So where do I go when I want to put down some money on my favorite team?
We are all waiting for Las Vegas to take bets on esporting events and I am sure that is going to happen in the very near future but until then what is the avid esport fan and occasional gambler to do? Well the goods news is, there is some good money to be made in esports betting. Competitive gaming is so young that there isn't a lot of odds makers for it and they can make mistakes. The bad news is, competitive gaming is so young that there is not a lot of people taking action on it. Here we are going to get into a few places you can lay some money down on TSM to win worlds... I mean your favorite teams.
Pinnacle.com a large player in esports betting
Pinnacle has been in the betting game since 1998, so it is a trustworthy name and you can feel secure. They offer a huge selection of esports betting with great odds and parlays for those of you who are looking for a little more risk and reward. They are one of the only ones who offer such a huge selection of games, they don't just offer the larger events like some websites. Their only drawback for me is that they don't allow people from the U.S.A. to sign up and bet, that is not their fault as they are just following rules, but it doesn't really help us on this side of the pond.
Nitrogensports.eu a Bitcoin esport betting site
Nitrogensports.eu is a bitcoin enabled betting website that does accept bettors from the U.S. And it offers just as large of a selection of games as Pinnacle. You can bet on games from developmental CS:GO leagues all the way up to LoL World Championship and everything in between. It all uses bitcoin so you never deposit from you bank and they don't even require your address. You can also find some pretty juicy lines there, if your not knowledgeable about Bitcoin you should look into and bet on this site if your from the U.S.
Draftkings.com offering League of Legends daily fantasy sports
Everyone has heard the commercials, usually right before football season starts about Draftkings.com. What most don't know is, they also offer League of Legends daily fantasy sports. If you don't know what daily fantasy sports are I will give you a quick rundown. Essentially you are creating a team of your own from 1 sport for all the games played in a particular day and you have a certain amount of virtual currency to do it with (usually called a salary cap), the players you choose all have a virtual currency salary and you get points awarded to you based off of what they do in their games. You play usually in a tournament style game for the day with varying buy-in amounts, ranging from a quarter to hundreds of dollars depending on what you want to wager. At the end of the day the top placing players (that number depends on the tournament) win a percentage of the prize pool, it is a little different than regular wagering as you have to pick players, not teams. It is actually a lot of fun and if you have a player that is in a game you wouldn't usually watch it gives you a reason to.
Betting on sports is a tradition worldwide and as esports carves its way into the prime time why should it be any different? If putting down a huge amount of money on a game isn't you're style, than check out the daily fantasy sports for LoL. Either way, one of the great things we get from esports getting as big as traditional sports is all the ways we get to enjoy them now. Another way to look at it is, if your planning on ever placing a bet on your favorite teams now is the time. Get in before the bookmakers get more knowledgeable about the games and the odds go back in their favor just like in traditional sports.
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