Who are the best World of Warcraft YouTubers?
World of Warcraft has been the most popular MMORPG for many years, so there are an infinity of content creators on YouTube who tackle this game in a regular basis. Of course it all comes down to personal preference, but in this article we will be looking at some of the best World of Warcraft YouTubers in my humble opinion.
10. SignsOfKelani
SignsOfKelani is a dedicated World of Warcraft YouTube channel that brings guides, analysis, tips & tricks and much more about WoW, all done with extreme attention to detail and presented in a fun manner. This is a great channel for you to watch when jumping into the recent expansion Dragonflight, and that might help you make the most out of the newest content in the game.
Channel Link: SignsOfKelani
9. Erosium
Always committed to putting a smile on the face of their viewers, Erosion is a gaming streamer and YouTuber who always gives his honest opinion on the game and releases content that is relevant to the most recent patch of WoW. If you enjoy content creators who share their opinions and spread information at the same time, this is your guy.
Channel Link: Erosium
8. Nixxiom
Hilarious editing and great comedy bits are the strong points of Nixxiom. This YouTuber is honestly amazing at what he does, and his World of Warcraft videos are always a pleasure to watch and will have you laughing out loud. Don’t miss out on this channel if you’re looking for entertainment and funny videos about WoW.
Channel Link: Nixxiom
7. Maximum
Maximum is a YouTuber that uploads a wide variety of World of Warcraft content on a regular basis. Tier lists, interviews, analysis and commentary videos are just a few examples of what you will find on this channel, always bringing new stuff to the table and great guests to talk about the game.
Channel Link: Maximum
6. MrGM
MrGM is another dedicated WoW YouTube channel that posts extensive and informative guides about everything you need to know in Azeroth. Here you will find videos discussing the most recent news about the game, guides on various sorts of content, and interesting commentary that spark a lot of welcome discussion in the community.
Channel Link: MrGM
5. Preach
This guy is a legend when it comes to World of Warcraft content creators. Preach has been around since the old days of YouTube, and recently came back to the game to enjoy the newest expansion Dragonflight, going as far as to travel halfway across the globe in order to visit Blizzard’s headquarters and interview the developers, bringing answers to the questions that we have always wanted to ask.
Channel Link: Preach Gaming
4. Bellular Warcraft
One of the most popular World of Warcraft YouTubers out there, Bellular always keeps his content fresh. With regular uploads on the most varied topics about the game, this guy has released massive videos that go to the next level when it comes to analyzing WoW in depth. With all of the hype around Dragonflight, we can expect great things to come from the channel in the near future.
Channel Link: Bellular Warcraft
3. Nobbel87
Most people don’t play MMORPGs for the story, right? Well, maybe you feel like catching up with the story outside of the game, or maybe you have been away from WoW and have to update your lore knowledge. Nobbel87 releases amazing content about the lore of World of Warcraft, with great recent videos about everything you need to know in order to jump into Dragonflight, whether you are a new or veteran player of the game.
Channel Link: Nobbel87
2. TheLazyPeon
Another old school legend of the World of Warcraft YouTube community, TheLazyPeon has certainly been away from the game for a while, moving on to reviewing other MMORPGs and games in general. However, he has recently come back to WoW in order to check out Dragonflight, and has been enjoying it so much that he began streaming on YouTube as well. Tune into this channel for some great content and, of course, the obligatory big damage.
Channel Link: TheLazyPeon
1. Asmongold
We all knew who was going to be on the top of this list: our favorite balding man, Asmongold. While Asmongold mainly streams on Twitch, the YouTube channel posts most of the stream content, and also has some exclusive videos about WoW and other topics. Whether you approve of his poor choice of steaks or not, you have to admit his content is great, ranging from transmog competitions to reaction videos, watching this channel is always a good time.
Channel Link: Asmongold TV
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