![[Top 10] WoW Shadowlands Best DPS Class For Castle Nathria (Ranked) Top 10 DPS Castle Nathria](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-10/top10-dps-castle-nathria.jpg.webp?itok=4CYQAdPt)
Let's play Hide and Seek
Assassination Rogue is a dangerous poison-bleed expert who uses brutal daggers to murder his victims. To begin a fight, rogues usually launch surprise attacks from the shadows, beginning with brutal melee blows. Rogues must be cautious when choosing targets to avoid wasting their combo attacks and also be aware of when to retreat or hide if the tide of combat shifts against them.
Why Do Assassination Rogues Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- They provide excellent single-target damage. Assassination provides strong damage windows every two minutes, with Vendetta as the main driving damage cooldown.
- Shiv's shorter cooldown adds some smaller and more regular damage windows, allowing for some timing flexibility.
- Because it is based on bleeds and poisons, it has solid cleave damage for bosses like Huntsman, in addition to good single-target damage.
- Execution damage via Zoldyck Insignia and Blindside are two more notable damage factors. This is especially useful for demanding burns, such as phase 3 of Sire Denathrius.
- Personal survivability is also fine, it has a lot of defensive options like Evasion, Cloak of Shadows, and Feint. Even a Cheat Death talent to avoid getting one-shot by some of the mechanics.
Why Would You Choose to Play Assassination Rogue:
- High sustained DPS against single targets as well as multiple targets.
- It has the potential to deal powerful execution damage.
- Excellent survivability.
- High mobility.
Assassination Rogue Guide
Smash, smash, smash, then spin to win
The Fury Warrior is a berserker who attacks enemies as if it were his last day on Earth. He wields a massive two-handed weapon and causes nothing but chaos and devastation in his path. He uses rage as a combat resource. Warriors' rage grows as they deal or take damage, allowing them to deliver truly crushing attacks in the heat of battle. Warriors are typically the ones who lead the charge into battle, tearing across the battlefield while motivating their raid members and intimidating their opponents with ferocious cries and fearsome banners.
Why Do Fury Warriors Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Fury warriors offer exceptionally strong and sustained cleave and burst AoE damage, which is quite useful given the number of adds present in many boss engagements in Castle Nathria.
- Due to how well their Bladestorm and Recklessness (with Anger Management talent) cooldowns line up with frequent AoE, fury is topping DPS meters on Sun King's Salvation, Stone Legion Generals, and Sire Denathrius.
- They can use their Battle Shout to boost the DPS and Rallying Cry to boost the survivability of their raid group, which is one of the few rare raid cooldowns that works against Sire Denathrius' Blood Price.
- The Fury Warriors are quite tanky thanks to their many defensive skills, such as Ignore Pain, Rallying Cry, Stalwart Guardian, and rank 2 of Enraged Regeneration, which results in a 1.5m cooldown.
- They can use Spell Reflection to reflect abilities like Huntsman Altimor's Sinseeker and Sire Denathrius's Shattering Pain.
Why Would You Choose To Play Fury Warrior:
- A strong cleave towards three or more targets.
- An effective target switch without sacrificing damage output.
- Defensive abilities for other raid members.
- High mobility.
- Good survivability.
- Fast-paced gameplay.
Fury Warrior Guide
Let there be thunder
Elemental Shamans are spiritual masters who command the earth's elements by summoning totems and using them to harm or heal their allies. When it comes to playing styles, they are extremely adaptable and versatile. Elemental Shamans' resources are maelstrom power and mana. Through the casting of weaker spells, the maelstrom gathers energy, which is then used to cast stronger spells.
Why Do Elemental Shamans Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Elemental Shamans have very powerful single-target and AoE damage. Their sustained single-target dps is one of the best in the game, and Stormkeeper lines up pretty well with a wide range of damage windows, for example, Pillars on Sludgefist and Volatile Stone Shell AoE of Stone Legion Commandos.
- In Sire Denathrius' final phase, sustained single-target damage and the ability to maintain dps while moving are extremely valuable.
- They have utilities such as Bloodlust, which gives their raid group a massive performance boost, and Wind Rush Totem, which provides a speed boost.
- The Ghost Wolf ability that transforms them into a wolf makes them one of the big winners in Sire Denathrius’ phase one as they do not drop Burden of Sin stacks, allowing them to ignore the slow that Burden of Sin gives during the March of the Penitent.
- Defensive abilities like Astral Shift and Harden Skin, paired with Necrolord's covenant ability Fleshcraft, help them to mitigate damage from almost every Dancing Fever on Council of Blood, for every pillar on Sludgefist, for all Reverberating Eruptions on Stone Legion Generals, and Blood Price on Sire Denathrius.
