We’re totally smitten with these amazing gamer girls!
Admit it. Girls who play video games are sexy.
In this article, we celebrate 11 hot gamer girls – wonderful women united by their common love of gaming. And when you’re done reading, remember to check out the image gallery below!
Let's begin with our first gamer girl...
11. AsherWarr
AsherWarr as Ivy from the Soul Calibur series. (Photo by Pugoffka-sama, from AsherWarr)
Little is known about cosplay queen Alyona Polurotova, or, as she calls herself on DeviantArt, “AsherWarr.” This is because most information about her on the net is in her native tongue, Russian.
But beauty is a language that transcends all boundaries, and it only takes one look at AsherWarr to know she’s a goddess given earthly form. We’re not sure if she plays video games, but if she does, she’s probably into making sushi out of her opponents in fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur. Why do we say that? Well, check out her cosplay choices! If you’ve seen some mindblowingly hot Mileena cosplay, chances are, you’ve seen some of AsherWarr’s work!
How do we love thee, AsherWarr? Let us count the ways!
- Her cosplay is fantastic.
- She’s mysterious, which is damn sexy.
- She makes you wish Mileena were a real person, even if that mean's she'll probably have you for dinner.
Mileena, clone of Princess Kitana. (Image from AsherWarr)
She will soon be drenched in her victims' blood. (Image from AsherWarr)
10. Aphrodite
"Ready for my photoshoot!" (Image from GaYoung Kim)
Esports athlete Kim “Aphrodite” Ga Young is proof that beauty + intelligence = entirely new levels of sexy.
Born in 1988, Aphrodite is a Terran player for MVP, a professional South Korean StarCraft II team. She first came to the public’s attention in the female-only tournament Zowie Divina in 2011. Initially considered an underdog, she defied expectations and made it all the way to the finals, where she defeated flo and won the whopping $5,000 grand prize. After joining team StarTale in 2013, she went on to win various matches against top athletes like Eve, Barbie, and the South African Protoss player, Ananke. She joined MVP in 2014, and hasn’t stopped kicking butt ever since.
Aphrodite can call down a tactical nuke strike on us any day because:
- She boasts a ranking in the South Korean Grandmaster League.
- She won GOMTV’s first all-female StarCraft II match, making her one of only three women to win a match in StarCraft on Korean TV.
- When not busy demolishing her opponents with siege tanks, she enjoys more peaceful activities like swimming.
"I'll obliterate you with my battlecruiser, then I'll wring your neck with this!" (Image from GaYoung Kim)
An esports star! (Image from GaYoung Kim)
9. Jessica Nigri
Too cool to run from zombies! (Photo by Larry Alan Photography, from Jessica Nigri)
If you haven’t heard of Jessica Nigri, you’re either a cave-dwelling hermit or a Tibetan monk.
Nigri is everywhere these days, from modeling photos to YouTube. She can even be heard in anime (she voices Sonico in the English dub of Super Sonico: The Animation)! What she's best known for, however, is her cosplay, which has been scientifically proven to fry people's brains. Her cosplay is so good that she’s been hired to serve as the spokesmodel for various entertainment entities, including Warner Bros. Games, Ubisoft, Tecmo Koei, Amazing Arizona Comic Con 2011, Montreal Comiccon 2013, Ottawa Pop Expo, and more.
And yes, she’s a gamer too, who’s into games like Pokemon, League of Legends, Gears of War, and Assassin’s Creed.
Jessica Nigri is a gamer’s dream come true because:
- She won an IGN contest for her stunning portrayal of Lollipop Chainsaw’s Juliet Starling.
- She also specializes in crossplay, which is cosplaying female versions of male characters.
- She’s a loveable goofball who isn’t afraid of looking silly in front of the camera
Mesmerizing Rikku! (Photo by Martin Wong, from Jessica Nigri)
A nightmare worth having! (Photo by Jwai Design Photography, from Jessica Nigri)
"My cheek itches." (Image from Jessica Nigri)
8. Kaitlyn Richelle
Rocking the Heroes of the Storm t-shirt! (Image from kaitlyn)
Move over Kerrigan, we’ve got a new Zerg Queen: popular streamer and StarCraft II player, Kaitlyn “kaitlyn” Richelle!
This Canadian cutie was originally on team Protoss throughout middle school and high school, when Brood War was still all the rage. But she was eventually seduced by the Swarm, and has been invading our hearts and assimilating us into her fandom ever since.
kaitlyn rose to fame when she started streaming her StarCraft II matches in 2012. This year, The Daily Dot included her in their list of “10 people who defined Twitch in 2014.” And she deserves it, because few hot gamer girls are as dedicated to gaming as kaitlyn is.
Feel free to infest us any time, kaitlyn!
- She’s participated in various tournaments and won many matches.
- She makes loads of cash as a full-time video game streamer, with thousands of fans watching her streams.
- She holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering, with a minor in computer science. So yes, we’re confident her IQ is the kind of thing that’ll make most people cry.
