Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, has a lot of skills you can unlock. Naturally, which ones you are going to want to grab and when is going to depend heavily on your playstyle. For this list, I did my best to pick skills that will be of the most useful in general for most people, though there are a few ones tailored to specific playstyles that may or may not apply to you. So, without further ado here are my picks for the top 10 skills in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.
10. Stomp
No matter what your playstyle is, you are going to spend a lot of time in melee with enemies before you finish this game. Being able to stomp on their face when they get knocked over can be really helpful, either in taking out weaker enemies more quickly or in doing some extra damage to tougher enemies you manage to briefly knockdown. Either way, you’re going to want this skill in your repertoire.
What Is Great About Stomp?
- It lets you do some extra damage to fallen enemies
- You can unlock it really early in your leveling
- It’s pretty satisfying
Skill Details:
- Bear Skill Tree
- Active Skill
9. Heavy Dual Wield
What is better than one giant weapon? Two giant weapons! With this skill, you can cut your way through your enemies with whatever improbable combination of weapons you can imagine. It’s a must-have for basically all of the most powerful melee builds available in the game.
What Is Great About Heavy Dual Wield?
- Allows you to combine the most powerful weapons in the game
- Maximize damage output for tanky players
- Let’s you use a shield with a two-handed weapon
Skill Details:
- Bear Skill Tree
- Active Skill
8. Sprint Bash
The sprint bash skill sounds like exactly what it is. It allows Eivor to charge forward with an attack that will push back or knock down enemies and making them vulnerable to stomp attack and putting them at least briefly out of commission.
What Is Great About Sprint Bash?
- It can break up groups of enemies
- It can make enemies vulnerable to Stomp attacks
- It can push back tougher enemies to give you more space to maneuver
- In specific circumstances, it can knock enemies off of tall spaces
Skill Details:
- Bear Skill Tree
- Active Skill
7. Chain Assassination
Though many will probably miss the dual assassination skill of some previous entries in the series, you will be happy to learn that Eivor now can learn to follow up a successful assassination with an axe throw to a nearby enemy. It’s not as smooth as two hidden blades, but it does solve the old problem of having to find two people close enough together to reach both of them in one attack.
What Is Great About Chain Assassination?
- It lets you assassinate more than one enemy at a time
- Allows you to solve a last-minute problem if there’s an enemy in your line of sight you didn’t count on.
- Throwing axes is metal as hell.
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill
6. Advanced Assassination
This is a must-have skill if you want to play stealthily. You probably won’t be playing for all that long before you notice that there are a lot of tougher enemies that you can’t assassinate. You can wound them, but they are too strong to actually kill with your hidden blade, so any hope of taking them out quietly is limited. This skill unlocks a small QTE-style skill challenge that if you pass will let you take out a lot of tougher enemies, and at the very least do a lot more damage to the real badasses.
What Is Great About Advanced Assassination?
- It lets you one-shot kill most unnamed enemies in the game in one shot
- It makes the hidden blade a lot more useful
- Making it a QTE helps prevent it from being too easy.
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill
5. Guided Arrow
Predator bows already let you pretty much live out your Norse sharpshooter dreams, but to really feel like an archer god/goddess, you need this skill. Guided Arrow lets you take control of the arrow as it flies, and guide it (within reason) toward your target. Get good with this, and you’ll never miss a headshot again.
What Is Great About Guided Arrow?
- Guide your arrow to its target
- Never miss a tricky shot again (probably)
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill
- Predator Bow Skill
4. Grit
If you are a big believer in the “swing axes into people’s faces, ask questions later” style of conflict resolution, this skill will be useful to you. Basically, it lets you regain the red part of your health bar when you score your next hit on an enemy after taking damage.
What Is Great About Grit?
- It lets you continue fights for longer
- It helps you stretch out your use of healing herbs
Skill Details:
- Wolf Skill Tree
- Active Skill
3. Missile Reversal
This skill can be a little broken, but that’s also what makes it so great. It lets you throw back, anything an enemy throws at you. They throw spears at you? Throw them back. They throw bombs at you? Chuck ‘em back. It’s cathartic as hell, and also can do a lot of damage to enemies that would otherwise be out of your level range to fight.
What Is Great About Missile Reversal?
- It gives you a good defense against spear-throwing enemies like the Zealots
- It can let you cheat your way into killing some tougher enemies (again like the Zealots) before you could otherwise easily fight them in a fair fight
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill
2. Counter Roll
If you’ve played the game for a while, you’ve probably encountered at least a few enemies that have big, unbreakable shields and a whole lot of health. Maybe just a high-level normal enemy, or a member of the Order *cough* Zealots *cough* that are just really annoying to fight. This skill will make your life so much easier when dealing with them. Once you have it unlocked, if you dodge towards them when they are about to use a powerful unblockable rune attack on you, you will basically flip over them and land right behind them, giving you a chance to land a hit or two before they can turn around to face you again. It’s a must-have for all annoying boss fights really.
What Is Great About Counter Roll?
- It’s the most effective way of dealing with unblockable attacks
- It gets you behind your enemy, especially useful when using fast weapons like daggers to get some hits in
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill
1. Brush with Death
A lot on this list could be debated or put down to personal preference, but I firmly believe this is the most useful skill in the entire game. It allows you to slow time down briefly after you dodge an attack, provided you dodge it at the last moment before it hits you. It can be a little tricky to get the hang of, but there have been fights (especially boss fights) I have had where I stopped risking blocking at all and just kept using this skill until I’d whittled the enemy’s health down to nothing. The only thing I will say against it is that it’s a teensy bit game-breaking, and will make every encounter that much easier to get through unscathed.
What Is Great About Brush With Death?
- It lets you get some quick hits in on even the fastest enemies
- It can make blocking virtually obsolete
Skill Details:
- Raven Skill Tree
- Active Skill