Why Would You Choose To Play Elemental Shaman:
- Massive single-target and multi-target burst damage potential.
- Talent selections enable exceptional flexibility and a variety of playstyles.
- Strong sustained damage even while moving.
- Jack of All Trades, performing well in all kinds of situations.
Elemental Shaman Guide
I can't mind control you if you don't have one
The Shadow Priests are ranged spellcasters who use the void to infuse nightmares and horrifying visions into their enemies' minds. They can take on shadow form to boost their abilities, as well as to heal and protect their allies. The Shadow priest uses mana for utility and healing spells, but their main source of damage is insanity, which they spend on their most powerful abilities.
Why Do Shadow Priests Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- The Shadow Priest's excellent sustained and burst single target damage makes it essential for the final phase of Sire Denathrius as well as early bosses like Shriekwing and Hungering Destroyer.
- The primary sources of Shadow's single target damage are Voidform, Power Infusion, and Mindbender. They have a great deal of versatility in how they use their cooldowns to adjust to the timings of particular encounters, like Sludgefist.
- In encounters such as Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals, Shadow Priests often have assigned timings for Leap of Fate to make crucial game-saving plays. They can also use Mass Dispel on General Kaal’s Heart Rend.
- Due to Sludgefist and Sire Denathrius' increased damage-taking mechanics, Shadow's other primary utility spell, Vampiric Embrace, may be used against them very effectively.
- Shadow Priest's Dispersion, Desperate Prayer, and the Translucent Image conduit are defensive cooldowns that are effective against Sludgefist pillars. Blood Price and Impale on Sire Denathrius.
Why Would You Choose To Play Shadow Priests:
- Great single-target damage with some multi-target flexibility.
- Execute ability.
- Amazing self-healing.
- Great talents and options to adapt to many situations.
- Good group utility in certain circumstances.
Shadow Priest Guide
Winter is coming, stay frosty
The Frost Death Knight is a master of death and an icy harbinger of doom who inflicts deathly cold on anyone who dares to oppose them, dealing physical damage combined with frost magic. Frost gains runic power by using runes, which he uses on devastating frost attacks. It is a spec that focuses on resource management and maximizing cooldown windows. So, if you're a die-hard fan of the Lich King, look no further this spec is for you.
Why Do Frost Death Knights Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Strong burst cleave damage from Frost Death Knights is particularly good against bosses like Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals, as well as many other bosses in Castle Nathria.
- In fights against Artificer Xy'mox, Frost's abilities like Anti-Magic Shell and Death's Advance excel because they can be used to avoid mechanics like Fleeting Spirit, Edge of Annihilation, and Stasis Trap.
- Also, Death's Advance can be used to avoid the knockback effect from Stonegale Effigy, and Anti-Magic Shell can be used to block Heart Hemorrhage DoT on Stone Legion Generals.
- Frost completely ignores the Burden of Sin stacks in the Sire Deantrius encounter with Death's Advance, which also negates the knockback effect in phase three.
- Frost Death Knight has a fantastic raid ability called "Anti-Magic Zone," which provides raid members with 20% Magic Damage Reduction.
Why Would You Choose To Play Frost Death Knight:
- Excellent burst damage and cleave.
- Great survivability compared to other DPS specs.
- Can run an AoE setup without significantly reducing single-target damage.
- Excellent group utility.
- They look like mini Lich Kings.
Frost Death Knight Guide
Turn other cheek and get hit with another fist
The Windwalker Monks are Zen masters. Their attacks are as swift as wind and lightning. They excel at bare-handed combat and only draw their weapons for lethal finishing blows. The Windwalker Monk's primary resources are energy and chi. Using energy on some abilities grants chi points, which can be used to activate more destructive abilities.
Why Do Windwalker Monks Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Windwalker Monk is performing so well in Castle Nathria because of their high-on-demand bursts with very high cleave damage.
- His high damage is a result of a synergy between the Kyrian covenant, Invoker's Delight legendary, and Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger talent.
- Windwalker dominates in AOE situations where there are multiple targets to damage and maintain stacks of Mark of the Crane, such as with Stone Legion Goliath/Stone Legion Skirmisher on Stone Legion Generals and Crimson Cabalist/Remornia on Sire Denathrius.
- They provide useful abilities like Mystic Touch, which raises the amount of physical damage their targets take by 5%.
Why Would You Choose To Play Windwalker Monk:
- Most mobile specs in the game.
- Good survivability.
- DPS cooldowns that are flexible for both single and multi-target damage.
- Increased physical damage to enemy targets.
Windwalker Monk Guide
Baby, you’re a firework.