Peace! (Image from kaitlyn)
See guys, the Zerg queen ain't scary at all! (Image from kaitlyn)
Chillaxin'. (Image from kaitlyn)
7. Rachel Quirico
Are you into esports? Then you’re likely already under the spell of Rachel Quirico, an esports journalist and host at Cyber Solutions Agency.
Her job involves traveling and hosting esports events. She also interviews professional players, who probably go weak at the knees the moment she and her long, silky legs walk into the room.
This elegant beauty is an admitted PC and Xbox devotee, with a particular interest in StarCraft II, Team Fortress 2, and Call of Duty. Oh, she's amazing at League of Legends, too.
So why does she do what she does? It's simple. She wants to help develop esports so that others can experience the joys of gaming as she does. We applaud you for such noble intentions, Rachel!
Rachel continues to mystify us with her brilliance and style!
- She’s into competitive gaming, and she just really, really loves games – probably more than some of us love our mothers.
- She’s articulate and well-spoken, able to also outtalk her way out of tricky situations.
- She majored in Psychology in college, so yes, she'll probably offer you some counseling after she defeats you so utterly in League of Legends that you spiral into depression.
Looking cute for the camera! (Photo by OzEnrique, from Rachel Quirico)
We hope none of the esports athletes were too distracted to play. (Photo by David Chen, from Rachel Quirico)
In the spotlight. (Photo by Moritz Lindner, from Rachel Quirico)
Perfect teeth! (Image from Rachel Quirico)
6. Tasha from Spiral Cats
We're not sure what game this cosplay is based on, and we don't care. (Photo by Sinme, from Spcats Cosplay)
Oh Go-eun, or Tasha, is the leader of Spiral Cats, a professional South Korean team of cosplay babes so hot they’ve been known to melt eyeballs. The team was founded in 2009, and in 2012, Tasha and her hot gamer girls helped spearhead cosplaying as a new form of video game advertising. The rest, as they say, is history.
To describe Tasha’s cosplay as fantastic would be an understatement. She’s done exclusive work for Blizzard as Diablo III’s Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor, and blew minds with her epic Kerrigan. She’s cosplayed Katarina and Ahri from League of Legends, Akasha from Dota 2, and so much more.
Tasha plays the games she does cosplay for, and even once dreamt of working as a game designer for Blizzard. Now, aside from cosplaying, she also hosts a game broadcast show about e-sports.
The gaming and cosplay world wouldn't be the same without Tasha because:
- She started cosplaying as a hobby in 1999, but now it’s her full-time job.
- She’s been dubbed Korea’s queen of cosplay, and was instrumental in popularizing games such as League of Legends in South Korea.
- South Korea's cosplay scene is thriving, thanks to Tasha and Spiral Cats (not to mention cosplay is a fun way to bring gaming to the masses)!
Vengeance never look this good. (Image from Spcats Cosplay)
The Zerg Queen. (Image from Spcats Cosplay)
Popstar Ahri! (Image from Spcats Cosplay)
That costume looks a bit uncomfortable... (Photo by Sinme, from Spcats Cosplay)
That head gear must be heavy! (Photo by Sinme, from Spcats Cosplay)
Video game armor - providing the best protection! (Image from Spcats Cosplay)
5. Raychul Moore
Just a picture of Bee Mario and some Toads. (Image from Raychul Moore)
Raychul Moore isn’t exaggerating when she calls herself a video game addict. Who else has Kratos’ Blades of Chaos on her kitchen countertop, and Booker DeWitt’s Sky-Hook on top of her fridge? She has so many video games that if their boxes were connected end to end, they would form a bridge to the moon. Okay, now maybe that’s a hyperbole, but you get the idea!
In her YouTube channel, Raychul discusses everything that would make geeks beam with pride. The Last of Us? Star Wars? Ghostbusters? You name it, she’s talked about it. She even does her own game reviews! She also cosplays, interviews people of interest in the gaming industry, covers conventions and gaming events for Machinima, EGM, GamePro, GameZone, and other companies. What can we say? Girl likes to keep herself busy!
We’re in love with this gorgeous lady because:
- She has an extensive collection of geek memorabilia, including action figures, statuettes, artwork, weapon replicas, and plushies.
- She’s so obsessed with Star Wars she probably knows more about the galaxy far, far away than George Lucas himself.
- Her blonde hair is like a drop of sunlight, thawing even the most bitter of winters.
Your princess is in THIS castle. (Image from Raychul Moore)
Loving the palm trees! (Photo by Rick Basaldua, from Raychul Moore)
Mama Mia! (Image from Raychul Moore)
Just a picture of a girl who looks sleepy. (Image from Raychul Moore)
4. Alodia Gosiengfiao
Mabuhay! (Image from Alodia Gosiengfiao)
It’s impossible to do justice to all of Alodia Gosiengfiao’s accomplishments in a single article entry, but we’re going to try our best. So wish us luck!
