10. Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning
Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning Trailer
A man known as the “Fateless One” is the first mortal to be successfully revived using the Well of Souls. In the middle of war, the Fateless One must now embark on a journey to uncover the truth of his past, present, and future.
KoA is a single-player action role-playing game that puts you in control of the Fateless One. Besides a few technical issues, the game received positive reviews for it’s beautiful open-world environment and customization. The game has also been praised for its riveting story, which was co-written by R.A. Salvatore.
The hero is ready for battle.
Despite being positively praised by those who bought and played the game, the game itself was considered a flop because it didn’t sell enough copies to make the revenue spent on the production.
If you’re looking for a game with an immersive fantasy storyline and open-world to explore, give Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning a chance.
The Fateless One comes to town.
9. Elder Scrolls Online
ESO Gameplay Video
Your soul has been stolen and sacrificed to Molag Bal. Now you must go on a quest to retrieve it. Along the way you will battle enemies, make friends, and fight for your faction.
Elder Scrolls Online is an MMORPG based on the world of Tamriel many years before the events in other Elder Scrolls games. True to the other Elder Scrolls games, you must choose a faction when you create your character. This will allow you to also follow a second storyline.
Choose your hero and your story.
After creating your character, you wake up in a prison that is under chaos. A fellow prisoner lets you out and you must escape while a ghostly figure guides you to safety. Once free, you begin your quest to find your soul.
If you enjoyed Dragon Age and any of the other Elder Scrolls games, then give Elder Scrolls Online a try.
Planning an attack.
8. Divinity: Original Sin
Divinity Original Sin Trailer
In Rivelon, a duo of source hunters have pledged their life to finding and destroying an energy called the Source. When investigating a murder, the two discover that there is more to the story. They must uncover the mystery and save Rivelon.
Divinity: Original Sin is a single-player or cooperative multiplayer fantasy RPG. It has a turn-based tactical combat system. The world is interactive and the choices you make can have consequences.
You can choose between 11 classes and to start the game (if you’re not playing with a friend) you will need to choose a second class for your other party member. Classes like Battlemage, Enchanter, Knight, and Wayfarer are a few of the available classes. What makes this game even better is that they are fully customizable to your play style.
I have played this game some and it really is a great game. It has an engaging story with a few twists.
Battle has begun.
7. Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen trailer
The appearance of a dragon is a sign that the end of days is near. When a dragon approaches the hero and rips out their heart, the hero must find and hunt down the dragon and kill it before a cult known as Salvation is able to use the dragon for their evil bidding.
The Dragon who stole your heart.
Choose between various classes such as Fighter, Strider, Mystic Knight, Mage, Ranger, Warrior, Assassin, Magic Archer, and Sorcerer. Then begin your journey as the “Arisen”. Along the way make friends who will join your party.
The friends in your party are controllable to an extent. You can issue orders such as “help” and “come”. You can speak with them and build relationships with them.
The game has large open-world environments for you to explore. This is another great game that has a great story line for you to get involved in.
The deadly Hydra attacks.
6. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Shadow of Mordor gameplay trailer
After being killed by the armies of Sauron, Talion is brought back to life. But something is different. He has acquired new abilities that make him stronger and faster and he’s ready for revenge.
In this third-person open-world game you control Talion, who is a Ranger that is seeking revenge on Sauron after his family is killed.
This is a double pleaser of a game. If you like Dragon Age, you win. If you like J.R.R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings series, you win!
You’re gonna feel that in the morning.
5. Baldur’s Gate
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Gameplay Trailer
All of your life has been spent behind the walls of your home, Candlekeep. Now, due to mysterious circumstances, you must leave and become involved in a war you didn’t know even existed.
Talk to the hand.
Based on the tabletop pen and paper game Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur’s Gate is a fantasy role-playing game that is popular amongst fantasy gamers. Though it was released in 1998, it’s still a very popular and highly praised game to this day.
I asked a friend what games he felt were like Dragon Age and this was one of the first games he mentioned.
Evil lurks.
4. Fable Legends
Be the hero of Albion or be the enemy. How you make a name for yourself rests solely on your shoulders. Are you ready for the responsibility?
Fable Legends is an upcoming free-to-play action role-playing game. While it can be played solo, the big sell on this game is the cooperative mode. Choose a hero and let the game begin.
There will be a variety of characters in the game and each will have their own set of abilities, powers, and gameplay style. However, not all characters will be immediately available and will be on a weekly rotation.
Another interesting thing to mention about this game is that you will also have the opportunity to play as a villain. Though there aren’t as many yet, this should be a fun aspect of the game, so long as the mechanics are properly balanced.
Make your enemies fall at your feet!
Between the lore behind the Fable games and the game itself, I am excited about this one. Even if this game doesn’t strike your fancy, I would suggest checking out and playing the other games in the Fable series. The stories and lore behind Albion are incredible!
3. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Gameplay Trailer
Right as you are about to be executed a dragon attacks, providing you an escape. Later, when you confront the dragon again and slay it, something mysterious happens. You are Dragonborn.
Destroy dragons to learn new abilities.
There’s so much to say about Skyrim. If you’re looking for a game similar to Dragon Age in the way of an immersive story, this is it. It goes even further. Like other Elder Scrolls games, you can explore almost everywhere and so much more before really even putting a dent in the storyline.
You also have the choice of playing from either third-person perspective or first-person perspective. You build your character how you want to. It’s very interactive and one of the reasons why the game is so popular.
If you’re looking for relationships between characters, you won’t find this as much in the game. It’s more centered around the open-world exploration, combat, and story. However, if you’ve never played it, give it a try!
An enemy waits ahead.
2. Pillars of Eternity
Pillars of Eternity Launch Trailer
Witnessing a ritual causes you to become a Watcher, a person who can read souls and access memories of past lives. This ability haunts you making you unable to sleep. Without a cure to the curse, you will eventually go mad.
This game is similar to Baldur’s Gate in its appearance. It features real-time-with-pause tactical gameplay and is party-based. This is similar to what you see in Dragon Age. It doesn’t hurt that the story is also intriguing.
Experience is gained through exploration of new areas and quests and not killing monsters as you would expect. There are also eleven available classes to choose from such as fighter, wizard, druid, priest, rogue, and cipher. Depending on what you choose, this will determine your gameplay.
Heroes will fight beside you.
1. The Witcher series
The Witcher Trailer
Geralt of Rivia has no memory of who he is. As he uncovers his past, he realizes that he has made many friends as well as quite a few enemies.
A Witcher is like a bounty hunter for monsters. In this trilogy, you play as Geralt of Rivia. In the first game, your main focus is to unravel your past as well as hunt those who have stolen secrets that could cost you your life.
Geralt of Rivia: Slayer of beasts.
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings gameplay
Being a Witcher has it’s downside, like being the target of assassins. An enemy called the Kingslayer wants Geralt dead.
Find him and make sure he pays for his crimes.
Geralt defeats those who would see him dead.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt gameplay
After defeating the enemies that sought to destroy him, Geralt is ready to make a new life for himself. However, he soon realizes that this may not happen. He must save Ciri, an Elven born that has a special set of abilities that the Wild Hunt wants to get their hands on.
Geralt must protect Ciri.
If you’re looking for a game with a great storyline, the Witcher series is one of those games. Each game offers different choices that can determine what part of the story you play and experience, giving the game replay value.
Also, be sure to check out these other great articles!
All Dragon Age Games, Ranked Best to Worst
Divinity: Original Sin Review and Gameplay
The Witcher 2: Review and Gameplay