The Fire Mage focuses on magic that changes and creates things, often to weaken their enemies and strengthen their allies. They are the pyromaniacs of World of Warcraft, who fight fire with fire, burning their enemies to ash with a variety of fire abilities. The mana that the fire mage uses as a resource is pretty much irrelevant because the Hot Streak buff is the real fuel for the abilities that deal the most damage.
Why Do Fire Mages Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Fire mages are very valuable for Castle Nathria raids because of their good single target and excellent AOE burst damage, which is so useful for harder bosses like Sludge, Generals, and Sire Denathrius.
- They also have uncapped AoE for Sun King's Salvation, one-minute damage amplifications for Sludgefist, and high burst and execute for Sire Denathrius.
- Due to its many proactive defensive abilities such as Blazing Barrier, Mirror Image, Alter Time, and Ice Block, as well as Cauterize as a cheat death, Fire Mage is a very strong defensive pick for the Castle Nathria raid, which has an abnormally high amount of passive physical damage.
- Utility-wise, they provide Time Warp, which gives their raid group a massive performance boost, Arcane Intellect, which increases raid members' intellect by 5%, and Conjure Refreshment for food and drinks.
Why Would You Choose To Play Fire Mage:
- Strong sustained AoE damage.
- Strong cleave without the DPS loss to a primary target.
- Extreme survivability.
- The most mobile Mage spec currently available.
- Good group utility.
Fire Mage Guide
Half man, half beast, full nature
The Balance Druids are shape-shifters who use nature's great powers to maintain balance and protect life. They can take on the appearances of many primal beasts, such as bears, cats, storm crows, or sea lions. As a Balance Druid, you use Wrath or Starfire to generate the resource Astral Power, which you then spend with Starfall on multi-target or Starsurge on single-target.
Why Do Balance Druids Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Balance Druid is one of the best ranged DPS specs in the game. They have the highest amount of priority damage, provided by covenant skill Convoke the Spirits and talent ability Celestial Alignment.
- This is very effective in Castle Nathria raids where cooldowns are typically pre-assigned and it allows you to be the primary damage source on some encounters such as Lady Sinsear or Shade of Kael'thas shields.
- Balance druids can become very tanky by pairing their bear form and abilities like Barkskin and Well-Honed Instincts conduit, which allows them to soak hard-hitting raid mechanics like Chain Slam on Sludgefest and Sinseeker on Huntsman Altimor,
- They provide strong, sustained AOE damage with Starfall, which doesn’t affect their priority damage. It is very helpful in encounters such as with Stone Legion Goliath/Stone Legion Skirmisher on Stone Legion Generals and Crimson Cabalist/Remornia on Sire Denathrius.
- The Balance druid also brings Stampeding Roar that boosts raid members' movement speeds and crowd control abilities like Typhoon, Mass Entanglement, and Ursol's Vortex.
Why Would You Choose To Play Balance Druid:
- Great single-target damage.
- Unlimited multi-target potential with Starfall and Starfire talents.
- Powerful bursts.
- A wide range of control abilities, both single-target and AoE.
- Good survivability.
- Assume the primal beasts' form.
Balance Druid Guide
Call the doctor, the disease is coming.
As a heroic Scourge soldier, the "Unholy" Death Knight is a melee fighter who commands a small army of summoned zombies and wields runeforged weapons. His primary skills include disease, dark magic, and powerful physical abilities. Unholy’s resources are Runes and Runic Power. He gains runic power through the use of runes, which he then uses to cast abilities that empower his summoned zombies and diseases.
Why Do Unholy Death Knights Perform So Well In The Castle Nathria Raid:
- Unholy DK has one of the best executes in the game due to their ability called Soul Reaper, which is very helpful with the tight execution phases of later bosses.
- The Unholy's single target burst with the Army Of The Dead ability is amongst the highest of any class, making them scale exceptionally well in the last phases where raid groups use Bloodlust, such as Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals encounters.
- In fights against Artificer Xy'mox, Unholys' abilities like Anti-Magic Shell and Death's Advance excel because they can be used to avoid mechanics like Fleeting Spirit, Edge of Annihilation, and Stasis Trap.
- Also, Death's Advance can be used to avoid the knockback effect from Stonegale Effigy, and Anti-Magic Shell can be used to block Heart Hemorrhage DoT on Stone Legion Generals.
- In the Sire Deantrius encounter, Unholy completely ignores the Burden of Sin stacks with Death's Advance, which also negates the knockback effect in phase three.
- The Unholy Death Knight has a fantastic raid ability called "Anti-Magic Zone," which provides raid members with a 20% Magic Damage Reduction.
Why Would You Choose To Play Unholy Death Knight:
- Abilities like pulling and controlling undead allow him to avoid mechanics.
- High damage to a single target.
- Strong burst.
- Multi-target and execute damage is excellent.
- A useful group utility with an Anti-Magic zone.