After you’ve fought your first griffin, you’ll come to realize just how important hand to hand combat can be in this game….or how exceptionally cool it can look when mastered. With this build any foe, even The Toad Prince himself, will be afraid.
PSA: Some of this build does require the Blood and Wine DLC to complete, but you can mix and match in the missing pieces if you just have the original game. The main issue with this build is that it requires a real expert to fully utilize: it deals tremendous damage potential, but causes you to be easily killed. So you need to be very good at avoiding damage. This is definitely a build that requires liberal use of Quen to succeed.
What Full Combat Build excels in:
- Takes advantage of new skills and techniques unlocked by the Blood and Wine DLC
- This build takes skills almost exclusively from the combat tree, giving you the most dealable damage possible
- Unlocks alchemy through the fantastic Synergy skill, which increases the attack power that this build provides (from 140% to 210%!)
- The powerful Bloodbath mutation, which - like the build itself - rewards evading damage with mountains of attack power
- Takes advantage of serious players abilities to handle combat situations
Choose the Full Combat build if:
- You are an experienced player who can handle avoiding damage
- You willing to fulfill one or a few of the treasure quests for the Bear/Ursine armor set, an armor set that is unmatched in its ability to soak up damage and provide excellent armor stats and resistance bonuses across the board
- The Ursine armor set will also give you an extremely strong bonus to your Quen sign usage if you upgrade it all the way
- Add to that some strong Adrenaline Point gain bonuses with each piece you equip, and this gear set will also enable you to hit like a truck (or, indeed, a bear) once you get stuck into the fight
- Have access to the Blood and Wine DLC
- Tend to shy away from more alchemy and sign related strengths in your playstyle
Full Combat Build details:
- Mutation: Bloodbath
- Melt Armor lvl 5
- Firestream lvl 3
- Igni Intensity lvl 5
- Sustained Glyphs lvl 2
- Magic Trap lvl 3
- Yrden Intensity lvl 5
- Strength Training lvl 5
- Crushing Blows lvl 5
- Exploding Shield lvl 3
- Active Shield lvl 3
- Quen Intensity lvl 5
- Rend lvl 5
- Sunder Armor lvl 5
- Refreshment lvl 5
- Synergy lvl 5
- Griffin School Techniques lvl 1
4. Signs & Magic Build
Check out this build in action here.
With a name like the Witcher, to some it might only be fitting that Signs and Magic should incorporate greatly into gameplay. Combat is surely a matter of physical strength, while signs and magic incorporates much more of a mental ability. Strap in there,big brain, this one’s for you.
What Signs & Magic Build Excels In:
- Large Igni bonuses make fire hurt more and can cause continuous burning effects on critical hits
- Firestream ability is very good for dealing with shield users, as Firestream makes them permanently drop their shields after a few seconds of burning them
- Quen Intensity Improved massively in your Quen sign, tank more damage, heal more from active shield, bigger damage from explosive shield etc
- Quen Discharged maxed, which in New Game+ may not work on all enemies but similarly to Yrden trap, some enemies are still vulnerable to it, and when the skill works, it basically doubles the regular damage of Quen explosion
- Trade for some signs in the form of survivability helps with some more difficult battles
Choose the Signs & Magic Build build if:
- You are willing to undergo side quests to get the Griffin armor set, an armor set that adds decent buff to sign intensity with each equipped piece
- You have the Blood and Wine DLC
- You prefer combat from afar and the protection of signs to help with difficult or unforeseen attacks
- You have a massive amount of potions or ability to make or buy that will add to overall intensities for all signs
- You have good familiarity with oils and which to use against certain enemies, helping again to boost your signs’ intensities
Signs & Magic Build details:
- Mutation: Conductors of Magic
- Melt Armor lvl 5
- Firestream lvl 3
- Igni Intensity lvl 5
- Sustained Glyphs lvl 2
- Magic Trap lvl 3
- Yrden Intensity lvl 5
- Strength Training lvl 5
- Crushing Blows lvl 5
- Exploding Shield lvl 3
- Active Shield lvl 3
- Quen Intensity lvl 5
- Rend lvl 5
- Sunder Armor lvl 5
- Refreshment lvl 5
- Synergy lvl 5
- Griffin School Techniques lvl 1
3. Quen Bear Build
Check out this bear build in all its grizzly action here.
A bit of an expansion on the previous build, Quen Bear lends its name to the two things it utilizes the most, increased strength and Quen. Make Geralt your new favorite Grizzly with this incredible build!
