From fiery nun-chucks to poisonous blades, you will find a build that excites you.
There’s diverse combat mechanics in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It is a blast to try different weapons and see them in action.
These powerful and fun builds will leave an impression on you.
10. A Dancing Viking

Dual Flails have the most interesting movement style of all weapon types.
You will look like Bruce Lee in the video, where he hit ping pong balls with nun-chucks. The dual flails have high stun statistics, making it great for clubbing your enemies to death.
The fire ability on the Spinning Flail will ignite large groups of enemies by dropping a firebomb on them after a heavy finisher.
When the flails ignite, they create exciting visual patterns when swinging them. Using the Soldier’s Flail in your offhand is the best because it increases speed by 3 points when close to full health.
This is important to keep the flails from being too slow.
Thor’s armor set is the best paired with these weapons, especially when equipped with speed runes.
Thor’s armor increases speed when stunning enemies. The flail’s high stun statistic will trigger Thor’s armor ability most often.
What A Dancing Viking Excels In
- The visuals from swinging the fiery flails and the striking movements are a fun change in style. There is no other weapon that swings like nun-chucks in a circular motion.
- The dual flails with Thor’s speedy armor is excellent for taking out large groups while still being in close range. The flail’s strike will hit many opponents with a single strike. The fire ability from the Spinning Flail will decimate crowds because it has a high area of effect.
- This build is great if you like the finishing cut scenes that come from stomping or stun attacks. Flails and hammers have very high stun statistics, making it likely that you’ll stun most of your opponents before killing them.
A Dancing Viking Full Build Details
How to get the Dancing Viking build. Start at 0:00
9. Dragon’s Breath

Fire is persistent and ferocious. Be like fire with this build by using the Sepulcher Axe and the Sarcophagus shield.
It is great to pair these weapons with the Brigandine set because it increases melee damage and armor when surrounded by more than 2 people. Fire is great to decimate large groups of people because it has a high area of effect.
The armor and weapon’s ability act synergistically. It is fun to ignite your axe and strike opponents while creating rings of fire by parrying with your shield.
When your opponents are on fire, you’ll spend less time dodging or parrying. If you’ve played the game for 10s of hours, this will feel like a refreshing play style.
What the Dragon’s Breath Excels In
- This build is the best for fighting strong enemies that often block. Using these weapons makes the combat less about blocking and more about brutal, non-stop action. When you set them on fire, you will do damage over time, and it disrupts their defenses.
- This build is fun for people who want to jump into a large group of enemies and destroy them in large, sweeping attacks. The armor and weapon’s stats make you resilient to close melee fights. The set’s perks are most effective at close range combat.
- If you love to block and parry attacks rather than dodge, then this is a good build for you. The shield and 2-handed axe will limit your speed, but substantially increase your defenses. Parrying with the Sarcophagus shield creates a ring of fire around you that will warm your heart.
Dragon’s Breath Full Build Details
How to find the best fire build in AC Valhalla. Start at 0:33
8. A Godly Viking

By wielding Thor’s spear and hammer, Gungnir and the Mjölnir, you have formidable close and long range melee attacks. You can use the spear to damage your opponent from afar. Then close the distance with the hammer to stun them.
Finally, finish them with a deadly blow from your spear.
While double spears are the most powerful combination in the game, this is the most fun while being nearly as powerful. This build is fun for the finishing moves from stunning your opponents and because of Gungnir’s impressive reach.
The visuals from the spear and hammer are interesting, if a little fantastical. The St. George armor pairs excellently with these weapons. With the spear in your offhand, you get an increase in attack and speed after impaling an enemy with a great sword or a spear.
Using the Mjölnir will keep your opponent dazed, so you will have many opportunities for heavy attacks.
What A Godly Viking Excels In
- This build amazing for dramatic finishes by impaling your enemies. The armor’s perks rewards you for heavy finishes with your spear. The Mjölnir will give you plenty of opportunities to land those slower and more powerful attacks.
- You will love going into a spread-out battle, annihilating small groups of enemies in melee combat. When you face enemies with shields, this makes bashing and poking through their defenses very enjoyable. If you enjoy playing at different melee ranges, than you will love this build. It provides equal opportunity to play at long range and short range.
- The visuals of Gungnir and Mjölnir look awesome while in combat and holstered. You will feel like a godly viking as you smash and stab your way through the battlefield.
A Godly Viking Full Build Details
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Gameplay (AC Valhalla Gameplay) of Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mjnolnir & Gungnir Gameplay. Start at 3:15
7. The Komodo Dragon

