The Path of Drengr
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the newest of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, following the Viking’s way of life. Like the more recent Assassin Creed titles, Valhalla is less about stealth and more about feasting, raiding, and fighting. And when there is battle, there are a ton of incredible weapons to test. Here are my top 10 legendary weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
10) Sepulcher Axe best for fire/crit builds
A loyal thegn's gift
This 2-handed Dane Axe is a great pairing for high critting weapons because of its unique perk that ignites weapons after critical hits. Not only is this beautiful axe powerful, but with skills like Battlefield Cremation and Heavy Dual Wield in the bear tree, this axe will make you a pyromaniac in no time. This axe is found through the main story in the Ledecestrescire region.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Paired with a high critting weapon all enemies will be set ablaze.
- Paired with fire damage and build-up runes, the flames will eat your foes.
- It’s a lighter Dane Axe.
- The appearance is one of the best in the game.
Weapon base stats on pickup
- Atk: 61
- Spd: 37
- Stun: 56
- Crit-Pre: 43
- Wgt: 17
How to get Sepulcher Axe (Spoilers for the Kingmaker’s Saga):
9) Carolingian Longsword best for crit builds
A pillaged prize
The Carolingian Longsword is a 2-handed weapon great for an immense amount of carnage against a lot of foes. Its unique perk increases critical damage after performing a finisher. This means that this longsword paired with critical chance runes can devastate the Saxon armies.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- High Crit damage
- Paired with crit chance runes, crits nearly every time.
- Paired with the Sepulcher Axe, your blades ignite allowing fire damage.
- Deals a great amount of stun damage.
Weapon base stats on pickup
- Atk: 71
- Spd: 41
- Stun: 40
- Crit-Pre: 47
- Wgt: 18
How to get the Carolingian Longsword:
0:42 seconds long
8) Death Skald best for light/crit builds
The poet bow
This powerful light bow increases critical chance the lighter you are. With no armor, or other weapons equipped you will be critting every single shot making you a powerful nudist.. It makes a challenging no armor run easier. However, it pairs well with most raven armors and daggers because of their light weight.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Great weapon for the late game because your skills reduce the weight of your equipment.
- With the Light Bow Combo skill, Death Skald’s damage is significantly increased.
- With crit boosting runes you will be able to take on Zealots with nothing but this bow.
- It’s easier to target weak points on enemies and deal a lot of damage hitting them.
Weapon base stats on pickup
- Atk: 91
- Spd: 52
- Stun: 119
- Crit-Pre: 73
- Headshot: 45
- Wgt: 10
How to get Death Skald:
1 minute long
7) Bullseye best for stealth builds
This bow is padded with straw to silence the draw of its string
Bullseye is a powerful Predator Bow gained through the main story. The bow takes down tough elite enemies in life-or-death moments and harder difficulties. More importantly it is extremely useful picking off tricky placed soldiers while you sneak around. I utilize it to strategically place traps with its unique perk.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Places traps when you stealth headshot someone
- Pairs well with stealth damage runes
- Works well with the predator bow skills in the Raven skill tree
- Deals insane amounts of damage with the Magister Armor set at night
Weapon base stats at pickup
- Atk: 69
- Spd: 28
- Stun: 38
- Crit-Pre: 63
- Headshot damage: 74
- Wgt: 18
How to get Bullseye (Spoilers for The City of War arc):
2:20 minutes long
6) Suttungr’s Claw best for crit/quick builds
Made from Asgardian steel
This dagger is incredible for the fleet of foot. Its unique perk is to increase crit damage after each hit. The duration is 2 seconds, but stacks up to 10 times and with the speed daggers strike your crits will be noticeable. Because Valhalla regenerates stamina per hit, this dagger’s quick light attacks keep your stamina at a maximum allowing you to dodge around gracefully without issue..
What makes this weapon legendary?
- The crit build-up becomes insane.
- Pairs well with the Spartan’s Shield.
- Crit chance runes make it deadlier.
- Makes you feel like an assassin, especially when dual wielding daggers.
Weapon stats
- Atk: 54
- Spd: 75
- Stun: 74
- Crit-Pre: 71
- Wgt: 9
How to get Suttungr’s Claw:
1:32 minutes long
5) Spartan Shield best for quick builds
A last resort for Leonidas
You may be confused that I mention a shield in a weapon’s list, but Assassin’s Creed Valhalla considers shields as weapons. You can wield two shields bashing your enemies with your shields. I recommend trying it out because it is extremely fun to run around a monastery knocking around bad guys.
The Spartan Shield has the highest Block stat of light shields in the game. This light shield’s unique perk is to increase weapon damage after a successful block or parry. As someone who parries a lot, you will have a field day parrying with this glorious weapon. When paired with weapons like Suttungr’s Claw and the Carolingian Longsword, your damage output significantly rises.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Pairs amazingly with any weapon.
