10 Best First-Person Shooter Games To Play in 2015: Page 9 of 10

10 Best First-Person Shooter Games To Play in 2015
Shoot 'em up!

2. Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 01

With this many monsters to kill, the cold will never bother you

Borderlands 2 02

A little Siren magic

Ultra-violent and boasting about a bazillion guns, Borderlands 2 embraces the ridiculous and runs away with it.

Borderlands 2 is set on Pandora, which is ruled by the sadistic despot, Handsome Jack. As one of the six Vault Hunters – the Siren, Commando, Assassin, Gunzerker, Mechromancer, and Psycho – you must put a stop to his tyrannical rule by any means necessary.

As an RPG, each class has a host of special skills that can be upgraded as you level up. Thankfully, killing foes is made easy by the sheer amount of guns and other loot the game throws at you. Imagine Diablo as a first-person shooter that’s set in space, with thousands of guns, and a distinctively space western feel, and you’ve got the insanely addictive Borderlands 2.

The gunplay is exemplary, but so is the writing. This is one of the funniest games you’ll ever play, mostly thanks to one of the most unforgettable bad guys ever made – the narcissistic Handsome Jack.

Expansions offer new locations, more bad guys to murder, and even more guns to collect.

Borderlands 2 03

Meat shield

Borderlands 2 04

Cartoon violence

Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Max2030's picture

Max2030 7 years 7 months ago

Bioshock Infinite came out in 2013. Why on earth is it listed in best FPS 2015? It is a great game but you can't list a 2013 game on a 2015 list.

davitres's picture

davitres 8 years 3 months ago

very usefull

MichaelLogarta's picture

MichaelLogarta 8 years 6 months ago


MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 3 weeks ago

there are a lot of new FPS games coming out in late 2015. im sad they didnt make the list.

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 3 weeks ago

Let's make a new list!

MichaelLogarta's picture

MichaelLogarta 9 years 3 weeks ago

Ah, this list only included those games that have already been released. There will be another list for FPS games that have yet to come out later in the year. :D

MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 3 weeks ago

i would of added battlefield Hardline, but youre right there are so many games its hard to added the not released ones because they havent came out yet

rowtime's picture

rowtime 9 years 3 weeks ago

So many remakes... :(

MichaelLogarta's picture

MichaelLogarta 9 years 3 weeks ago

Ah well, you're not wrong about that. Even the movie and comic book industries are obsessed with remakes and sequels these days. The bright side is, many video game remakes and sequels are pretty good - like the ones on this list. :D

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