No, this isn’t a smelly fart, this is a cloud of poisonous gas that will kill large groups of enemies over time.
This is the best build to hide your farts- I mean, to poison your enemies in melee and ranged combat. It is fun to use poison because of the visuals, the powerful damage over time, and the fact that you can kill many enemies at once. For the best poison build in the game, you will want to use Joyeuse, a legendary short sword, in your main hand.
In your offhand, you will want Mournful Cry, one of the most powerful hammers in the game. You get a guaranteed poison on your weapon after 5 heavy hits and you poison enemies on critical hit with the weapons’ perks.
You can alternatively use Mórrígan’s Guard if you want to block more than dodge. The shield drops a poison cloud on parry. Combined with poison damage runes, you are unstoppable.
If you get the skill Miasma, in the Raven tree, your enemies that die from poison attacks will drop a poison cloud on their corpse. The best armor for these weapons is the Drauger set. With the Drauger set, you get an increase in attack when hitting a poisoned enemy.
When you fight bosses, you will certainly notice the difference in attack strength.
What The Komodo Dragon Excels In
- This build is best for people who love poisoning enemies. The weapons and shield have the best poison abilities in the game. The set of armor gains power from hitting poisoned enemies, making quick work of even the most challenging bosses.
- If you enjoy the look of the poison gas, then this ability will immerse you in it! You can crop dust your enemies and retreat to the shadows as they slowly die. Using Mórrígan’s Guard, a shield, is best to make big poison clouds.
- If you enjoy staying close to your opponent in melee fights, then you will love this build. It’s best to use heavy hits on your opponents to get the poison perk. Your combat will be slower, but it will be more powerful.
The Komodo Dragon Full Build Details
Draugr Armor w/ Joyeuse short sword and Mournful Cry Hammer. Start at 0:00
6. The Reaper

Spin, Slice, and Decapitate your opponents with the grace of an ice skater, the strength of a farmer, and the furry of a fussy baby.
Dual wielding scythes have a brutal finishing moves where you decapitate your opponent. If you want a heavy weapon that is as powerful as dual wielding spears but very different in movement style, then you should try dual scythes. The best scythes are the Bloodied Scythe and the Scythe of Revolt.
You should use speed runes to make-up for the slower speed of the scythes.
These weapons are faster than I expected. They are deadly with their longer reach and wide arcing swings. It will injure and kill multiple enemies at a time. The best armor to pair with scythes is the Brigandine armor set.
This bear aligned armor set shines when immersed in a crowd of enemies. The armor’s perks give you an increase in armor and melee damage when surrounded by more than 2 enemies.
Scythes shine when your arcing attacks can hit multiple enemies. This creates a perfect synergy between the weapons and armor.
What The Reaper Excels In
- This build is excellent for destroying large groups of enemies with few swings. The wide arcing swings of the scythes will target multiple enemies at once. The armor’s perks will increase your damage, making it more likely you’ll kill enemies on the first swing.
- If you like using heavy weapons, but you don’t like the slow combat mechanics, then you’ll enjoy this build. It is fast and reachy compared to other heavy weapons.
- Do you enjoy fast action combat without dodging and blocking? You’ll enjoy the smash and parry combat of the scythe build. With the weapon mechanics and stats, you will be rewarded for parrying and swinging through enemies defenses.
The Reaper Full Build Details
"Today we're breaking down every scythe in ACV, sharing our thoughts on each new weapon, and providing you with quick information so you can get your loot and get back to the action." - Legacy Gaming. Start at 0:00.
5. The Best Long Sword Build

You will feel powerful wielding these swords. Excalibur and the Carlolingian long sword are the best dual sword build because of their stats and perks.
The perks increase critical damage after a finisher and increase attack when close to full health.
You will have fun with this build with its high damage, wide arcing attacks, and the highest attack speed of its’ weapon class.
The Brigandine is the best armor for this build because of its perks from being in close melee.
What The Best Long Sword Build Excels In
- These weapons have a high attack speed in its class. They deal a tsunami of damage with wide arcing swings that make it great for crowd control.
- If you enjoy being in the middle of large battles, then you will love this build. The armor will increase your melee damage and armor when surrounded by 2 or more enemies.
- This is great for fighting bosses, so you can deal a high amount of damage in the few opportunities you get to land a blow. The weapon perks increase the damage substantially. You will start boss fights with full health, so you will have instant access to the Excalibur’s perk.
The Best Long Sword Full Build Details
How to get the best dual sword build in AC Valhalla. Start at 0:00.
4. The Rogue

With this build, you will out maneuver even Hermod The Swift—the messenger to the Norse Gods.
Using the Yngling Sax and Suttugnr’s Claw, you will slice your opponents with blistering speed. You will pass most of your enemies’ defenses and your dodge will be swift. This is the most powerful early game build.
The daggers are easy to get within the first 10 hours of gameplay. The weapons’ perks give you increased melee damage after a dodge and an increase to critical damage after each hit. The dual dagger build has the highest damage per second in the game because of its fast attack speed.
Pairing these weapons with Raven armor is the best because it has stats that enable the strengths of the daggers.
The low weight of the Raven armor gives you more dodge capacity, which is better than any available perk for this build.
What The Rogue Build Excels In
- If you value high damage per second, then this build is fit for you. The attack speed of the daggers makes high damage per second and the highest cumulative damage in the entire game.
- If you’re tired of getting blocked by spears men and shield bearers, then use the dual daggers. Because of the attack speed and dodge capabilities, you can bypass the enemy’s blocks.
- The combat style is really fun and dynamic because it relies on timing and moving around your opponent. This is because you have very close range weapons and suboptimal defenses. With speed and timing, you can overcome even the most powerful foe.
The Rogue Full Build Details
Find the location of the best dagger build in the game. Start at 0:00.
3. The Assassin