- Strongest Block for light shields.
- Works well with weight relieving runes.
- A throwback to the Spartans in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
Weapon Stats
- Atk: 80
- Spd: 42
- Block: 84
- Stun: 124
- Crit-Pre: 60
- Wgt: 12
How to get Spartan’s Shield:
1:27 minutes long
Isu Weapons
The last four weapons are Isu Weapons. These weapons are the best ones in the game! Sadly, all of them are difficult to get and require you to be at the end of the game. But they look amazing and are worth the work. Any completionist, or if you just want to look and feel godly, pick up these legendary weapons. All of these are 100% worth the time and effort. These next few guides will be longer because of the odd ways to get these artifacts.
4) Noden’s Arc best for stealth builds
Retrieved from an iron node
This illustrious hunter bow is an amazing sniper’s bow. Its unique perk is to increase attack the farther you are from the target making this weapon better than most predator bows. While it may be difficult to pick up it is 100% worth your time. This is the slayer of elites.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Great for stealthing.
- Looks like it was made from the Gods.
- Pairs well with the Huntsman armor set.
- Puts Jotun down faster than you can say Mjolnir.
Weapon stats
- Atk: 106
- Spd: 45
- Stun: 85
- Crit-pre: 81
- Headshot Damage: 79
- Wgt: 15
How to get Noden’s Arc:
3 minutes long
3) Gungnir is best for any build
It requires four bars of Adrenaline to pull from stone
This spear’s reach is mind blowing due to its perk. Not only does it reach those hard-to-reach places but it skewers enemies like a needle through cloth. It’s well balanced andany build can utilize it effectively. This weapon is obtained at the end of the story.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Pairs well with anything.
- In the offhand combos can pierce, and sweep foes.
- Very effective with Spartan’s Shield or Sepulcher Axe.
- Easier to fight boss encounters.
Weapon stats
- Atk: 92
- Spd: 48
- Stun: 101
- Crit-Pre: 94
- Wgt: 15
How to get Gungnir:
3 minutes long
2) Excalibur best for stun/crit builds
Only the rightful king may wield it
Yes, King Arthur’s legendary blade makes an appearance in this game. This 2-handed greatsword takes a while to get but works well with any weapon. You must get 11 tablets from various caverns and specific Zealots to obtain this monstrous weapon. Each cavern has a puzzle you have to solve, but the how-to video solves the puzzles.Excalibur’s perk is to blind all enemies around you with any crits or heavy finishers. It does this with a cool visual effect.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- After collecting all the tablets, there is a great feeling of self-satisfaction.
- Pairs well with Gungnir and Mjolnir.
- Crit chance runes make the perk happen a lot more often.
- Feel like an unbeatable king while wielding this sword of light.
Weapon stats
- Atk: 130
- Spd: 42
- Stun: 138
- Crit-Pre: 88
- Wgt: 14
How to get Excalibur:
13 minutes long
1) Mjolnir best for stun builds
The purest of heart may weild it
Thor’s mighty hammer, famous from multiple franchises, but here you can actually wield it with all its power. To obtain this legend, you have to get Thor’s armor set and kill off all of the Order of the Ancients.
The reason this weapon is number one is because of the amount of stun damage it does, bringing all enemies surrounding you on their knees. Its perk deals stun damage to everyone around you with every hit. You’ll see when this happens, a massive explosion of lighting and thunder explode from the strike you deal.
What makes this weapon legendary?
- Makes you feel like the God of Thunder himself.
- Pairs extremely well with any weapon, especially stun heavy ones.
- Speed runes make it swing faster making the chance for an explosion higher.
- A sense of completion with your Assassin’s Creed Valhalla experience.
Weapon stats
- Atk: 130
- Spd: 44
- Stun: 166
- Crit-Pre: 95
- Wgt: 10
How to get Mjolnir:
While these are my picks for legendary weapons, AC Valhalla has plenty of others and different types to try out. I recommend any weapon that you feel most comfortable playing.
Also Be Sure To Read:
- [Top 5] Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Best Armors And Where to Get Them
- [Top 10] Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Best Skills
- [Top 10] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Early Weapons and How To Get Them
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Ending [Guide]
- [Top 10] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Weapons and How To Get Them
- [Top 5] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Dual Wield and How To Get Them
- [Top 10] Assassin's Creed Valhalla All Legendary Weapons and How To Get Them
- [Top 5] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Axes and How To Get Them
- [Top 5] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Bow and How To Get Them
- [Top 5] Assassin's Creed Valhalla Best Spears and How To Get Them