What Quen Bear Build Excels In:
- Overall great blend of all skill tree attributes, giving you a well rounded ability to handle any quest or enemy
- The mutation Piercing Cold adds a heightened chance of freezing enemies to help slow down a difficult battle
- The mutation Piercing Cold also adds additional damage count if not frozen
- Great addition to health which helps fight difficult enemies
- Attack power overpower helps with close combat enemies, with abilities like Whirl giving you the opportunity to attack multiple enemies at once
- Sign abilities help to handle foes from a distance or trapping them with
- Bomb abilities also help to address combat conflicts and escape enemy ambushes
- Synergy is one of the overall most helpful abilities for vitality as well as upping the effects of your Piercing Cold mutation
Choose the Quen Bear Build build if:
- You are comfortable using abilities in all categories incorporated together
- You can handle combat situations with relative ease as defensive abilities are low with this build
- You are willing to invest time searching for the Manticore gear set, which will boost your maximum toxicity and bestow a bonus to alchemy charges and critical hit effects to your bombs if you equip the entire set
- Your understanding of oils/decoctions is decent enough to help aid your takedown of certain monsters
Quen Bear Build details:
- Mutation: Freezing Cold
- Whirl lvl 3
- Crippling Strikes 3
- Rend lvl 3
- Aard Sweep lvl 3
- Pyromaniac lvl 3
- Magic Trap lvl 3
- Supercharged Glyphs lvl 3
- Exploding Shield lvl 3
- Active Shield lvl 3
- Quen Discharge lvl 3
- Refreshment lvl 3
- Poisoned Blades lvl 3
- Cluster Bombs lvl 3
- Synergy lvl 3
- Fast Metabolism lvl 3
- Rage Management lvl 1
2. God Tier Build
Check out what it is to be a God with this build here.
What is it to be a God? With this build, you might just find out. A combat base with a helping hand for vitality, this build can help with both hand to hand combat and toxicity effects will surely help you outlast any fearful monster you face.
What God Tier Build Excels In:
- Mutation of Euphoria can increase sign intensity, which is useful given the lack of other abilities related to Signs in this build
- Great increase in overall attack and combat abilities, with useful combat abilities for close distance, such as Whirl, and further away combat abilities like Rend
- Increased vitality will help in the event of a sudden attack to even the playing field
- Don’t have to worry about cool down on sign abilities as signs are not utilized
- Synergy is one of the overall most helpful abilities for vitality and also increases the mutation effects of Euphoria
- Toxicity is very helpful for residual damage against tougher enemies
Choose the God Tier Build build if:
- You do not like sign abilities in your fighting/gameplay repertoire
- You are willing to put in some time to find the Griffin armor set, which will help to assist you with some defensive abilities that this build lacks
- You have a good grasp on combat fighting in the Witcher as defensive output is low with this build
- You need a decent bit of help with health and vitality to fight harder enemies
- You are equipped to handle potions and decoctions in order to properly take down whatever monster you encounter
God Tier Build details:
- Mutation: Euphoria
- Muscle Memory lvl 5
- Precise Blows lvl 5
- Whirl lvl 5
- Rend lvl 5
- Sunder Armor lvl 5
- Resolve lvl 5
- Poisoned Blades lvl 5
- Protective Coating lvl 5
- Hunter Instinct lvl 5
- Tissue Transmutation lvl 5
- Synergy lvl 5
- Endure Pain lvl 5
- Acquired Tolerance lvl 3
- Cat School Techniques lvl 1
1. Versatile Tank Build
Check out the versatilty of the tank here.
A combination of the best that The Wicher 3 builds have to offer come in the form of what we call the Versatile Tank build. Versatility in the forms of combat, alchemy and signs will help Geralt to defeat any seen or unforeseen foe he is to face. If you’re relatively new to this game, this is the most well rounded build for you.
What the Versatile Tank Build Excels In:
- Offers a great combination of all three major skill trees, giving you flexibility which you might not find in other more focused builds
- Use of potions and decoctions will help greatly with survivability as they will boost your already heightened vitality
- Some damage reduction with this build is helpful as Fleet Footed reduces damage while dodging, a very common tactic throughout battle
- Light use of the Quen sign will help keep Vitality even higher, making an easy battle even easier
- Additional combat skills and attack power help to boost help in fighting foes in the forms of Crushing Blows and Whirl
- Second Life mutation as the cornerstone of the build pushes you to a very low vulnerability level, making any challenges you face much easier to overcome
Choose the Versatile Tank Build build if:
- You have access to the Blood and Wine DLC
- You are working on your first playthrough of the Witcher 3
- You can pair with the Ursine Witcher Gear in order to help with avoiding damage
- Pairing with the Ursine Witcher Gear will also help with upping your Quen sign damage
Versatile Tank Build details:
- Mutation: Second Life
- Strength Training lvl 5
- Sunder Armor lvl 5
- Rend lvl 5
- Muscle Memory lvl 5
- Crushing Blows lvl 5
- Whirl lvl 5
- Resolve lvl 5
- Fleet Footed lvl 5
- Heightened Tolerance lvl 5
- Refreshment lvl 5
- Acquired Tolerance lvl 3
- Active Shield lvl 3
- Exploding Shield lvl 3
- Tissue Transmutation lvl 5
- Synergy lvl 5
- Cat School Techniques lvl 1
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