As the Philippines’ cosplay queen, Alodia is what most hot gamer girls strive to be. She has cosplayed more than 40 characters from video games, anime, and movies. She makes most of her own costumes. She founded Cosplay Circle, a global cosplay community. She has won numerous cosplay awards, and appeared in conventions worldwide as cosplayer, judge, and performer. Local and international companies fall in line to hire her as the official endorser of their products and services. She’s appeared in movies and television shows, and serves as one of Animax-Asia’s ambassadors and VJs. She’s been listed in men’s magazines as one of the sexiest and influential women in the Philippines.
She also draws, plays the piano like a boss, sings, models, hosts her own YouTube channel, and plays video games from Final Fantasy to Dota 2.
She’s done all that, and she’s only 27. Yes, feel free to cry.
Alodia is the queen of our hearts because:
- Her rise to fame began in 2003, when she captivated hearts with her Final Fantasy X-2 Gun Mage Rikku cosplay. She was just 15.
- She often works closely with her equally beautiful and multi-talented sister, Ashley Gosiengfiao.
- She has legions of fans – enough to start her own private army.
Asian Goldilocks. (Photo by Richie Dela Merced, from BlackMageAlodia)
Where's your Spider-Man, MJ? (Photo by Kira Hokuten Photography, from Alodia Gosiengfiao)
"I can play video games without looking at the screen!" (Photo by orangeish, from BlackMageAlodia)
The queen of Cobra. (Photo by Richie Dela Merced, from BlackMageAlodia)
The perfect GoGo Tomago! (Image from Alodia Gosiengfiao)
3. Melonie Mac
The gamer girl. (Image from Melonie Mac)
Melonie Mac calls herself “eccentric” and a “grown-up professional child.” In our book, that translates to “super cool hot chick who’s into super cool stuff.”
Melonie is a gaming maniac, who streams and produces YouTube videos about – you guessed it – video games. We’d probably end up exhausting ourselves telling you about all the games she loves, so we’ll just mention a few: Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Heroes of the Storm, Life is Strange, Child of Light, and World of Tanks.
She's also intelligent and well-spoken, often offering insightful views about geek-related stuff and relevant social issues such as sexual exploitation in gaming.
We wouldn’t mind getting MAC’D by Melonie because:
- She’s a huge fan of the Tomb Raider reboot, and even resembles Lara Croft. *SWOON*
- She’s also crazy about anime, and does great anime reviews.
- Her eyes are so dazzling they’ll make you forget your name.
Strong and beautiful! (Image from Melonie Mac)
Smile for the camera! (Image from Melonie Mac)
Ready to play! (Image from Melonie Mac)
Another day, another stream! (Image from Melonie Mac)
2. SSSniperWolf
From her name alone, you can guess what video game franchise she’s a diehard fan of: Metal Gear Solid!
22-year-old Lia, or SSSniperWolf as she likes to be called, is an insanely popular YouTube star with hundreds of videos and over one million subscribers. While’s she’s most well-known for showing off her sweet shooting skills in her Call of Duty videos, she also plays Grand Theft Auto V, Destiny, and other games.
She also does video game and anime cosplay – cosplay so epic they’re the stuff of internet legend. Good luck finding high quality images of them though; she only uploads a few photos at a time, and at small resolutions. You’ll have to buy the prints from her online store if you want to enjoy them in their full glory. Now that’s what we call entrepreneurship!
Hot gamer girls rarely come in a package as ravishing as SSSniperWolf!
- She started playing video games when she was six years old.
- She can kick your butt in Call of Duty any day of the week.
- Her curves will make you believe in magic.
Girls with glasses. (Images from SSSniperWolf)
She looks lonely... (Image from SSSniperWolf)
Selfie time! (Image from SSSniperWolf)
Comic book proportions. (Image from SSSniperWolf)
Seeing double. (Image from SSSniperWolf)
1. Sjokz
Believe it or not, Sjokz’s nickname is actually easier to pronounce (see video above) than her real name: Eefje Depoortere. But it doesn’t matter whether or not you can produce those syllables on your lips. Because here at Gamers Decide, we all know her as Gaming Goddess.
As the host for the European League Championship Series in Germany, this enchanting Belgian beauty is a rising star in the world of competitive gaming. But Sjokz’s not all talk; she started gaming over a decade ago, participating in Unreal Tournament ’99, and helping her national team achieve victory in the Eurocup several times. She eventually entered the League of Legends scene and appeared on various shows associated with the game, such as The Summoners Recap and Whose League is it Anyway.
Sjokz is more than worthy of your admiration because:
- She counts the first-person shooter genre as her first love. In fact, her nickname is derived from “shockrifle,” a weapon she favored in Unreal Tournament.
- She has a master’s degree in both Journalism and History.
- Her smile can heal the world.
She's great at her job! (Image from Sjokz)
The lights shine bright for Sjokz. (Image from Sjokz)
A total angel. (Image from Sjokz)
Asking the right questions. (Image from Sjokz)
Your consumate esports host! (Photo by esportphoto, from IEM and Sjokz)
Now that we’ve expressed how much we worship these gals, we’d like to turn the tables on our readers! Who do you think are the hottest gamer girls in the world? And if the cosmic powers that be conspired to grant you a single wish, which of the lovely ladies on this list would you choose to be with? Tell us in the comments section below!