Do you hear the whispering wind, the dancing crunching leaves on this crisp evening? Do you enjoy slinking in the shadows, killing your opponents in silence?
You will enjoy this build. It specializes in the assassin play style. You use your hidden blade more than melee weapons. You will use your hunter and predator bow heavily.
Furthermore, you should give as many buffs to stealth and assassination damage. Having the chain assassination skill helps by throwing an axe for a second assassination.
Be careful because that second assassination could alert nearby enemies. You will need weapons if you become detected. Dual daggers are the best in a pinch.
Use Kopis and Ynglian Seax to take you through the end game with ease. It’s best to wear Raven aligned armor. The Magister’s set fits well. It increases ranged damage at night. I like the Hidden One’s armor best because of its perks. It increases assassination damage when undetected for 10 seconds.
It also increases headshot damage for you sharpshooters out there.
The raven distraction and man’s best friend skill is best for distracting and inflicting damage on your enemies without being detected. Pair that with assassin’s cattrip and stealth recon to aid in your destruction from the shadows. Acquiring the abilities: Mark of Death, Blind Rush, and Thorn of Slumber will be essential tools in your assassin tool box.
What The Assassin Excels In
- This is the best build for people who want to be stealthy and assassinate their enemies. By using the armor and acquiring the skills, you will increase the opportunity to stealth kill enemies.
- This play style is great for long ranged players who love to shoot enemies from a perch or a bush. The Hidden One’s armor will increase your headshot damage. This increase the likelihood you’ll land a kill undetected.
- If you want to avoid combat, this is a good build. You can assassinate and shoot your way through nearly every encounter other than boss fights. You often don’t have to dodge, parry, or deal with enemies defenses. It is like good old assassin’s creed, where you’re landing just-in-time one hit kills.
The Assassin Full Build Details
In this video, you will find a breakdown and location of the best assassin build in AC Valhalla. You will also find 2 other builds of good quality that are on this list. Start at 13:05.
2. The Berserker

Release your bear and enter a violent furry as you're inches from death. The Berserker armor will increase your speed when taking damage until you heal.
You get a bonus to attack and armor stats too. Wield Sepulcher axe and Lagertha’s axe to embody your spirit bear. One axe will ignite your weapons with fire, while the other increases critical damage when surrounded by enemies.
Use the fire to ignite your enemies for a lot of damage over time. With the Kick of Tyr you will keep your opponents at a distance, so you can swing your heavy cutting axes into your opponents without interruption.
Battle Field Cremation is a great skill because you deal fire damage with the burning bodies of your dead opponents. It is great for any fire build.
What The Berserker Excels In
- You will love this build if you are tired of dodging and blocking attacks, and you want a more offensive play style. The fire perk, speed increase, and increase in armor plus attack lends itself to an offensive play style.
- If you love fire, you will enjoy this build. The Sepulcher axe’s ability will ignite both of your weapons.
- If you’re looking for a heavy weapon build that has unique style features, then you will want to use this build. The increase in attack speed from the armor makes the weapons more fun and powerful. This build uses two of the best two-handed axes, making for some heavy hitting strikes.
The Berserker Full Build Details
This video showcases the best four builds in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Start at 9:31.
1. The Viper

Breach your enemies’ defenses and poison them for an effortless acrobatic kill. Dual wielding spears will make you the most deadly viking in all the land.
Add poison on parry runes to these spears and watch your enemies die from afar. The Fyrd and Cadfarch spear are an amazing, combination of spears.
With the weapon's perks that increase your speed and back damage when dodging, you’ll be depending on timing and movement to overcome your opponent. The Drauger armor set is great because it will increase your attack on poisoned enemies, which pairs well with the equipped runes.
This is a fun play style because you will spend your time dodging to get to your opponent’s back rather than waiting to parry an attack.
What The Viper Excels In
- This build is excellent for a high amount of damage and reachy attacks, so you can avoid getting hit. The attacks bypass enemies’ blocks better than other weapon classes.
- You will love the timing and dynamic combat of this build. To take advantage of the weapon perks, you will have to dodge and try to get to your enemy’s back. That will breathe life into your combat if you’ve been blocking or parrying most attacks so far.
- The poison runes will take advantage of light strikes from your spears without having to commit to melee attacking your opponent the entire time. You can focus on other enemies while they receive poison damage over time.
The Viper Full Build Details
In this video you will get the breakdown and location of the Viper build. Start at 0:46.